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December 17, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-17

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N BetrPeetSLITCESSFUL ORATORIO Intercollegiate Notes. RNK . K
thnaTe1 rorac fte"esih IEAsigtinlt the 1-igh School auditorium 'To lod aConki1Funa1 1n js dpit i ay
Was-ino eery way creditable. SurprisingTh regents of the Univii yo 3l
s Vmoothness andI balance marked the en camelotaooing itssthirstleTgthenedlththen-
G 11 CttC Oe ocrtTechrsrepneda-giering course fromi four ito tie years. The Colege tntle. ema
n-naets and spontaneously to the direc- Thes attenance at Dartmusth college 'nshs-u
ton of the conductor, \Villiam How- has inreasedlsniiach recently, thata
R azo r kind; the soloists appeared in good voice i"ve dormitory isill le busilt lesides the N{LA S F-iN
iii sing well; and the orchestra, in the three lust comptleteid. C L N S FLIG
acsiupiitcts antd the "Pastoral Srcies~Hst i.illi i i "THE PEN WTH THE CRESCENT-ILR
SEE TH-E WINDOW AT ymiplioiy. soswed remarkable finish. curclmiiscierl nsicoustrses in o-
'Th e whel Iprodtction reflected the etry, wi-hflisiill lesidl loithe esishti- can efilleid totsl-ssissstte cs ii-ntu-o -N
rotlct cciit i1Oiiit orgiato aid sciofiia deplartmieti ofxforestry sexi could fill it with w-ttiiste peliidcs iii ion swr 1hout ida rr
yeisr.cedtupn it oiintunndS iing. IBesies its cils-nituce, is the stluls ittuttrt.
Q 6 rectirr.TcHI owland,std uposs teyer rt s
iQUARRsYiie'S55etieLcs-issie.riylosft-rael~ qualities of the Conkiin--ttrlerict-i1,if t
Crae t n .Uti.e.t T-- 'lhe chorus, cisisting of ryvi esi, ~ c clsr-sst tfe-s it oiiedii siaii- i use i iii ii-- i
_________________________________fir- sevral ieeks. 'The lalance of. the li-tt tf a ciirsec tirsuin a preara- The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Ranhahan-BlU,. pledi,Ofhios
p -tts -te c-iracy antI uiy iofthe sl-t try scoolithlriugh-ot' ear with liei--
} (t u,.ckand he earful saing wrhichu wasreciaions ia eck. ossm
Mo e L a ed ntiebl nall te cotruss nusbers.A cmittitee osithirefciui ty mssett
OsWachshiaisins.rautd1Mr. Howlantd's ability as hers andt ilrc-eAiiletit.calltst
Watcesuand Jewelry repare dil rslraluhss i h-sssls sIsii i isi-riy I si ' JL
Bargains in Watchies& Damondso s rscea soic satisfactory ees t give le ssserrsdasls isoduya
- Th soo n mbssieirsdividesdaions ig cin i ts-, isffairs iiwiIclius Is
Offlceeat resdence 31E i bChety St 1 1 l ol is. Fresh Killeensanssg two retly istereseil
Ann Arbuor.-
flurs:5 8Eto :0a.u., t to 4:3110 ad7t ta E ey Valley" sassil"''loti Shalt Cltiiiia 5 sic sits ha -ccurd catii,, I
8L Bsi ps.cMn. o Feak 1 oem - Mr. Killee sax a smsoohs armii if ifts acres fic teas 5ingiof 5The largest dstributsots o u.ns w aif pae
AL Jris O zErC.WTrTS ese iuudiss (hhnslogs, pigeossi, tie i s lice , e itc, snthe County. We specialze is Collle Se s Icsnsd
ii-ise soo. 'Iso arias swee also for its ilipiarltest of i 0le , Iis
___________________________ve______ ung by Mr. Dusdley. M-r. Merker Iitopedithiasi iiicstiperimseiilistit is feiaero tetstso o~ est c l i
is Ii as, hlhlu utpeigree hreciisg will he esctailiced on the alert for the latest rrdut-isisThaliws
TH AETLAHRunduer thu Cociitrish ofithe nris- Ihaveoe lc afiese'ecticnus I
TILE LATEST L ATI Theimosotuslar taritfheioratorios-
Al I WaH. «s Despiscid b1lisAt ~\lhi iS T id lLC 55(1k C ;1s
W a8tch1 Jr ob rthwohus a fists-ontraltoiscec - 511the ste isserssnnrsi e Mrr
smiths toutenhusas bi(allsogWidowt 'fle Girl QusesinsTak Soft , )Newa
WihF o a l hat i n i fhi s p cec. iss hFarlus and bis. -p
sushi,, solrs. 'oruk. ad uhers.;tl o
i sr~ ra sfundusunnrchelsfist-s- withi r I
Price 25 cents t-eIud 1-c list arhiusssingingsas, I(S--- ieiigidiscsl i lr'eO d I C ie (t ts
hnpaebilau, andthslowed ithrough- ates) rctH ewe sal~adwthDdfb i
AT Stats.irkl ue ssiust'cls
o.tefciestl. 1-rs. Reed asdh 1-iss
DA~t INO S M~t I PAL X oul voices ansd imade agree- os eurll-u.hls i
224.226,s.State 'oS.im leous itstheir sulos. listhla . Reicsrn it o oq S. Igll.it is only necessary forusit 1 ell IcnI hass we it rt
_____C___________________ ishc-HLus at aisactoryi this "Come Pyrgrahy-godssole Agents for L. Adler Bos. & Co s ic- iis of
1'tHim..- rgrps gosat Fster's. If tailor made clothing. If \ outl knows lotii c ii
it . C ollege Nit.HislnduptelontheosbaIon sto 'Talc,e siic-a MuicigOls 'sieui- Spo-iknotw we are right its placi-ng ils t l ui~rts h!ire
s sitg ' hy Do at thsensfroe ste
-d.GAc,5fed usihs umuhsskill itisudificultari. fromits ictsig & Ksoihl's Jewsetchy Sluie,at hefo .
SteiiS imiitiius souldinthe ''Pastoral stPs-t;; 1srl i
" sllssitthc urclesta miidircte - ---u-___-- We carry everything you need for a complee outfit
HALLER'S JEIWELRY STORE, 216 S Main S. Inisconucultohr Samuncl P. Lockwcood. 1hn amee eer a otrs
['he uerfora cie greatly pleased te
i:iiru auileunce. 1-r. R owlandi's un-
C IIIIISI L maASg prveil succesfulh at sshould AT At MACK'S
hit L ouc-redtatocrhiohhee A LL$1.00 Tfl[ MONARCHIS IR i
You ,fEof and Cuialin o c In sot yhe talent of the ciy. DOWN TOWN'
wond Ih-rClothecosB nd he peror aceswill he repeatsd-tili
ofliitaytiauhuyiusnin oo
and Latherssuditier Nvei=Its the AdsatceSpring eStyes, Attahdan .1ie-
Ies.-- Steirs tached Cuffs-the Mterials antd stylesate 5s goo
(all and exaineor stctkssad prce.i u <ofchinua call as5.4 Packsrdl Michia.ri Pusa i5 O swill prch x sec e hiiu
East University Pharmacy stre frsehing tie Siac ons at Frobs
1z!NS. ulter itAs-tiws inssue isill Ciecut foreer! t,ii i clcks. M C m.C .M aat t
trn aestcusceup, sucers ad Spaoozs M C
____________________plate___,__ all selected lass year from thec Lockets________________________________
V. f M. ceebrated futostt eissecn, sar Drec- Drop In and aesaurOGreat Xmas
Babr Bt cs-u uusamuy. XNi prettie gift could u- wah, is ~n
BabrShop al a th p OII~l0I~ g:iveh t/i a(hridsss, or st any 'other NtNY [O ND 05iii iiii5
L-ege'ySh n h elitebc ita lreninead Nasolitaus ic'lAIN S1EIO T svooruosussotis of City 5'.tM. C.A .J .dR
J R TROJANOWSKI. Prop. tinusti r ssle. 6770
IVAISiTCOATS a new line just received==cut for college trade--athletic shape==long waisted==erntirely
WAGNEKRCBS, O. different from what you have seen-=of white materials for Tuxedo and Full Dress wear=
of fancy materials for semi-dress and business wear--new shades for the coming spring
State Street well worth your inspection. OPEN EVENINGS


The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs ws T LMASROWrY GarStudyLamxpsa
444 South State Street 326 N. Filth Ave.
Non Phune 457t Belli i'hssusr457-G Insure a steady. soft glow.
Jesuis' Pa-ogra. For His Disciples
A special lecture by G. P. Coti SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
Sunday Dec. 15, 12 to 1 '330souths Stats' Streent
____clsasass tuarday, 10 A. M. seed ~lorteeypie.
7:30 P.M. idrtinpce
The Religious Education of the Ass tmembly 9t aehuek. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Child AI ~KING LOO -4
A series of lectures by G. P. COgLtt Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Ottiebtfomt.lrstsstoet
Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M. Gtteba rmtelretasrrttt
Chinese Fancy Dishet, Amoerieans unschules of
All Bible Chair Courses and Lectnres are free. Studentus alt inds. Eterte~lhngfist-clhass for
sitS others are cordially inivited. adiese an genustlramen Che A nn A rbor Gas Go&

A. - : ':


I up atairs. one aoor a.

HUSIOn Dros~ 314 a. OWIC a

ST UDIO-RENTSC FILER, 319 East Huron Street-

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