G. 11 Wild Comlpany MaaigEio-PUSCT wR.
The ~argst Sock DITRrS
the agetyStck News................... A. F. Ritchie
of Ahleis...... David F. Stevenson
Exchange .......Ii. John Warnold
EY I~ e tyle i \Iusic and Drama...Roy 1). Welch
in Women's Editor.. - Louise Van Voorhis
II1 I~'IU J . W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
00IFI~ John F. Wurz
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Fo GnleensWer Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Everything required for Suits, L. C. Reid Lee A White
Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and M. B. Mcl-ugh J. H. Prcscott
Trouserings, and of high class A LHanie RbrMonir
fabrics and special styles. A .Hiln Rbr onse
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Walttcr K. Towers Louis Kraft
Fall Dress Suits a] Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland
Specialty Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding
U.H.WidCo pay John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
G. i. W ld ClupllyHarold P. Gould
311 South Slate Street Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
SHEEHAN & Co's go
Wholesale Price list
Magazines and Newspapers
Low Rates ad Prompt Service
McClure's ar Womuan's Flime Compan-
io with any Class A
With American Magazne--s - $2.6S
Ots- Palo.. $1.65
MaCture's or Cosmopolitan, Woans
l-aise Companion
With AmericasnStagaine ----.$2.65
Oisr Paloo., $1.63
McCtare's. Cosmopolitan, Woman's
IHome Companion
Willh American aMagazie ----. $3.30
0Our Pvioe. $2.63
MaClure's or Coamopolitan, Woman's
HoteCompanio, Review of Reviewsi
With Americas Magazine------ $3.65
0%av Po-lo.. $5.00
lit. Nicholas (New)
Woman's Haoe Comaiont
Sead All Ordecrsc
Sheehan & Co,.
320 S. State St.
' A. G."
uii(SPALDING lus
x & BROS.
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Bali, Foot Bail, Golfs, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Bali, Hockey
Official Imsplmensts foe Track and Field Sports
Unoiformos for alu Sports. Spalding's Haodsomsely
Illustrated Catalogue of alt sports contains nu-
meous sugeestions. Send toe it-It's freet.
Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Mnneaolis, Denver, Bualo, Syracuse, Pits-
hurg, tPhiladeltphia, lBoston, Cincinnati, Baiti-
morn, tWashngton, Kansas City. Cleveland,
Now.4(rleans, Detroit, Molntreal, Canada.
The members of the rhetoric class
which eiditedt the literary supplemenit of
'The Dlaily last Sunday comported them-
secives in a nsost praiseworthy manlier.
'lhey gavre us a treat see scarcely hioped
for, swhich ill fact see despaired of, whten-
eser we cosiputced the colluns, fese and
shlort, which they sight fill. But thley
usciithet available space wisely. Thy
articles wtere well assorted, in respect
toi fosrms, style adi subject. Some thinks
may tave beenlIimtperfet,-a criticism
sve wouldt venture against the latest At-
lntic M~onthly,-lout nothtintg was dcuii
or tunreadabtle.
The readers must save b~een impressed
swith thte novel ansd refresthing character
of this mtagazinle sttpplement. Appear-
intg, as it did oil IDaily paper, ad dbear-
ing tile exact outward forem of thle cams-
ipis sews shet, it dlemon~strated howv a
comsparatively work-a-day, utltiarian
thing eanl be tranlsformed bty being em-
tloyed for differetst ends. It gave a1n
enlivettitng distse to the arid tracts of
everyday reportosrial and editorial jour-
nalis." In that respet it htas helped
The Dlaily, as in the stay of entertain-
ment and intstructionl it has benefited nile
readers. So we toss roses from all
directiocs, accompanying echtwilstte
tope that since the experimentt has heels
successfuti it swill beconse the first step
it a regutlar butsinsess.
A Tosledos paper has scooped us on the
mtost msomsettotus sews story of thse
year. It favors its readers witht an ac-
con~t of oss Micigats is going back r
tn the Big Nine. Te stdents are cha-
gritned at the trtd of ostr athletic policy,t
bt th ps owersattte wiedl are ot-1
Icice. They arc going o hold her
nozzle agin'te batk till the last ath-
letic galoo is ashore, safe in his own
western home,
We wish to acknowledge our incom-
petency as a journal. Wec have often<
"done those things we should not havel
dlone, and left utdone those things n-c
should have done-in te words of thet
Psaltist. Bit the preset itstace is
onte of sucit flaganttinteglect of dilyt
thtat opntscrnession aotc catsclear sist
constcience antI set its right wills the
woril. We ihave rut repred ue oc-I
ettrence. 'That is ba. But,sorse still,
se must beg oist readers to wait for it
a fes eseeks m~ore! ,somenecay-if
se are ot first cort-masrtilel fori
sleepingtilldity- soni clay ttayse ie-
comne energetic aliidsvatcfl, andtiflet
of e, as a jturta insst eeds e!
We msitear the hsumilitiot iil that
"Michigal Utsergrduaitte Regitla-
tions o ulistd apere sell as a hsatndy
btiokfoe refrence. It shuli cotait
alist of "Plusible Excses" "Nubler
oif Bolts Alssed" per cuirse, ands a list
f the professors whio specialize its con-
We wosuld tmildly suggest that the
ibrary is a tpoureplace its whlicsto cot-
pose 0on5's rsnail letters. 'The haitii
is disracting tthose whoswotld in-
ris- their mids with stud.
Wihi Cngress cotiseig, adth e
Stident Coctcil tmeeting in extra ses-
-tot, there should be sotse great hisiori
_,atllents recorded within tie next few
Wh ile se are payitgcitlitical re-
fen, let's di aigoisijo, isfore se tire
of the toy attd relax tattitigilate-
the price oif liberty."
Query : W ere swas the lnesepaiper
class whensthue splesent caie out
MEukc anb Mrama
'rie visit of Mrs. Patrick Campbell.
use greatest Etglish-speakig actress to
D~etroit, is te10ostinotale eveit of
the local dramatic seasot. ter capper-
ance at the Detroit Otersi-ouse is
swithonitiquestint imortt teatrically
anti socially, fse Mrs. Camplsl is ot
only one of the great actresses of the
world, ranking with Berhardt and Duse,
but sie is quite a figure socially in
London also. Te isork of no layer
of the present day has been more sei-
otuly tor widely disustsed than hers,
I-erenetggig persoality, her marvel-
nis though strange beaty, ee extrete
naturatiess cliiidigtifiei repose conpe
tise deepest iterest and unfailing ditet-
tions in her every lioveet; in fact, i
is quite implossiete 51tibe tnterestel
its se. A.esliar fascisatioi rivets al
eyes to lhe frott the first istant of het
,-hiipeaascesupont thesceie atsiuttt se
-isappseas. For ter appearatne itt De-
crit De lsc a2, 27, 28, she setl1 present!
her fstar tmsost pouilar plays otably
"Thse Secondsi rs. Tanqseray The E xq uIisite
Notoriosts Mrs. Eblsmith" Hedda
Galle," andsi"M\agda," These are the G ipft
four greatest stcesses in her career to
which site is limiting her present Ameni If you are in doubt
can lott. ach role is c recognized abuwhtogieyr
The prices for this engagement sell1 friend for Christmas buy
ratige fromisfifty' centsto $.oo, accord- a copy of our Michigan
ntig to locaion. Fr the eiefit of ot Calendar. It cotatis
of tis etstater-goers, who may wi-l o1 originals drawings atd
avail tietiselves of te opportatity' of seiprnng Itth
witntessing le Campbttell perfortmances, spapittg t h
thetismail orider systemti sill le il effect. best ever ptubished in
Psstoiheetontey sr express orders swih Ann Arbor.
encloseds'stamtiteideaseloties for retly P o ly "25
wilt receive attettion, atd will le filledt ric ly
in ue ordhe fcitt .
p The Souvenir of Ant
-~ls- ua Arbor and the Uiversiy
A pupils' recital uill be given~ in recently published by us
Frieze I-all Weihtesilsie st 4:30 p. n. is now on sale.
The pubhlic is itvitesd. The petogratt is Price 50c
aso follows:
Violets- - - - i. aon A R iS
Japantese Maitlets- - - Cuss is. Ga+ o W A RW
Blelle Smthll.
iteecetise- - - 'lcalsisksy Bookstores
i.:tsra Scheffitto Stae Street ain Sexet
Wisiag- - --........Scit taa
Elizabeth Wentit ___________________
%ValtzSonag- - --........Wekeli
Teati BrewsterB R H L
Te Bear Stiry. larnsaWhicoIs e v [ O R N
"hlat sAex 'to isskedhtip Iis onstself"
Thes Ballad f ue Mothuer........_________________
-...... '.. . Te dsaiG arisen
r Karl W iseL w n ii.ia
Btarcarole ....- - -. --..Fischer La an M ei l
J eantLinadstrom.
(l'iatno acciasp. by Grace Toswnley.) Books
Over the Desert- - - -c.......Kle
C. Edlwardl Gattss.
'he Doll's'Iooig- ll..igesec Field Treves Anatomy, New
Sierets- - - - - Edition, (just received.)
Celiai Weinbseg. Stimsotn's Fracturesand
Dtt hltsic eine Blumie....Cadwick DilocatiotsNew Edit.
He tivers te- - - -G'/.......Chdisck on. Morris Anoony,
.1lait- - - - -(.......'...Cdwiik 3rd Ed. half leather,
Anne Knlowltoni. $2.50, b a fnmorocco
Preludies- - - - -.....Ctopit .0
tutil- - - - -renky
Willusghbty Boughiton. These are new books and only
idapiy Dasys- --........A . Siuet'.i a few left.
Rhodita Strr.
( Violiut obligatos by jean indIiesrom.)
Au Itsaliens........Blcls'r"-yhttnCa Is or excange yotr Lawt,
ict icktitntty- --............ Medical and Dental Books.
Gadtys Osbonet.
Ch'lristas Sontg- --....... fuzwahad
Allet A. Dudtley.
Free tos all-at ciga pnant Ca . B1ARTHELL
the~ Co-op sSore. 6i9-is Tel 761. 326S. Stae S.
Sec enn-igcitiig Koch's nessfrill huise
-f Michigani fols iosatd spoonst. 113
Cast tLiberty S. cod Largest collection of ordinary
and the otly collectin of fine
* Advance sale for Belases's Girl FOSAD P0
oi the Godents XctDec. 91 FBSAisPO
tiso sit it MOtuiher & 'inisers Qtaltyv Best - Prices Right
olfie Zoost usot n t isStPurices: Michigan atd Fat. Stites.
t lBox sats, $300; orehesta, tar-
1 couny, p1 50 galley, $i.00 auth 75c , 2205S. MOai St.
# --
- i
E1D 1W0L l
Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in the line of cul-
ture. I would learn some-
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
hest prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maynard Street
I ,,
Cbe !5tubents' lecture soctatfon
Season of 1907-8
Johns Temple Graves
Dr. Brattder Matthews
Leland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Open Number
The open number will probably be filled by
lion. Wmn.iH. Taft
DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays
1?IWashington i. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props
Phone 598