C Rschouuls anal is coiicededlt 1i ~ thr oist To load a Conklin I ountin Pen, just dip it io any
EARLY_ ctiltook othe sujc ngs-ik rs ieCrescent-Fillcr soilsee it fill its owii
Venerable Official of University one The Colege taok like i cimel slainig its thirst..P.h t sll, ther.
If gathered before the Resigns After 25 Years' Serv- Xectalcitiioidaiirdo ico is to it! Nio droipr-no mess-nii bother. 1) it
frosts of neglfect harden and ice-Triumvirate Broken. hte prinicipail lahoratiiry tests iu-edto i the 1.'TI SEF
SELiFt"liiii il '~L~,.JN11 PEN
hetter gather it witou Itin Hrrisoii Soulc, fur tweiity-five ccii incrfetcil fby ireraf iiieoifers of t Y11 FILLING
further delay. ceirs ticasurer of tie Uiiersiity hand- lie iieirologfcal staff. 1 Tt iiiiiiratioii "HE PEN 'JITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
ell in his- resigitatfioni froiii office last wffeilfublcss recfue the oldthod 666ii can he filled instantly si thoit the lcast inconivcnicn c You
ASK H10W iee and iiiwiill retifre shortly. For a used in itie fiispitail labioratioiries. could fill it with white ]id gloves on w ihout it iiice of
cartci of at ceiitiry the three depart- Isiig fiie t ineiici h pcoii'ii t
soclitg Beside eicttis theeiece isitheisplendidifi'e.
Q ARRY'S meils thei ciiive the adriii the eon' of cd i~ itrci ~cs Nii1 os qualities of the Conkliii--the pierfect fece.
ConrSate Si. and N. lliii Avii lIi ccmifr ausB nef a as esfid fie iiieifiers ofi lie "o) lit foot- Liaifiietifeater hde if a fCtokliii If cccir do not i re
three real, r. Jaes B. n ,'el. 7aieS dfect. 1rices, $3.fffadup. , nit at oceo laiilsoc cc ccting
I~l Wadte, anu! Harrison Sotile. The b all teaii preiuly anniiiiiiucei, J . T.
____en__________rable_______ iciff triumvriraie, who hare seeli the scoecy hits fieeii awardedi iiiiierafs. The Conklin Pen Co., 10 Manhattan BL;. Toledo, Ohio
___________________________________1.Uis ity atteindaiice increase fouirfoflf.
illa foub roken. Wilf iihe fifecrei whoi Xha fater
M oney L.oan ed Fio 01833ff, whieii Me. Soufe aicceiiteid Itfheinsefifufs "l" N etI eur"h
On Watches, Diamonds, Law Blookis,- . 1-cisfo i rtsrr ef ten i 'uet ~eAfiti scuiiiifc.i7i
or other personal property. the eesigniatioii of Treaisurer Tofekard., dinfig soi youi srill bedin i
'Watches and Jewelry repaired, tie Paisi fefe i raue ieIirs~i t sIe fc . ~ ~ 0/.
Bargains in'Watches &Diamonds 1 ccii asoufostereil biy hiii. amt. F~W FAs ALt' 4 ~ A
llairsiii Soule icas biirn lit Orletiis g___ }rgriN ,nt
Oaeie at residence 331 R. Liberty St' ciiuity, N. AX. Aug. 4I, 18, aiii is of '-k"N' <.
AninArbor. Our dec ispluy if .Xah an Diink°-
Hor:8o1:0a. mn., lieo 4:30 and 7to is - tyflower aiiiestry. lHe swas editcatedl "9 u.tOiOi Fuien ittre itee is seilteogai
Ronrs~ Ste htu3O m. ii the pitiic schsols of Mhll, Mickh ii..Xls feiiei
af esss OSIETA tter finistieg hisi wore alt Mrhli e slow, bitt swe wouiiilito iceyo___t
JOSEP~l . WATTS eniteredilbttiuin cols-ge, liter continuing ciic i iiiseatte
1__________________________ is stidies ii tfie Gregosry .Comnnercial tht it rhave. 1sf ati. alrs il
ollege', if D~etioit, fiom ici ie wa t Stioru, 112,. r 114 110! lF t Lb
THE LATEST LEATHER sradiiiuteit ini 1854. Thflloscinthree flit cc 57-6
car.,u lie waslig ciiiieed ith Deit iarg clhe new fall line of college goiods is 1now comiplete with the
W a c F b tnt entened theemloyii flu luoi Co-iop Stone just rc-eeir ci anew im:ou choicest and most varied new things ever shown. R$ltL.E, CONtIN
{'iiuliifu mueatcu 'rii lesaaiecaitiue & Phtrttu, dlraw your harticular ttention to thirin stiperb dislplti
WihFohalihansii Xfeii the tii-in ufr oenici the lef iitiis it X'eugdtr olg of new designs in Manhattan Shisrts.
collegs colors. Iasndi us iii te t u-i siltine r. (Cill ad get
Price 25 Cents % as fkiiiwi as tli Albioniiiflle Rantgens, u spseci finees. Co-iiop Siiire. 57.,6o Men's New Pall Gloves of all leading makesges
Iater- as Comuuipaniy 1, Sixth Nietifin- Me'1ewFl ecwa1MnsNw1alUnewa
AT f iiiuy. Ilte eineed the sceice a cap 481' Xaiernltii tolelltal pen, 1he e'-e Fl eker e' e al newa
DARZLING &. MA.LLEAUX( 1ii andii fiy uintuie of ditictiontu asusw5eeri 'Tpa Ilh an 8i!736t 'Tafhtu-t-
22-i6s.SatsiioA~nei Ito the rnok of 1110101 He is- 5uit6-I57 A Itll variety of nosy styles ofC these svorld-faimous Its to
illict commiiiiaini and c-Ilstiiiueed in charge -- select from- Stetson. Carlton, Hots ards.
Inii Xiig. 20, 8865, wh leu the cosmpali l I ,OST-Athliciiiu sii o bton
Co l g v''1 o i s iiuistereid outf At ft presncimeii I td eunt ail ofic. 51 Mens Fall Caps, prees fromi 5oc tip.
I is hioineid uuii iie fpresidncy if the
unuit Ir tuietiuf 1111 flue ittmpiuu. prography goods at Foster's. tf
Stinfs liii IReesulseis-u cdledti Conlin F 1eil
f-t flue paus'ngen depaefunlt of flue 111 l.X)15 iI
NAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Man Si :s Lici,, i Ceintual as ticket agenut il s iie geluuic ti SIrwbrygi-
- Jukssiiu sits ini 1853 otis aitilfedl suit w leathen thut is awatis soft. 't tie
lulued i li ihies tie as traurcer if thei f ii uti t only a t uriel's 1 t, . ~
tltan to iiaiidle t11 i srt. 1' S5-6f
Clean to thisy Aitu MAeCKsre147'Susell
Clean to Will\ttitieth ewee147 tu ns
N1OORS N~N- L[AAB[[ ii troled us flue niisensify. Tfii ar Oe luir stile. otn frtas lieurs hatu cr
ulR' O -EKBE cudarn siill Showis u-ct Soon enroslled.ul 1t iSuch till crit tat n5 tlv keef $ 1111 1T I[ MIINAD hB S IRT I 11" E1 Sil
FOUNTAIN P[N Xihanig ft'e uhituitl ditties wich vef a r msie atusutnfif utipi vltus of go'adts P.'1) 11 V~iIK U JUIam 5.1ar
The Best Fountain Pens I ufllu XtoMjor Soule fuse itaoiy year titcnnrresr ht w a aif
Ever made at Any Price. n thit of hueding flue hune an coiuiueice- the 111s1t paticuar cus-tome onicu this Ini the Advance Spring Styles, Attachted aiid 1e-
Forisathe by I ci!iltdytniuhh hueais seemi thatin ce of t~rhled. AlI mull Iatlers Fturu. Stre, tachedl Cuffs-the Materials aiid stylecs are as good
East University Pharmacy gufaiuatcs griiw hnu ti lucre hiniiuli t 112. 114. 1I6 F. lifctd St. 57-It0 as $i.50 will purchase-see them.
1ils S. Univsity Asvinns. 1,-,ats exo duriung flue' lat yeatr.
Bel P~houieei6 Hame PiuiinetsIRise lr. Soaku's siuccessour hats not yetbleeu to5 Xfieluiguuu Caleutdar-r ifpatges - M C .C .M i t
ceicted ']'uis maitfer scill probablyuh tie 31 hatlfi 15t tt o lfihrliugs 50e, ilsftpaiuh
usnsisferel b hifle- fBouaud Iof Re'genit s at fury. Futt stile at Xis Iii ell s, 3132 S.
U.ofj M. is scxt mieefinug. Matue St. 1-6 -
B arbor Shop and Bath Roomfs Mkttu ttltiuss.tutiSttuesu, Cu-iitoeiisii1 a ONY OA [ Itii Cles ihue1t onsule e acrd li'i "
Rsaditoluu Uam aedniu, S t aten itCuo -f iStoley lus itt fulln fRce-h O N D Iassi!uriceil euuiliusi u-
hoait tRe at.ad terlt.-eloyiisoog.P ysoog n pah- Ii 115155: i"3to le 1 1. . t o sie :515.
Eve ything. Fis-,s 104ls Fouutuis vu e;tl opsit e i-lip l'.o1. .e.
Largest Shop ins the Cit bt u>os it Cuo-oip Circuilatig l,ibntry. o I Ity soppfuies. ('till tatit gut teur prcei. .0 Two doorsk siu t ot .u.C.ieeuuriAu.W.J O I
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 57. 59 57-59 ___________________________
Do you appreciate the fact that there is a difference between the merchandise we sell and the gocds
ketin.h vrg e' furnishing store? Many old graduates testify to it every time they return to
Ann Arbor, our customers know it, we know it. Trade with us and you will know it.
Men's Furnishings
M Nen's H'ats W agner Qu go 303m.305 S. State h St.
Men's She Sign of the big white Shoe.
Th"n ro BbeCar Rowes Laundry
TheAn A bo Bbl C ais HOASROWE, Prop. a t a,'
444 South State Street 326 N. Fifth AvrGse.d~
Jesuzs' Farewell Talks to His Disciples New Phone 4571 Oll! Phon iuc4,L Inis~Are a steady, soft glow.
A special lecture by G. P. COLiIR SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
Sunday Dec. 10, 12 to 1 33i Souethi Sti Seret
-___ Ciasses Satuarday, 10 A. M. aindEayothees
7:30 P. M. l'loderate in price.
The Religiouzs Eduzcationi of the Awsembly 4s oclotck. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Child-- - ---
Tuesays,7:10P. M ChieseWAI KING LOO
seesdalcts by1 G. P. ChOLes Chop-Suey Restaurant Get the boot from the largest assortmnot.
Ciniese Fancy D~isihs, American tLuches ite
All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures ate free. Students all lands Evryn i rs ntm o i-
and others are cordially invited. laiese ad gepneen se c-n- soo asC .
Up Stairs, oe deer S. Railer Bres,. 314 S. Slate St.
STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 31 Efast Huron Street