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November 22, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-22

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A A TP l'v t. A .. s

0. IL WaId Comlpally
Exclusive Styles in
Fo Gentlffle's Wear

Maiiaging ditor,-P-UtL SCOTTMOWRR
Business Manager-C. r.. WNX'TEsscAD
News..... .. .. F. Ritchie
tletics..... N-; ilianiF. Cradoiph
Sporting....Clarence E. Eldridge
Cxclhange ...... II John Wambsold
Pin'sice and Drama...Rov D. Wech
NN o~enls Rditor .... lontise rYin Voorhils
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Jotin F. Warz Robert 11I. Clancy
iavid I. Stev enson-
I birain S. Cody George IH. Hobart
Chiaunney Boucher B. G. R. Williams
K isis oil N isscitii
L. C. Reid Lee A White
Al1 1;. \trl sins I-] L ire-cot
A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier
Ionwell J, Carr Donald L,. Kinney
Wale ,irK. lowss -c- -loss.. Kraf
{ lii- ltsn li-l: rd . (sosslisin
Jots F.NWurz CartlTH.OAdam
II sri li 1. (outld
Addrsess: MIHIGAtN, A~ IsYPress Bldg..
Maynsardl Street.
Manager's Roars: I-2 p. in., 7-8 P. ms
diit, except Sundasy. Both phottes
sB hitS. \s IN {A-.1 lI -.ss.
.i Aliitsi iiii

Ftsll Dess Suits a

so i isri-~n\, inni n gnieltobeiak
away stheJets has establlilssisshe iself
it n fthesre-st rico HiIstory aisd
011cWhoe efecivees;is nit sit oil the
wn. S c innas thii-rabsi whioliiis tii
.,peak e ltoll iiiiliian idli iiiti rsh
away5 thii tsissssslerstnsing thiat lis
often sso l Iibetweeniii s rasce sinidttheir
nighbrs Bi ii osto po,1it sriltlintayo-
il e tic i- lanii- i fi i Gal ilse - eh ire t1ut
hashed is wnfoiiri iininetenshndr-ed
iytar; s tattimus ini sits- iiiits tis-
now -isdoig isre tha iiits tuiisic-s
MhatFaih a ronissilit rofesolias
king,, aiitlthe rstiofthe U iest
ton it a s o uthrss iii c i r te
sui- t 5ithe rPh ln osti-i l l s it
accrdig t th imero litsuit-lit
which i 555slissknwusbtrthus .55e
knw uslo- ichigan iis ir fortt
olea ino s siterto ite iwst.Itsi lmost
tehmsti- t u sthear:speil i demics
A 111 si 1r li t ee;i tnt o welthes
ite~ fthis isitis lst iitasi-si
t ratic on te cedu it fthe out-i- sie
lnl . T e i t 1n)" -isique sti tcli
i nvrd iii u iii s l mns.i T het Ii-
it i
lii dtsiscsresidiitontegtilcoach N
-sMitchisa . ten haveI idlisted t os honor,5
f r the Ips > sevn ysatie t h t stle
-stilets bodysit s c ducingi self iur
or les lie a sitsof utu 5 ifotil
be lons it ,ifi its u lisatso eecn
lint o ithe-silts ofithis town, b t ss - e
mirersentistiltarad i s ad t

ofi eiollcgcdas Nves-ccast -cc a risia sif
isissiodthsings yst t i lle
b~itIosostill "cats ssietlls liewsilt
lit demot-isratitniste iterclass chaus
pilshlip scraip tissowise '-Nitadisl-
sison twill 1be chasrged. shssexvr.
tissi f srsttehersai if tstictiicerlt-st
Ni ticliigssit Its -cesirs Satuirdaysi - s
o'clock shrpsitl RoomtiC. Ruoy Welclh
announceditsilyesterdaysiuthta argser sts
lit n i s lt cstuaislly inededlihtse tieset
ioifiedt otie aP1st ts-rei-ass-asl. 'Plurse
nitstifies listsclit-citseletedlias telsst
sfic cas- itsaes fur tuecht~orustarts.
cosn Th st ill bl ickss~esdtter li--it
ts-. satisi ltte- fosithile cels
INM \J l (t.'llI lftIItS IiRS1I
Ifff1'lliT ND II1K N(T~ICE
ist- baritotsclilihest-lit sryoitandsprti -
tics- Issastnight.i .gist itt-i, sill Of su1t-sit
-ire e\55tris-iti-ibartiotstpilasytesrs-ieportd.
th ltiltIrs-iglleaderit-iosfs-hs its l
Ntill -pla t> sllt st-e sn-ws- ali-si lub.
I I'I-l-uCl . IINTB N' ,AOI it-.
Nts N ut sstsuitesisit- $20 ias be
sifferedsforsse Its-i-t iiiotbasll sissgs iris
Ila~r W011-siIsti th-u ts-essistes tutud
douilssthis sissi its ts is twety-set-t
anma isiiitisiiusstourname tis th Iter-collegite
I~wl''tns sia~~ t vrs-tic histlaciitt ss
i-Ict-iits - i iOct. 1iS N1l sitents
w islilisztoliistite hadsi tsot s-is il firs.
th (liii icre. lsslisSi. ;?-;-
Pysroigrnphy- goads at Fosters. tf
'T-it sollars insures you agaisto all
loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co.,
Resal Estate and Isusrasnce, 216i South
M1'aistreet. tf

Eveyone uses someo
visiting card- Wiy not
et te best it is as cheap
as the ordnayp printed,
cards We egrae new
plate and ion c-rds for
$1.25. If esu ae yor
own plate 75c ter iii
Wes do Stationtery
StanspingXXWedding An-
nouitncemen ts -ndlMon-
'raintWor-. s et osu r
4Gatc t~ reef 7ti- strc
A New Micligast
Scrap Book
Larger indtltsler 40t
t cIite lutst
Withi sast Sx to piclre
sf Pres. Angell, also a
Sipecial Pictutre rais e
It so itl to ike..ep .t
Scrip Book oI College
Dayi>s pnilxsl rgret it
ll yosur lfe.
College Pictures, Kodaks and
Photo Supplies.
Amateur Finishing etc.
Zportino Gooe
A igi tuse pintsit wit h
cp< iia sit fluldih itn
hini pri d i aii t he ii
nes.t tilist$600.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

-u a Biititore..
A. -.ss -.
Cie 5Mnaaciareet in the World
ii lislAthletic Supplies
ilend . t skeot BIlallHockey
ti leIst - f i Sit htndingt Handsosnele
ttnitssdCissas llsptsnousntains ito
nsoagcsisitt hoitisi. Itisre,
A. 0 ii I~sP} ue & stout.
- - tt'55.ii - it 5st I' tt 'i i P i tti-
N. s- rr Its it.1 i- -5.St sti al, Ci1 a

Ni h -h r te lcu e isssit litesu
t'_ his alrady gre t 5rputtsisn oiii -*
th' -pesntiveliof ittralss hichsit thait
I(}g' een the cusoi st-sd il i5s it
ii-me aleq irestsh sisclst , tde-
It teculsanlx it s iw t sis-
tio ittisimlt icsneg W tgv
n:i hsev knw.Situ ing w-ithi
l c aca t i s vt t Irelil tI
;wr - - 5. lr en ol i sicli esu it. -
isits -olsts si sst charate rsisiti t its
the -te hadlkealisterm of er-
seenion F holcla.;e sit 1ai i s ii sit .si -
liae chaIrate -ttsrisis w ich the tilS iii-
( 5h u te n iwts-ies t 5 Ies
has stilt stiis tryi ifgt ci itsslits.
resectintrio toIrsitChrstistnbrsther,

Portrait frames at Foster's.


it 11ctwoI-
tIii tis Ni-lu- t
ts whts isths11"

-iosis it.d ltsreis ti-s
tc ' -s ss1s1elsur -15,tOf
perfec~tly Coll] preint-stsihl
cit is 1litedluisily fro

Ni NAil-sisoIeslstnly- i611 1 s ind
ba 'stttsd sitveniuirs I1 teC- rc
cole cl or-st auon.s sltyts- cs-rcit -I
sue -tu'3:2S. fSttc Si) ,t
See sour compllete lute of ichigans
plus, foist sand ssuesnirs. I-tallerst,
jewrelry Shore, at16 S. sMain tr lest. ead
Celebiratedl iMarti Mandroili-situd
Giitairs arc hest for musical clitbs.
Seluneherle & Sloss.i to S. Malts St. rail
Sutseus-atssltoiiist-s -ouri c-whideit
siav t $;.o(,).Alilt-i, this Cloithi-e.M-situ
Alarms clocks waanatled for asse year,
$s.aut. 1-Ialcrs jeswelry Store, 2s6 S.
Mlain street. eocd

itstlocal a tsttrt. lieysasitqtiutes-
,s~rn aemt if ti-itseIsluotshst--
ws - and si tcii~i.. leitltewsttformss
sio is- delutissiuistimsiesen-- tattiomn.
I sl nitsi elsslls urtveisetsi ts-first
battis---s ikers -stud cits sit t-
smokertttastnsi--htl. lT'hroughott lutazse



Every day osne hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more in the lisne of cusl-
ture. I would learn some-
thsing aboust music so as to
appreciate good nm u s i c
wvhen I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly hsave splendid facil-
ities for sucs study.
Coureses in all branches
of music are given by tihe
best prepared instructors,
at very resisonahle rates
at the
University School of Music
itaynard Strees,

C bc ztuaents' 9lectureAc ito

Facts and Fictions Concerning
the Jews
Friday Evenii.,g, Nov. 22. 1907, at 8:15
University Hall

Tickets for Entire Course - - -
Tickets Reserved for Entire Course -
Single Admission Tickets - - -



11Waskn ton F The Randall Studio, Randall d&Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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