6.,IH. Wild Comlpany
Have received a large line of
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MER in (Mttenium, Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and
King's Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pet-
ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wors-
Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.
0.,IH. Wild Comipally
311 South State Street
Muttugsig 1Edit0r
Business Manage
Jox F. b1 uiz.
News..........tredl E. Gooding
:News (Asst.).... . It.. Mcllugh
Athletics .......Wilbur D. Elliott
D~ramna..........Johsi T. Kennsy
Music .......Hllolis S. Baker
Exschatges..........Louis Krafi
James K. Wsatkins Morrison Shafroth
Charles Good G. S. Lasher
Lee A Whtite Fred Lawton
Walter K. TPowers It1. A. Mikesell
Dana E. Jonles S. 'V. Davitd
Robsert. Dalm Paul Greer
Samulct11. Morris V. 'F. Conklin
(G. C. ' Willson Dion Itirnes
I.t1. BShaw, Jr. IHarry Nslyser
tartlIt. I. .dam.
C. A. Btowmuan Norinii-1. Hilt
Address: MtCHGNtce DAtLY, Press Bldg.
Maynard Street.
Mantager's Hours: t-2 p. IIt., 7-It p. In
daily, except Sunday. Both phone-
lIlItt.\. hIAY 1, ((55).
ofat iiiUisiit. 1et all loyal ici'i51
Ines1 (liioinihanIs in thists ill51t 1 ito c
The 'athletes at to morrwi omsiss ~ .
ttsee lrepafuatoro shiolIllTh5105 0i
irduce, promtising 11n(o11 tier151hcre1W
to ici' tem .a royal time and 11111
sit bloniginlgtol s1uchii aiisii ~a
M\ichig'anuivessi"% i It i's yor dty,1 i
and afsiter thle struggles' 1ver,1 to sect
out1 tlie sisitors and1d(1asl tins youritowis
A\rbor means. If ttis is itontt',.\tictstg1
univ(5ersitiy mayirb11assuredtstfslwur os
cestiereater in attraictintg dtieelk1
athls'tic imateriailI Irioms whitcthi to'devlol
'I'll(-signiiticances'sof Itle u11111 da
dinnsier as a5patin tigiribuis'ite to rJamells
It. :ingell ceitaitly must be appshi t ii
tieanls ile official fairewsitll 1t (w ofthi
(sltions 0greatlesit esilsioro. .asmstats i t
snfuence haslbse.iei t Bills's. int
develospmsit 'iof i ttescn ags
vesrst'titshttitUsnite;t s. is1stil
iii itesof ts'udetss'st \somei
illc s %i ittsuch'astis suitsit is Dri
A''getls're 'ailsistio'thter 't isittitndth
yeas.thi iiiertutwitb inst sit
iitiiti'sitittd noccso hih1
remisiqsrin ti'etistoryofi ier
:an esut inalinstitrut inIt~sill ln
ge siiie tar the ot 5 pleaii 5snticiu-
isis tiiheitribte iiisi thit s f gills est
I'll banquit et(O 0 i u a sh1t101itillsvvc
Iha aii i paring tibusteit rsdn
:1ritiiii Ii s thei \ is t svet It isitt
fa i Iand'for'tha tiieas'ositits' s'i'esss is
itatusrtiiss'ii eds ofrissli'svuerItsistise
Vtis, Tnd irsesielsop ln fagenierspii
slt s siis . 'Itoviius to eesasirs's'tion11
dol dy'S ismp'lii'iisIis ii tss'i'a bit ait s t
til'b \Iisitie ''~ toil g li a disi tt wills be
fd e ( ift igs deits - w th ( r-il
its ife vd p opit
Is is s t h tall: Prof'.st llolii' litracedii
till' s -i'i' ird r icth o is's rtsi s 0 5ii
crf is 1 t,11of tetillsrit s an
111111 ii i<11 'i mi i ss isisi ,titi sit ills
a ii i W iet; i t : l ts~e'nas-ls'st l i
A i " te se nt-day. Its i11t cstilt t
''''sits- is rti i ss l l totis i s it hei
1 ril, h 'cm rss i at slit
sI t I ,' l. s tiiMI it ;xd s lci f
curentGer an ; rodialsdeaingI. ii
it"s n catis Isl si ti sit 111511
ral a i in ii.aihishiou t he lmu
For resclcit-Jni ssK. Wa its,'
t t ill' is Ke Il sit
Fo itrarylis'lssreisid is s
AtrS't i i c ii '1vie 'rsi li - i ncl'
It1 Crss . 5 1 511555B'. 'iii' lit
i.eser 1. 1d .. U' '>. I 'ii
1 o sri s' carinii 11s ie pr.'isi'sns
Vlii will d etd thetis oisis
Order New
andss yitu it w ise l ii ithe
fori IOit-ea 10 stills hplats' Xli
Unversity Bookstore
Cm [. DAWI[L
Sesetid-tid I asNos i
Compl te its I ians cc
COld losks t~iillts Noisit as
326 S. 1"A'llES"' FEIt' r
Sicusid Flsse Tel. 761
~Sciior Nio lice
Order Your
.. a d .
Script - - - $1.25
Block - $2.00, $2.50
Old English - $3.00
1 00 Cards from Plate
at the
Students' Lookstore
Sheehan & Co..
Porto Rican Canes
htighl -rate valkingg tick' it native
swiids, orauge, :-awn-wood, palss, e.,
it) tireo sizes; $1, $1.30 and $2., lost
paid, rgistry tio eulls Addtess
Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424
Iti 'oday ,-G..C. WaiLLon.
Fair, 11111not lmuch ichange0 inii
This silternoon1111aiiithomos'owillr'
noonililsth s telthasual intesschuolasi.
miiitisiltlis' tseid ionts'rry tielid. T'Flu
inset piiriiises to 1he'iofIexcetiosnalquld
ity thissyeadr. IBegining sarly tortfe
pl switch ii'uildteliimintiisdsefits
eMasracteristle ic fthelieios i hots,OIts
malna'.gemusenthas isis'isst hartsIiouusds
teetssl murs' attracie to i1(tliertira
liiiry-schls andis Iscre ipl'asilng isoills
is''ubeitofschls andofsunIst ilie
asille cos'idierablyt'inscreaiseid ale
list y'eari' sestitee isiiss stitsssinceo
IDetroit lUniversity schls ndsuthde lIs
sit Xlctigsin Militiry 'caemey. tFron
thei firstitihIsbienishiopesd. its'thus'
sit'hos'110promostinig (liesifair, 1111t, eve]
if it wereciiitupossileto iiici'eaiss' ts
1151111111nt11his 0110.,inliiences iiigttb
W1111litbeis'nlstru'miieniitl i in lrelili
111111y' illre'i nisext 5year. io idoithis
thehertiy'silsuppotsaidcooetison osi
uiersits- s-ituents is niecessary-. .
providedso hatthlers' will ihe'noii act
t-iVC V11B Bti Bi 01-
> MI ii ac satisfiesd.
lIt Store. 2161 B. sliSt
It Yo
i s ITr~
C 'sciti'gist't
Bhtp s 1uts B
Is' ' -i
os etiilts' I Isi lise tie
Xtct l iii slls's'iti' ss'e t lis' '
sits & :dill" ">c ti ini i fs ale a
I rf - iT Xi IT TrIWt Tr. nCT
Ollice Suoplie's
Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer
In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote
following prices on high grade goods:
100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1.19
500 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper - -. $4.79 Aywih - 1o - 3 nbuprl rbak
3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons
2 Doz.1H1gbhtGrade Typewriter Ribbons - $7.00 $10
Foe any maehtne, in purple, blur ur black, eopy aorrecord.
Above quotations for delivery throughout United States.
Factory Rebuilt Typewriters
OLIVER, No.' 3 Ilodel, $25 to $35
SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34
REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36
Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre.
writers sold by us guaranteed for one year.
sli'liii in
Eve NtiedOur Windows?,
If tot, yout 'will itake it aIp istto is ilo Il te ext T o
ttise 3015 ate itsour tteighubfioIt T wI
It swill pay 311you B Eru-uyn
Here's alitulre oitoesJ1
t r i+(r. is t iiIt s is ( i, 'i
ti r ii' 1 1 rtc
22(10S. MiSit.
~pecia l
of thse WALK OVEiR shoes
in otur witndowa. Conme atii
:gee howe tmuchs}getter the
shoee looks tlathle plot tire.
$3.50, $4.00
Wnmaon's 0GL a Metalt; oti
Prc - r = $3.50
litolsit ti, t1smp int l
R. R. Lersns -d 1Bolb
Sh,.tter -$11.00
Me. 3 A
k5ost C..s-d sire, $10.00
8 Dlgffer of uru'eeuiiea
$1.00 to $11.00
324 South Sitate Stret
1. Ann Ai bor Mich. ]
Iii Mi
121 Washington E. ThelR an dall1 Studio, Rand all & Pack Props. Phn59