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May 20, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-05-20

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G.I.Wild Coiupany
!sas received a large line of
woolens loe SPRING and SUM-
MVER, in (Meniurn, Light, and Dark
Art Leathser) Silver Drab, Grecion
Dreab, Light Mote, Royal Gray, and
Kings Tan.
'We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pel-
hans Australia, Cymrric, Bullion,
eer1,Esupire, Raeborn, Irish
Buatisn Tweed, and London Wars-
Please enoue early and have
your Suit reserved.
G.H, Wild Comipally
311 South State Street
Script - $1.25
Block -$2.00, $2.50
Old English - $3.00
Students' Bookstire
Sheeh'11an 1&.Co.
Porto Rican Canes
Hi,_.li rds wi ng siticik-tst ativse
i«t1e ic.$1-eb1.30andl $2., tss-
c <itl.r t itii \tice tL addrle-s
Hayague, Porto Rico Box 424


IAN DAILY. sassy tos hlanse. bttttthe city-cortncill ",T)$ S-silvr tin set iwith reet
slie l ist isor -ernitliiti st (Its - I to,si-i t-. nis II slio it tsr Jefferson. ss lis-
gang 1ditortrto .'6 Thompsonile .551i. l 64t-7tt lt
111 vieweso te ll e w se 5t.seilcse eiiilt1 11:11',o1. (5-
'SS C21Q rl Itl l ,ftti sesslests are C g legsi t ry \ oil 'l'tt litc is-sit it cliss contst l tie-
P. Skisos. sder i iftsycry stisestisis -assi se-sits tr sfi- srapboioiks- 50 cists Lonsg-
_ trar tgratde school. . Cii NI Willitums, tis E-.Lihertl. (54-;
15s-el 13 GeulisigL~t''.Sl N 13k YIIIIKSl3N It I)R S. Callins0dus tshuld beilli
... .II. Mel ugts XL iNIJI SN I is 'ilst it its . e\Stittsetilttests o
Wilbsur D. Elliott iTt &ui si: lie S.i tiStct. ol
SJoItsT. Kennty Frequent t~tietinof itheI Ni(is-ist klit: t sllt.S tt st
..I...Hllis S. Blaker al tni(Ii Iiststete st- stlt ilof t
LoissKrafttIsargest ofiivssersitiyslutsnsiti tsu lsltigi(mt galeof ip)Ites at a ligre Iltil l ] D-t
5(5. kls si .1' tits-i is' sC i si iis i ()istnS s git St A-f t20 C.


.icsK. Wakslinss sorrisonShsafroths
i.litrls s(..stoI G. S. Lashser
ICe AS iShite Pred Lawton
Waltecr K. lowers IH. A. Mikesell
lita1E_ Jontes S. XV. David
Roherit tslsssPatti Greet
Samtiuetl 11-NIorris V. T. Cuisklin
G. C. W\ill-sitl Ditn Biresn
1".F-Shawisi.Je. llssry Myser
Csarl II. (I. Adassm.
S. . lltisssass Norissass iI. I-fill
A\ddress:5 MICIGANtaDAILY, Press Bldg.
Nblayitard Street.
Nlasagers floors:51-2 p. in., 7-8 P. In
saily, except Sunday. Both phone
lt'I k RStI).11'.MSAY 20.,silos).
In theetieen t of Charsles WSillians
Fi t rom lie tprestiide is1fI sirs-ir
sIite lisit tsis i's-Is tht i stitustisl
iss tesertvies ofi siss;sil Siseriess-,
iii' ittist seuatrs, s:1t111,1 is whose ito
t 5t lie t Ibe n el llov th et s-i-orldl
Slit1n,<1 i uiits ttvess -t sit i -l l lseeeistu
tw lehss siustainedIis this tearts rk
sit sit ofIts 3 James I. Sisys-Ils sir
tis cs is its pressiet. It is sssitlal
iht 5 Amersicas to sgretsest sisesitie-
sh l ls h i piesidents ints esan
afte siaticailly tse samsse terms i
It sctums talipitiuIl saite l f sfirs lhst
st d seatiltoftalittle chlildi ssieessrt
ca sll tei et sionisssolfte spubilce ts
11-is litas it ts 4 negligen silo slit- sssety
i) ~ dsra sisorseares. Tesstlen
wit h ush shut siistorit'sasttientioni
he Itdisit is iromIis car tos colleectlfare.
is costdeimnab lts but wistis Iis ico055
stpldwtisuhisclimmsspslsie dit
ites a fedr.tesituasitionis is555-
'islt ilc Ntonyis stsesseresstes

tas Niill lei-remete red assthsil oi s tlit 11ci t - >ti -isis
smassteersit sts' last .\liclinsnsts ' imm sss
rtc.The lolloisisgiintite-o'f 5sissr~its St IOt;St i I; 1St111) PROMPITLY
ntctit h s eenset o t arciir-lst shila sit a 't i tll-ils Shoe Stte,
.HeaenigBsiotles-si i-si suit . ManSt ;;-o
IThe test amseliorte-iontpaltstfa-lls
lI utinderuiginedI Is tl~st hpes Satra. i~ve sleT. GitMorsestefo s te
Mayi 22 Ist is s tssittya a is'd y. }(11plr -l an nsatsle t- i Alleii',s
indsh reatchs I Ililsisi iiisitu t si 'lts SliitilssisSt. -iSti
si tistee. sYu saltst stoI suitY Subconsciousness
iat tits float(suitessI sI art st CItit1 n cl le
club tTIte ihesfan lmots Is te ttll)oithhitii slitsersery
lilc rtislit s flist t lit tilt st-ill he whits. A cstasitnitedeetuaopiseo
rnisiss towardhss seihssits li s 5isidIit)-.( isisentsalsesectnsses-helnsonly
tel, sithle IItl-stiso tats sill list( etthe stats ishosdresses himsee'fIre-
itsork siilu ts 5eus alry itu'Cislut' slift s uhsisiiIsl i ro cE'-oslingetrie"
St KocIsh'is 1t suit iea acrt nth 11tn iles its-sy stekhotwledge
pizz o croo in th srlytriver t sit Isihis setitties;(lu . 'MIcits-s iis- ttinis-
its passim t s isertwil it-yh i t-s-etr)liretYi-slyuasedlhy te
;iso iinitsmally a i-e 5ii, ichleIsIt( s isiiy astse iiOfIssilty hissters. NV-
sue relsisesi' SMistser lit I ii ii\t111 iii 5 ie e testd spit es e r-inet i this
dlithle- ssasts. Others 5test siltl tscharm t -d ii tiii i iof ita~ictlit a-s-i-tts-
the leesinsi moe ts.iis Steittinet hes li e i t.
isle tuirissosithaist tirr iitutu will t hinking M en
is s sir- is sts -srriva.T heI I I dsit sill
Koceh's. NMsy I ail liiiflitrits sit ~lr hth~ idtt
comtpaniy sinila.reptly hr mait s i l t tel i t el tu eas
slone sit oncte, si thslt I msiti tits i l litsodit sift his e le
peopilsestsii-eei-sl ouNst is tiltit eit~sl i.t'urtlts-
Skis i,t ts Xli Ss .sssmore this sissies-

You swill steedthen sroots-
Donte psit off otdetring themr
tusslil the lost nmoment.
order Now
ands -ott will stely get theme
for Too cards wish plate-All
work: guaratnteedi.
University Bookstore


kV llll IltN 'I 5.1I"
Fromss te bugewis-lusts l t -s s i
approed bytl testaste- legislturse, the
unsiv-iesit)still receive- $670,287y.50t-a is-si
forth ee ntest toyas. i setn
sitsr lethe lists' icsis s sused t\Vi(
peas agoeec- isstessees- tes t t hat i
Iwlii-NIrece ise wOrasitago.iis I itsi
ao ni r l.? siAt.tis iot o(5.5. r1
tht hicsi teiiv esrsiylst 55 ttttt
tight,teexs-ers-iis es Ibelig hedtt st Sissi
CaswiellSAngellIBailt. NMusicasits n
slng Ifollowsedsteexecs
Tiii "t'N s i i'it'EII;t l.
Noiseofteelstestilfste I is Csami-
naiswtssll he ipistedt sitsthe-bllestini
badintshter Lssss tbuilditisodav.lit [)ist
ties sioter seeks iof schlstlremasins sits
w-iths ts'e sistisng osile alilmmtitsiti ciii i
ts lewse seekserns t tetutitanc.hip
wih isehle botokssisill bi-esetck u'hYlth
"fest NMil" psiticsimuesssieclute sale sit
Si-liselerle & Suit's MuIsic le Iiss'. tf

Its wit is tii isisi sta
. t it-suIrei it-r5 I'li
- Tn' lt i ithI' s t(>Il
uO pteriiis knowni ita- the
Paris Garter
Ts tatu s s itin Uts ltis i~t tisusshi
sulif*Ocimt f e is eases-withka
usnosuty bhch o-tiatatt usIfIyour ot
ite soIss"lteeelet' lil.'sse t
havesirsu-i' hush toI. its seeliesues
can slltlt tOts seli hy' writing te
maiskersitud eicsit ntiety its
sens Iforisthis- tstsw-siz-i qaltiity, or ix
1111Y cetsfori-a she tuxe editiosn in
siltk. Port l~nlsstsss it- iile stitly
its at't-.i-stiiie iiisth thueliroientrtish
oif ' u 5liioliiiuts. 7s1rttitl Silts-
litrthis s us eli-trtitt sti'lls - 7lttt.A Sei
2011 Center
Chicagco, II.

11Sit vle>Isis Ni-\\.anid sct sui
oSII t NIiti.
Fporting 003N.
isth iii i i s'iit~e i t s to lessvi
WCsle so se/so I ike 19l0 ot,1n/
Win. Arnold
JEWELER 220 5. 0Ma5n St.

iw e USuople s
Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer
In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote
following prices on high grade goods:
100 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper $ 10
5110 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper - $4.79An NeihS1-xiio81=x13inbuprlorlak
3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $100
2 Igo,. High Girade Typewriter Ribbons = $7.00
['01'an~y machinein purplebluerar blaccopy r srecordl.
Above qluotations for delivery throughout United States.
Factory Rebuilt Typewriters
OLIV ER,, No. 3 7lodeI, $25 to $35
-SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34
REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36
Underwood and L.C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type=
writers sold by us guaranteed for one year.





,< . ::
,,h:., :: .

Sprin.g Su.its are now on~ display.
Always the right thirmg at the right



C O.

121 WashlinU.. LThe .Rand~~all Studio,, Rand all & Pack Props.

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