The Michigan -ta
XN\ \RBOR, \lICl-ll(YA\\ 1111. RSD NkY, MAYNh0,5 1000. N.a
No. j6--
Men From the Badger State Arc
Heavy Hitters; Barr Will Pitch
for Michigan Today.
\hi ciignitwill iteet Beloit this after-
uoinsilery field1;it 4:05. The gae
kill 1w of1eipeiialit ereit itbecause of
he fat thatinthe iswos teims hae not
Ionac oteri n sver1 ye-rs. Barr
kill ioccupyithenmsunsisfotr the \Woler-
ines, iaid itwili beiopposedi byil it Ie, one
oftehetclege pithers it Wisei-
Ii liitiasist sut ton ganes this
c ii on isf iieito A tilts lase, to
glo icin has itsoidoppldone,
i lichug te see nt extreitely
ore. Lict ptchd a gre t Sie
agint iestrong -AnteutInsititte
nil iat hu sdav iiid lt it te ts
l'iiit ;t glgmin d me itt t ers
):! li~i lteoit as a few slgger
is ?r,:ratd h the fac t t i teir
ii iign ll pitsesitheiiisate l e-
thatwas fferd intheSyracuse
ii Coac h i c hlistir i cn ctt i-
,'e~ th \1 lt'ril s m ll h ivs tite
tret l in\ iii sith ga e lreswill
1 ein he I i I ias he ididlnot get acac
t itch agiinst - acn i.He l iisha
;t lng is ii e lst pitediila g m
<t r <h~~ld ~c iI grat iapefinethin
.1 il shll sc.nist f e ii rgt-
i.:iiw -, m. M chig n sh uld ave iii
t ud in hl in sisssiii the lBelitt
ii iii i ,ii«o s irs lssl-i i
\~r f ,lud- kes butat he lsit i-
t i h ( l, i ii ii d ithat tere iwislil
To hme cntess ha arad ttestn
caled sill - ito a ro ch iof the
itd tsi iiiiina s--it-i-hoi ngithtiiite list
of icnceled g mes inowtin lishei.
'k ineup%il eiasi Lomt s issu
\Iiitiall Su li n, . en ,oth 131
1. f Fo iltain s, s iLa hts, h . 1.
iii r f: illI tie-nu nrt e .; owtit.;
ii :IAr ol, . s uW iltliaemsl.f.;t
Dunha , 3 i. ileg itisi.; tu ngtil .;
: i I;hu t s tii U l lS. i tt
\hd mtsu ii aI iniit ati
ii Nit I-;( Sit h at nd e
Shicag u, 2-- i i ulalrtitandIlMoir-
an); hl tep i-,u --o ilutc itt l lose-
an oin)
Athletic Association Constitutional WLLEN11RM E
Committee Publishes Report. WILL TER MEETcdbylww o O
-IAthletic siioii ~t-ais rei-eIn, ithei
camitte ppii ntldfSte proe-ilClose Contest for Championship
hr pubilftd iitin inllmenrts, the tlied Expected; Events Will Be Run
Of sitishi fiiihiirs. Off Promptly.
VI, I((V I
irst ic (i-ii liii Dusnt5 itl ir i
itse-nsV scnli mii 'rie
hut meii-n -11)t h ci1
ti I MO'N>1711 tI A
ll till;
tIre 111('
p -cS.
the III(
lwre cv.
i, t
Til manatgier ifelthidetrtmtent f
athletics shlsli Iae iie gnrl tma-ne-
mteiti of tht tpariculat r.stanch f ills
letics, provited tht hisidittin do no
coinflict with hoe cif tec iiricoriif
ittdoil tihletics I-eshall ihelthentsop
ery inan of his deparmeit
Sec,. ITie od of diestitis siall
fill ar-mees in the offices ofi inchbll
foothbll ndtidra ck adslteinit-managern
fromitwoin icanidsates notiaited by tsi
-ustius of basecball footballl and taci-
resp~ectiv ely-A sirasuy i lhe rti-ass -r
Iip ositesrscholatic thleicss sl ll be
iSed iby th boaritoflirectoirsisefrimi
uonduidaisli-tesn ioinateidS iy a cmit-t
iecosedtii oflitthe captinits f hii
sialobal ltrckatltics aidttil i
Se.r. The ibiard iof dirctrs ntall
ill sacancis iiSic offics ofi sis etie
Sec.3. n ase Sihe osd oS dirctos
is unable to agree upnt a caicae
sril sn--stim iofihe seo-i-tonshal
Sn.i lI i
Ca sithll hiiiecdiscatithe siosie l
ieires cti i issoinssbs li e iiistiiisn
lIc- sfficiali hil isiSaid itsall rdik, a
major ity f ll miiicssenetile-sioint
toi lecitlhim.
is sietsm lihll cstntthe ectsd inoe
S nriis isiithfi
See i. ITheibsichall and foosthll
"I n ns"tsll isc insardedilbli a ioimitttei
iii thins, composedsf te srofensstrinS
thu sisal tiintg actigjtintly inwit
Itsittanager antSdte cptainiiof ts~
sitmu-et- cosideration.t
See.. Tr-arin"Msshall ihe ssardss-
.d tio stutienits wininig a noiit iia
iterccllegiate metr, aiti, ihet aptrone
lip the boari of directors, to ittideits
vnga firsltlacs- ii a Isl mit-i
Sec. 3.TSet en~is "NI shlullie
,wadedltoithuosplayers wlho nittll wis-t
Nerst tler itseither first-clasisiglenlie
irst-clamnssdulsin fiainttercllegiatec
Sec. t. It shall reuiire cueutudeed
itimitibers f thin asociatitisitocoieitrt
aleratfiosiof,sr amteidmuet si Slihes
by-laws-iiidSa two-tirdl sirte f tis
reset tttimae prpedonalterations ior
1 Sec . Propousel ltrattis or
tisrttndenttinto thesis by-lwsimutntei
iostedi. on tll butlletiti biaisinofi alleti-
_ipartmenitts andiubsthiedlits the esllegs
s atirs aS leanesiesek reviustoi
heir cosieraion.
1Rules of Ordem.
Sec. t. Roerts' Rles of Orer shltl
-govern ini all parliamuertary atternoito
p trovided for in thee hy-lans.
Dr. Bohn will lecture Fridlay- eveinig
in iite hMorrissemintary romtiositIsini
te Poe of Freedom"
\hiiiis ill tSi ts ies fis thits ster- ss iii rt i s h sen stsir Ithe eirle
nsituo nsttst s ct ic sciteen rceiiv, (Iaty ftr lt tins- iOf tisi u,1sc-us i l i-ii
renousgit Si-in-c nishtsrid1ftontt asueifil mitt iand th 114 -I - f he
te liresnt ee-un t isver sldi l iiir thilis ivs sn it i stilts, f1n- is-i-1i(1 iof ltii
aspiis fit hi ts htitsc issiations NA is-scu teilt- Of ii i ns sitii itn sitan(
isi y seiii i wntty -twsconi switn ii tt-i-r s sn ics-t lii- N ihut sn \in-ill
54 - 5entiesnhadsi gniie-itheir it- tis-titts compiet
Of priiaig ini tis n itu's tins
Nitusi i ii ittssg theie schtoioils 1Ste
tro Is i ii til hlGrnd1,tids ii teSEni-AiNNUAL'S ED)ITORS PICKED
hs, ild P r: lisnegonsus nsuit . I-
C~vk, s.'I~e lstnnncdschoolss, sehiucisJunior its Select ichiganensian
in frsuit Chitsagous ani ess rss i1 tsosal Associates and Plan Banquet.
itch o itntic ircis l s. iiiii s- siin isilaes- inithe- lush ii s-hi)f iisl-isiiaii
it s s l s Is i s a it cse s eg is , r al s it h s us c t in s ils s in i l ai isst hu-sls-s n si
is( enreuor o s ne O \( exutt ets r(ii i~tn~r \ n1-tti--s r it
in55 ch te h t igll iii u5511icttar (t he c-snlu ii liii sii g \\ (11s a} a tr-
ila ssi h net and two-umiessusutstl N
d,- liss nl 555-is lii1i te n c~sf
11)s the pa st tt hsts e n s-m i b- caiiiitt. ltr K.'.\\c51ld .
lic htt hthte hterhsoffasr il s>~s nc Il I Ii lsrvs-esi s')1 nf\)
>, slowik1. ()f co~~~i 1 s ti- ti s(, 1 di a c ss 1;1 tre th , N <
fndtus dits iis d its slut1)(siss~t i.1hpkc lm t~ime\cr lt
tintstn (r: hk esltstuust tr hc htc
thessu huuitnt-hts-t i-il \kt'\s sissi s s v l 1
ar wel shuqu t w lul e ll-it i ,,i
\sits--ti s-s-io-(tc'tututhsiss inatustitt
sesty A f it.s1 toissi ~k1 ,1 te lss 1'1
hitsrIsmiet hisutins),Stnwi sussusts \-I1)c i ams d sils is \\shs l isistevfa w
Iii itsdhcis-s-i-speintfor thseioln ichntt i- ii suie ~llct't\\hto- ,t
P identi siAngstlt s\tilt u w5 -i be sgi nt \\ e h 551(a t1r, l c1 tad a
ht n ui t l sunkr frn he ltrry fr suhiii rlg. f (on 1tt
kinse u s til yeus tsken is ch s t, i sits i nc theus mfists wi ll tmis u-h r
probabl t t uat u wllibstihts enits iii its ke5-t-s \ s cum liii selees-illr
to deliert-it tatur gyhe is u itu ,111TeRANGt LEtScINTIwaTE MENw t)
uti tothti t 11 ni t\ilt egt l ' t, u tlte r~i~r eet+1s
I iAs yet n o llii si i Iisof the t itni hs ttick uttclp ) iisi u or esi ist n fspm rt
call beiuuin is ital.frt het--u ipsunts us it-se t i tsinc ss lttis \ sn( aC
Isluti s t () ssnf iI t ii t iiiisic)m ti uit uht -iiuus-n111,in- siti t mit i \i de ii s t u muml
- ingi - i ii -.uutitiui i i s o d it e T I N L S I NhIT u I ss- ME
Bandmen and Glee Club Offer
Entertainment for Visiting In
terscho c Athletes.
sit ii suvenintuii7 io'rlickthe hatndi
wi t si s m tsheist f the icong-promiisel
,csitf utudisuerconcerts. The run-
sirt willhitsgivent situthe siris 51 this
i,: sun isting, ans i'ai n tuutand as nt
it "'c us fitisid. ih conectert ill tint
sniu 8 ousclock, si-len Khe -fnsieml chulm
mill i renmsit tittlrf ie tea music, aitd
I: alwill uujsuursi1 tinyhlusehuur gi-tn
isuute usicnduhutudane f the yer.
1'1 ickt to thei i dc uue c stu e nt- p
hurlsts ac, thu rocureedsingtitgo-
s--s ent pi ustscthisiof cpe tsls ats lute
ii s\cr hit it s itusdethtt thin
'sindme sitcar heavy suteccipistouter
us sil ;t8 'locits thu seondulfrees
stcrt gt umbyi le im cltus iis yatr.
u'i olcr s no liivintticnn cti o ntt
to e. 'I e srners re gus-rn sitithe
uii-tuittcin int tiew -is-smlaiding
; ilt 11 cltitrtai tut oi f thi e el school
ttlec - us iwill ue its hut sArbore lin
he iii unito s ti ets
Socc a] moivatons ssvelienpn-iehttid
usth l ubsc ersFridy-evi-itg' ruo-
tor a d 1hepefom anceitm sill humsi n
isa i lirto he feeupecotmat c
ia l i tn i i sum it nut IlStll.
()%m t te i s ernst requuhes ts
mtuevle showut -the\tinti-s tr.i
Ih ,romiii I i i l tlisthIImutctrtlie uthat.
liii, ilriisg i ci its m ei lt hotutu ghhscv-ui
sm-i-s l emcrien m mi limts-.wi heugliin -
Senior Lits (aher Tonight for the
Final Sag Party.
Th aa it ofthurMihisguanunitut
mmiii tini w i t taxd to ight whn
sueser, marrayed in tutuand gutsti
imrei lasiitiiauttsi 6: 3 Ouclic.
Pres-identsi his---ti will bhi s-ennt as t tiu
iii fmlmi :clwil drnn the
; il ii um i tintfile orm stf a souveniriconi-
tal lm ictumreiiof IPrecsient Angell
hit speial fmine lsts x-co uru s uliinne hus
Prsidesum mum-rutlme Vedr il n
u nuthm liststisrIINAs-ithr nbbo tt-
Tmuflow iinhum snis am embIAeritf
thei f incslts sith respn d smto iithe call us1
thei i ,stltsstr klinfeSHuteYetr,'
ialp shll).i Slue-t r Naugtys-Nine,"
Prof ArhurL. Coss"NugtyF- ie
mly n Spenciii hi. Snetiy; Ietitis Pri-
lut Jsipiit Joe h i. hoimas; '(his
hhdc Wiu h its hhrmush Chaunuceys S.
, I
I~ t(W sit s F',ns i 1ity: is Stsnnit
ts Thts Mihianut sit iIv.m - Shun imummn
tnit -it -i-bl t'an--tutu u iiu a t sii
ms-mutus-sirs-uk tisatus r onuuusuby dmistm-
i-u il-mu s--ut- t mms) Tun muar s sbtt--
tcs e mst cm plemtuls }.hm amuth. intinens of
>7 ums, IBron'ss t ar ni mu hrl t uall
siiages oiithus game.isBatsteies lutist
-Nusend tuh aismondsumu Haliesamu--
Sicici atl hunitorehaStemin o it h
ausics ofi t heliii.m T.SoiI ci itshfta lim-
custom of tl r lulls-u-ton, ie {f h
itsre mrtrint huts T e frtrnt i
mitntuu n mrshli W K ilmit N , 1 11rd
C it t in n e 5 1 m l~ r I n T e i
Charen h ah ers, (AnyiItt mulish
mus e hmlt a mt e itmi tilt :11e
iss rnhmm suen5:lAstsesssu sAres 'P
I (tin hits 1-- es-in It. Il. lghc
"C<lulu-gn- isiur ties hh . Il11eu-s
tBoi uters -- - sts "sub!' Cum-
pack slumthesitugcomutittlenemsill ead,
Owi sissy -iiiof collregeisngs.
FFTY Sih E1NIO)1RS ti A Ni)
uSI Oi"Dhhi-i'KSY SING
hum'spite of thusfacitchtinmlthinre is
smnwuts-strrhtutiny re rdinmg thur timte of
tihs sensior sinugovr shty mtt mtthe
s3io enuclis tnuightl. Besidhes the
pri ipn, thusru Nvsi-tn mfairly- lrge
co(,ci psing tine audmiencer.
First Presbiyterittu n icurcht, Sumuuimluy. S uuhsueatss-umisteSinm , u 1a 2,tan 1' s I 'lc . lra ls" f1 .1 imi n sse
]()I I
-It will be impossible to obtaiui a -saznrizal after these ere sold.