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March 14, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-03-14

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THIE MICI-GAN DAI LY itll :1t tof t lhntto aso 00 lia,'t tno. tis loo ' a3:0001tle -eoootl mlooo$5.
1'tr r oelt~11111010 Ihe 1':ptllill o vern10:1 or led 1 \Vani'aoo o n-
G. H.Wild, 1ompny Itint tot 1hi, .0. oi: FounintootrNto i ufo:lellge, c} ijiicsleletth Uln iti.i fh
lnmss angr-on .WUZ tnIgi n c 110 Rc.la]biotti oil t i ocr1lr1- td1y,. oil i'lGiy moiooioG0foo'o11dU I
MERCHANT TAILORS :: _o____iooI p510 1 ototomog i i 'o r-ci lilh~lIoMth15 fa 11u l ot
ctrr o'000101.00NO0little h 11ono oul ooil '0(0 _________________________
N vs. Le A O\'looeto thle Council if tatl 1: Ii foci hI f
Aleis... . .. ldridgeI is0 etlotoo toof effeeio'o lo 101 0'e001100i fl u canZ) "Trauia For
Have received a large line of Ilttgc. otlert Motntootor te iivve trtoiun avv e of the' fao',i 1:11i+, $ 2 5 0
woolens for SPRING and SUM t51 . I... olli: S. Bl,.linje tI'awl ofroo toe1imrito t 5001100 Yu anbu
MVERI in (M~enion, Light and Dark ioioi iolo o lentovtlof1 Ih01 e e amll000000 You110 can1101b1uy (0 a
Art Leather) Sifver Drab, Grecian W ic 'iltoo . .0:1:100 e Vtn Vootrioti lb liinoo lohat : I l o o Iof oll: t<o 11000e " it:: Imotoglto 5er1e olo"lasot
Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and tl rtlttol t tosi 01 lloi'foethi, l IOte lt 0 l t' icll: 'Ii:1t heNt' W'itoe, i
King's Tan111 II 0lo 110 o ol .11:li1000'1i 1 1itit t otoleloio i- storor R~ U V h
W0le have the Blarney, Hudson ln ohio: it l eo-to:: 1Co Il-il 551 \to ilsli o to otutte tIttoll' o nRunning Trousers ittil:0
Cumberland, Cheter, Orient, Pe- 55AV ItI) , liifihe cnn i o '.t he t le tto lt oti me11100 t e eesntleto Te loo-t
hao utaiCnrc ulin 10fo I 001ti t :1t 10ool3'utdoroati tolet tlt too "The1]eltolto t oitoto B ike Supporter
Federal, Empire, Raeurn, Irish Se ih roso O odtg tolI to Lite." I lei.t t '<1011notlettconso-it S 010
Boating Tweed, and London Wos- -lcttlB +clg rdI odn vntt.vc h nitc«t cti
Botngbnh' . l o wer, Itoo ots 1.00 1 af rc '11 tutttooo'ltora l ilt o tr schoils mito1 r t-ool nttorIrnnutt. hrancistotoo'e
teds. I'tshIilt:eodinottelccl for otItt''llge ingeooo'l oi to totooot. Track Shoes
- -- - ---io i - '- 1 11 tlootu0h01 Ite 100foooooocoo e o 0011 Every article guaranteed
t' ro ~s"INCOLIN NO)T1 5,1. fl5I' 10. otoooott I :tttl'ttoo'. tol ____delight-_______________y_
Please come early and have lfi: \1o oole fSo-tt It 110V5\N 'I1'NI' oghi s t \:00i 1:1o earl itlt 'o osoe (lol- Our stock of
1. C. 0C. W illas Pau ttiLoI o t ,: 1 1 ho :0 tllo lottl
your Sit reserved. D ---otokoc 100rLoteot Iteouch ttttlti'nd 5::.1 to oolioootoicl I o' tembooy l Ba e Ball Goods
VI l ' o81 lin \1I)'i 0 Ell iot ii" tot('hc sc ltolIt: tic atm to - 11tootie ololct it t. H t loo.: ilotot
ol' for t tti too ,lore loll loo u~e, dt:::it:: o l: l own t.b ppl oooo'oto lIll te r
GRoH.ertd C llipa ly S.55 to l l e to 17 o ct to'o alnoti o tol ti htt in:11tl ac~loot i ,\h ri eethetoo iolo-'orT heoo' V ' f '
311 Suth.Sate treetBUSIN SS, S AF5'ir\ / 011}ooeto 1 to o:oll to 3: 0 Ilayd ad to r.oil : lito i t i j
1. i \\11 .Odoato i,.II Loo oll tjthelu1 ottictiartit m10andl<[oi nc~ oo: 1110 1toln f i lcn \ o s 10.01 oSi' by-oot.ver tacre n ve s ty B ok t r
Ad rsstMCHG N ot.urss.11g.n1: ot f ors 10 olto:to :f 00 i t 1 r1'to 'gto. lo
aynard taeStee USNSSte T FF 1li00 Pt t , 000'n eor the :1 1:0:11:modof j o tmI ,.: 1 it o 5 1.::i tt i o l te rateorai e vs id el
ole ep Sudy Bul p hone: id tno t potc e till inetcoudii:i :10:1:: PENNANTSoter n ic
B A SE BALI Mnagerrs fours: I-s p. ,78 p. mSt: i-ntti leiee.rti ot ~V 8
G 0 0 D lotmis udnumttitou. S01.1 1NIS 55511.'. 805\!1 lIS S cheaper than others.
Lj L>u~o net ~il; mall irte re tto- tsot tooir h
H A VE A R K. I V ED _____________________ bit ot i tto ' liii'h 0 hoiin nd Rc iot neto ;oR 10f tel:' i'oioo'o''-io'Ol ______________
_______________________ _ SOU liAY'. IARIf t., 1 o q. maIioto tieit iiio lohI..ool in \otoo t \'<7 c l:0110: 0:011i 0001100o 100011'e:after'
toil been signe I if hlihItottlotit hitt 5t il oo-:o'olint ooo 0:Registrao' Nao'
tot hoyc 1 a0.'lidil000 ; ioilo o o' uoocloI It.'rtt'I1l0010llott tiltoil c lc011' 'oil g i tie ilo'. .l t'oofx' N~ ~ . e c
Our line is complete, hiI nii tooni tl Ro -Now_ Cheaperto 1:'1:-o'ooooo': l
Gloves ranging from 25c oil i tioy t oloi t i lohichltol l MCtti:IO1N1S''51..il : I i: 'iottt''o leo ~ l~ l
of hisouofool oilli5lie5loot;ouponotinitile
to $3.00, IMits from 25c : FRooi'R t b iittitiOils ~ ho hint tn te he:-- o y--:u t:r nett ha, t oiaeh::Id
uppaeealra l h:a:10 tl\to:Iicn is.toi ion : rr lo. rmo i oi l h io 1'. 0: boo hoI Neol tion on big consignment of
prices. Spaldings Offi- :cttdli tl: be hatrtird I6to i iifrnciuglt,' till ohe hh rI. re: tI ill, h a :.b new styles
oo :1001"'oll :totuo'eitionoof ooil and 'iii 1 ,o R'o t i ti ihc n h 5 I
cial League Balls $1.25. Iabor torobletmstt. iil iiis )lonoo: I Coo ill.-bru t thi yer :1::: ,;a<FOW NlESU
Reach's A m erican Leag e m i ct: hoal: ptr n 'i i ltt li e ote : .IRt01Ii Rte101G L O V E S I
l~.I teeo h o tl o uto. dlouto: 100 1'5. l b
all. ol iou o ohio 0 ubetor iittit 1100 i ilcttbtiotoivcsoen ot i tto:: hree1: titpus riot cheapest, but I E ~ A ~ ~ d
leioi \ayrioo emaouoo in 'o iat diffri~oiu Li l 0a1d th l ii :1e:t1s\\l. ar
fr ihto 0 oh: the1lihIoorr. bototheoboe boo: 10:00eoieitotoie. 'I'. i e. '.0I they're least expensive. 719 NORTHI UNIVERSITY AVE.
o'O' t1[ e i05010t 11.tittaio0'opp:Il~~ose.l1- Niootteri otteoo ttl o ntent_______of____th___
:01 5t oi of ~tlii' eallojie otitit Iof -.iilly :.othern Oator. ica l associationsiIto1till
Students' IBookstore reducoing -thta ~tfretcte I: 'oo ioolo t o mpete ____ith________________________fr_____________
j1 ' 1 \ri3 u inc' be e totb tittsae I lti . joo ot oii0' 1:: fuoo110 0 - SI.to o' it:. 11 EASf LIBERTY STREET
o 001 1itsthist he 00000tut:r'\\.11tSl to:: 8.o-- -
011010 ii lii0 it tlt 0110,0. itt 0 10000ssoiion heo "'i Co"hs"ho . 8 I SC Me'
1000110t0he tli t int i Otof. 't t let o-l i~
A. G. Spalding & Bros. ,ii: ot itotiiO ol ilantiIoo o 00: ou lt 000 i ut booolrsal Srn 'ir,- Ie itoo t p80 e--Ai .
Base 1a1 tawn aTrnnis, Basket Ba.ll. titiltilo 00001eotsotfIrto: Iltoo' :-lotoio ie0oft iou: to (l. c. llChlut: 0m0Ca0rt't : i'
GoniTirack and Field Sports. te t~oi 00-neck o'loo in0011ti't itihte 100campus 100: i511
"nltfinys~rodr tlar~l.,,ior~rat ou~ttrr_ d$o, ofut i lii the mato out Bot lce t-le~to1o1 6
hoe, ito ttiti 0: i ito o'Ooot tt toaot'ai- 00ofll. IhcD ily belive'sothat this For 11ig Class Optical Work Seets
No: eiioo' ri 000 t Ot otand toeo' to to ligofmtet all'oto''oooi o o hrly ojetot1hi
tto 0<Lto ttu ri iso'.de ito. t144 1Counc'.'oar tom -r, i ilo- \, ii o ,(
pg'0 Ili )iiit1100(l o I st titonts Coty \\ e Pest. 0 e
too iil to od o t) a )i optto ra 0ot :allooooraol, 'ot p loolcy ouch :the 0ounci lI Reserve M* J S T IC Phone tl to'ot ioo'i
tel<itha rio oofouor evera':l y'e':oo'oitoliulol i it'..G P L IG T) B O .Your For
A.udwardPALo.DetroitBROSc. tr i-- 0 ut ofctiootn.i e caerof tur Seats IEMSeats ARNOLD', Jewelry Store
:0 SS~oout it iii iocampus andooo bto l inohog 10of intrsto- :
Week Commencing Monday, March 15th
A Prie Fight ActS
~Dean Nelson & Co. Presenting I A . pecial
W hy P y Mo e. 'His Broken Promise'
\\ h a "~Cast of 5 People- Special heear.Noe This Act is the Novel of [oldiflg
Vaudeville's I "' I ua
wetst singers LL ADDDEY muscComedy
MAXWE AND UVweteLt uigcasl ocket Koak

Weber and Fields DER D MAC K erman
Mof Vaudeville UBECK AN Pnstrs The stallest kodk iith
Etra AddedLoe L pz Spanish a go-ool fits ttd shuttr'.
Feature Loezan L pe Troubadors Takes sarp picttres, 2/'
Cents 15 Cents U. of M. Band- tTestimoniaI $15.00
Tuesday Eve, March 16
OXf Combined Vaudeville and Band Concert. Note: Entire house (up
BOX stairs and down) reserved for both shows Tuesday night only. Per
formances commence 7:30 and :15.
Coming Net Week E. E. CALKINS
VTHE - VUPPL Y Redpath's Napanees (15 People) Otoa ottooy DRUGGIST
V N I V E R S IT Y S TO RE On her way, EVA MUDGE Week ot March 29 243 South State Street


121 Wash~Ington E. The Randall Studi*o, Randall & Pack Props.'

Phone 598

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