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March 11, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-11

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The Michig-anDaily

Vol-. XiX.

NO. 1 1 .

SHINE ON T RACK ii iii ill ily - epetsIIwill COM INEdTOIGH
__serieswil bedeliered cibly Prof. Xec-
Prospects Bright for Exciting tIcyin St. Xindriw' churich ntext Suinday Famous Actors and Musicians in
11t7:30. 1Thisllellttrethe svh cltiof
Contests in Annual Varsity theiesrepestis the ciiniax of I in Presentation of Shakespeare
Meet; Entries Close Today. chaui of-argumitentsleinitg up through Dranma; Seat Sale Continues.
theco cluis ioiiof scetter anitscliolar- -
,ntisfor lhe Ivarsp ityiet whichis s -hiat he fac t t f iithe tmoral ocrtitouts- Xliitdest A\htfuir andi te(((it o f te
'~to lie ithld nexi Situredaynight iimuit tiness it I iiiscisstinof ite esentiallfna - u sian utyphiouy orchestawith 11en
41tofay. IThe ilts rc inithtcffice atltreofCliinity.isOnt Sitindi ay even(Geeiandlii players,1ccare1to givectheir
X'VaiceutIan -- s t stuo diairCcrapidlyiy tg Pro. XWenley wiliidealtr w ((it uh jotiprsetiatiin iif I"A Xidsuumoer
fe-tog tilleil -iviog ecatitons xof one cvital questions1 as, XXWliit'IThunll Yecof I.Night'slrc-tu , ith IiiXndlsoin's
of ilic liestotrehim tary mcci ts iiathas h1st" Chritian to nv0(icticiui an- t he ii iiiuii I tl iiettig, it C toreruit 11al1 to-
-rve foenohltd. As ttstual the sprnts miystitcilmet in oreligion.-it. i'-e e ai png scaits awill bei on
aileattirati th eii g-reatesO timboftr sa___ _______ le at11 X fir o fokisore fretm to to 12
:iaspiraiittnsor vat - t rtack hottors,
Il, RilI totti ,((0 u.rt 1S111Nf 1t1hiL fs mitrititg 1nd froiti4 lt 6 tis - fter-
ceiv 1 hei fai shre f enree. 1 ll I I-l IN NOXVIC. CON 11. S1
Hornlertwll e worki in- thec frJ sh-sophtsomte itt 111li ttit i It-ci- tottt- I ime1(11in lleI rat11 ioigltt hegtCN'li -
nleit bfillhtcutatotromieslto te onetof-tterbe-
so m chi ortitiiitt l 1)1 iii cntenial. Eveywhere-iiiia
S w -i iicbab lynth seien1(1astlmI ny ut--cii -Ic-urna llictontskvr lcnIrt th Ill eeiedwthenhsis t a
lit tile (licettilillihetteltiolie-rchilt in
toleftttbellicit i1iot4 ~er ita g i nttl ato ic ifUnde-uthet ans-
t esulissltl-rt h a e to siilitctllegetnasdtiltes.11n1these plariticti X
-f i eiu s matt ks.clic itig oit in l ie er oIt th1 C iiganit (1( eJnXcPinrclub' c Tlyhsteprom neb n wl e
th e hot-put (ilte ofthe fth ci 0111 hi s J oli estc IsShe lifirst of hey eCar,
lil iistiee ofwipltlitt-i - ontc lJ-Vf-o r tt ehn vi c e w o ciy
is thuivrityil oeinerJophy -arets ael nel r Nov XV Vinaf itu F l
lIindehutiti c fc i- hhct f guetip (ieoftilcy IringlillihilJd Xtchter
illut eii It lillexth() htet iv e n tit liii f ll e~ ti ill lc t 4cll eilrly itlcrlt
shot-putter. Ilallnivalitthelhet ttltritsldefo ilsicco d bnd th
iltro ili it b y w o ecneto Mi hi ganll I wiithtp nt- 0i ticuittitel b eritbons.-tacr
c-tip.pep shol rInain an ho YarteGtutwrs nigi t h
had everything is own way in te fresh- best ipii na ogte oie n h

1(OLK- II 11-P f, F 1111BIBLE;I
1111 fRet. ill C.S. atoI chee
anl intetrtstiti ieturhin i" Tt I Goldlen
- at ilte.11first(Congre-gatotu.11thrchl
Ne nsa niI tit i ng f1 an1 ll ll t tilt
of te cronoogyandlreo f tctic-
trirchlteritten ol fttdisfitie ok litr
feeir. Drt.111Pacttnrsholcd thtthetil
evct chroli-icled wertlf tt olbestaci
ot tliti rhph1erds tfoliced inltham
ir. Paittnci;ilectreiIlitexttoeekuilli
int ie earlyii itoisciof-i111(1 Bie iti- I
lii 111 mcctislI oidthetexectitefttoartd
Sfth Ctl tel is itt iquilitI (Iti i t u

Council Selects Next Tuesday
Night as Time for Band Bene-
fit; Seat Sale Opeins Friday.
X11ia-t-t li-it- fut 11wi- illt band
himt-ti(') by tie- 7tnttti Cuuuteeiiouu-
in c ig f thei-affatir-. tN g O
t ic ts bill itt stn tilii l y.
Tuesay itt ttt i cl t (,iii is Sth.tm
-it foth-itenftite )tli c rtti-eth
satittchtiv ill berleiidi~
he i I tiisocso.Tb priil ti-it
l1 hlides t igt 1111111 1 ic I jwirfltlirl
1(111 for ithel i htll i ch (( iisi (tilIs li
silb eci onl gm cltian i lXl
--l ttl'1111 11 itpear ifora cli () f n m


ill tamottg tile stdcits iolftenofver-
stl. Die ciatrer tieitrare Arthur
IDixtonXXWillimii XtlerIFratncis Litchi-
Mo 1111dIvant Coiter. 511ll t-car ttiti-
i t tthe sfpor ilt ad ae lieeni hmtem-
illcr(If stthcubsltf beftrt. Flit-firstlof
lt-he ottgdistance Iwalks wIil be to lDe-
tri (a on(as tile weatheic- favot
hou~lrs aittia rcwild4of tchdohlarsiCIfeir
tit-. iOih-rtrill- w(ill bill ti-it-
treiuighoitut- -I- yer Indrecortdsare
c-e t goito tell. jl
the wliltiesstexo t ummeriatdttter (ii
teemloy oiefIprivate hlumbeftcompaniies
or tiii goe et i. Thtettrk will mi1r
-tdn ilhtectelired lroet~e i
tihe tootds," 1111 pay utiltrobablyp hr
meactge in the fir-slye-trtof servicce,btt
til exceie itcet i)ifetiidrie tiill lie

etiutots ire Iteitig circulted11t by
whcacrig 10thie ieatitng they
tear "eery illterest-btusiness, facutyt
ututntillihecio."iT hte petitonis c
WXe, the -uttdetisiled, resfpetfull
ycufo tilest-tbitthimtetiof ailate nuigt
collectti o mitintohle city oh Attt-
A rhiiit sit is nIll-tt ctersitiitledirei
tile tetenltingaen-ot01collected ill tlit
ne tilly. lilt l' eut iis,((many5tilts.
either delcy iniimotttmetttersc-i ortlt
Tetter ai tlter-tice quiltl- iin -th
dentesection, iawilk of frtotttthtrec-
fuatr -of ita-tutle to a hlif, adttu r ni
XXe becittve thlis t- ion i ai i tItyltw
lttrge a Al.abr ithitIs pecuiar
Sittsititit 11(itttl -iotbtdot uts tart- wit
talreadyi-ugttedthits tietition. Xll thosi-
wo deitsireto01 sighn 1wil fitttlcopies oI
the 111111111n with1tht secetairy ofelicit
getteralilitrariianattt oithter intthe Iaw

lucre tire anly trolltstheey will he tised
to aulgumentthue Shaklespeareanltrary-
a iibrary- twhicth is tireudy thiibeiti Iof
its- kind poss-iessed biy any1unitersitiinli
tile counutry.
hut reptirul ttile ierforncuee ar gtei
flby- thtesi ie two opatiesia Detroit Ipaper
hTo NSir.Greet fbelontei-creitt ftor
ut hede of seling fu-tiels-oiitts iwork
as- ti ifiting imemtoriali oiithi ceomuposer,
andimuchtcteit islilsdute MXtVlschut-
it r and h ill men fur liiepart theeyitlay
ill furnishinig Iaumusuialtbickgrounduufof
rec beahotiltysatdti frs-like datuntuicess fur
te rtaftr lontgtdrwnotltext of the
old1 upy. Te falet tha t thtcperformancsue
ilas-i tro o iurs iand a htlf withutta
lurea akndi witthuotut chantge- of isettinig
spsil we oll fttr tiii ineeltif the umusie,
fotr theiauiteteshuowetd to usin of
uteurilics s at c-the-ito ett ittne X-tuoh
mitt-c loveers -tek famtuitir(Iithu tiltscorei
ofi thei 1(11sit. iite ha s1111eCnOIteviewe
attnutmleu if hocites. t etirpallslull
te litaIntl fur terteasoithut t is as
faie in fancy as Ii up he; the thetmes
are of rairetdeltghut aud 'the n(lili1
tretet ho roltunughilysoItitdil
11(1(111 TELiii 1OF G iOERANCAITAL,
IDr. Sehotll give tantitformati a lk itt
Germatoi itSection I of 1TcutotlitaXXeid-
tiesuit evenitg. H~ti subjtet ttas lien-
li. eitllusitn-ttedhutsrentarks will

fu tet scn, wih fois te el ialticts re h-lit 0N11W111(h
painted 1fr111m pitures ofPisli ltaniand
Neit FXrk prodtiuctions o untd -iewtstof be -t ite sin utchng -0attheiro tue hi i-
setea ini Spatish strelets. IThue bttleinyupiet tii he lt X~ti box o- ite ithetni
-ierig ets forii the peritormancli .
fiir ftescee will asoh maeiit .i iitt 1)1-
trot i cnnetin wth hecontrct h- hesi-tick-us itw i i henauret a
f h ce er lue bilhandot> iis from thii e i slt tha t
ii t ai seneyfor htinersor liii- tutuand illIgel t its enit.i TIheuadi-
Po tte lti teeI aii c 11ti h ecrtilt lffte-cnt il-e -i t h
troot thet Dheteiticompany. 1 Ii ttuu"h-uei-ut B-ar--n-ih h
lullagreied ttith ot h~rLae itsef he se
ifr leeiy e"th possessie sucthe adtvata-eii
of ony on r~langebein n~rssa Xl i (((t illt i-kttu cti-no theluflip n P l
e sii tagingp ofthutetieplayup Tliii e it ly eenn-nr iltey h c
tmindtuter offte platy is a u s ul -ti ven 1h cptedi llu u rchas iie i of ticketsii ftr -ny-
Iii i atioitniintt hitplip is raieluthre ctittit tis giltn
betuinhtno low scestos 0tinethe taiudienuce.T oge tihe ickesi arotnd, -t h i-tutu-n
sit an excellehut iatdt leverkpltt, hc i iapitnut I t ten ors 1 ifteen ti-illtisll.i
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r hieusheseruy Itclassititiucieveruiu lte -uncut-
sitint utu-- of ix e c step tot hefuc i u ithei c uamp i-us ' Tee ime willall -
tu vite trutu ut tltIthu rsesttion.cutt stlers anut -il-"ntothoe
uTllcit t h-hi h as-i annC ouncedtili t tith eeon~ le.u th it is neat n-cesaf yI t)
btteg ilting ofthlotifss e et hV he lWitforI u1011 t co heto . lie)
I-ic-ilg -tls liltylilt sinceit feicg studtti goesillh to thef) theiii hossome
unde ite utdie-c t huufionof ucrc tiA.lA n-thegilcostili thmort hatilt r a till
lenssuai hue any-time. IItuisusa chalicelifor til
Ion lu leritht Ii-Iitluttitof uth hteifi-lt l i
iii 1 citistudent hueo(tiloChefpstthelthutstiltideh
itenl h faicultyfur hetpsupervisuion diite i -S h ~ ch ~ iiiilhI i
m nh oftetticastiiuuI tilt by151 iffeemits -111k(15 11t hu-l m -or t-tn p-tuitt Is trn fo
herus i htheF ishb u lty u resle lt h m ny.ro rynem-dttom k
IllS XX lii NS 11)1-h i he tiite s t I Ill -e i llu---hi
Who spea the shnutgeifsasforeig
tongue.T it-s itrlyt It11tprepara ~ tit ii h tiontndthigvena ficeto b11 u a it otne i ut
fenthi us i-m ofth e cash h Itin i lt luk-uvetauhil lttku esvatages of the opportuity
itch iahtple i Ili i 1 1tu bi pfefcentile 11 ti (he urssh re-
tthihliigfh ill i hi-ut aut stanktishairie on all(111studenteti tickeftsit (ilt d
lt studentsiIOha(echtuustart aliivi Ilidi thiii canlnote uset tht tngeiAS
tugsiictth ht (Al 11 liiapprova ll T Olaliise s llhwted t appl thel tllrli tckto
thell f ue cnuadt imut i orfill e alratyuthpur hia tutuf airepeut edhf at atic any
tilentheftir apprcit-ut-o l-Ilhei cotl utisnd t hI er0tie . M dy iht I it ut-
iftoug te e e nlittior n oh m rs E eyn iifigivetitua1 (fl ilutl fto

commtitts of the ifo u lsses :I). A.
Stutter.'oo.1-h MXIDl~uinu'to, llitift Gm
blie,' ii,J. 1D.hClarksoun.'12
Illdane i-toIb(-(chill-iiti -affair antd
tile prnsut plantiis lto hulldit ItuGrngers
soon11 aftu-nspitng VaItcition. Intease-itheil
expimfoent isi isutcsfitulotierle-i- t-

Aestud(ents'ubu thrasuuhea lt-tx uti
-Vt -itntuftvania. It u~has a chth iid
tuic conuphtutu." ft hutingirhmh fuutiuiu
tutuy, Itolt-and Ilill irduparlor luc
mtler siu I eetis t f tiihut I

IReserved Seats MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Sale at Wahr's
75 n 10 State St. Store.
175ad$OOTONIGHT 8 P. M. 4o to 12 A. M.
Gealdmission, UNVE SIY AL to 6 P. M.

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