The Michigan Daily
No. T T.
TE M LEAVES FOR to hisvasityl sad. (sllths will o
~ excepl~PQ tion the personntel of the teamt
toa ilheienical i lttherone that
G E W HAG llli111 IUI oppostd(Ctse last 'Satttrtdar itltilesea-
_______sonls' crtain-raiser.
Varsity Meets Brewer's Men To- at Is \' i'tovite iulreiresett 'lshe l)aily
day in Second Game of Season
-Farmers Hope to Win. While lie rarsity is battlintg at Lait-
--sing for thte elaitttiioitsltltof the state,
Accomiedsby oach ostl ir ectrth einteresf of te stilentstwill he sell-
Fitisatrisi andl;\ssistantiAthtticis tecd iilargely ill the opening gamle if
rcs'toir Ritchie, lie sixteeniplaieis 1oral-ie wold'is series -if Detroit. the oit-
prisiligNIi clii fotba ll suiiad wilc itle Oif ttda's tar sity gamte too pearlr
levetis sIloritigat i):ilfor I slisilig i apprcing liia foiregonel' rotnclusfisonto
for the ssecndilamlOt f ithe seaisontithalt akent muichianietr. Repoirt liss it
ii iii te a-rniltu olsr e eeeni'~le" tha tithTigers andil('tbs,idesisite lie
teamils l arruis ivei I asIsngshoty- sble-hitter lights forcedi uptontttemi befotre
ioenonan ill is a is vias te :I ircs te.}iwere retutrnediipritulntwinnlers ini
gruiCe trl it1 soiti' ii Ilic their respiectire leaguhes, are it for lie
l~we t st ill is made:is its itt batie. andil iithtfavoirablleireathter Coil
ter fr he ea Iad te anfuil ofiditios, ths. lcomptiaratisely lititeud rais-
stilentntiwih i s liytois make citi if triiiet liarwill his.11111 toia
dic trill severe test. As esirir as noion yt erdaiy
WhliiCsile notIatipting-anyisuchilist ill if te reserredl seats tai l l soldl,
fo ranc asres li-fomthevii o te 0113"chaeitto s ee CCtile fgame
the (Age-h1er11ill igo;,iwhesithei sirrn1ow1is tolinehis'rtp iiithsthe crowtwo il
si)rmedaasit thtsmtoiti theisii'tts lliho'ur~sereithegates oitnhanditaiske a
of <i[o to oisCachssit c ss aii hardly re:' -ilthancesillgettilg a iewC frothe i cus~
iris s smilleswhen1111 iniily sof lthe secitis iiwhi ickil'encire ' ts' sntftieldl
soy nlit ill" Ifrosmi tse armters' I l allsrarttfew Tligers anid eithser
cam thtitehis op1111e5t iitlls lite Ifeulblilll or truownitfor Ils tillCus sirs
chai onis W lverIis. \liil iti is 11-til hels Il-iisiiiah ule iteslin i leii lil
sisisiiss reuiis aItisis is (s llirelisi lis tlti.wh'iile Iflinig andtiSchit w iill sio
a hirell en, andiperhapsIalstrontersthe seceivitg.
(me, this i s(o111dinitese ii'Cwithit llt -_________-______
aris-uslturalicoll eetath-sl ereis little I)1 1 fOl'iA'l'IC CC I3I Ci;lC'l'S
iroisissili 111hissth slican (10aire' luau iRF el'if lC-\itl-I RS'i'lNIl I
exhiit stubor reistanc11e1, andhol
Mt1C1RiGA , SATlULRDAY,,I )CT'I'lliRifts-, l908.
ihs vasityitslI reisonbylwsoe
sry illth wisle to duilllicates'('sess's
lllinof)I 'sisg against' 'lit's Iten.
"Wha fe menwe aveare ini iretty
good s s s ti ( iis-is 'lsla1s1t
(sisihe is si isd b1oly i a s hitsaidi Iis.
-l it cisifC ps-sr .s si i-le, tus-isha us ts-
_ilichia wil line i las follow
sssl, ig t ua d:l'l ssi osis. ris-Is
tacl I Geensisghtsends:t issl ils's-',
d ice r lit h1lf; Vi i ti ndssss, futllback'i.
The fficals re : 555o , ll iehiigsii
bideri Pen Mtehed ssdgeas- sh
Leigh,.:\(icii sills eadsine mni
at is clsefs' hus inii prsactsice, Ci' o(siili
sift) s i t.<tra siineup s'i tiay.That
11r sis so-i psrodsuct ils'sive ith tht
si-if Is st ssoi 155isonsmile, but 1111151
fatinlso asHeartylaughs'.i
1 dons'si Ititithink iwell maks'min-s
shifs," e sad. "We te lcy toi hiave
e-issughsatvallilbei'l is sto makeC1111 a
1555111i tistl 11111 ii" ttw sonsitibt-
'111ias.ssis'siisit ldl till
ills-sil-iwIs-ri'e'il"go i ing oin ae sssa\s
issisisi lls'ere to be lii iinjrdadhass-C to
leavei te sigsme. 'lWs.sst'e sisstidibeini i
This,-varsity was sallsowed's to essomplete
ispeaaions"'orthe ' sa itlaIisit
th- firsts c-rstIrtie 'soif teseason.i
\s' evensilels5 tscus 1were'allowttedl io
viiss tseissorkslt of thei'first teami,
(ssss'ltYoist cillihut tils istenltonig 5151
sad iltfssrm atisons aussiipsrfectintg laiys
ti) faposssiblesupistses ilillt'est-ay
osf Unlssexpictedstrs'ngit ssi.thepsritiii
thes-loaltt Iers.
Boslt('tilly attdlKuhlr si'sri' usedlat
is-ft guiardut 111tle essachs alnuce'dlIl
thei'cls' sfsiluetorksot that Kuhlr
trsoulsrobabilly bits'eli'selectintolistart
lie gamte. Greente is susfferinsg frotmsa
lamesiss ip, andtillihhardisli e able to go
tirotigis iarelntire gamte, ill shiihtcase
hsetrill lie relievsedl 1byFredl Lawton,
isisistilsKuhlr has rerentily Itens addoed
1 lsscod eteinsg sf 1111eliirvsi
7:3 In Nickeci's sill. formsterliyisknowns
is Scsstt's sdancinsg hasll, 511liheird
t oo over15s-C('sisiss's sdrtig ssors.'[-'hes
first gatheIrillgits <t ds ids'sedsu~ccess,
sills elores 's thansits prmersha
1 ssh ts issifor 111l11111 cosequentily51
ml-coldi 11t. arranlge' to be' present.
fecs'e'dlIs t'itst'meel'stintg to get'tinigs
immdiai-ists'ellcin ti is-, iswitteien
tin f ielctn 'prmanenlts'tlusficer's Ill
a limes'hen iris hsli'eu socratic slt-
less1- toilghit a5hor.pogam1as1ee
arrngdsndth i'stwill is- gissisnite-
ills aftegrsthe Ilec ssii'talsIitno tecub's
as-Ic . Tssihe mitisill wili'ls'eii lled t
get 's'-o 'dlres 111sflls'.rstdacil--
(11C)1 'N SC('('llTI'I'l 51R4LAST'
'lC h.R'S 'l'NN IS COUR'T'lS
halstsiyeasr, osithIls'c'srnesr of'i'iillardi
sitd osstsreet's. Girls 111y1'tiset'hiemt
darllillg tiith nisi-ithtg rs-, assds betweeni
sisnd ss'o'slock ill ts'essfts'rnoonsu.irs
deiisng11151l'ystill plesase' register' sit
arranigs' fiol'hoursas's oon'11111siposssiles
at ills gs linasillm.
U('NL' o C 'ff1si Clfi' l'lDAYl
()w1ingtg his iciititsgrengasgs'tstishIls
('iisin tr'y'uticomitttee tw'ichiis tostei-
sict mitilifollthtsnest operai has
foundtilit impotssibles 1toillset Icomptietitolrs
todaisy. liesycilsteet lyri-nest iseek,
hsswevsesrl'.astu definite' hti' 11151llace'
will ile'551 hlsolcs' ilaters. hFll1Stves
hass consentedi toIIIserve asca5 tudge, situ
lie will 1ru1nshdown5 1fsomt1 letr111oi' lirii'
fessasslibeiralsh sortil-ticsel: commtlissionh
tso solicihors selinilgticsets for this yeasr's
progr-ilh of notledl sissilers ansi the Rosbi
ertsonlscomtpanyti sf plasyers.'liclkets esa
his easiy gstil1 studentrlls illall sdepasrt-
methrls sidto hts'residen'tis if Annh
Arbosr.MS's thse tresutrerhtsis mlornhing
fromlti o hsT2, intile Ali ttiroom~s, or
next steels fruitsd4toss :36 earlsslier-
Greased Pole Is Unmountable-t'
Sophs Lose in Time Limit- t
Much Unnecessary Roughness.-
WitlhI551e'thoitsndfrshmens'h masedt
arun hits'fooit sf tethii rfot
greasedsspoisionsill i c.GCeIn, ns, sihs
us this' attacht.ehitsh begatstii:I
sitngh.H ll n(hour'late' the rashis
sw-as 111r -situthis frssht flssastill ills.
Is'sfufrieshmsin-IlldI wstil
tisi t hir s-'_ i- i'''Cii s-sfr z t t a sitp
hisrtlebt itswsnever expected'
thfs'f'its'woutldie impotursiltcib
the it' ftotustadii sectsatos, sut ao
caeitst 'tutas hsied.
Fori' ssfuwt lhlllttheIls'frshs'mensiste-s
mindsolihi isyepiske, ept fuss'a
iphsalanssx-siewhich irlCd'iaoundtit nd
aon thirst'clssmen'i. 'Thts'th i-ll
Ill' the fma isin bdyOfsphomosltt carssntile
fo ttunorssthea'st his's f thit'esatpus.
'The'yiihad thusosonsses'it. tasis oisis
sitiilar btisofsi Isecndti-s'e'ar nun'itrush-
ed'in Itromsthi ts'ushi. In ssfests' itttsh
this' hadui isedgs'dithis-ilaylioiihits'ptote,
and s 'u'chcedillputtlingsa siesisosfIthui
Isis's'r this'efsidrs-i's hea'dss.Salst lo
clitmbhiany1 hstlice 5'thits'grasy)'stiss
hws impttos~sise Thes'his ils struggsed
le c l ,b t st ushia sia sil.
Ss'veraliitimsste ight was s ts's I to
let njurd onsout h, ut thi ssit ri ests
onyiatgl theliii- etiii'tti'ri-is'sedi
str's'ngth. S shllsafte'r'thits'1begining,a
mist rose ver hi ss'intrustggiing,
hisp~iring msls, s lust hos' sillthits
outside thg'httthise siisop sweeirs'it-ss
(Iera m ts''sissi Ist ha inhuItesheshiss'
omoespratiall g this sall hitus' of
gannhits'cuss'edsrophyltaits suit
155, cii his pike ht'freshment-itof1 one
hiy suits, pustingrth his its'eaus ri'ss.
I t tsthmci's stIsoI dosubts to''ic-ihi
sideu' sthits-vicori, flritasitwin-
Iaend snisi"olls' sigtn'.tssi''si'
tuh'sFitslussowd tthu isivca scosidesltsh,
noiacrowdis- il h field hevin' aftethetii
hiht his' iegan.Th itr lssymptshis'
seemd tobe ort hims t his-twiththeus
dlit. for 'it ssss- ge'nts'l'syiconcede'd'shis'i
toacopish. lfRemark~s i-hs-ehesthis
lie-stdsi sits ss's-h sidei'tht thi s C d
as5 tieyundubtt edlyhss'hwsosudshSaets'tusn
thiss'lisg hit bieensusreasonablyshsiobtins-
stl. At a15t)t' diditie' ascendi iser
ights or nsill'ese a t hes hitsaissso f
thesir opponetstel.
Lsthyersthits'frs'i-shmnwtits cos-.
ts, t tile flg wass te'ut st hitpussof
a sis'lstiibiut hi lt) lit high asit lush
greassd. leysucceedes-iinusgtting thits
hisg gitt eacty six itsiues sltsnthe
irsakis1 tsC guns.
Nsesry Ceryonse wssi stMsse street
lst iights sfts's'the 'ush, ecirpt thur
firsmeni. 'lTe sopllhlhomores caturites
lsauge-numes oss f themusaidtoo tssahitsit
thi ICoClslege ht, where tsey sterr
soakuedinusthistanhush aitllssowedsulhisgs
hosme.ts Aflter sal heiss't2m12t'thstcotul
lie fosunduswes-n'etkeiars'ofsinathis
mannehssr, thus'sohhsimaichesr oteiiihits dett
lit suheresa ss iutr' sas istind l. A
less' freshmestsisiserreisrvs'sifrontthits
int-sr cure" sllsn1511putiroug sttiuli hu
uimusse thus lrge' cswdViofiipeope' whto
S As nlas co 1 etuldI le fountidi, ass stu-
teits st-esesriottsly ijtre'd, ltouug
sesversal were e'xhastedl aissihaut its'
taksenut sheiuC itaislsisauidlneary dugnt
{iis il wasrfectedui s'es't'ssy',s lt-sui
uodls anua us suss s rsh ttltth rceionlinit
Barou tuu - ussussissut,bh it' ht-eetinsof 1
hes sllohutiug s isalIcm istiteses lio'rte
yer fiMsss ogrs l'(hiuss, ?salco'lmt-
suit I ii uuuttti'iiei, ins, Bosnnueu,
ftan 'sitriiessidr, isui su, itsli rssisns
lodige IIsisn I sits rs-siansusilsuty-ighth
wr'otfrthes-r's-ssptsionu. Tansgilp
t as agsed" stills hirsnameutosfhisltsi-a
lic' guettng shllalull hush eh n usordsh i ,
5155 thec'gails a itli f,-lal tlkios freh-I
man hideiisass, athisit Iiichthitsocil tli S a
hsmicsss' hehaffaill uu sst
hatr ea IJrdnuSid,"Ius lc'
in smell its-suings, h ey Dlus ice
clssuliheandh1 Slit's atis luhr i. his
ass1r huho isis atitdeit' wadss''i thi s'-i
'ohrisi, Desnus I hisii ofs uthe lls.
deparlts-len t 'la s'et s-stphtic i s-ill hiss
usenuncitino tif sluhj,titutiotl5 Itha
ii' hurllsted th1155 he hadtu h hiltlle
hisxc ay lawu i)hisstdetsi prticiptn
il hI -sCurushi l st hiss' asi-u s akd i
this i isv's' Irish
No, I lid i : ta," heri lid
I" I sushioisthaein th sutuui ts. lu t
Shellstjadle hs mhaialy ot
pariipteillh it "
-- 'l deanadls hss usluh a ske iiis'ss usti
hcicyc sshsissnach e (oud10,saesiss
":ppov of is lii s it !i" 5 ht' si d llt itsed
shills 1' she h oiiii le -sis s sit
-- (iii ii ills'\ liiiho sldthavehis tSi t
d wit h i's h-s hs' hs-u-hi ssi Ias-h
Andsiiiisfithe lane stiudenitths'ds, rlc
s-i-is ener h uh andshigst-it
troubles w ih ths ri s i isususs-is ms t
fa is-sf li isent551a hi-shiteu-his weeklst
Stdetse Cc'ligetois his sui, Sit
"Wha s is r n h uh htci
((liii is thereinic' the irusS olich)it
isil" susm h ti hith eiif ist smtesit
opens usiiiiFllsk 11t'isi' b5 uh t 1pro-
--Chilifilalehissness. Take It nht
for s ulplce a1tucis's hstussuusthus tmier'
clae hsac d beenSuhIdSchlirsd, 'tutuit wts-
thougt atla sithatwe swul it a~l
uig i's slep. Inse illI hat it 11a11
d In o Isis isthat hutf ushmethstha
iagttelaswsels s sht, is sushipa
raigtesits siif ly5 sunilttsmidtg
busuinsssThitspeac is hutsoken, situ
proprty is sroyed.hAftiCrottaffsir
hfti issd,h ticancweigohtoills' 15lip
prpraios'lThe-flrst thisntg tey dos
is sto ss sits thus'rush I hit oII t ursuts' s.~'
Ise sytis itch husisss is unwothyu'l
ofi a saeinttutionut.andsIhlise lue tgt"'
sti wolsduh'tfv-theCompltcisashohhi
tio usus f thu ratsh.t
"'tis us oishesis farso sis uste lts' sl-
pat-mlit uhi ss nernd,'the1deanrse -n
pil. I"(urstudnsus titlstca' uth sf
i ii.tiihst'll it husrae no toCe- isswless-
hu0HAl T csll us SlT'SlutOCIA, Si: S.
lh irtsiof this fIbrtt Gu'tildl u-
uts giveniduringuthe lii'olslegsesea'
sill ushe ih Istis sevening'i Harris hlls.
at s o'clock. 'sAlliEpiscpalistidents,
ushether' memttbes'sof thissg'uil or 01o,
sndustupestciallyv tose suitshavs- recntly
ente'redsthissunivf5ersity,srs' cordiall it-
Iited the ipresent.
Zevised Constitution Will Not
Be Ratified Today-Important
Clauses to Be Discussed.
In all probabulilitythe comtstitee ap'
soint hlast spring' hisrevise thi tahleic
sscsiation stillsnush he suse o report
'sissy. 'fTs-essmembues iofthe comsmitee
ar: J.GI. C('tis, chuairmtsii, adsihis
ssistansts stern ('harles V. W'instad,
'4 . iWendesslli, (Vale 'ss. Merrit, and
luame s 1K. Wastkiiis, IS GtPretymni,
L.'. JouclyI, tilethurlstissbeitgie
alii tit rceprsi-ntaties
Th stiltommitte's-irewI tiiia contiu-'
tis aifts-norsuis'osndssinsg witfhlimaiy col-
legs's haisstg'simtilar athleiti asocia-
At presenthRi. N. We'iudell whlo wao
secretaryC I'llhisscommusitu'tee has he re-
vsedcsi susitutissusasuDetrist. Wshehe
or1no tilsIis revisedi consitutionan le
scrdfr iresentattishath lre eeing
ssioayit esannotsI his rstiidl111n. Bi-
Inre Cratfictin thes'prnpsd cages
mstit se made, pusu bl sic is'nithus'colun-ns of
'ITe Dasily satud hostdin pi ubilli places
isse wcek unsre it is presened for as-
crisincc 1C If thec'retisedhconstuiiatinis
Ieurdit may1) hs' brosugtup ISfor dis- -
cssusson, shtouldi it be aled for
"W a usr ork readly'fr pblica
ionswhenIts-shits btosrdlof direcors of he
athlticu asusoiciationslCledlulfr i," said
Jamtes 1K. 'satis.t "Wse have written
us differnt clleges saitdlgot various
iess tso a Icltstitutiio.''
"Wh'seuther tis revised onstiution is
prese-ned itoday orunot , it canntot e
1atfie 111'id]car hill last night,
"bcueit hsussut beni sade piiblie.
I wan tusoi see somtie changes made ii
thus-iliststittions,situ it is a mighty big
task. 'hissereIC sabout isen hunndred
tinhes sof hitssociunation.u hutorder
tou reise'thiscs'uistitutionss i reuires
si-hlfl hits.sis-uubers his is' presen,
sitlshulls-thirds of thusm cuonhcurinig
tuhi s hmea sc's-n ight huntdtedueil n
prs it t thus'esmestig 'Te revised
cositiutifnuusCshl e sdiscussedl today,
howevr. I culusiuke' to sri' sichange
jsusade 's thast thes-grsduatesusdillietrt'would
'hus henalloweduithisvote ini ase of a ie
'hss tem ' of il nomsuiationis oussgt to
he chasnsgeds, situthe u e~usiont of inor-
po ustion nder thits'assvofthe sain
"'hueiboasrdl f udiectrs go oiS a n-
\is ScSI ntiltuhtionhhof it setn 1o cons'
5111r'iwiththasttof thus revisiouary cam
msitee," ssai I Duly Kentunesy yeser-
dav.s "'T'eimuasterrsiifted along, as stch
tinugs usill, unutil exatintiontimSte
'htn it cass ulsttst imtpossible o get
all f ur bosardl sntdlall f the revisio-
ary Comiusitte togter at the saime
"Oflur commssite out reviiotn," said
Chares Wsinustead, "insuced Chairmana
('sius us notify thinahletic board of
cntsroli thusatwe iusdi sirevsed cstitu-
ShillsreIII) sitsubmsuit 'lThey ever caledl
frit .(Atupresent si majoitiy of te
commuuuieis in town.sosI Sat going to
ICy us get thin revised cositutio from
lith secretary, whso is ini Detroit so as
us srnug thur saeribefore Slur'associs-
tilln meetintg tomoutrrw."'
'hue last tryouut for the Girls' Glee
cdish wui i'ehelsithIle Mcool of Muitsic
this afternion at 2:30 Cosidering he
oport~tuiteswhich tie lantuof he Girls'
iii errluit sffer for this year, hoe wio
makeshe Slub i il viile most fortunate,
'hue resellas s~are t make he clb
a prosmilnnt facor ini uniersity life.
Thoseusn uscharge of ue tryoutS desire
all giris hsaving voice tslet to report
Istis safternootnt