The Michigan Daily No. T T. Vol'. 1IX ANN ARBOR, TE M LEAVES FOR to hisvasityl sad. (sllths will o ~ excepl~PQ tion the personntel of the teamt toa ilheienical i lttherone that G E W HAG llli111 IUI oppostd(Ctse last 'Satttrtdar itltilesea- _______sonls' crtain-raiser. Varsity Meets Brewer's Men To- at Is \' i'tovite iulreiresett 'lshe l)aily day in Second Game of Season -Farmers Hope to Win. While lie rarsity is battlintg at Lait- --sing for thte elaitttiioitsltltof the state, Accomiedsby oach ostl ir ectrth einteresf of te stilentstwill he sell- Fitisatrisi andl;\ssistantiAthtticis tecd iilargely ill the opening gamle if rcs'toir Ritchie, lie sixteeniplaieis 1oral-ie wold'is series -if Detroit. the oit- prisiligNIi clii fotba ll suiiad wilc itle Oif ttda's tar sity gamte too pearlr levetis sIloritigat i):ilfor I slisilig i apprcing liia foiregonel' rotnclusfisonto for the ssecndilamlOt f ithe seaisontithalt akent muichianietr. Repoirt liss it ii iii te a-rniltu olsr e eeeni'~le" tha tithTigers andil('tbs,idesisite lie teamils l arruis ivei I asIsngshoty- sble-hitter lights forcedi uptontttemi befotre ioenonan ill is a is vias te :I ircs te.}iwere retutrnediipritulntwinnlers ini gruiCe trl it1 soiti' ii Ilic their respiectire leaguhes, are it for lie l~we t st ill is made:is its itt batie. andil iithtfavoirablleireathter Coil ter fr he ea Iad te anfuil ofiditios, ths. lcomptiaratisely lititeud rais- stilentntiwih i s liytois make citi if triiiet liarwill his.11111 toia dic trill severe test. As esirir as noion yt erdaiy WhliiCsile notIatipting-anyisuchilist ill if te reserredl seats tai l l soldl, fo ranc asres li-fomthevii o te 0113"chaeitto s ee CCtile fgame the (Age-h1er11ill igo;,iwhesithei sirrn1ow1is tolinehis'rtp iiithsthe crowtwo il si)rmedaasit thtsmtoiti theisii'tts lliho'ur~sereithegates oitnhanditaiske a of CC'l'10N ATHLETIC REFOR E t e 1 c a t 1, e n .l 1. , , o' (7 1, ihs vasityitslI reisonbylwsoe sry illth wisle to duilllicates'('sess's lllinof)I 'sisg against' 'lit's Iten. "Wha fe menwe aveare ini iretty good s s s ti ( iis-is 'lsla1s1t (sisihe is si isd b1oly i a s hitsaidi Iis. -l it cisifC ps-sr .s si i-le, tus-isha us ts- _ilichia wil line i las follow sssl, ig t ua d:l'l ssi osis. ris-Is tacl I Geensisghtsends:t issl ils's-', d ice r lit h1lf; Vi i ti ndssss, futllback'i. The fficals re : 555o , ll iehiigsii bideri Pen Mtehed ssdgeas- sh Leigh,.:\(icii sills eadsine mni at is clsefs' hus inii prsactsice, Ci' o(siili sift) s i t.