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February 17, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-17

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0hThe MichiganDaily

VOf,. XIX.

Coach McAllister Issues General
Call-Junior Lits Defeat En-
gineers in Basketball.
' Varsity aehall will rees'e a further
impettes today, for the candiates for all
posittion aceec~itedl to rlport to te
coch int the gy uttasitttl let wen lhe
houtrs of t and( 3. T11e cage, wich, so
tar, has ontti ben openi to thatter mel,
wino1w te tred or 'to tetriln ad
otfiteldtltitias seet.
Fllowinug the light lratie that has
writ given the c'nd itates frtie tpeith-
ing staff durintg tc last week, this call
foe all melt is ettectedt to bitg fortt
a wetlt of materia. Fot te itut-
lire of atiats sotue supiss may le
:pt'tttg andlit is poilble that somteit-
crtoukiton stritwill tic'lruittoito
thelimetitoar coatest ithstilrerall
ablt.lfctcr, it wtill tttlci' ten itt
ecep'tittia1meit to p roe taticulaly
oie Sntuow i inte ifield, adiISlliat,
M\elontindOutflset inittie gaden p oi-
It itite ell nthe hle to miiiaethe t
souiithen triIntt ease t soritnel ne
mentiti'astinte ticvltedtoillthi
pla'cit. tr i t batit ,itt i ltatjuniitt' tt
tutitt etpile tit hest willietl
ti111c ahr ace ,litl"fortitlentialiesaek
pn ittis r.thtte lte itct
liCadiats itrtartiticpoitit' r utterit
,1 rpshsr ther It olleges atehof
oftetttfl ers ht7h, hSoel Citsh(i.
l'ttrrr(Iotty otesenteg tels tgitt
irlirls hahettaset imalttiti tto'h
lhlauwhthearl J \leillvrstyrre iemte
uniolit f2ttirnioretnitte. tm.
ohlFttiot ntI ti7,s ot Ltstai.
illtie st ngtelersttltttesItl t' i'ir13'.s
asrkd tte teioftlac teafrtitilt't
ie ot'frtiswatttit attg tatile T im"ftt
loig frndt ii' tartsorte ointjuioril
'pintsttt tt aitdit s foisl' pfeott Ilt
ctoterofstitewgtites thte sorie rwastia
furteit r uws tllefhril ttracrt'on 'ilt
'ntohedfniivresan 'pt to itss.-
lita-ligp: . fE Bttlsr
'to Itgiteers 'lo its.
Itoito....C .L . St....Wraier
11111 ..... . .... . Psaris
'ITfe sptentginteers anethe Ite soltsh

its, tccording to the score, but the its
were tot so tmuch inferior in regard to
tram work. OContnor of the its and

hoeyo h niersec hetfu askets. Te lretut CERCLE FRANCAIS
tit R tgtterrs I t Fitt.
L~vey....... .F ..ilO'i\\r HAS BIG PROGRAM
11ebrok..... R.=.....I..Evrett Twelve Numbers. Comprising
Steves o .... .G litry tt letey
'itItitti i rf it tsti ett ut Seven Lectures, a 'Soirse Ami-
thte cotetsT h ie'e wtte qite ie 111 cale' and Barbier der Seville.'
ter of stttdets ot01o1 til hle gamtesit-

ltttittg afe-girls.I
teredaty's tDaiy fill 7 t'clomc btiwtill takae
plater at 7 :I5 at tthr 101111 tttubhousisr
T'htobijetf tie meretig is tidisuss
twork tf the prospietivi' foottttbl1men-
tie thtrer
Lawiett, Stanle-tirileci e' JIB.sRogers
Fr1.ey 1 A..\''t.i'i elt'matinllIWill itam1Ill
KurlA.\'.lSith, '. Crig,1Btill Pei-
meanrttF.,J. It tnittit11,B.XBriton, I
I. A. Plnutagatl, Joy 'hitler,1Cot Jatmte',
Ittitnl, ttfaitueh, itoateitit IlSithtil
th~e, MCCas thyni, CH'nrstntitlseftetti
Core'eb lisy, ttuue.'utsmGiidnerlit.si li
fete', Ltintim I til, I titt sj ,i 1111 i-
dicqtet Itrelt, S rttattu, egg I reene
Wheeleur.,I tCotl, Iarlty ly lel ili
Pek lyttfnc'.XI, f fC liarksonC'Jef-f\
XfrisMetadisonetilli,i',''otJl'rttf ire tati
"oalg tiohiutthinektrwilt'Carlitn 111
a)f teyaitopitmisntitrht .thatte
s lt ottoplt tletiiy' sattitinte' but'it~
suaelots.lAsnit ismake1,itleasetworsei.
andtttheydslis onttlytit thtiwet
wieitte'rmitts te'otiter instittito i
ieakent 'antd destroyeusatutittrs t
matlke strottg."
h)X'ITS 1F0111REMI~NINGI S. 1,.
IDate's fr alt tile'r''emaiiglivt'uttm-
tiers titnti' Stdetts'Iettri'Assoia-i
11111on ep 'igrttfill'thisye'tr'eucelt too
re' attiutntet. Next lFridty e've'intg
jutstice' Davtidh J . Bre'e'rl'ot te'United
sties supremte' court isilltdeive't'lil it-
Ill n"TeMsio fTi on~ite Cause of Peatc."
'lTt'IHtit. C'harematt'gtte 'Ioisteir, x-
amattttsitttr tferettatnt, ilt stiakhetre'
Friday evetnitig, Alalttlt5. fOti Marehlt12,
tt'efllwtig truidty, Johnit \itetll, te
notitdtlatotteaItdr,iill tdeliee an it-
dress toitti' stihjet, "The Pthilootihy
'Tte dates for thetaddtrt'sse by' Johtt
Hat's IHamtmttotntt11111BaronltIKogort
T'tuhiiethe'Japattese' aimbatssadoer to
the Unitle States.itill he' uututtnt
The ('radtuate cltt helu its foutth
regttlarteetitng Tuesdaty eeing, 1. U.
Qtillitt givitug a tal ott "'ilti'Rtce'Po-
letttitt Ohio," andrt M. I. fOlsn a litter
tn Pro. bartdire attthethrptrose' of le
atthtorizedt v'rsiotn..
,aOt ICNGNtSTtO 'tAtVt'll .0000
Nottohotottnote y telits attnd it~s,
te siniorenetgineerestsae' platnedt a
dtace twhicht ssil take plae ottt en-
hog of March 4 at Gratge's academy.

Foer tile secondlt semteter tie Cece
hDur'ututtiquetr heutias hats aratgtdseetn
leure~is bliemtbutletsoithet'.uni'rsit'
ftaculty, a "somire atiiiale,' te presetta-
tionof e'titttttelttis' citediy,'Ie lBar-
bir etiesietb,''atuttiltttetuter by' h.
tuttreetPoele, mitfte'tiiray'uif Pttis.
AcecompihanieudI sith thestirtueiitis twill
lx- tile'wor1k omithletctiermeme'lrrofmi
tile' ('trhe, hphans timershicht tier Itit
tingmae b hle executit't'omitttitee.
Xi Mre ulorkiwichtis not101of tt dramtati
milue isillhbe ctngtgeduintbyIt'he ativtti
'leheetires, "Soiire,"tuttul ta' are
a prt itt thur reguttar yaut's worrk of the
Cerl, h', progamlmrihllaitgbegntla tst
Nutsvhiller. icets fume thee It l -
lirmity li'be tred Ifotttaly'metttrtth
fthe 1Freticitftcuty. These tickets,
wh ihtrctify cints o tuhdetis tttt
'mie am1la ltr for tlt ltrs, will he kept
lullal outil Marc.htuteh t. Atethttdahte
noneii'tof lth socitelembtltership tictsth
wtill hbe solt, admhtissiontoechut e t ree
Icn,'tetlive' etn t. Setts frtime It
pat hilthiwill bet'presetdlatuthle
XX'tim to t re hum bc setnty-ie cnts
mu oe lt arhtt. lPer'tss tho bity''asso-
ci elemberh1ip1tikeitsteore SMurch
m7, a'muthousistwmho hasi' areatidy'seued
temi.atilenttltedtohutgettetal 11tadm io
to tieplay'., ut lt lectures , aduthe
I.Maclhotucl, "otserate" o
lihc librtry'mlfte city'it Pueis, coestr
ere' Matrchi t a;te offcaehatrereeof
thei' AXlitncl ri'ttctise, att iternattioal
or~ganizatuionl switht whtihtte Crce'
Frntictis oithtis untisersiti' is affiiatd.
'lihc suljcct f hii leure is "Pars a
visitim\:imt Aroir,,XM. tote le seit u'the
gots(mofPi. A.X. b.Catfiel,eadt ot
lim ephautrtenttt otRomantce latttags.
'Ce istlectureilt e gv'ettby IX
If. Ittistitec, Friday' aftretoot, brure
2f, ini 'atitaun IHaltret'room. is
sublject, "ChttileshButtdeaie," silthe
upartietltry itrestitig eause othte
conection ccoi th tis fttmtuts pot wthhtlltr
iworks oeftoute hoin Amerieant toet, Puie,
ithose cet eniatl atttivrsaury sas cee
bratutdultshtttonth. It is dute' to aue-
tiiittand is'tatstationts ta. Poros
seoerkstare so twethktoiwt in Fee.
Prof. ArthtueIG,.Catfietl wit leter
Satumrdaty'revenintg, iYarrht , ott"Ve-
sale" ' is ethrer whihtsilthe i-
lutrtedtitis the gi'ettittSarat Cas-
rell Anetirl Hat.
"MXargttrite u'.Xtgoltme et sa Vite"
is the'suhject cit tiletrtertole gien
bty AXbirt 1F. 1 tutetutt, XW 'tdtesay after-
teoonthat 4 t'elok inT aptattHaIllathtrtee
rmmmutt. ''lts lecuree will tdeutl witht Mar-
guterite Naevare, ote of te most famuttts
stututiteresing womOtentillFeehthistory.
IIttWedunesdauy' eenitig, March 8,
Preif. IHugo P.thiutur wiltrdeireea
lecturecinl English ot "Freetcht Art as at
Ifsptressoiut of Frentcht Ciiization" Itt
his 'tpicial stutuy' otttitstttbject Pro.
thtie hatus eure ut large ttttttber of
slitdrs sotwitig tumteott sworks of
Frncihuart. Thet'best of teseIe swilt
ueitt ilutstratittg his lecutte itt Sarah
('aswtill Angl hall1.
Iro. .luuitz Lesi will Irecture011nte
subjtect,."1'tAcaetmtetic ttetutcais," hot-
daty eetitg, '.Marcht21, in Sarah Castel
AXtgel IHtil. 'The tFrechttAademy' is
tudubttueilhy'the 1m0o1tnoedl body' of
litetury' merntittth word. Ifs exctsive-
testmakscmemttrtttrship in it att the tore
uesirttlie. Althlotgh a topic of interest
tt tlt titmes, thar trettment of the t-
ject is tmost otportunte since dtritg te
lash yiar sererat of its fanotts temers
uiud, teir places having to e tied
The presettation of "Le Btarier de

Seville" thte atter pttmit April swil he'
preceudedetylay'utletire onl te l ayhby'
P'rof. Johtn . Ittingr. Itt midir tha
ttrauttiarchais' atnutscoedtuy' may' he
aptperiatedl by al, this lctute,thichm
till hr itt Etglish, til el t ti' he 1
die'rtttntiassof a ttie ttly a'dthe'
stottk of tt tttlor rceinglit ."L
BtariereteSevittie" rattstasuotule oitthe
greatestrotttrdie's in hFrtehilierture.
'hitiouecXX. huch, librainit ofct het
uivesitiy liltrly, uwill gile a lcuei
ttttglistt til''Souttentirsofmit'tuis." Pci-
crat ly etts ago Sh. (Kocistuit themi
Southumttte, attutshie'thire'suedi'it
latige' ttueertof inteeti sl5'ites. Si ni'
1th tic tao slentl'setrl summeuurs mu
yeair'sleturee till slowmutt'utirils' differenti
vies ha thseoflasth Ma~y'when M r.tt
Kochltspokue' int''thte Ciy' mitPari'i.''
ltutlcr 11111ouncteentem Iisilh ut, ttudh
ini i'mgard thhtle' 'soir'e-t" w'hihI uilie
giventeark nhyitAptrl. This usill ice util
ofith itwise'v''ttu hits ntileii in'r.'rilii.
f treeluh-
f'hf.D('XT'ttSCiHOiL, .Xf'lIC'h,I
IItthtthehFebrary' l tiututts, sotimui aup-ut
pearul, silthe atisusioeni by htP'umf. XX.
It. IHobbts, ot the eolloumy' te'partmniiuht,
of liii'needus itt Xhuehtt''is gratuatte
ti-htctl. This stibjiet cedetaIlisuhy' i-
cuission tlast year11whtnitnirticI hle simiilti
itt tut'e isub ihedhuby lrmit C. I.
vn tut lie.
ly.A.X.S. WXXtin con1emmitritelis ta tis-
cuissionimooitTheu n ivetstys andiitl
AXnti-'lThuercuihss Catmtpaight" iichuuit
hut poits 11uthurletncessity'fori tacetr
utlio go um mttermtcollegeitohudrtn
theurk tthat is catued nirtm. Prumf C'amp-
elttits a ti clhee, ilutated'w ih piSlans
tida hlftoneiirctur, e.sucsriigthem
no' Checttistr'y builig. iiihcr hutch
elus duhte udebattigtieams'tilti
tin stiliC'pite elof 'ttisics upt~uulmit'
andtmlhintdiwit it iulumcl'm.
'heltedetioias eatuiti tie'in'iw'd,
ruliti Icatloue.ii'ketepinig ioftltitti , rm-.
Centicaeltg'siiithei'grantiitg omltacihl
e'' diplomas.ulivi, ingu expnsettsofmiltut
stuidetnt,tile ets'(tuunn iurh rT .ss-
ciationii, and11umeu o th er tiopm'ic.
t'h.'XCttD ItEtORtI 1KS'h'ChhN'hS
itt Lattnsitig wtinatg'fori'thim'palssigot
thic ilt fort'tie caret-d tudmtmiy ocut ubler'
cutlosis. ''lucy'hatt-eeth giing letu'
miert-r'le stat, it tile variou'sschoooc
attutoeteges, 1and1in tel'atger its
mit the' subtjeet andt it is hopetut itisii
thesituahtioit ht. tue'iuuihgi
!Arentgettetts artinlt-g tmadei' to gie
thtsec trtures illthrdifferrnt detiart-
mnttsofcutthis' tiu'ersis. This wil he
startedl as sorot s they' returt.
'"lthubtherculosis itttittliandhito
treatet are so sittitoe," stitIDr. Wa'tr-
thitt, "tat sehe it implttuess it mutttie
stuettn ttshnd ettlishtteritih im e
fight. Thetuiersity' beitg utgrttice-
te otlatitg,it is totle titiuitthatl
thefaculty'anditmudenuul~ts sitiul htao'nitg
thinfistlto realizer te seiotistue's it
thle-rottuitionstishat emist andut thle'smteu
tumetu'euCaeta t'iihlictuih meutut he
c'hattge'd, 11111 ht- uilitit tohlpe~, y- suity'
1a1111by att-iotn, inl 11111' hg he- hohutuihs
tht iIst."
trot. Ifobert AI. WXnleyuac'tatpaper
Acotytri, 'hTtuesay-reelitg. Xi itfor-
nmat lisctussiotn foloserd.

Alli tu!ttrueiaof 'The I)oiy shutS it/itun
at IfRuandalli'Puck's osttdiou today at
t2:30, fun picture,

Two Freshman Banquets re i
Possibility For This Year 1:x-
citement Immense.
lulls s ii ll" el tis111 r 1;,1111
WC 11i a mmml' 1 umm clc le . 11' at i ll I
ml«.o'u ha'im t . Illille ( 1t 1 4
oisa t a ~cl t llI;'t Itit
cel Xf m alII'1 il 1
thra tildts mithdra fI i ' I ". 111t1t
mum- d h i c I t li t, pi 1 1 td vii
mr l ttt't .1 a t ut I cd I}(i i. lit
ll imi h it' ' he11 held1 i ll 1 w 1ci1t1tr
ust whticmt'~h al t~ ll~ t i I t il t ',~1(
lill ach iied. 'im
t(t 1)s 1 t hlic a;'''' ri t
()ill (' IIll -twso. )r h t +i)
to s1)mith t he r <t t11E 1 11
Tt II'.I hu 1T ,' . i
Scrtar Si s od ,at 1(rl<°
Ofte l i llv -iy l P'l ti ti
'I1(t I ti(' Ils 4ftl ! h i'
ticr c tilt C ,8(,al 111 ~ f - l
ti iulllcr' s" I' I G Ill-i t 7I' I

()1tic it imnidt t
tim umunlc um c s ai t
too ~ iltlte ut i
Ille ( t he 20111t ml I
tutu lil'cc ill ; ait~s
'cl mmmcm 'hrtl o the

"$>rt wrist
;itt. 1)
'I" lTl 1
III lIt C'r
1)I'I1 I1"1'
27111 l I

tlsNXi'N'i'ihl\ lii i 11 Xtf icc
Se hill tilot~c a,« .1
scle im i~lWwl ~

chict ac in te utlS
thits mu ti clt tic llnls't xs
andm lehn d themu ca s
lv t heu Ic i ;11ls<1

1:1: M

tuutm-' thltttt'ht tut ' i;C t
miclc lb wile ii)ies . tttallgcm1-irblm 1s a'
a mumuuert it hm hdd hut Un(thu
Suet i cmoru1uci'I mhitim' thtuec'bhen
precrlinig years amitch isis I ii
us a nealtIreat.


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