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February 10, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-02-10

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-- ITE MICIGH AN DILY . I )< tintit0ftiett t bi~t. ii it front that i t O. -it-
G-H idCfian ~ it - ofrm R t1C1.Ktt art C8"ltiattirtt t e l t itcg- i it~ -> Fo wi K hii SECOND SEMESTER
Buies Manager--Jan nr UZ e ae hoiiiprciosics-i ti me, t-ai~t - - i c -ite p s ldt it. \ceR Tttt
MER~~fCHANt~T TAILORS :. -- tirglt heinanie.:- rtter to av tettttttldt loitl-l- I;-iijt
N Ltvs - - - - Lee A white[ 1 lott benttttteti t tt b. . til i a. hrI1> i 11o it K11,I o
Hay eceived a large linealf hxchatigt- - - (a... R bert Maanier as muchittdelitedaietliiire iii> aidtat ,tti iitat n-int itici- lt >-Kn(fra_ eprmet
waoln o tr SPRING and SUM- Mutic...- - - - ...Hollis S. Baker ithe-eits-otn' iof entertinigitiourvisitingfoalde rt ns
MER in(N easom, Light, and Dark Dramta - - -t....... aymondaaias\icher ci-lritit->ritlttle cotiudtitict. Il(;A''i O''IS
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian iWomten's> Etitot-EitoisewViin Vtrhis - --tN iDrtawtiintg i b
Drab, Lightl Mle, Royal Gray, and (0IXttt RA it I T 11 i. t u-.,, . .... t-i iit
We have the Blarney, Hudnon, Cit iii: IBochteri Leotnard C.-kliidt t-it--- drwto nn fai c ttltytthen Miii tr re lt pi it-ti i-he Instrum lents
Cumbaerand, Chester Orient, Pet- ii - 1)I tanecirtnk ittect1-i- iithei i ni- t ~ e hltfrfr- c sitf- it-
ham, Austraia, Cymric, Bulan, ; N'il i tr su aoutisiii ii tee-> oar i iiBrihi. . t I" filtI ii t tho
Federal, Etmpire, Raeon, Irish ihti1.Mt ughi tred IE. Godiung t i c n lhrito ii nH lipriteaI( o 1dthn itvli tit i: utttttr Keuffel & Eser's, I)etgen's
BotntTeeantono or io t,,tla ctIaLi pn~din and Kern's Instruments and
Dotnald I, l-Kiniey Lana I. Jaethtr uiti ncnx ofb ett
oo t LI rn ttn n p I ti no iii ani I :il in lietthlal i
tuuriisI\ Ltitgr"i-ttntiI itttiitltl i his c Iia al_ \ , \y tt i i itd11n g in ieers
Paitl t_,rcer Satiel ll. Dorris it-ttnt ct tilr tuthe rii iiititrt n. a Gt ~d alail oPes oeeryadhv .A .Wlias PtlLi ~ ctnto sn t oItre
your Suit reserved.Ititt t rettitiiitiIltti>l.(tuii i- tlliiittiit Supplies
y i i I . - Ia t t 1 i n i t o l e c n d " ) ind . 'F r d L vt ur , A i o ey a ii t ro l l c deic l u . v e h c : m t ie'. ia -i A t
\G T Coklit W ildlot herCao;llanhpanyno tlt... an tc f 5 t1,tir' t 11<fo r__A
311 South State Street od1:t t-i t ittes;i aIn i i Iti;:tliU iv r it B o str
nt3 i-uS iS r AFF ldaitithtat."i~
-al It Ad m t. i. .tttil iil co___________________-_______
__________________________ C. A. titttititi Normani .Hi ll _______________________________________and
Address: MIC IN Dat AtII, Press Bldg. 'Vrc -tlto nc ,.ll
UNVIVERSITY \anr tet ~:arn iali 1~~r~cn
Nlanagers ons: -2 P. t., 78 P. m 11 totaIhrIetLtoenet hJese.L1I1Iic l liiaFL
TIEIXVTBDfIOO tdily, ecept Sundtay. Bth Phones S'oI ,-t -A-uIt is hit I ri tktttiit il phone.iti;;. i; '\ i It itters
-- - -i fncy-ter: lul -lntne -cod- IAMATEUR
-_._-a______________________ ast ihcl it
-v1 iri It>yI -It l R.titittl inllo. 8-sPHOTOGRAPHERS
New and Second hand for ______________
all liepartmentsi Si> t .. . aii - 2 T' . i iit--, OWNE Itleeater ihnvttetsSd io por
\i uvrt-ii tii> I -ritl -.t iligi;*.tevelnpttgi all p its wll
vc ~nut-rit het V t illuinii en ilt l i aiint li t GL O 'VES bestMate oFtt --ua ie paper.
Drawing , I u.t ilitth1 cruln hlereb ppuutl111.isct cprocnc t1 I are a ''good thing to haeTh
tlIfccl lctiuer h-UCiutoii. \ \1'1 C1 on hand"and nit good -ntat soe1itsefs
SrIiNlitTRireetiENtiittttdealers hase themmmon and samte tegatie.
1ti\iSA'~firth ursofthirti m 1\etr n -iito gt t 1 r t.- t ______________8_________________
Keitfiel and Esser and DitzCr- - - --her rtirlmen, tch r-rid-Ifiutiti t----- i ---E 1\
of itou tigr t itt' t utii iririt l rt 'I ca719 North University Avenue~t~ill
Drawing Supplies nucIto n e ue cuitdvil itas<' t 1 ot nvriyAeu
tho a pe~onali~es, i utue il gi still- -- --
niohunmte. Don tlt Iioith trite till i gts ato '-ci iii-- it t e i i - IThat iet -
iii. iidome iiithir caicofi- i Mr\cL lire pltale tr ide r ehliihnt. 1I alites ILi- BAILEY & EDMUNDS-
a nl tirht o e w it tl t itll tiero. tilt. r,;2)T t i 'Jlrsoit a Bell 52 I-otte
Sheeh an & Co" 'h-iprec-teden-t i el t .andisiuldr 18,ta1. tf " port'Ltfg $o
__________________________________reception__o raiqut ittitolloingtt-- igitiittcoi-- ttiand t i -lititit..o p-ttti
iii tlrm> lt by i i a ou i it r, ill- l ie hh.. andictb -i- A rite 1ibag-in. J
A. G. Spalding & Bros,. uiitiot- hum 11 le i t Ieritiit , Stl-irlttrdr-- it0c1t;It 33. -tilettrNotice to Students
)e L rgetsiitta fcrarrs in ItII-of-
i-not nall, nasket al, IteeSkates, olrian. 'rsrk feyte jst iii
itee.Got y naim ilcancito elrceItaiti, and -shouldh i e tran e-, fr lis-iandl otttleutit-i - It's reversile N adc- .vit "tEasy tti t na 'thasres stone-
itlc m tt he i li function.i i s lit- l t Itc-l niTu1'inray er tit's,> 7 to 8 ie-sliding Space". ad -Pttetd l t A nAhipsrs
Apartu. out al tt. h ts in us,
s ii- dig'sIutnrrnisrrry tllustraied 'I'III n steiis rut'rye dif-ts
C~ a tag etoftai-nots t i -rairnirru - lr~ ight: tll itrnractitelhi ntrestd rnt-til iiS2 >-i rio s iirrtri $1 R pa radlenignn ing.sicOly ten,
oru_____ n,'nie fe ny rdtuiutt it the et-y
A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Ii1.tiilh iitit> clil it-carried ti~iitthru R LIhI_ bSK \ tINC t 1l\i, rttotj- i1i Icr 5a'Str
NeiYrk Chigolltrit \ tut u iitien t t theviaitorr.ri r sda, rie. iuiu- and turrl artIoftineach
N, PunrItObolendttortiuiceedri-
_____________________________________ ii ririrt Iiii -it fronl t r w eekI, tfi'rrioririart Iv cieraag It UNITED oatIRT4CO1tftrCO rloire' Trac 5 0

"Tell me not in mournful
n1umb ers"
Mly purse is -but an empty
Wvvhy Pay More?

Do You Pay
' High Prices
for your clotlits becatuse youtn't beti
satinfied wtth readi stade clothtigft
.: in't necessary. We wttltturtttslt yott
; clothes made to mteasuare by
fEd. V. Price & Co., of Chicago,
frostsyotur chsoiceatof 5110 itandsoste
fabrics, for I, to ialess thatt aty
sttall tailor's chtarge atid also give yot
thme additional advasntage of tuteqttalled
workstaunhip and correct sty-tn.
Our Tailoring Department
ts doing ass excellenttbuasittess witth
those we have leartned htowv to be well
(tressed at all times at a very reasots-
able cost. Look overor cralothsranatd
fashioti figttres and you'll see wvhy.
Fred W. Gross
Cr s O. 13 E.Liberty St.

4x5 - 500
5x7 - 90c

___ i

11Washington E. The Randall Studio , Randall &Pack Props. Pbiae

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