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October 07, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-07

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G. He. Wild Colpany
The Largest Stock in
the City
Exciusiye Styles in
For Getlemfen's Wear
Krrything required for Suits
Ovrercoats, Vancy Vestngs, and
Trouserings, and of high class
fabrics and special Styles.
Full Dress Suits a
G. HI. Wild Companly
311 South State Street
Save half your money and buy
Second-hand Books at
University Text.Books for all
Drawng Instruments for En-
gtneerng Students.
Wec carry all the best makes
rec~tommendedi by the professors.
Car ces -asoaithe owest
1eaelatols, i attotletb
al tiu Itslents' attpie
She the's Lader Fontatn Pe
'tchet to atPea tn the Wrl.
Sheehan & Co.'sr
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
The I ..~ssi N1notatortn i t
1V+ l I if1 itlit il Altice Spplis
Foot Bal, Basket Bal, lee Skate,
Bockey, Gai. Gymaatuas
tla i to_.,N al-sely lliscted
C:ta is tt all .spots cotiosn-
'st. .tstcittts. slicitfree sy-
e 'Or eCt h'icag tDetroit

Managing Lidttr-AtiCnEsF.RrrCHIE.
Business Manager-Jooss F. WURZ.
News.......Donalit. Hoines'
Athletics..........Lee A Whit
Athletics, Assit..,...C. E. lEidridge
Eacitange ...... Robert Mountsier
Music, .........Roy D. Welch
Irama........Raymond Visscher
Women's Editor.. Louise Van Voorhis
cDiictOai, S'TAFF
Chauncey Boucher
Donsald L. Kitnney Leonard C. Reid
Michael It. Mcllugh_ Fred E. Gooding,

Lowell J. Carr
Walter K. lowers
Patti Greer
I'. C.-C. Williams
W. Mr. Abbott
it. A. in tckley

J. H-. Prescott
Louis Kraft
Samutel H. Morris
Patti Leidy
H. I. Artmstrottg
Datna E. Jotnes

Carl 1I. Adatn Harold P. Gould
Address : MICItAN DAiLY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : t-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
cttAsN scORT.
It is said tit a tmatn'is character tatd
dispotsition shows thetmselves ill their
truesi light when lie is at play. If to
tln as either a 'dirty" or ai "yellowc
streak' itt hitm it is sure tt crop out
ini his stort. This is trite. it is said, lie-
cautse it slay, more . hatsatty oilier
tmamtili lets hiniseif otlwhiolly tit-
restrcaitndanitis n atturalimpultttsesoct.
readlily seent-,swhile ttt a buinttess rela-
tiocitt iIis dealittgs of temore sect-
otis ntatureseiths fellowsbeigslie ts
store apit to realize hitsIbtl tratts 'tni
lie shtrewd ettotigh to cnctsea ltemits
tart at ceast.
For yeairs Michuigan hais lbeen fatmed
for tic cleats, trite, spsortsmanslikesatt-
tutiesof tier athletes. Sister colleges
hate long admisired ttits us ,hismost
gotilen of athtseic acconmpltistmntts.
'This sptirit has beets fostered so lotig
it our athletic activities sshere we cotse
ini cuissact witis representlatives fromt
thttec colleges atid uiversities thatt it is
tews meirely taken for grated.EFair
play isd clean sporis tare beets so lotng
intiilled itito its thai every athleie by
seceond nture acts thte part of a saint
ini this oecrespect ai least. Even the
thouight of dirty wrk of any kind
tier eniters hisshIeadi while reparesetnt-
tng ticetunversity ianty' athletic lute.
If ste are so conscietioits atsd sent-
puits its our relatiotiswstll others, wisy
is iitit tihen playitng atsotsg ourselves
ice seems to thitnk all cottceptiosts of
justice or even decetncy cats be thsrowtt
to the swinds, atnd the msain idea is so
dot the othser mats dirtiest and do lhte
first Duiritsg thse past fews years the

ighstfte rush antI the inigte-justs
precedinitg sae sissesset somsecceds
ott te larstf te tnstercluassmset its
their treatmsesst of ontscaoitisr ttat cats
otnly e htcharacterizedcas foleu.Sutsa':of
te pnsistsentttmseted out blahe isesas-
hers of ose of the loner 'classes on ten,l
whose' osly sin is being ia secinbf 't
lthe 'rival class, has brdered oc't the&Ai-
graceful-it las sometms bectsmore
bhassnee"dirty" work. 0
This spiri, if allowed o gros, i
vryrvalt tsdeelops swubhsdisastrous c-
stlts o le ceatnlitess of otratltic
sports. ''Th eiergrtdusate ;traisesIti
this way sill int imie forgt o idiscrimai-
iale lie sill, bafore lie is asarsrf itI
lie figltisg tll of Iis cntelsiits ist
same tmstssner. Ounr houpe is thsat th
rtssh this years, andtit he "fr-for-al"
imstseiately foloswing, atibe swithot
retprotachith Iis essensti ispect.;,Let
te stndarid f oih latsses alike le
"cleat spsor."
The serious accitest'f M nyloittnigst
lists emphaltsizes' te secessity for cat-
tian inthlis regtari, ai necessity shici
mtsttsbte keispts si si stt otit utrig
te prelittisary actiiies bit isis "rush
night" as sel. Thaut acciecnts sill
hatitnirs certinisitd oftets cantobeh
hepd. IHossesver, ith ie ettlisiassi of
cltss spiri, te rights f aniiidus'ital
ts Iis phlysicalelnch initg sottild iotcble
te Howitardipinrtisopa i 'stilaiili.:
luchy tre matsterpieces ofthesir kisd,
showtstinig itsltataing koslege (if''the
sdectiona~try. iBeloss'gr eadetis ' site
tin litles atd fetce iposts (s ehiitedl
tan the sres as the reenit sistss siet-
ing), ture is a eaned disserttions
pricksitg te goies itt he isi'ier-
sity's younssgst classins. 'Thetsfolloss
ani awsfusl acontsosf te trrible' fate'
that is lItola li toihe st f tm stttlst-
isitres tisscoisstg Black Fritlty.
I1 yost are ssnforssnatse osiglsto in
it freshmtatn otte tf "these inigtt, 'Visit
cin geltff comtparatiely' easy' if ytu
are amiiablseiofidispositions. 'Bit if ytur
btutpisof comtslais'nesss trtrudeslto ay
extetnt, testironrstg aimrt heit cself-sltyl
".migty sophalshowtss its stretgt. .Adt
te hatrder)y'iltights, tesworse rta tre
treatedi, isetss. 'lis' -r stlts 'frosts
lt' "orture slie" ishichsisas jisised
yesterdaty'inthsirhiambuisrgr sopii Iy'te
'is tmantagers, andilfoleswed oti by teis.
If usfre'shma.s ub' m iliits ' ttpunis'tment
sieekly, lie gets io class 'A iTe cotst
pltsicchelle is s folsts':
A. Speechs yells, onioseii, eggs. itu
pait. A slighit resistnse'oittithefres's
part sill 'irig a prsstrtilvittlctret-
. Eggs (had-e), silka (sour), yells,'
chickets ight. paste at ot,onissosscii
Ires, sistdeecoratie tce.-flie riss its
Iis ignorantc, tssers his rigit, ami
resensisstrontgly' te sesisass its Ii
persoss. lie is intirodulced isis'lthe ' net
C. Diecrate its oil, poter ott libtk,
pates hat ot, msolasses aboti 'ears.
Collegiat aruiscoas for college tmes,
$15 o $25.tt sale b Aure -as, 'is
street. . - .Ia

j flfuic anb UDrana
'tyou's foreplaces int he lniusiersiy
Sysphzouy orchestra sill be-held I-
night at the. School of .Music, from 7
toi . SamnueliP. ockwood, tailf
shin violins departments of the scool ad
:condtuctr ofithunorchestra, ill he ut
Iar school tuuseet all must are iterest-
i wi sorkinug' tllwithte rhestra. Places
arc otpensfor players of all kinds of
orchestral insrumentus, atd sittce rgu-
tic reheatrsas of they'ir will resume
ness, Siueduy Mr. Louckswod'hopes o
till these luces before sialtie. It is
econsequenity iprantatuss al tllstusi-
citissWsuts sishi is cuter the orcestra
should see Mr. Lockasoodi is soot s u
poussible.. Fortner msembesrs sill le
satssedh out sithoutstryou, situatirec-
thiiesh ts sends their addsresses toIra.
Lockwssodi t otie, t boa Moro srent.
'hem'succssf ls thorhesra its thur
pstseason s isgietn risc ito atre amu-
hiituus panss for thts year. 'h'lree regis
hur contcerts arc pasned,ts he giens
out teFEcuitsy concrtseries inth~e igh
schoolaudeitrisum. O(h~teriappeirances
tre also proale.Last year's orchesras
titusinsstedi toiDetroit toi takeprt its
i tperfiortmance there. 'T'his icreasesd
activity'ssill talliss'thin ierformsatnce of
stiariety' of isorks whlichs will sake hun
Wotikaswithul'tieochesta sutre itrst-
tg andssdivierse thanuu before.
Can uy'u a tffordto havstunyuir pencil
sutes wortioitillegibility' swhes Socetss
isil airctutsc ta $.ofo suutas in e t
Calins'trtug "sluie, 324 Stae St. 8f
Flannel.ch shirtstandswssater es tat
stle by' Alen, Miii street. i8-t2
FluidRENI- Elcgat su uite atdhsi-
gle rind. Prictes it. 24 N. Ingals
street. 79
;'es 'y'our als supsilis ands toilet ar-
tieles t Cussligs pharmuacty. tf
Up~-tote lti shirt', clars adt is tau
til n yAlhc,7uMainiisreet. 8-i2
Fotr fue cuttlery, try' luehlig &
Scd . 2i0s' ,5oyS. MaitSa1. 7-9
I still hatve aifesw sets of fse secotd
handut drawiing sts for sale. WV, S.
Hl'fttses,237 VoillandsiSt. 4-
Frettherusliers-thsenmos popular of
eslhege as. Thur kind yost cats put its
your pocket.IHenrcy & Co., 709711 N
Uierst. t f
Best geurtsled $.ooptninisthur city
us Cfshisg's pharmsacy. tf
lhardss'uucn t 1 nhlsig & Schutsil's,
20;5 S. Mains St. 7-
Vie carry hun largest sock of ah-
ro'beis ands pajatmas. Hetry & Co., tail-
ors,' furnishers. tHats atd shoes. f
IWe set glass its tll arts of city. Bols
phouns 2,37. C. H. Major & Co. , to

For- Law, Medical and all
Text Books
New and Second-band
Drafting Instruments ard
Engineering Supplies.
at otaecial tptiles
Stationsery a ansInitk iooks
Ask to see otr Solid Gol
Foutntain Pets for $.oo.
('all and he conv ineud that or
stoc ts the est litnie ltoiua c
in thincitlt
University Bookstore
719 North University Avenue
Photo Supplies
Amateur Developng,
Printing, Enlarging.
Banners and Pennants at ower
prices than elsewhere.
%portingI Oooas
20oohMate Street.
M-A'ecoko,.zC Fob
u s ,trat..(itiiii'oticNie)e
FOBS wtui iu t~eI l, Al, snai sc
niueras. someetst'iu-i i'lianisnuntl
Ptice, 50., 75., $1
Largest Stock of 'Mv' Pins

_ .:: _ aI *

Law, Medical, Dental, Literary
and Engineering
We carry the most complete line in the city.
Special demonstration of the
Formerly the Co-op Store
310 South State Street

Call at Wadhams & Co. for your FALL SUITS,
Cravenettes and. 0vercoat , Sweaters,
Slickers. and Underwear. Shirts and
Neck wear of .all kinds.
-121 and zjyouth Main Street

121 Washington . _Th e Randall Studio, Rand 4alI & Pack Props., IPhoe 598

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