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October 07, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-07

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The MichigXan Daily


NQ. 8.

V oz. XIX.

CAS Y C MPE TES gr idirons because of afteroon classes.
CA E1v~~~.i1ES With Casey in uniform this aftrooon,
aitlsf Costh Yost's 908 itoterial wil
WOLERNESQAD hiesits osand.. tsays that Ca-y will
le is the gmne ag.ist A1.. A. C.. Satur-
WOLVERINE nd asrestlt it is predicted that
-- th farer; illae trouble i carry-
Crowd at Today's Varsity-Scrub sgstut tts' stat mimi .at ti Cy will
Game Will See Big Tackle at sissks' s g'osdta ,besig ganst ,lici-
Work-Interclass Prospects. gal' as sas sdisplayed by Case.
Load Yssi'ssiiiteis s-orissgsve he'lin iteupl for toay's game followsv:
Coac h'st' smle s wrkig oer- Varsity: left ed, EFitbs Rnney;
dinie sagai. Casey. ig left ticke of le t tacle, Watkins, Brean lef.
tie 1907 teanm, arrives1 initle cstyyes isaeel Cully.lDavison center, Schulz,
terilay ount will lbe out i toggry todlaiv Jffr is right guard, Prineat', Cram
Aioter reason for the eact's sbItm- piskei right t. ,Bebrook; rigit
ing counitenaniice was the imiprossvemisit snit Peel, Lillis. Green;. turtrbck,
oii tievarsity's swork esterdy aftr W is:.t; ft taetback Dugas: full-
snson. Every regular sas exestiig thi ts acstEmundiiss :rgtt hisifbatcic Ran-
sef itduring ttetisotr's scrimmageiith ;eee:
tescriitss.swtichu restedl iin 7to o0 iii s: Lilt c1. ,Pat-ugil. I-
cssou tistiswit s the tichasssed sribsi les1ke; -left tackts, G. Ilastloi:left guard.
t iunhitatstsencut. \'i siscnter, Lisloss right gtrs,
'Tirtst regular gaml eteeiiiCochSt th;igtitacle, F. Lawtvo rgti
Wesst's ties'teges oust Teetetswisro rs eist, ezer. to eske quarterback
is scteduliedtfoe Iis afereiioon. Tee Cusniiigtsiisileft halfback. oaIsnel full-
wet iussolstetly itse tmainy ethangesto back.Ctrts right lhalfisact, ree'.
te iieiits(f bssti elevetns anid mansy______
athletessilie giveis a chaises'Is tocok. V'Sr PA.
Big csowds of iiteestestsudssets sre Sle ls tohwenhvs. l
outatFerry fieist daily wastcinig teon threuas
scrimiiaige (f tte srisssaiidlvsrsity, R"io-,- lheretiIts. erl n h
adit is extictesitiat liie'attendalse sc tiss-sre. hurt lid if t f o'' e alinte
ittefist reasi eashi in aogamsue wil esesis's.biildsilakttetasi
large. Allerdics' siill sprsbaly ie i teCp.css- uza ^ +~ o ~ h
gamse alisouigi is'hacbeeii uniale tss d goalsandeomiss'e.ltisesh
he oniiielield hetisisweek iecasse ossin" .1seend sas iiiucsjoy sit Fry il
juscivsesdISaturday .whniwaanocetatDtihd
Nosticesslsls'yesieesday siss tiss fct tit-t sii t teAis las guisielag lebiyidei-i
te fssesaedass aiisopestsle of lei f o-. litigisC'hicsgo 7 to .
swhtichi isuailly-ressle isastrouisy ur \a'.ssuI iijiiedl iileft sankl, ut
Micigaih g e withiCai','was t ws nostis is-'li, aidthe quatsueirbc
ciiif ait- fssii, si gsiis igiii i1coniitinueds-sathis positisoii trughisut the,
Ihe scribs. The regssnassilesthie
lena whe itcam witin eac, td M. Billt. s lefihissn nst sillio
hunli at-5isecwi.ue ouf faiuto igbeti ireturniesi iiiile OhoState game. lIeI
slese fese.hasisbeesi calsed froiistwsnupon bii
ii situ tic tiet s seusimogussit le ssi suithas left the affirssf ue
yeare for lFtbs,.ntih ie spedy, thuskyp assiaetiosssfics- iicisrge of Mr.
tkinsg acit aiitsure siind s-sreyig le
leaherin iitg Ilaguest le-i. Elisits st--is eicascato scorso
take-isist of the-scismmaisge after t-e 'isatkicaiicshosi orsosi
svarit-htisiscor-si a coipe neof t- tg sithioiPisState uuiversity ais
don. IlIcstas repliacedt st edsilbi-fObsei cllege i aii eiidesvor to she-
Rarewh hdheist iois-ute ight Mlist'gsamses for ticesarsity basketball
haf ob ill the. Ranoe iiimide tustesn..s yet iohiingideiiehas biet
lonsgis gaiiiioni aiforts-sutassssf tyre ais omishedis-siutsiithese institutinissare
tpractialyce-tiiiito titd places upo
afternoon, jamiiminii ii.sias tisiugh tMihisgii's scieduile.
hal adoensctiuis befores-bieiiigtackest
ilieDogaan Ed ndscrdteeitouchdowns-us. Ini ectinstsce I 's'ecsss'iss s 0 0.00 soo.
te'latter 5wasibrought ticseole in he Cliisfootall eithisiasts sre aleatdy
oniloug forwsarsd tsses 'liisciu sditsussig the Iprospects of the various
ail le eglrs gessiiig at tngsh i-tamsstihoigsas yet sitsarrangements
ee, asuithes-tiesly bracediii lidu ssingt av eitissite siti Directo Baird
Mididsle of itii scimmiiage teiasaitsy sr le- use sf the practice grondis at
hadii sificutyin pi usig DougsDye I sitrry tel. Notinitgsdefnite till le
telhue fr te secoissitouchdowns-s. lue itsfter the elecion of football
One of tie lg ground-gaininiig plays iisinageess, iihii the intercass saage
fortie'site sity wssa ifsk ie hebuc. "'etl le seected.
Edmtuns t ore off ue gaiis foete With Flanasgans and Liiithicums
regilasiesoii this tlat'. 'Te Michigans eirtelineupt,.the 9io eigiieer
hue swoul shift, aiditle scubs, epect- sisoli ave no toble ii annexing foi
ing aisie oiewouldlfollow ue egtth isucc gsive time the title ot
lars-ins the wroig directioin acti tiiie. campiios. The soph engineers, how-
Eduuns tshedl trouigt on te oiler civer peomise o puit up a good fight, it
cue osithe cener aiii imaieten seiseih uy stoil haptei to defeat the fresh-
beore beiig ipulel sowin. uiieiusho, following precedent, sol
The scrubs (ist goodi woris aid twice le sronug. The pharici, whit were
sere close isouthe varsity's gollhe. godssencustgh to get into te semi-finals
Pattengill's sdefensivelbhoeut-si a lug lstsyese, sill isae a team ith~e field.
factore its keepitg the regulars fros t-ltanit if thy huve tse ame good lusb
tg up a lg score sitsndcunut stuoudla'before will he factors ith~e series
he left wing. Oiler sceubhss sho showed fhule literary deprtments the fight wil
ups iell were .Seler, Smtith, Feeney serobably le hbetees the scnisors aic
andiltue Latwtons broters. the fresmuen.'Thle 199 mnes were thu
'There tere several est scus oil ssI is their departmet lst year, ad
last nigt. Nearly' all weec fresm.iei if tuey turts out atiell at formerly
Atisotss tey "ern te signasls sey should gle the first-year mue, wo, by
itill hr givent a slasue to ssue wht thec way, hatve situae proms ling material
the-y cats do agaist the varsity. There as gooi steuggle. It looks like ssnothissg
sere tirty srubhs outs innmolekin, ut btte juniors in te law eatet
seal wee utable to tuntout ou the (Cotinued on Ps taee.

MEAN ANYTHING? utteh-op pelmiar rshn
chip unigtu. Accdectsitrnugig sl thtel
A Correspondent Would Change ispfls soku sisstes sud iat
Athletic Board -Team Captain cishut inorusi nses muarkedh husc se -
sat "atte" John Mciassicof sessusihiss
Should Have Place on It. a fresh site. issthe sdisinctioant of besse
'hissseems ass opportune timaecto nmake tgsaroundu uit sltimiabroenshossule
a fete remsasrks to aivakeun the studeut tisse s a maemsentou of this'cutllis in of
minusd o tihast seemsasto bc a 'great msl- a crsoswsdIof freshmusens sunc second-eai'ses
take, namuey, the way in swatch mana- sue. Wh~ie te fressiusueus sere defeds-
gers of the saroiussvarsity teasusarcngtugue honorsseof their clitstnd ters
chosen. prolig around tuhe hits' tstulttcfrt st
Last sprisng there was out upeor in tsof n usHo.lidsp eeningssbosu1 oclbues.
te athleic sassociations and numcueuus tey serenesghed yl is w o o .ssvtiiput-
thinugs were threatenedc, butt notintg wissi orelse. 'he msenfless- t ecehiother
doue A couususittec tat appsantued tsswit asreatl hrntfora wo ther edstando
sake cerltinchanges i, this'constitutioni, suhet thus'ntuiersectiositofitCucals ndst
but, so far as is knosenshy' membses of 11111 streets. Oneo(athesite tst results
te asocationu, io report hsseser ibeen ss -ithast tuIe ale wsssknouckdldsinsu
msade, hut netre anare of the fact thatmlansd tesatpledh on. i'eit-sictfinalty eti-
sesveral of the msembsiers ave graduautec. stes snts1cr-ses'ctossaineryhi-ose.
The pledgitug of votes tat csusutcunestAfter lr'..t;Dalisg hsds sichasucee to suit
ouch assailesd ittthe not vigorsuo ssu u sman itte itsjureshtoulerethis'ans assssi
tier, sut still soles tiere pedigedhasitltsest issuie. 'Yesterdasiy PhIef e' udse-
as lashtoMayad Junue. wit-s-sanstuX-rasy- examuinaitionst utthis' -i
As it is nivw tn great hosnour goessve'si'utyhssitail, sasnulis 1bookule under-
with the office of muauager. Everyone gu treastmsent there.
kinows thai politics contos,thiatu oftens
there is hbit one tmastlnominatedtfoanthe NA''IO)NAL.POLITICS
positon, others binmg uiable estn to lITy'T'I F CASMPIUS
gelsa chance o rus. It. is needless tso____
ay that the office is one tsat nealy Natsionalsol siichve ssmcadeuss theren
Sesepy mani twoul hae gladshlduts, tra nesce its Mihisanthcsila svsigresitu
1fess havie teopportuniity t le udisgtised. 'h'e fact tast s usmanil
'Thse question simmsedaely arises,iwhsat umes lure,as inthsiler cleghegs',.sre sligi
tre st-cgoig th.o sittboiut it? Whsst le tou soe ths fall makies the ie-hit
tgoodudIsidthe upisngo st sucprsig tssstictsueriehiosie, luathutsupsese
110? T'hse aswsser is simspe. We cas tht eeeshtsects orgsnizds suiseagsic- si
chansuge surmprsenut systemu. Corellchass rep'ubtlicansucutllegs- cucsith 1brunchs
agoodsc ystems, lrifly as foliws: thrugsutsete sunuty.
t Ssiopomores si-isthac-c ambitounsfor Four pyeseasgste NsionaltsRetni-u
te office its their senisr year get outcensCallege lesgue beganss userats.
std wsork, tsentusy-tis or thirly of thesi. At thast tisserepesetautie terc i
T'hese mueni sre each sassigmnedt a cetain a usrsin'umbuuiesit culleges its theUnitd
sans of the ciy, andulou thuesdsys of the Ssates. 'he umatter sit arusig issterest
gassuusgetut esrly' andttcak sigs onutits politicl saffaisis tsuonsiesres i si
the sidewialks hrosughout te oss -usas isutt bIstissueaescs tha itey- sret
uounuelug thc'gamme. ('Tis ioulc(thustasking suitactie iteresct ii futerisngu'.
suaway tiillshte muehcdstnoss'iusvogue st thus'audvancuemensst f the is' nalhssileai-sgu.
Muichigani of tutu-lg si signs siu sitwagtn, hA-lf . R Lutit,si Hisses-rdugdelssu-
teluhich goes throsugh te streets .attraci- isIesdl of this'nastinalsutlesgu, itu
sug attemtion hip si crum- sor outusiomissis ssheadquartes its Cicag.- M-Pichiganus sill
ble ihoan.) These sophuomornes aslits sececivs-isc ses'uf attenutuun.
as aifootball, basebal ontrck enummut- IHaruolF. iBennset, 'ot lusts-hs bee
tee, ascthe ecase tuay be, itake tickets -smithoesusenus stihe uhcutftheuraizto
ito te ushlering. 'Thcy-alsosattenssi ts its thi sstoic. hissstsisis-simet testsmadse i
te tuecs of tesplayes, wi-bdsae tsp tiees' euie hsoasrdsofst helesgue
muany. I hcot theydslit iowsill its sits this sshiic' ofthepc'tlileadl-sers o
resvery wsay lessens te budenussifthethi'he sate.
director. They' sok. "It is ssitg smousuemenut," sihid rHutu
At t he endthof ue earste usboas.'duofunet."'e'ill sehaveisa slsigs-n me'mbesr
sirecors ics oneof teie inpusts hsiltsthasns se uhd i 904, situwithttithus
tIbecomue assitantmasager foeIistjuiion improedcuplasntsifthe s-slitsaisn"usruie
p-year. Thie assisiantmanasger's wok is wrsi-ithouss ulbe' masnyuptisses morut'etee-
mausinly-o sipervsie anduistlpect he is-ork tcitsanat tuatutisse. I swast hisgus t
rof thes ophs its regardc to te signs, ciii eery culege pesonasly, if 1 esan, suit
leculon of tickes, amd usenlug; asa hlpehtotuorugntizesuatonsg clustsitsu-suh
tin pushing tetale ofsathletic tickets, suie uf thecmi. Ii 1104 se hsduclusit
The msanager s also chosens by tc- Almai IHilstale,PhN1.. C,ssanud IHuse
h oard, and it is customsary to elect the college- All tulhh si shoul este s tg
previous assistants manuager, providedlmemesipuu."
sialhe has faithfully- performedc his W ehie Pi. Benuet is sisy wtse ate
fdsuies as such. But, hoever, if he has affsirs thitslol matssucn of iteest on"
ot, lure are the twensty thies otbeing sookedt after hy the Uivesity (f
choose frost, sehose ecapsbilites sre :MihiganT'aft cdish. -Mss ueeigs
sknown-u. hveusesectspltannedsi'ansui it istheise
~~~~bu-The hoard conssists ofthe gaduatei pousesof thueubh tsecure se'serlhieus
~~prm-director, muanuage"s, secreary, andsitreas- ietsupekers eween usnouic ustdlc-
urer, as seheo-, bush besides these ue titu.
-captsains of the seseral teamsuatre also Duiung ute tisse thatuithe republicass
i uemsbers. Thitl is a good cusstoms. The hasve ben estabishting ther usgnsiza-
cauphains of a teams is certlssy a fitting ttn, te sdemottess hsve sit hes's
i mn tInhave on the board.sh. Iis seemss sasl. Prusmient P'iciigsssi oes affil
obvsious, amnd it ihouldist mstrequie a itedlsithtt parysehy oseskig c-tnt
usmomentss thought to see siathey sould cci>- c toippot tircandossidtie.
9be gvess some say in athletics generally 1ranok Mt. Fiel, of Mson, ia prolsui-
This is merely a geueral scheme of etst colege oaoand dsieater hsi
the sysem proposed, as space is limited, beeni eeedesprsesicent of a "I lemns"
and tedeteails can be arranged later. chits t Aihion. Myous tsller active
A Membler of ue Athletic Ascn. spekes fus emoeuucrcy sre ithe clot.

Sophs Plaster Posts and Walls-
Freshmen Learn a Few New
hs',ey-tutut>knewss-it wscosmnmg.
if septsuyb.dy s hut i uwoul shspenutriest
it ist ight elucls. hy sere
foundusn suecosndu stusiy ftsuts, thiny-
tfoot iles. tndush tisfenihtam 'sp-posts.
treshs -tushlenu fromussthus tpriters they
seuru'stealthtily lstsibustedlby tsir way
guardianus itthuslustshoussshensusLyn-
Isi's ttashltst powderItrs-i''tumuuuphs ors
thus ycttiden itsuits Grecasedl and wey,
tushnyglomyandwtestfteshiues sendus-
edh tut-ei-up1yuhomewaritt about 4 a. n.
pustrd, uss ca>- ssting sorn5ifish but cuious
glasusas'susthis- Isusuuustitisg ehaslenges of
('us tst tot St ititustAGIttNi'teST'
Spurs~restonsuit t hesuis tast seenty-
fi reshmus-en tuequiedh witht postes ad
psehucklets hadsatgshteed st the fair
rounsss srge crustssi (f sophlomores
hurruiedut.suiniithatsitr~uetion.i tearntg
repetitionssof hthis'acitivity of Itwo ights
ago,wseitsdozuecnsposstes iceecasted
u it the iscinsit>of thu etca Taus
Delult huses' o Hil treestatd out
\\'stttt-u aven-use, fully fifty sohou-
suit rshe uon te gouns iithu
h o-'in hg pll-uo fid that the
epotedgatheusing was s-smteey'a ed
of ows Tey couedthis'gounducs to
tusu souse' siidences'osfthe rumsoed
psuite uts.Volsuits- ssisfoundsu. 'hitc
uttle-uthus ttle hip ouf Castsains Dunne
an tush thtuetutthhisIus's-ieilbscks tsthe
PsiL'silosu housicoitsSouthsUiv utsesity
aveuett, witieir (itws repstditi hes-c
issue a.unchi oftosittrs.usAgant they-
serehusles.Upt altehususelasu
us'ttnt rshmtutpostsers itadt sappeare,.
btthis'cafty sphomrs, nous tto ItbIe
little(( tts seusitha itiedc
tttir cwdint lutiste-usr"usandssese ii
ptoldthustrhetsalsithsi"ht Itay
pteshut aperttu' huseytilhalusts-oligus
Thitfrhmait osusttues whtihuses-us'putt
utp as fuw niglts gou sert routed-las
(ususuitusu ons t u 'ge 2.)
ttiiFththt \VlIJh StAK
'hss-forestruy eclubuwicttuhass ben
s-tua cg ini this' deveopmtient(f the
forestr e> stchusnt oft itthe utvecnity,
isill shidits iest umeet'igtonsigtits
Ruoit 4, Wiest I[]ll. tProf. Mbulfod,
te sesterun forest epet seth address
t-clusts All iwhou canitarcequesetedlto
coe sio.sutdjoisn. uWtok itsthe clb
is clustely relatedutot the forestry depart-
isis-tt whih, ude the guidance of
'Prf. Rthstthlstsrecachd a iosition of
pronuecee sutmonsg Ameicn forestry
Thchitslubwicee s5the first and
thirst Scednesay of actimothl, em-
deavsosus tsrnug the forestes togete
an roeus ittl prosgamoitprofitble from
thus ediuctionalu -ush sucit'ohstsncpuit
li te sme isse. P. sucesful year
fore this'chits is prtmsedhsu. 'FTe anual
cap-ire, wi t1h iscontess adttr ett,
siill cisoonhe hel nereAnnaAbo.
lectures se giventhtroughout he
year. Prof. Roth sp~ekftequety, amd
eperts st thae Unitedt States orctry
service arecoften iviedh to tell of their
worksndtuhexpeeneces. The chits ex-
tensta cordtisul inviatioan tsoal luane-

O R E R 2.50 Per Year Phone Business Manager 960 T A

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