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December 18, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-18

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The Michigan Dail


\T' AR1LRiil, :NiICIII CNN\, VRII)AYDI CIR xI 11< xt8,icy;.08

N . t8.

WHAT'S WRONG IN 1:xi: 1 cxxxiQ07tac. teami, with th eGMN'IYOT
OUR ATHLETICS? a feuxiat I td tvngfot te o - ASSURE SG'S
ix iiiiiiihasiresultdTi eatldcreas
Not Due to Conference or to Yost, rt'Cl st Fstril.Th aeal;Ilany Compete for Parts in the
But to Dearth of Material-1 xiii xxxx ix German Play; -'Le Barbier"'
alta] series w ihIllini s, w ieivnf
Steffen Makes All=Anmerican. th easernix xxxiite lit meet does not Cast Also boon to he Selected.
rec i n the ee 'iof ihe studnts ith
a alnd r xe r xillxihfot ixi' N lixxI xxas xitxxx" thoughi thatxittterix l as ])ellxxi lxxxixInsxstdents xxix h< e xn i
beenixxoxe i of ixhe ximost x d isxstrxous,' xxi(xxixariiexxxsenidiilt istancxitatxii lxxxiihadxthxoppxixity e rf.Jxxihn
ax athleisi s Co cered. I ixier ihistr :hr lxx l xxxii the iiii xiii \N xxixxxiswo g i" xe a m k peiliiarx'xx ixix'iiiixi
Cet iny initieix eieix xx of theii prese'ixwithxx iii iiiixx" ax hxti cst he a i titx~lxxhin
xxix tin f tdets:Mcigaxai olne 61 h fr ~i or iull;is man
I xx x xi xii ii lxi iix'i xi x iir' xx
C6 ;hi efa wtx sc cnistieiieiilli iCeiii toihei theiii txiiiexrii soni for theiii liii iiiiriiixii" iii oflix i xxi xxi
Al Lracxxi ,, ahltis. S ireis is x delinei (;fiiiiiiiix' lxxathlet icipresixge. Prof. xii xii'iiii liiii fxti aid~ xi
so, snc i ctov as xbs inael rfue alx lii of o xw x x m tili x i'xx iiia nxisk, rvlya o g teii-i i
lxx fvorl hex o ce mghty Ch imionlxxi iiins Ile ics; leixlxixiiof theii xxii xdints iwhox iixileidito iiiiixe'thei'cast.
eitherxi ilil itiaix, ixl ixiii xorx fobll, iti I ixix mighxxi'' iii ~i xix' lx servlex to keep am xii gii eiiiiii iiipxlea xsie liid'i'with te m-- lxxi-
xlxi lxii iixxxi naura xiiiith ist iiix andx-Ii Clear iiof Cinslaxdx plucks:i and the fact iher iwho iiiintrxtin the lii'iiis'x'ia-
ixiixix,xxis ixelixas xiiixi esw oliiii he thatxfori thei fast lxxxi xxiii ixi liii illia iolx ofii x I lln.
i iixiinteste iiiiiiicta'iix ii xrc!h siad oneofthihstelvesxn he rx11th se w10 atx i ed riiixxi, iiherei
,11i I"Clllr l x f - ilt, eai xxf i C sae tirxlxx''x I x i lexxxi s~I ccsi s xxxxxxxxxxof a Castx i ch proix ii sesxxi
thii M-1-1i1i ixillililof w ichi must bel acxx pied 1 ''tix 'xritii ixixi pec l iilixOfltisix xxi-
Two xiposix ottol av en a- fnesas cml1;1(xiioreiixxxx iheri ixixixixixixi Alliiin xxen nto i lt
mystery ili'x xix ilillix, ihi ii x iii fallxin ) ut lsv.1g iilt th r(1 c i i iii(lfith'elwixi. ixTho'ilix'i' mxx e l the' lii
x(xInc, lxxx d xia l xxicigi i e reii l xxlxla - C n er ig C a h w t ;hlti ; x> I lii iii plxis. ii uh xii li
;[relxtixtiilctiiii (xliii in eastrnlxxxiii-lorxllxii i ii lxxii'of 'O - i lx"ate '~ tol. T e71CIi of
l ion h n at(' li'"Teote s itiwsi p ret c~d n ro iG it-tecsxi'' l l1('ale toiii xxxii eir partsii
tht (.ih Yotha 'flln do i" n rsh o C ah i(,t N vrii s Coii achii duing thei hidays'i,ii and lx i l lii''ei'expete
the ob o ct'cllin, snce he rvison, ost een r; gneraly acredtedi lxiiir prearedforihe rhearals
txih otalrlxadihtteol lr1gWL1teC}ntya n cterlsTwCs o "~ ~rird eil,
s(>ttiu is for Miciga to ecueia4xfotbalxwrcirvisd;ioacxixadiWich wlxbirs l l y tlex xiii
Coachii xxi cani ix 1 xxhiilxiix en tt fotal xt 1ciisi ln'the'ieasti, 'x iii' xx1ixili xi~c ctss m iein i i l
rules.i onscv xxx xxin pr i i n 1frm te tcIl Ch s l n i i xxiv l iiiterCLit-
'lxi ix xli xiiiicie unanxxi xiixi xim ni a lxxii xxx hatxi "l fiiy x liii liii xiot lxxii
JIIi l iit t xxxl o te disii ty westi..sivai ti on.xxix ii i xi i'lii lxi
ofxxici xxiiiac ion il i a ing li iiixYostlxx lxi lxxiisxtmatroftenlxii' teop(rtniyt tyolt iiiii 'i N xp,0x
frox thi' l fxx' xls sillii opn te xxxiii( pas w s irstallwe by ,1x th yar xlo l xxxixerbrt ,ii i-
onex there lxi' nsxx xto ixii'ibe i lxiilite 1o nd fl i slix ipraxica i rytemIll xxiiil xx ieior N i deii xxxi x xx i l l itx
baing _\liii x ix iii xi ~ixix ilt xxxii fI the iixii lxxx rx xx inc xiilud xx ing I xliio ind <1 s l i rlxiilxC1CISi f'ix try-ouitsxixi liii tcl
Niacst xxthree x'xexirsl, iiaxnd xe's xexia h seof xx1ix lbx gani t ris e the x hort, i snap-passxxx i h in, Af fi'le iolsxilx'x' l itakx
the lyear ixx iitt l iii l ix xto itha xlact 'on. In i le Y stxxxiii xxxiiilng xxiiio bxstud ntiiIm lxil i- o l fixix iliii
the live eas ha e dexi tar 1 xii, les ll h r iiha W lterxixi lii aL xtaxini xlrii ,Nsxilli liirm xer xxxxx ii ii
M I x Nixxi xxxix l deflxxucesu i dittd h txos' xpss w ul n vi oilxas theiipallsii ii1iiiiix li
alxbranchesxxxof athletxxics xl especially i l'.)t'llixilxl xii'lxxxi xiiinformieiiiiisii Yet xi i rlxxiii ali illbgin iiii i

"fililiS" I'1iN ' iiJ:ICiLJS 'ir IDL J DD A
\C L UE' {NGi'I OR lli<SI,'NiI 1< JUjIUlf IM V ESUIj~

i xixatlilxi lhirii sttolxxxd' av
wh ed calrefully cix' personxii whoxiipass-x
xxii t'hem' I f thil eiy xsxiildiibyxxchanilx e xsxi
ai man (iori woma)' xapproachxx'ingl itihx' a
iiium are'xix i ni'x3%I'x isx'l salid thatiiglithen
lilr xiii' xxhave xa xxnumberiofxicharlxcteristic
xixtre xxfxslx iors.xx xx' x
It xmkes ni' i ffrece w eteri't
aeacm a iedi1yiladi' ri endii orxx noti
yi ar , tii re to beiii calugihlii f x'o'uxi are xxii
and xll) xx' iii'' ' It on iave M ix
\i )ccns bill liiiUp Nil heIlLS i
;ali e, i l N 1 'xxx' tec , i c
'ix i xiiiix,;i 'ain' x0.i
lxxx"WS xxix 1'11xxliii iii
Ix )c n x xxxii iirc e tcl
t-rxiii ii htngc xi wh re 'h atend dI.
cti< f lly Oxaii - \' i c ' I
icc iThii uN f h nc xxl'
xxi iii.Thi' reisultx isi thaixfireeix xxxlii x
tillixi ilaxlxx),,i 'x en t(iii xall ii' thilixii x
thatx xhavex'noxxiiiii that xx ix'' i lii ()rxiNO .x
'l'shx t)) rilxliii i li the i xt i lxxiii k TM




xlit hi Of Jenal'xGxermanxy, xxiii bin exti
xxxiiio liih w ithtepbiction ofiixxii
xi iternainal im'edi~icaljouxrn'xxx, T'lisin--xxii
xiii xiilixheixpublishe'd x 'iiixermall, i'reich
xxy ofith iidiitoial xxxii,
'eliNT FD 1)11I115 I NG 68 L' I LI
Nix 'xDiiiiiii lx, ii' ,xx''OiCIETY xx
legnrlmnger'oxxthelii clixix Ix ii- xi

It Surpasses an Almost Perfect
First Performance-Principals
and Chorus Star.
Playd xmre xsootlylla'd'ithii
greaterclash thanionN' ici'xndy, "Cl-x
'-xxxofx -i ', iix'lixlxxlxx' xx'again, iilli
a iii' all th sirt' f'xxxpai' ei ''xii
line. More ppreii ve thni thei ix t
]nx. lxx i xxtxi i h att it i
x:ri rixc ixi t:] :ttl 'ir oi]lm xlrt ut>itii h hlein
d n c I I al:xx ], wt ile tag
sea "g," ']'ex D nala , th
llwi ~ f ite td, ad lyia 'c<c
xi ]ii l c f h.[11"' txxii 1
cr tl- nc~lisrlIs f]-.it h :, lxx S i xix
xii. ct],xx 1ii ]ti 1c , 'xi<,r , i''ir
xl i xliic ''c!1 ix ]l, 11xiii ii'ii l i
( , mi a iixiii lxxii lilix
rt i ie : tr= xxccix itcxhliiI'L,int im
lxin ii x,]I t.=l ix xxxi xx 'xxl l thc xxxtc x'
lst iiiniand I xi liiiixxliaixxxx xi ailiedl to
drawi lii a laugh. Ill1w xtr xiih, thexgeiusi
NN xxiue xxx m replm ysiaw] ha
in te lraion xofilthese'chaxracterxxii n'l
abltlncNc to i'xigxi ns. Iiselxxii
Iliig a juny'x si Lec I xxrcxxxx x-
h'ulsery Rhymesi"Ixxxi l xxiiixsecond act ithe
c uiiii x Nixff icultxpot o iii l uI alip
xx 3liien , owll xhat ii\\-as thought
Trxoll, h IIye, was c xix i lxxxr itanxx
''Ilxii' x i' iis elpae l b-C hesterI
mor u ca ic tu es i tliixlt'-xx'xx' plax' y to x ixixic l-
Haskinsplay, te partxxxi hel C ntrxc" o

liii fed th footbal ii l x ini h me
lxxxii' o ?i t''i batl III tlii fall ofIii
1luihii' \ )d fcIs sld n t - al
nt ~llxbo ttteIlm r fte sc
c IC xix'1ixII sxxi '-Ivesl t() LI iiCi xxxi
H \c.Ilxheidecline prcpiosx si
lteix, wa pefetl lxxx rai Vow iiii'iii
yearsxx ilicia had illix' l-ii lxxi lill
Wx ih thei ? lxo a (axii, ,Niclihiixt lxxxi ixichx
Schultcx, N ixicixi x, ialilixi We'N'cks xxxii
benx blled. The niii t nearxii Scixixl asxx
ii iiliixii mxi accoxunit ()i cx icx iiorik,
andii Curtis~ iw'as xxii of thei Pen cxiimiii
rialWa plentifl from I 90 ixx o IlilxIC90,
lxiii sincei ha' tlix mehh lix' l~nixiixx lxxii hh'
lxxxi uponxi NiMicigaxln. axxni thinxi les thei
cauxxiii lx 'NIiciixl'x tilxiic-iiiii'xili
faiiliri':, x t 111 wuin om ler i riva ls.
Asfra track~ andi baxeblliaecn
corned the xxxiii enc arumn mayuxu I xi xiixi ilxii

xxxtiiixxinow ii xiilhe i l is'hort'xii lxiiassi' is ratialylixixftiiirotmaa'c, hating Companxxy, ofx Detitii, w'ii l ix'eim
I xxi'i- -l'ix pxerx 1,N N lxi i xhe xconitlions ('l , lxii iiiiiiiistl liii ciii iii ofthelcastix', lixwxis oxxix l ii 'the f 'x'xixxxxt xxx
xxxiiii xxwhichx Yost"xix I 1) teamx wasx (le- xii ililixi toIax professorl ofxtxe'Fill chiii' 11x'iximanagers lnith xs ixiliixlix Iflihe
y~aped arc consideediixxixliiichiev- departmentiwhois o sprie te a tty n isitl is ix ,p liii l to 11prov
;n nsisea fa, ctto t b n - elxx ilig Of partslx i ven' tox thex ersoni' ntxx' exxxix' Onaii liii o' the liii
jctx fxor xxixers critixcxsm, becimexdx-6 inihisicx arge.i Thisiwil ne essi tatii (iiei dancei tixh'e ti e it iben set t 7:xlii
xeyli l'" Ofthl i ghest praiise.lititNi lxx i lllli l i lilili ii iiix iihiis ntri I y T l xx xxiixxxilhrx' lxx xx Ilxii
1 g'xxxxxixV li' 1xii x ini x xxiROOMixxii ;xl gN x
li 'l i i iii ii xii xixxii xliiif theieasonxh x i xxxxxxiix'ii xix cl ime elasll iarcixto lieio - Nwin in eig b idm
andx Syr'acuse gameiiis, iiii ii ixii x I of --_- Ngxxiillai i c i si' repo'i ted'ix' o x belx a
thei strai gest' pl'x ers ol hei e Lu1' w 're UPP Li'P N I NSULAN S'IL Dii TS spendiid'xx specxxi'menxxo'xx the l speies xxi, l xixig
not xii xi abe ce l to xxiattend pract xxice il I IIFT l"i ii LEf iRill,NN ' N il T I Isipped frolxxiim L'xent'ra li'ficax fxxx'thei' xxxi-
thei siea'son iwas wcll iunder ii i ______ lxxiii ihutiii lii
Lritilix xix'e xxcoutry xover lare hayilng Lix Xx NNiuu
lxxii'gi xx liiliix I xxi xxi xxii x xiix xxxe, ii uixiSouth ShoIex&iii l xxii i ~ xxiux I lx hl xiil
ii liii' cxtoiFieldingux1ix .i Yost, xx uti nonexxDr.x 1i . 14xii xiixxx xxiii fui' hexphixixsophy
onl liiadeii'ii b iy iuiiK'e ''ene iiI 'Nitzpatrick, him- xiIay xxixii xlhli i'':30, ii he Uiai anxxx
'N'xxx lii' Nlx'ilxlxx'x ixIx'xix Nx', i aic- li i te toihii iall pintxsl xi IIinii:thejii, ''Upper~ixci x
sel ( Ieoite m stdscrig ffo t(xc u,xii n ixii' h i uxiand i lxii, Sxu
Yos fo xuihiixuo doxx ats.iNlr. xFitz- iofx1-ii lxxxiii sxbxect.xx hixihuithicsxif

S U NDAY BsopCas .Wlvam cicllIan
6;30 P. M.,ihp C a. .'11im Hall

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