The Michigan Dail VOL. XIX. \T' AR1LRiil, :NiICIII CNN\, VRII)AYDI CIR xI 11< xt8,icy;.08 N . t8. WHAT'S WRONG IN 1:xi: 1 cxxxiQ07tac. teami, with th eGMN'IYOT OUR ATHLETICS? a feuxiat I td tvngfot te o - ASSURE SG'S ix iiiiiiihasiresultdTi eatldcreas Not Due to Conference or to Yost, rt'Cl st Fstril.Th aeal;Ilany Compete for Parts in the But to Dearth of Material-1 xiii xxxx ix German Play; -'Le Barbier"' alta] series w ihIllini s, w ieivnf Steffen Makes All=Anmerican. th easernix xxxiite lit meet does not Cast Also boon to he Selected. rec i n the ee 'iof ihe studnts ith a alnd r xe r xillxihfot ixi' N lixxI xxas xitxxx" thoughi thatxittterix l as ])ellxxi lxxxixInsxstdents xxix h< e xn i beenixxoxe i of ixhe ximost x d isxstrxous,' xxi(xxixariiexxxsenidiilt istancxitatxii lxxxiihadxthxoppxixity e rf.Jxxihn ax athleisi s Co cered. I ixier ihistr :hr lxx l xxxii the iiii xiii \N xxixxxiswo g i" xe a m k peiliiarx'xx ixix'iiiixi Cet iny initieix eieix xx of theii prese'ixwithxx iii iiiixx" ax hxti cst he a i titx~lxxhin xxix tin f tdets:Mcigaxai olne 61 h fr ~i or iull;is man I xx x xi xii ii lxi iix'i xi x iir' xx C6 ;hi efa wtx sc cnistieiieiilli iCeiii toihei theiii txiiiexrii soni for theiii liii iiiiriiixii" iii oflix i xxi xxi Al Lracxxi ,, ahltis. S ireis is x delinei (;fiiiiiiiix' lxxathlet icipresixge. Prof. xii xii'iiii liiii fxti aid~ xi so, snc i ctov as xbs inael rfue alx lii of o xw x x m tili x i'xx iiia nxisk, rvlya o g teii-i i lxx fvorl hex o ce mghty Ch imionlxxi iiins Ile ics; leixlxixiiof theii xxii xdints iwhox iixileidito iiiiixe'thei'cast. eitherxi ilil itiaix, ixl ixiii xorx fobll, iti I ixix mighxxi'' iii ~i xix' lx servlex to keep am xii gii eiiiiii iiipxlea xsie liid'i'with te m-- lxxi- xlxi lxii iixxxi naura xiiiith ist iiix andx-Ii Clear iiof Cinslaxdx plucks:i and the fact iher iwho iiiintrxtin the lii'iiis'x'ia- ixiixix,xxis ixelixas xiiixi esw oliiii he thatxfori thei fast lxxxi xxiii ixi liii illia iolx ofii x I lln. i iixiinteste iiiiiiicta'iix ii xrc!h siad oneofthihstelvesxn he rx11th se w10 atx i ed riiixxi, iiherei ,11i I"Clllr l x f - ilt, eai xxf i C sae tirxlxx''x I x i lexxxi s~I ccsi s xxxxxxxxxxof a Castx i ch proix ii sesxxi thii M-1-1i1i ixillililof w ichi must bel acxx pied 1 ''tix 'xritii ixixi pec l iilixOfltisix xxi- Two xiposix ottol av en a- fnesas cml1;1(xiioreiixxxx iheri ixixixixixixi Alliiin xxen nto i lt mystery ili'x xix ilillix, ihi ii x iii fallxin ) ut lsv.1g iilt th r(1 c i i iii(lfith'elwixi. ixTho'ilix'i' mxx e l the' lii x(xInc, lxxx d xia l xxicigi i e reii l xxlxla - C n er ig C a h w t ;hlti ; x> I lii iii plxis. ii uh xii li ;[relxtixtiilctiiii (xliii in eastrnlxxxiii-lorxllxii i ii lxxii'of 'O - i lx"ate '~ tol. T e71CIi of l ion h n at(' li'"Teote s itiwsi p ret c~d n ro iG it-tecsxi'' l l1('ale toiii xxxii eir partsii tht (.ih Yotha 'flln do i" n rsh o C ah i(,t N vrii s Coii achii duing thei hidays'i,ii and lx i l lii''ei'expete the ob o ct'cllin, snce he rvison, ost een r; gneraly acredtedi lxiiir prearedforihe rhearals txih otalrlxadihtteol lr1gWL1teC}ntya n cterlsTwCs o "~ ~rird eil, s(>ttiu is for Miciga to ecueia4xfotbalxwrcirvisd;ioacxixadiWich wlxbirs l l y tlex xiii Coachii xxi cani ix 1 xxhiilxiix en tt fotal xt 1ciisi ln'the'ieasti, 'x iii' xx1ixili xi~c ctss m iein i i l rules.i onscv xxx xxin pr i i n 1frm te tcIl Ch s l n i i xxiv l iiiterCLit- 'lxi ix xli xiiiicie unanxxi xiixi xim ni a lxxii xxx hatxi "l fiiy x liii liii xiot lxxii JIIi l iit t xxxl o te disii ty westi..sivai ti on.xxix ii i xi i'lii lxi ofxxici xxiiiac ion il i a ing li iiixYostlxx lxi lxxiisxtmatroftenlxii' teop(rtniyt tyolt iiiii 'i N xp,0x frox thi' l fxx' xls sillii opn te xxxiii( pas w s irstallwe by ,1x th yar xlo l xxxixerbrt ,ii i- onex there lxi' nsxx xto ixii'ibe i lxiilite 1o nd fl i slix ipraxica i rytemIll xxiiil xx ieior N i deii xxxi x xx i l l itx baing _\liii x ix iii xi ~ixix ilt xxxii fI the iixii lxxx rx xx inc xiilud xx ing I xliio ind <1 s l i rlxiilxC1CISi f'ix try-ouitsxixi liii tcl Niacst xxthree x'xexirsl, iiaxnd xe's xexia h seof xx1ix lbx gani t ris e the x hort, i snap-passxxx i h in, Af fi'le iolsxilx'x' l itakx the lyear ixx iitt l iii l ix xto itha xlact 'on. In i le Y stxxxiii xxxiiilng xxiiio bxstud ntiiIm lxil i- o l fixix iliii the live eas ha e dexi tar 1 xii, les ll h r iiha W lterxixi lii aL xtaxini xlrii ,Nsxilli liirm xer xxxxx ii ii M I x Nixxi xxxix l deflxxucesu i dittd h txos' xpss w ul n vi oilxas theiipallsii ii1iiiiix li alxbranchesxxxof athletxxics xl especially i l'.)t'llixilxl xii'lxxxi xiiinformieiiiiisii Yet xi i rlxxiii ali illbgin iiii i "fililiS" I'1iN ' iiJ:ICiLJS 'ir IDL J DD A \C L UE' {NGi'I OR lliitii h hlein d n c I I al:xx ], wt ile tag sea "g," ']'ex D nala , th llwi ~ f ite td, ad lyia 'c