0. fi Wil Compally
'Thc args tc.in0
the City
Excusive Styles in
For Gentlemen's Wear
Eicithins, i 0 ir:forutos. t
Overicoat, ani -\ ' ,' aI
Iatrin sd'pei at "Y I-,
Full Dress Suits a
G. I. Wild Compally
3ff South State Street
M ichign
Now' onx sa.e
Sheehan & Co.
Students' lookstre
A. G Spalding & Bros
T '1 Iar:rt ii '00 a,i" wii i h,
rool Ball. Basket Ball, le Skate,
Hockey, Got, Gynasium.
S a c' i iii ,i ely t in ii t l
viets 'York Chicao's oiti
'THE MI(IiZAN [)AIL[Y d iiirctic1)1111 ii on cniicit pr ofesoat
flat~~ itgIdtrActroF I 1.~ iestlii oftie tttiiissiiiiiit 'icoch iii
- i'sotO oni ti th Alc i ll) ii i ls iiiti ti
Bus iness lMaager--Jotto F. W RZ ltot so"' ou dthsl eadci; to iblieve that bbi
itittiORSolatsc tianera otic theii mi t er i iial i itiliti I It
\cos.... ... . tLee-A Wtiite. of to. si it ii ci ioiworsi c ii byi ii i a
Athletics.. .... . C. E.Eldridge Ecitit t ort ialirpots i ac ied to h
1 xih'sig.o ...... Robert Moutjjt-ser 1cure thri rite ,icii of'I.i ilt t ai ner to u i
Ni I ......... . .Hot~ltis S.Baker -tot ttic triedcito itot Willi1Wiiseim iInithi
i. ft. ibane_____________
IC ae i . 1 o C Atttgt tied I. i.ooduuug tori' riti cit 'ihut iii ii it itit o n
tonaslit L..Kinncy DariaEL Joniso cr u ;. Tiec ult wai soi iit
\V atrci N.. 'oiters LosisfKraift iiict ic ciiii
iii itOR i i31i to 3 i0ilt 'e>cll
(Wk i{f th irm thinf theii i 'nancl
u cn at Iii ft. 11.ii lito itt 'l
Ich Iea frlln he itightsi pla
,' itit t Iot i t.' i .io fiif''
titirtit priorindarscrt _ ifotto
ft ller'siolOt Wifllie saisf'ied. I l-
i's tiwlrtti '5cc. 2Ih S. Iflsin .St. iod
I c-r t o rI - ' isiiti. c t
,ur \v'-dlh i~l nln irol iiiit' ittpa
i W t ihi 1iilti _ii . C.1.: aio
CO..20,)F. \I~hII-I 1. tod
Have )ust rcivdcl aI rge
slii ~iicit ot Seal ani
Bflock NM
splof t uftdtit flinltetn
'Itart pc witth131ue otf(fold, of
c)irit i iaitiiiioi Blue andl Gold
-24 Sheets f iptir sith
ccr box.
University Bookstore
Pau areer Sitriict1If. Mosri's
* C.. II t 'i iiis Past Leidy
ft, _1 Illtutiotti t ltl I rst t tti
111im.i ' 1 Jtaff ftarrrsG. t iii,
IT. C(,i\v..I1). ffictir
S. i Ii. tidiiitI).Ikiri
S. .tc lii H. ft N \lrtscff
f)(1 'in t 'uiiii 1\.is reutfu
I. ISlits, ft.
Adduress: MrCHtIGAsNDAIuLY, Press Bldg.,
Mlaynord Street
Maager's fHours:1 t-2 0p.1ut.. 7-83 'p.. i
dily, except Ssnday. Both 'phones
13(0 TALENTit etuitif"
(it fcrn iiii 1r dtriiitte ollegesi
iii i- diii ii iiAm- dramatic ii ofone
kI~di I a itiir11"l'oiithie tW J1
rl~cir h h,;I-;III thefoim of"44ticfl oi
it iii;. i m'titeii iii itt-c ioniait
it(i it i iiiifi ;pot- ii must' tlisix(1131
1t- Il iiii the "ii tictlc ifthe iii tic C in
t s t?. b st Mircti ute111t rt Itisio
ii ii elltiiiI tir/at'. xcii'tiosuc thesirs
po~ it dsel il- f spirtct is oulth
i thoatitific'attetst.tetatitic irh
jaci the crit s ciittitit itii tii ii i
tos ta- uteu low d th d1ta r s iiio iichat.
.' ioo'1.iCo istuili csii t ,, o :
is iht ii t iihfirc tt he (di vestii f
I' XXI.\ \ 'LN .\- Iil i dI~ i1 N 1c
liOiR IZ-it' sut uilipi\-, FOWNES 719 North University Avenue
Iqir7t27 FoetV.GL OVES
h~aIi nt' 'c n piuna re a "good thing to hose Photographer
t~tiiiot riiitoiiioi itit iOitiii on hand,'' and all good
IXo teseocol iit 111is I. tI t ll i dealers hove them on hand. K dk
t'.oc ttcftiir. ii ICameras
(tisait layi Alleorict it tutuhet tt iii' i t iti t one oexpert notch roeiair-h t up le
l____ - -._ tI, i ' 00 1858. ft 'ltoler s sotwry Stsre,
liii c-chliticon rt e. t as ifo 21( aiSt. 5eod-tfI
tish itC ollegc fitl._t
4t Ol>rgu 'ii iI iishl fon, uli at' uc t onto.Ito Amateur Developing,
'43 tt a~C It uil l'ib i .. ii f torc. Printing, Enlarging.
It __ - -riruicu Siucur Ii St!tiuuii lt0t
gt t it i lttit'. Cluptingi Casu-,- iii' i ieiitAsist iANCI. Bell Ph~one, 98, 212
addresstbookI , blotter; and -ai t < it iHomeaurPhone, 98 Banners and Pennants at lower
SirsI sll ~ A.DOLLH &co.prices than elsewhere.
-i j Suceso ito i. Nl. NItariu ____________________________
\N, e sot glass in a0llipartiofciii. 1tit I Funeral lDirectors
phinuiri 237. C. Ii iao dt 2095.Slith Air. Ann Arbor, Mich..
Special stile st' 5iif sthirtos. i.su ii t Ix t l
$2i.00 io s cc fti c too his wee ott nl I. 75I
cnts. lout's & Cii., direciustlt tititof121 EASI' LIBERTY STlREET
Waciters' cos and c aptfroins puc oand , ;,.
ilocgo.yui'iit 'Christmals Gifts?
Sube aigionts Mh.Itsiuu Iifl,01citl- The Seasonas Only Two for _______________
dis.I4reshii ueutti. Flforidauiuiuitti'o.; NEW CREATION 25e.
phuft tr 8 77. i17 1i". 'lliitigiuu. Otclt oc' It's reversible. Made with "iEasy -ii i ii i
deliveredl. ;2-coit 1 tie-slidincg Spoor " arid "Fatenied
________Lock Ftiri."i 4-ply, Qutarter Sizes. Michigan Fobs, Spoons, Pins,
TYPERITIG AN .lYPI .Seals, Steins, Tobacco
m.ERTN AD iiF Jars, etc., etc.
WRITERkS-We witt self you a type-, ' a f
inciter, rent you a typewsriter, or do . I7O a s WM.ARiOI) JWEE
potir typewriting tsr cou. Jollifte g& 220 South Main Street.
Zeswadski, 310 5. Stare Sr. eod-if UNITtDtSHIT tCOLLA CO.,MaersTro,N.Y.
__ __
.wn .
Pro- ~hristmas Display
Leather Goods
Useful Gifts
Suggestiotts of lhosv you sicold like to have hrimi return
iromic tcr thne tooas vacaticou.
Not costly
Do You Pay
High Prices
for your clothes becatuse you can't be
satisfied withl ready-muade clothting? It
isn't necessary. We wiil fturnisht you
clothles made t to measure by
Ed.- V. Price & Co., of Chicago,
fromo yocur choice of 5oo0Ihandsome
fabrics, for t so rf less than arty
smrall tailors clharge and also give you
tloe additioinal advantage of iunequtalled
workmnship aud correct style.
Our Tailoring Department
us cling an excellent- business with
those we have learned how to he well
dressed at all timges at a very reason-
able cost. Look over our clothss atnd
fashiort figures aind yonill see wvhy.
Frei. W. Gross
123 E. Liberty St.
324 South State Street
"' ' COPYRIGHT 19)-, M V. PR(GF d CG. -
121 Washington .. The Randall Studio, R andCall & Pack Props. Phon 598