0. fi Wil Compally 'Thc args tc.in0 the City of Excusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Eicithins, i 0 ir:forutos. t Overicoat, ani -\ ' ,' aI Iatrin sd'pei at "Y I-, Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I. Wild Compally 3ff South State Street M ichign Calendar FOlR 1909 Now' onx sa.e AT Sheehan & Co. Students' lookstre A. G Spalding & Bros T '1 Iar:rt ii '00 a,i" wii i h, rool Ball. Basket Ball, le Skate, Hockey, Got, Gynasium. Apparatus. S a c' i iii ,i ely t in ii t l A. G. SPALDING & BROS. viets 'York Chicao's oiti ° I M tI6AN )ATCV 'THE MI(IiZAN [)AIL[Y d iiirctic1)1111 ii on cniicit pr ofesoat flat~~ itgIdtrActroF I 1.~ iestlii oftie tttiiissiiiiiit 'icoch iii - i'sotO oni ti th Alc i ll) ii i ls iiiti ti Bus iness lMaager--Jotto F. W RZ ltot so"' ou dthsl eadci; to iblieve that bbi itittiORSolatsc tianera otic theii mi t er i iial i itiliti I It \cos.... ... . tLee-A Wtiite. of to. si it ii ci ioiworsi c ii byi ii i a Athletics.. .... . C. E.Eldridge Ecitit t ort ialirpots i ac ied to h 1 xih'sig.o ...... Robert Moutjjt-ser 1cure thri rite ,icii of'I.i ilt t ai ner to u i Ni I ......... . .Hot~ltis S.Baker -tot ttic triedcito itot Willi1Wiiseim iInithi i. ft. ibane_____________ IC ae i . 1 o C Atttgt tied I. i.ooduuug tori' riti cit 'ihut iii ii it itit o n tonaslit L..Kinncy DariaEL Joniso cr u ;. Tiec ult wai soi iit \V atrci N.. 'oiters LosisfKraift iiict ic ciiii iii itOR i i31i to 3 i0ilt 'e>cll (Wk i{f th irm thinf theii i 'nancl u cn at Iii ft. 11.ii lito itt 'l Ich Iea frlln he itightsi pla ,' itit t Iot i t.' i .io fiif'' titirtit priorindarscrt _ ifotto ft ller'siolOt Wifllie saisf'ied. I l- i's tiwlrtti '5cc. 2Ih S. Iflsin .St. iod I c-r t o rI - ' isiiti. c t ,ur \v'-dlh i~l nln irol iiiit' ittpa i W t ihi 1iilti _ii . C.1.: aio CO..20,)F. \I~hII-I 1. tod MAICH IGAN Have )ust rcivdcl aI rge slii ~iicit ot Seal ani Bflock NM Stationery splof t uftdtit flinltetn 'Itart pc witth131ue otf(fold, of c)irit i iaitiiiioi Blue andl Gold -24 Sheets f iptir sith ccr box. University Bookstore _ Pau areer Sitriict1If. Mosri's * C.. II t 'i iiis Past Leidy ft, _1 Illtutiotti t ltl I rst t tti 111im.i ' 1 Jtaff ftarrrsG. t iii, IT. C(,i\v..I1). ffictir S. i Ii. tidiiitI).Ikiri S. .tc lii H. ft N \lrtscff f)(1 'in t 'uiiii 1\.is reutfu I. ISlits, ft. BUSINESS STAFF Adduress: MrCHtIGAsNDAIuLY, Press Bldg., Mlaynord Street Maager's fHours:1 t-2 0p.1ut.. 7-83 'p.. i dily, except Ssnday. Both 'phones 13(0 TALENTit etuitif" (it fcrn iiii 1r dtriiitte ollegesi iii i- diii ii iiAm- dramatic ii ofone kI~di I a itiir11"l'oiithie tW J1 rl~cir h h,;I-;III thefoim of"44ticfl oi it iii;. i m'titeii iii itt-c ioniait it(i it i iiiifi ;pot- ii must' tlisix(1131 1t- Il iiii the "ii tictlc ifthe iii tic C in t s t?. b st Mircti ute111t rt Itisio ii ii elltiiiI tir/at'. xcii'tiosuc thesirs po~ it dsel il- f spirtct is oulth i thoatitific'attetst.tetatitic irh jaci the crit s ciittitit itii tii ii i tos ta- uteu low d th d1ta r s iiio iichat. .' ioo'1.iCo istuili csii t ,, o : is iht ii t iihfirc tt he (di vestii f pit ft' I' XXI.\ \ 'LN .\- Iil i dI~ i1 N 1c liOiR IZ-it' sut uilipi\-, FOWNES 719 North University Avenue Iqir7t27 FoetV.GL OVES h~aIi nt' 'c n piuna re a "good thing to hose Photographer t~tiiiot riiitoiiioi itit iOitiii on hand,'' and all good IXo teseocol iit 111is I. tI t ll i dealers hove them on hand. K dk t'.oc ttcftiir. ii ICameras (tisait layi Alleorict it tutuhet tt iii' i t iti t one oexpert notch roeiair-h t up le l____ - -._ tI, i ' 00 1858. ft 'ltoler s sotwry Stsre, liii c-chliticon rt e. t as ifo 21( aiSt. 5eod-tfI tish itC ollegc fitl._t 4t Ol>rgu 'ii iI iishl fon, uli at' uc t onto.Ito Amateur Developing, '43 tt a~C It uil l'ib i .. ii f torc. Printing, Enlarging. It __ - -riruicu Siucur Ii St!tiuuii lt0t gt t it i lttit'. Cluptingi Casu-,- iii' i ieiitAsist iANCI. Bell Ph~one, 98, 212 addresstbookI , blotter; and -ai t < it iHomeaurPhone, 98 Banners and Pennants at lower SirsI sll ~ A.DOLLH &co.prices than elsewhere. -i j Suceso ito i. Nl. NItariu ____________________________ \N, e sot glass in a0llipartiofciii. 1tit I Funeral lDirectors phinuiri 237. C. Ii iao dt 2095.Slith Air. Ann Arbor, Mich.. ___ BAILEY & EDMUNDS Special stile st' 5iif sthirtos. i.su ii t Ix t l $2i.00 io s cc fti c too his wee ott nl I. 75I cnts. lout's & Cii., direciustlt tititof121 EASI' LIBERTY STlREET Waciters' cos and c aptfroins puc oand , ;,. ilocgo.yui'iit 'Christmals Gifts? Sube aigionts Mh.Itsiuu Iifl,01citl- The Seasonas Only Two for _______________ dis.I4reshii ueutti. Flforidauiuiuitti'o.; NEW CREATION 25e. phuft tr 8 77. i17 1i". 'lliitigiuu. Otclt oc' It's reversible. Made with "iEasy -ii i ii i deliveredl. ;2-coit 1 tie-slidincg Spoor " arid "Fatenied ________Lock Ftiri."i 4-ply, Qutarter Sizes. Michigan Fobs, Spoons, Pins, TYPERITIG AN .lYPI .Seals, Steins, Tobacco m.ERTN AD iiF Jars, etc., etc. WRITERkS-We witt self you a type-, ' a f inciter, rent you a typewsriter, or do . I7O a s WM.ARiOI) JWEE potir typewriting tsr cou. Jollifte g& 220 South Main Street. Zeswadski, 310 5. Stare Sr. eod-if UNITtDtSHIT tCOLLA CO.,MaersTro,N.Y. __ __ .wn . Ladies Girls Pro- ~hristmas Display OF Leather Goods Useful Gifts Suggestiotts of lhosv you sicold like to have hrimi return iromic tcr thne tooas vacaticou. Not costly V -THE - PP LY VNIVERSITY TO RE ill Do You Pay High Prices for your clothes becatuse you can't be satisfied withl ready-muade clothting? It isn't necessary. We wiil fturnisht you clothles made t to measure by Ed.- V. Price & Co., of Chicago, fromo yocur choice of 5oo0Ihandsome fabrics, for t so rf less than arty smrall tailors clharge and also give you tloe additioinal advantage of iunequtalled workmnship aud correct style. Our Tailoring Department us cling an excellent- business with those we have learned how to he well dressed at all timges at a very reason- able cost. Look over our clothss atnd fashiort figures aind yonill see wvhy. Frei. W. Gross 123 E. Liberty St. i mm Buler's Dndies Koddks Xmas Post-Lards Michigan Calendars E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street "' ' COPYRIGHT 19)-, M V. PR(GF d CG. - 121 Washington .. The Randall Studio, R andCall & Pack Props. Phon 598