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November 29, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-11-29

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- ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY.'. -:le'' I l-i I h ':coni oph'b tt (l l N I'% I Il,1!
+orrt;_il__ri icr e ~nTI 1I J 1 CI:i~I I M ;i lO A
GH. Wild Comfpany a ib dtto:';\tcxtco F. RrrCHiL tilt M JV o' l~.
The nLargest Soin , il lioncer
the ivNeis...........Lee A Wie t ~ i, a i sa tuto
of Athletcs. ... . . . 1?. Ndridglu ii rnr I,)t 0 - r n ourr ilin ui uetc' in 2r1 1 i H ste just reteved a li g
I chang... ... . Robert iMoutsitt 'r~ Ii- (iii ricii Intihre peal I i 1 . dmtI , llc cu1e t 1of .Seal 0(1
qpj p + j in lltrsi......... ........Ilollis S. Halc . t s dr u u< i
xclulsive Styles in IUranita........ ..R~aymond V'iisce Block Al t vlinriGiltt h~~d
'ltieVitVi t illilt,(all (i(upl te(ii a I d hl S tatio n ery
F or G nlllnsWear Mithael 1B. McIlutght lred E. Goodtig B itt Ui B )uoi tse lfrn "nndloc it, c cuiitattit of Blue and (Told
I oltd I Khte lDanttI. Jote ,lin Gati N ihil im te col,- --24 Sheetso t pper ,i wthI
I tt ht tut d fo S it. \Viher K. 'lowers 1Liits at ml n' AiI tetN sict i ccii )ii'( 'I (t ' I (\ I '' I
inercate, 'aney Vetings, and l < . 'c i i t
'Iouseings, and of high elta e t(.'(t('titt I' I U11t ( ') 1 IS'II TSFll) IN
fanrit's nd pet'tal 5r, Itel (ittet' aetoel Oh IIiIIIillC.LIr ii1)1' Ii\tic'II
Yudl Dress Suitsea 11, 0'.ris t tiliatt prattiLitl, t - ic j
T 1 . W ilia\ms . IIl Leidi I ii i i , r ,
Specfi alty I) llv .C U it litt}itilli L c~t ti tli iiiiit i curit i ,, \ , ,I per box~&
1 1 a <(li l ti Z. li I hc.lttr11ie l t 5 1 '~t I r - I i 'I
31'So th St te Stk lin 1)be ~ J . a iiN," - i U i e si y B o k t r
BUSINESS STAFFt lt il wich ii c tin ti i B 1 Ie 1.t1''r i i_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
_______________________ ti . D iid ' 1. ~ ti. I , ~ci titili iiI it:l:,, lh,
SrL ,1AL SALE Ad \ \lessclt IuGA DuttIPree BitIi i tiAit U Y au i li aoto L N O
G. H. -2 p.Cin.,ny-8 p.
ONd iy x eT".Isun a.iom "h n e 'J ' " cU( F W ~ 7 0 nv r t yUnive st oA e nu
____________________-lii ii irh t , ii ciclt ts[eO VES
1B1SIghSNeSTAFfit nor:service
C;,A.Lo'nuiT], alic i r tol t d itClascc adns e r H ho o r p e
SMWnaAgerRs 1 HI urs:tt I -2l.ittit'p m natcit I'It~h N N llprl iion' I 7SI'9i ' IoI'th UniversiAenu
44r fES dysON lyilex tu nday.IBth poneit i ( i r aiscTe nl ci°I I
c in c t ~ r <r l o ld e (f ti lhc n( it
aciti tnno t eti Fowl' AmaeurDevlopng
'ih N e ktc ic l I cierlt ict 1 pliiareistaini '. ' Pintngr ahrig
__ ~f ii lItar}t
PE A N TR S h, Ii'11'J' B II IC) Li ct' -Ii c nt, '-f t Cmera
Fullc lines at cittt , t~rr.it
Sn eian C . itt [cft c . p ii 1 t 12 '' Pot Supplies
Stuent Bokatire tiltit ii etittiltc cltlttedlsli tc't ilii I EA t' LiBERTYrSTREET
in IIIpldigo&aBros l~liittc!t~ti ltriict i-. 1,iii 1 ' l. ______\-\__:1 \I t ° mteuP ay sv o ug
lii littlet i \ alr r . 1 . I .C h l- f Il r :lI i
II l~it~ilifii~i'lI'elttli' :Itto itil ((11(lii TeSaa 0t thee ao tomocomedtoius oortanything
Boebkfy.hiGtron.cGyccesstThe qufocki l owrQ Epicar ein ur
Apparatus ii Itna cidttin ofIi l s pi t us I iti I t ) n to tclitit Iii1li' I II c t te 0d u e i ns
P E N A N S nict 1Ill anil ,i , ,it
tnrliann iiatdurtcay ots iraisdteleg" dBacc nersca efu ncmarntis a l l
telgtIIalsot sas s i bc i l nxnt h I nd ti l th o il liii urlesask lsThe retwl
I. G P L I G & B O . t laio t ui '' t ii U clit tti tu , [II.C 1.C1 TLt l\ I lo , irt l i till nJEWELER
N11es ob ch eso Dtrit c1 ilt illast tllt' 1 titiher tepictithe i i"!iI ' 20Soh Mt tet
a s \ .i~ t iit, r t ei it Itii c tei tt'nd i tc t il t eIc ine t e n I f nsat s it. . (50tb.
haon ,rgt ery diagan syied stitli reatlvchr 'hh} r F itai colti'I
ct thle aprobatio frc~sitdamaticce Clar tilih, "1lfrliirtticiiu c i
ot, lt' lte ai.t teslc b

Lo a 'i(tcEd. V. Price & Co , of Chicago, ( Thanksgiving
Lo a romtiyotr cho ceofSolantdsomtue
fafrics, for to Ia less thatn ati'
stxta ll ta l a o r 's c h a rg e uxora ls o e )'((o n
2 5 c p e r b othe atditoital avatage of llltltletlAlsze pt
workmtanship sitU correct sIyIe. A ie pt
Our Tailoring Department 5 pounds
Including Envelopes is doing au excellett business wit
those we have learted heis to be well
dressed at all tinmes at a tri reasotn-
AT able cost. Look ovr our clolis atd
THE -V P P L Y fashoit figuressinUd'lo'l seehy.. . CALKINS

121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, RandaldPack, Props.

Phone 598

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