VOL. xIx. \\\ \RiifR, 'I~I(I f\.SlYDAY NOVEMBER 29 1908.No. 52.
TO IMEET NEXT YEAR ;l~l ~ WILT, BE PRESENTED' till(llvllloflCre t o it, n 0 PLA YED BY GERMANS
ortoi __ "_n at tierb-isag. Carols iDickenis sid tlat li1e
Only Sure Game Is With Quak- t( l cao l(ct ~rtvhr i!S LA Offers Masterpieces by 11111of1th iing so effeciv i iivGehesSor ndSrssDa
Yiv Goethei'slvi Stormli andniard ro nin atr-tress ii1111.:lv vo
ers, Manager Baird Arrangi fteteciino Oaiis n1ti odig roand Bil'ii lill 111.1hook 11its ('ad evr ed, asti t o ma Chosen for Presentation by
Matches for Various Teams. '-u .' iI( vi riii'tisilv" lihie'"hl i day Afternoon addEIvening. iiDil 0 i vi lliil ill Ieutscher Verein
liv ii i 'ii~o lii 0 i~ilill '1liv'i' i 'ii vo vlvivv i llmi iiil~lill g ioiiiivv i lvi li lvii iii lifivtheilil (viilii 5 tltt'(t t0.'1111 I
in ' i i eiv I ldw iii d ,iil iii ic~oliiiv au s iDo nll Bii vol of \s:1 l101(vo
n , ciiiiI intancs via e de ini he1ou en lst ( I i i iiiionii liii \ Iin 1111itt iaie ttiiii ng i aii p irfrmancei 1110 oft aiiiii yIaiviiiiii (liv iii) ii ii lii i )v tedv i r V vn a ya i
iian ln t asi he ben ,al,,fo rakii a d ttn -iinne.; csiiir : Cii 'v iii ii i i "\ 11111 iion vthe ivn itrn 1ittsa liiif iir.jo t si' rvo i ii vi lii iiitl111 ii' y lr il0
in'vo f>.tall~_c i ii 'and ' isvvi iiivi vviiili iii viivit am u taelii iii !iiiihci iiiiisil iv vi ip li lop i 1 liii' tShrrV'oi'cirt sv
(Ilmesn l w ie eis i iai li1 iii ii rp isilstalI its 1li1l11111' iiiiiif!c 1)" 11 oh ilil iolt i alant f iiowniiis ouihbeinliivg vt'gnittti"thetommit it f ith
c~rrsp n<enc tn . ll, thetc ss- nr<Ich rd- he och siiiiv ivill Io iiir on th. viil a deib raeanimstrfl an1--511.l a d em erioite e i r-ih
cialt~iohlc hl-" an is misc-f n~yo- lie tlavc(Iby te Unt~eritt rchctia tdctnt' L;i.-uc :asocition pro~raovit liastoetc re dilibeto d priseoatl ontt 71.io
I l?!, (Drill
l?<I vc
T'C'I: t
tt ,iTl
r7T ;1S
ticlv '' us 0v'lceiei thoseii
(iv '(l ( Iii:( - iir ilwlc i [hlievi iv'
\L '
OS 'NiliiSiTiY kA
CINCli t
t S(11 {ili) in if7t iiiveriiv ii] '.
t?-il > .M ishapi- si livl iitei' ~ il(pe c
t j e~ltr ex~c1 ii 0001100c f~l
pai' m aiivs'ii '0 i lich il' v' it
t t 1t?1 . 1
tl lctic a
c1 ti ttil_
tsrif ;lil cl rlttk t.
Ittl M, A
lac Mic3ti
till 11w,,,: ;t,
) i i i 111 i i, v tl ; iii l wwiii i
vclto iI i no c lii vl to
li' lt i' lna l l iii I iii e~tll
0 i (th l osn ftov'a alse 'iu h fY ul.
°vi. (lili' ivie invisv vioi v nd oi l-ii MOuddili'I o lcMm cofpanyiof lliitl,
_rhtngmublivo he sucicesis 'ov the gilimtkits lNitii appeiiince'atvhetuni
:ila~s iliecting' and -scudl iiiiillIn rw .c}ln ee u d rte a s ie
na OC,1 he Su i i livctae'svii i tiii on.lii
11. ~ al atci mia;;- o th had. \\iththcc -cpt,.nof pr.dn toili b
<<ndlastnigt : Thestudroscry-M e U WAilc, I~l-rtt i tlc 11110'4o s an
"ts old b c m a i stii Ii vi \iv 1 (iMis lilvi c o te l a vv'v'viv of
11[111 iv n1are11 i ii t. It i 11111t"l' n lct g t io. o r vialio
he ahe iciassociitionv!l id h a tl l ''v''l I vi lily iii iirifighout ill( ifs tr.
-freofte anv m t lii t 0 fi- v shi pay t isvwo lovvei t have'
"ah m n ltvh )io ",lateii gamliieil'''tutv'itculc< cIttss - 'toe vh id notii
i triy i ot ec oc t lv 1111 1111' leas a v'vo iii vi i vvativ dl no i n anv "ii Ity suvfteirt
iWi at arev v eivv I ing ti)a i t' 'el lovi ss'ca a . Th ucs
tosa dtet i iex nsso th ha d fitid " lv i tt111lvii ilt ttiiiiivte1111ture
ifth ahlti asoiahm fel isef n- in it daa.ani terfoe o tsra
W e to furn'.' ish te oe.(lxv, f , i t'iiil imple, d iviet and1 ivvig rl
and1 f11ur. Otittissionito I l aler i
(n-i cent1 s flt rii -Aii tti 1111Viilii 11111
vPickt 0 mahu hei lii illvidaliy tiilsiweek
r1n1ce (in Uiv ersityiiI all
ide t sg ettiinit tlte triniterprelts iiim
ofv 1111 ilinttandiwirthlil venilthe t
Deri rd ueir ct ing i (iitu t e
listat t he wor1t:1 of1v theli chorust'110 10 -
cellel't tI' lne I f lilte pol naur
othmuitill'c1111us 0ha1111adilittleii
iii lleaning thetnes, and while the
dances l dv. iscdttbytirector-vi tevensi are
theml leem' fatil iiar t' all ti vi lill
D11 lisipltine itelv-1, s m initaied
ith theltv'i tiiit 0 iiir igdy eictedh fy.i-
Alipe iu . i itofll lii 11 act lvas
aben a subistituteisiv 1111 iiiillhs pilce:
.a in hutrvi gi iv Saturdaly 1111' vii
in tis itivw tsay. t'vli
Itll iis it t rigid isii nevii pi r
cf g o flll lloi wshd ti i to i i hte a
rahi" l uisteceie pcalcillatngi
SteiienQi.tigt' cout forvlv 11theoein
lg:ltfPiC'I'eAt' C NION TODAil.Y
it will 1111 1w di viiht( a
IIll a;ii vi ii i va1111 liv l i lls-
arnlal' .01 ha k thl'ta
1iv,'. bu
theii ili
< iiiirealvii tt avgreavtbreadno-
t i, it 110lso) ithat iiirev is ths mteuruial
>> he uii crityissho i by itoe Ver-
n,,t~~d sccessils]tCAtrils1)pro-
Ilvcim (11 )tii 111111 V1 lrtt ito t."
Places si th i eastarelope t tu-
icns in all livp1.11111111 ofithetvuniver-
iv.i is no tinecslay val11(]tthove who
try lviihe embe ioo theDetsvchier
V 11c11 for till discimnti on wtili i oll tic
liv vii ini fav11r1of1Verc11in ttemiers.
J'cf iii ifillihiseitsu itccsvful
v01L 11 in1 it1 y 11 hs
w i s h - Iiiv ilili, ilh 1111111cvst h o l dv' siet rof.i
o if iileiin on KtiUiveity'rnall,
atv i p ii' lii ii hou lits, 1 wh ii'are gin olt-
1m1v- ii v 1 : i1111ii i vtiviWedesdyratcr4
1.111. an1 lo(~v 'T'hursday till1Fri-
1(11100 lllli I ivt9 iiiestartloterdt.
tridents 11 lviiimttiyad ive tisrmansti
iiiieI liv tiihat:llfor "Ti iii (ttII
fu v ivetplaytarefnineiteenichaisacteast
Th ( e lluti lii"fo ly ste ill o rie-
1 iv lvii is toist-ti t udnttir. 11
-v611 1 lv li h tt ife tue iift h peit a-l'i
tinvii 1111costumesugiand pcil nok aii
lit" 0 ii" 00' ifor thepodctionwill
tion. 111 exactidlvi ashutotutbeemny
One .f theimemb tasof utheGra
ii 1110 lvinispeakigo hs111 chare ai:
i s 1 >election isf11'. s m s
lv rI i1Ythtwitv thosveli whto 01re1avil-
abl for iiiheii iast te 11111y01illicing ot
,saisfctoiypeted.Aill tertat ehp
1 s civ hasobelloadetor scitotin of
lasic drtama"iitiofi recoid . cri in
ofi prii ltrtoi akstigenthin play
ways. iiThe svcommittingito motemntoryhaot
I i0ll if lsic1(1isi. tno to' t storktof
festahis beveiidoeics tiptlisii
soo<site layliiigottoe hsca. is
"I heAsoitshlviei coisGiderecds sai
honort be a IImemhersofsthe vtpwich
first mw inimdeiat reen. ti
liv (c~v. ' i' v-il i1 alliprobaility11
be va sit ,11(1ire ll-oi Inec111 thutis
is lvicars aio, ii i 111liie ll.Itis vtollbe
hoedtht ndormet>Ina i v lbi v-
ivimli IImitd l i ii i ilinltiline.iv'Theiii
reprt ini' l:tl1 Chicago1111aper lilly lflii
d lebiVa0'tliivicitluov-('ppeairs tov ie
In alit'lli'l~bliiti' the' baseballi 101111will
weater tat i s liidi hesoth
inllisili i lit exceillent111111po(tuity fot
cartliy v'vivt ii'llprvact ic lul 1 uvvstlrit
thev'succevss of a siillt 11 tlip lithsprtting
(l Iill N Oik, l IN O(i 0 _________________________1
0iiiii 1 F1 1111'liii ul\v0Ntlivil FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH iii (vyio loii 'is i onvhtvl t itthly 10
Hone forlii Iollslviiiiil (lvtc ~ ~ uWrii t. iIFNI2 ILDERi iiiF000'E, Miunister ' siet. . toI doi'so11t1oday-: IMitith. '.
t1 loiv lii lub i lt lv'f uu'uiv v'vi lli hev iv _J_11.______ L th r-Slc
0Morri5s -i 1111 om1 i r Lan 1(10I:30 ia. ii, Sere01ice with Seition oi onlii. Reciyyp1 t ooks may11bholeftat the
t'heBtuden ofNeiat.'' vffofi t inthy L11111
had ala-e vsxpeiene ii t tl)ii tll ii i vde
hI:i50 a. m. Inii'nroii~y Studtents' ('lass, ____ __
litiutvtti n s a probat vion ofv l i (( i s' "iPro 1hu'hur ooe ''tblems
conduced byMitoooti ieery wekintuhitsco vlresy ouios in ((elief mitt Conductt . "The VAON 101Nt0 S11t4 OKS A01'
nii v ofiwhomloweii 11th11e1ir es11ape from1 OMiratcIes of (ho Niewi.Testame01111 ON II O \THIvLLTOIGflT'
thet reformtory-ito t ils tintrcest ion i to:30 i).in. 0 ntg' IPeoptls I tnigi s
livsPi'.'itllm.1( iiii. iFt 111 vved~ ii I nsing' ev five with ad- 1111 it Oh Oh liii tillIProf. Van Tvi)( i
ain vitedltu I ii i iv The lt(ttu setifuo Neticioes of h icoago." c'ity is a1P1ach o r i theii Pracicefi'Vir
(11111 tha1th DiixI fieteamvs'tuu re(110nxious1
toi nti M1ftittlilitiihian gin nteudiamuondi ,
it 5sits probalt'hatl suchiivi triip will
heart' ed
6:30 "The University as a Place for the Practice of Virtues." HL