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November 18, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-18

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-- -- ~~~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I e umadle l01 (- f th o (itit~t sI v :'Qt lI' CRTS( spaesefintolmamcbeof \\AFl'DFO l.\NI
WidCopny Iaagn EiarA~rRF RT le commtiittee to ie thed ai.the-imascilil' FAP
metceig. Iit asno lt whtnthe coimm i T hIun tr "-)iMennhari-signedt the
- ----inothii,hose. Tis e orii d o x tst t-- N,
T he Largest Stock iniiehh cta h tiueo t umcisero tNaetmtda N
he cite \eu. . . -Ie A-White attletic nsuccjnhol in regrd tiitio c 7;, i tre ide tterpassed. \While tie
of Athletics. .. C. F.Edridge two smaluti ter i nat lesta nlitte ecu .n iii icampjign foe ti tmemesip tiha .t
Exchange ... Robert Mountsier Liar. Tueran imin iileithe rqic ed, a ntmtb -ol iiiii iei f n(( enbtae S atrLMui...731 .-krwudnthc namine nyebe n scuemtrug ii feoales imi- 1~
Ex lu ie tye i ramta .... t.. aymndu Visscher inth Iau-f. w ile ihe (eec nh ih 1 sit onmae- i i ut(me Union tbnqet 1t
A omens Ei ttor. . ..Louise Van Voorhis great impotiirtanuethe (((0 1 of teic,111 cidthath e membershttip o ll 11 Medium nand heavy weights
10010 se.-- 1Union pti cc.. It iu to behop Iu ha It iilhe uunonh I il ii ogmntu hdmrin)n sld coo ri
W O L N Sf ilc ouhr Lenr C;Ridoj ereto id th(lio uin j(s(eot-s - two colors
00111 EN S ft F~~~N16iuTtcc EDI aR . Theji thletic upon teinliiiiad eL 1( __________________________
\'i lIaeI .Melhugh Fied IT Goodinig crtInd.0 IeuriddoIimaticht i d ac
F or Genliemlenl'sWear Donal t. K oyan ', ones -or hhro egiza/(ii ich bil ili ranaYu canniot spend
lii '(a 1 K. Towes LusKatilts (mupnmiii suentl oti y t ugrai
art ani)' \ I ng-. antl I it Ird aiitiel II. Morris c-rlefl;llmmInotomeuo i li iliii 0110 itl he 111015 10
I~i and if hugh cls hysol ulai(wr oehrc
l i tc i l(,i. 1 C.f \\ill iuu s Paul Leidy hueritI(lowland' Isong recital this10after-
a; I 1. are . II. A I wlo rkly hich h t h er. ,itlh i e i Iasol li i'ii* t0 ii (l ' o b te d a t~
'Floll h llDss Sits a Iotih11(1 ow- hotile alitujdie on--meltirole r t l e rctl yAr Abr ,cw o
Specialty BSNSSSAFit soiild l 1ooc into and settld t N- ii If~Io
___________________1__ 1.IAdamii L. I. aewill (((((. iioiiuijOf a oerjes of luclue ei n to
CX .. Iiiitiii -c pruin i jto lo studentso ii te Selcia
Onice again the(ti ll iti s oi f (lii of .\iisjo lierG .are-pc t o l l o i h
GHi. Wild Cm ay Address: MICHIGAN DAIY, Press Bldg., ocout ie t(to e wlcnn(i.1 e .ll i iituhijjmii--W i
JJ A Maynared Street. thopthtti Sluusiiiiof lte Ni-muw uo t. ithc pie ,artsiw olun not oithjillt hti
S 311 Sauth State Street hIanagers Hours: 1- p. t., 7-8 p. M. idepedentcriimeslicoto \lignm eil rest Adlaoci de- lhje-alSchubmet; l)ce University Bookstore-
daily, except Sunday. Both phones v 1 ist hemo- u mor e t100 liuhan es- o Ilo -7 (ho of S F tie (mot faaiiit _________________________
twice.________s________,,____arc_ "Ilii To in d duusl la \ culhmu-i.
J J [ C T 1 CO NAGIOftN IIf )S(I IA(.1.I ohjmmo. rtiamuii um-ihiemliI)imiiiu-i-iiiig -
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1,108he I5:IITT1 1\D ut -n Dr i i y1l~ L Y Nl D O N
--- - Rct o ut moi-hiaofmlscarle- t u-ruMac h'i s laj ( iju arhnm TIheu-ecialutmitt 719 North University Avenue
ON t -r ucm-I.TI u OAumm ND'tu s UN ION,1 (1 onmce uumre lbrughtgl hem mieeidcofmla hospial h li n u-l it"( ihigh shoimil hiall ii 4:30
i iii hii-e k u-reImo- inn t nilo l im th e inhimu imtngaiuithioi ni -o \ifuti
Neek, a nmeriof pmijimh-mmm I1( ir ii- cmmimiio-hasappearedtefire mui r tcs 5j PhiiIloographJj7er
XLmmummI m-mhn i--uui mmmmito(mi imulmu hoim-mm---IvaKING LOO
tt~shoghtlumui itiofmuaty ent amin imi ie minItiuuc mesfifavorfofltceChinese ChonSeviRestarant Kodaks
shm rcu etioeium uof uch it hiopitll- e mia e
wh mwre i ii-h es iom o a mmq u le t ain ionn i lm Iliilo f \ .lcu mmlCieiioieya istisAmericas Lnche-utf
iFioweiythethndstestIf-af - IanilCameras
AIE S I -mtelwogaoeoostsudeuntrgai r.1)Snw~cr of (fioardulof regens, ladis andgetmn
lii mmf mjuui nmilIlic atillicutooci Iumumcu mmUc ltairsd niione mmdoordtrS. uton Bros. 314. state St Photo Supplies
: McignU nion gc-ndmthenohlu-ticmi mmm -Iiioiml 1( t (i (tt ill f(10' ( ie, anmthem-i o nlgummu
For a tfew dat-s onl a to uc ognizaitliimossoimul le? n dthem i i rc s iity retm-c momobineifuur
da mtr. Io hbeforeothe lanuet a icnllIork, tem mirsity i t icarry TA N T Ti '
-° - xae ftm e nenmintcmm- uuiitjtee(ii it o tne. i L eikJ AMateUr Developing,
:t omm m'.1 m i i i f hu-e rpeatletit "IIhee(sic no doiilumtm s rill Ii IS hum 300 Sant Wa.hl.ngto.n St. Printing, E l r i g
aoato licrtplice a smuall s mmignso milmightnihat a mttgimi1on Enlrging
mliiniluo-le uufico. tai b uitin mm oitdueirin (lans, mwouuldh mii not 1 nclse
'I ANT i S ht l at ummumt i wuml tc iwelcomeimonl uadd tututigi (to teihc uitd"- m Cofetary
mumte inon clubhtomue mldring isit patmeImciofitheiesiity itu1 huwuoumi Co fec ian y Banners and Pennants at lowter
riti h iy. lii thle indffce was lium prevent alpide michi mom teindprcemttagese hee
(dmtcl he ((ot mctiitgeouiianstudenluts.ioice Creanmpie hneswee
Fu-l line at limo ii S placc for uch a sign. mimi the re- Sucohuma liuitlimg if eecteud, iiill he_______________________________
((i mn o wsrefused.Ci Flu ridauy, sshent ( i tnato he l mou s. lThere- will nt Phones 78 L 78 Blue
p a ~in (Iliumthe tiketto h le banuieblite ((m c iglile tu-iur he(icchoice BAI.EY & EDMUNJ'~DS
S ilC~~~I1~~1I1. ~ iniotn go inmg as rapjidly no theopihould ol tis-lai meudumm ic lm smimt-.de nts np
intd at ji ll er to ani-i i nnu hiatcial sih uougoisti wyto o eni~o tn o~
It t'Bookstore tosnd sommueielhto ationhidto hole ioi- mmuhc-121 EAS [' LIBERTY TREE~T
t i ile permssin 15asuskuxedhof he sanue tc i a tmmimtm umli- oimt ium
________________________________ a thlenitic iermfj o m a k m e ani tnnouuitee unexpioed lip rueanso of anintmie sy0-1 ______________________________
nui regain-g jgthis-anutel tt (le mass tetut ofilasslo ors." 0m
A1G. Spaling & Bros. huimeg. heofiner in uesiuteliinseteel";Aconagion huosptalis -necesaryp," I t Pays Y i~
inf o gc-m iliha eU n i o n hadim dl reteld saidhDctaniVumghani ti s, 5- lo (ns-
c t i tto lirx late I in ),ro lie alr l thc e oujos ailhleic ma so uieetinigs pil hasttu o tc h ne sed uriohil in Popular for Tao for t o et sfra yhn
n nu rll 111i<lfl i siiio mmliim l muel iieitiilut outrde to letnuit am it de iuinsmicTAO E SOS' t he jwel sfr ytina gs
tttitley.Golsrfl, teeaskatm . ouir mims00 metings have beet tue I cl u mi-iuelilelm ctm - Imitated to shape, but the ce Pat- stock, lowest prices are our
Apparatlus. k k titeU ios offorts, and at ot l ,"ii-assetcdlDr. Ittuihini lii ruled Lck Front" which avoids inducements.
firotirecfu-s-dlthe rquetiuci Ie sdth tu gei ril of hpaients withiiicumin-aui os(fi- collar spreading, can be had nly in On caeu co prsn i al
ide i tin loinmey tiluintintdO e aeu c m a ion i l
t II (liorts or e sumr n o- 1n- ldij lice lllc i n Id (d r~intl e-lp assed ncs u ill cste a s mimihIasito(uiijl inwe ask. The result will
-a li i u i aiitteiranly - ; a tni o t hinhni hitaeici ujcs fow htgo h sia. e pleasing.
A. (G. SPALDING & BROS. _ soluhe dicussed it it ttiiao -s (T floIr s JCOLLEE
vY k- Ciao Dtot ncudmig limt lh atienwardsi relenteud \Sutiees oals ttamimIapoti oeandu'ANOD EEE
sn I Ci hiicaoi Iee 220 Soth Maa Street.
ant aIcl loed ie re annotunteet to 75- Excellenttaie. hoag n 3-cool UNI~TEIT COLLARlCt (Make,, ,Ty,N.Y.
Don't Be Cold I.'l- tto'iOsr
S Tally-1I-l Coat or a Jersepy Vest still keepI n- coat is asoltely orig.
youi wunt. Thiep tee exactly the right. fieht. ital and the proceCss of
T'imepy are exactlp the righf t iiC. coensrutcing it is pro-

H-andknit Sweater Coats ---------------- $5.00 shw i-h
Chevy Case Swater Catsust$3.50 iot, it is two coas itt
-. one the first as a dressi
Wilton Jersey Coats ------------------ --$3.50u-n.---Fsreeatteecd
Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests---- - -----$3.00 s .Q,.0- - - - - - - -sretanxA-helirionts
Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters ----------- $2.50 strill cal
Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters ----$2.00 {I
l~ery platertn is strictly up-to-date. Quality in every
case guaranteed by THE - V

,] 4

121 Washngton E. -Thne R an d allStudio, .Ran dall& Pack1 Props. Phone 59

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