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November 18, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-18

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The. Michiga n Daliy
\N\ \ROR \I~~l~f \ \\f -NL'CDA', NOfY17\itiR il, i9oS c-44


(). 44.

Teuton Giant Appears in Fast
Signal Practice-Scri mmage Is
Scheduled for Today.
'Phoangh net scrinnge tpractice -ias
hield yesteiday, thie muc-i hnge I vatr-iit
sity w1ent through a tiff signal practice
in tin exetliiilh proisiing manner.ii
*CPearing fiirthier aggravstiots o existinig
injuries, Couch Yotstswouilt iot alowv
the men toi tackle ainy work: that nigtli
cause further t rouitle, bit ftwo surti
lits tirote themntp anid idown te held
andi it this itu exprssedt himself as
toiriy ets satisfiedt witti tic tshteing
itiat hail tueu miade.
Ca. ptint Sc hut, itas agi ill ilt lines-
til andi iuniess uiifoiic-se cidn stil
fitee itsalitis tic tug Tet lti ticlilt
appear agianust Sriacis ietsi Saturitay.
tolilin tiots i tie itac mads va i cant byi
Allerie' t~iii s injr, h wot tiesism off
thin foimry itainiid tits tia' iii i siklcsc
in itself is fast ireturnintgi
Only otie scriimimag'e witt ie heldi be-
fore tie squasd of sittstciitei isaes
Thuursday toistieie someis of tir
slightly tsaigsd-t foitune, tgainst i iii
otiter eastern ftam 'tI'itbiis fcniiiiii 11
see all the regiaias tlinei I ip fsii sini
itaige, hut at tie slihttest s i ofi (ilts
ailettetut 'irainer lFitzptritk wi itt"
'ltiotgtt Syricse- s aii st t tii
itis yeair, it is it to bei isxpe t ttil
iticy will itld sot ue-tMc ittn
Tihotugth the los itt Aleits tis a i- I i iii
bilow- to nily ctanice fore-i goa cin
teld, -it iit not sthiseft ittsirics-sistc
huirt tse Woits ss t tiltcss for it
l lotugls it n r) it roll h iii c t iti
ticing punits foti isel, an rian s hite tdc-
prided upo ou i ksep tishi bat safe
tistance fromt tthe 'nitl if netcsi shou
arise. fl bthl ofiense anii Ideftese the
Ininapottlis io' plac i will lie th~ls
tilled ITil,inutuus nut i who will la Ick onslI
Alleriiice's expeienc bi ehlint iticti tids.
Lititnu is spteit --ndi t~nc -iii s sa sun,
tacier and ai goodl grotund-gaitter,an
shoiiili catuse- seceret Iof st-e easteccittrs
iheart failuire- iii S-stdy~ itglai s'in( .
Sei-eral of tse itissiils of sth t
tt-ho tltyedt lasti Satilta itte exprits
edi tteiiseiris adeihdwththe twat
the roots-is bacedu thsim up eitei whn-lti
lie Q1akers it-sri- hioiling tir titost
gloriouis scare-ct ad saresutt of
tiii goodt wiil tht itais liensts a sl the
tre dterm-inlteid to ptat the get i of theair
lit-es agaist Siracssit an wti shits- Michif-
gait's cross counttry- tseai is iiting hn
ors sit Princetosi they- sifi le shotsits
the east that tits Wvrisiss arn't sush
smtall "pui-tsi as Catspa iiVslitc
aighit suppose ity a gianace at tin sttsr
iday's score.
ON \'T Ni-\--BRR\ 11 Il
The Yotung WVomnans Chiristiani attn-
ciation lint the plentires uof toving witih
them this week Mbiss Ruth Paxsson, see-
retary of tue Studtent Votuiteers Yes-
terday ut the regalar nmeetitng h~Ivs Paxc
son gave ait inletrestingtaslit ont Every-
one's Life us a Pliat of .God" Iada)
she ttill speaks to the gitis agiii at5
P. m. in Newerr y 1-alI Te assocti
lion is exp~ecting nit addiress fromtt Ptrei
tient Angell text Tutesdiais
M-r. Mhsoreno, a fornier sttudentt its tiis
university, will address the unembaers of
La Sociedad tspanolin isRon A, Ut-

versity Hall, at 4 o'clock today. He wiil
speak in Spaish, ott Mexico. Everyonue
inlterest it wuelconte, wshethser a muembler
of th~e society or not.

Alt Secn rcptin '1 l lecDRaUU I'NDAVOR
-i it st-tti ectasis i li ~ A~)COMMLYONS
fi- tii ul ity-imbs tt t he-stsilt sitiio the
asy-sst-mitsh- Iishtch iit s i-ist Deu tedil-Prof.Scott Predicts the Promo-
s- il lh si i al-orastsi-tie-. i ss innovationfss I
isPi s~et tis iisifsi sltsas osed Lion of (iood Table Manners
compilosedil s itl ituyisietiters, wseie and General Culture.
pu se twill beloi diset tr frstissien
slisirisi t l- i in sistati lt til ts-y top~ss 'ic. A oisi g l~st-f-is-tlty- thiere i ismet ittllt
thie re-cepIitonis it i s planned to presens t -t -hertiessi pproval if st-erece-ttpro-
tthe freshil ot hei s its i t(dls- I s~tilf or i the eretion of a dormitry

Ins stesi-:fit thefpurpo1s suitit-act
f this boardis t Itsass Pedsasidi: --acts
ssestsssssof itses ssssitities till hts-pit its
chrg elsi acbit t sltwensits-fite stden-ts
wst itwsill htiaislhertstsconsul hmuti
cein houre i s Thits ststemsisil r
to fistost noeinintlm sallprom
pliesthties-ito reshmenssp res success-
fls, ;riecisitt t ill sit eIsfostedtfat-fits-
giactf upperc Nt ll-ssmeni"
111- TPItY Tfi FOkEStI RS
isis-itvrsmetilret-srs-iiice- list
beill con i eussisssis tionts wits esistCoi-
ley, f Its-engi-eerin- departmenttialt
Prf(. Rothiosithtesfolistry it)depairtet.it
wifthlaisletois st ttisittea lasirtni
st itetitlisit Iorexpicmtisscn t it-itt-I
in onnec s-t issnits the UsisitdSisates
fortisstit ices Pof. C stillandiPrf.
Rothshlieturned ints favrabe it or
li.te i regntssil- i tat it is poad
Sttsns eiiteisationiwill htttlkt-
Astresnt lthisolistryi seriice-cars-el
oisu i 11 t thi itrkofcpltimuntlIsl imeistig-
iois inslabortorsis and t ishd1st-ltsist
lut te ls n I t itsrltahilize t- tosr it
si labortoietry st \sshiigiiiior it smlt
highgrae t thnal sch i. Seesal f
thelhdigisstitustionssca-lst softis tis
liss tsp i ae eat sustgs-:lvstrit is c
Telissof wot;i;doshillsgii hh c-
heins siltlitessirriedsa siti sfullosit
t.1 lpciitlis itsod rsvto
Sit thie use5of pressiss listssuit s Itsa
' (c iliclsoitdetis.
titiseth sl uiie f tioodshfiltress for th
inifatr stl o itisf tpapeIt-i
;. sitdsdis t ii tion Isis(heslit- i
ofsit il, turpetinlistsc.
}.Cein imber I tststils idieterfist
ft rrhrii lutirtoIrte s iof t-titiitiitfs
;;- slhemical Its is o it nrca
proilltit Its ucufromlwood.
io insuta tll dii, this tii lists at suuuio
woldma~n illtaditionsiofisefou$rteeni
tical menusuuahisths tt5iittist tilleItail-
f abliut 13000 stutusret of sue
'Tlherpouisitini the govertmake ss
is tis hCefsiftItha t te stilts ity simlyl~
fuintishsthisnusesaryfloorspstes whitile
the forestirslseriicewillistasit ll nees
sry- appaisrts andcials1o111hiswrk,
mesansi-hie givitt"cue ciei i ts ti-is tim
tersity as-perators sitstheinteltila-
"Ths- proposedldditionto1fti e-
teritmentallabouatontry, atchPof. Rth,
"wotulte f hgrethbetuefit to this-uni-
ve-rsit. Nt ontl ti- wouli ad aut uutu
twenuty casaule utet to this facutiy, thoelte
presettee iwoultman uctth to forestry
studeneuts;5it iwauldiutentimnuchto Ithe
replutatinsf ti-icuniversity to lae gien
credit for the results f thur exerimeta~l
work doate here. 1-tollsgasuaiute st--
dents sndutu ndtiergradutenss couduake
usie of the islabratory satuthcoutltproi
haby tue adice tash aid of eperts. Se--
crud schools, inluinltg Yale andsuPur-
due, already possess these ilatortris.
its mty opinuiothet-i irjet would le a
goodi our from the stndpoint of botit
thur studuents and the univhiersity"


oftit svesty Chs uppouurt ce-ses
a, tniltscatilnthitSthis- prop-estuntt
wihis ticeded flustthis, suorti of te-
isstitsusin isill notibe us cingtsuwhensisithis
itte cllist
-- ss- i s It hieaistilt tiot tic hrlisssi
ton <id te cm lest ,id Prot Sltst.sh
a itdsut- issta eett thea iwill
stunlns s oc iilt it tsand soodsmlanerI
--- 5tt good tle ittnttls, 5i I imay
Ist susnt, hslsn-astut hinutg
bosue-oasbmL ist, uit I Isvit sect
told iand smy os t-es--ititlist ofilitayc
s-easitsead onesitos- itste- ii -t tiuens-
,oeicu spend iutheirusoutistcissicatite
uies tui iity t t-ittha'isg lt ricsedithis
ncrdsriminatinssiiti sof tau
isal mats compitasirsts -wit cetin s
etital Issiiict ifnsthtevde trv ua
I-ist is imsitchutiiths st ill s ,It-sul lthesufor-s
w anhieass, Aproerk-rc1lltedcom
hiosi uit i s -suittN tke ucae s-f-hem-h
thires- liataidtisit provincil-l
lf iism i o d .thi lt t anduiusiss -itch lis-
it-l nist he i ssof Stolgite
life, it i h o m ntsi o vo h s
n i ts is sof titlts I thI hte heard
thi-it aton
raie i t iitittt -It'si-expei tis ons, itill 1
usill hbe huster fedtash sesrval atush ts
cr I wll bemade itrehll otal sts a'. i
thus irt b hutilingtifit iiis asuic551ss5 iiilt
heniseem es iiterdy t' ThessItait its
s-sregartd i ts etposedsusulit ntiisuss tand
psbecmosuits Shutsly It Smsith,
hi - 1 sitfIts u ieritsa
"if spiht bottthssproblems
ont -this sther Iattlistatsiilly- different,
hit-this dorit itoy siete larssge. I lusts-
lonig fellthalushI shulssuiytse ee icthur
s-cteriment usof itdormiitoiesftrisedulat Iil
u ~ ~ ih gsss Ih ss tcllete luist who
hie is-1-oits trstis almos~t uitusalls
favorsuI thst h esause it sudemotuic , l
the asteel uutusu uususus pnoidtildifistthus
stdentts are -ingeerae-ltterIatduldtrn
utusi is fste11 tacq uttanles adiftitud
ihpaogteustcliiell,.s h-I tintkhit
is tuturslttposcuibl tst theis ertituscys
itself wouulde hu stiittin userect ig tor
humitois of itstutu usfirsmtiseItteamut
eeretmucithiplassIthuat thisechrtimnts
s aubouut tshbe tedchyhi corporisiton
-' wichiappau-ity ihts ntllsy adeutatr
Isaptlibut wicuh i siataedbyIt
Mih~t itgti-tutu tusha lotalal~umnius
wh-omaiI kntu nts bshliusvustahe ftted
aubth s a buustes tutuniath aloyal
shnitts tocitrsue soututthu rtaoet to the
hust-adail--t uae o1allconcerned.T hei1-ure
teredhe nfassritthu- tittstdoruntory itu
tput this present r onm rentets out of
isbusines se tcpupsed acommsodatoss
l isill suotmintut hisnuproaide for the nor

rets anntitl a 1r isuui uileae iiof -t-
sleutsusand usthisf1-set ht the- lueormi-
Isis wiiillrist thu s sutushardIof suc i --
utosations p1101videuduitusill hisathis Sr 5.
toa this litter cthis ItfIhlusesich rnstu
btuch slureussseriotcushnthus usrsitosits
sald tute'advanagsuc itn ut iui te:wa uf r-
eondiuttits oh life tush thu stssuentiouls
ar pra--lis cen1111 ter andlus wouldt het
ltiost involvedit inteuse sitous-. Istills
lutstnally bes-uc shispluasdhisseIsus is
etxpetilsrimet ls utied ussoontits praci-
tiecutle tisses thusconitionstptit slil
wich wuhsi liiowthis uits is it 5t t5c
itsr enthisllanutitcue se sushil
evnt ptitotte thut it iusill h Its tgcn
fori this isitti t o lusts .
hAnacte Isasdonussit roed h tisfat
ight tose hu xe tllhiest 'tilist-tusses
Is11 us hus heis an artslsh. hnitcus e
excerllent ethiuill Mrus thuIst cinto
ardeniauil 'crulithswhu cn suit lt hesc-c
acing tug madsssuo f Iis titusfesson.u thu
souslul intr ssu umnbesisse ihutisas
a vcehle rgnusnelust-stliccseessiosu.
lr.It Iinitil s progea incu ludhed thus
hi les uits sot PoppersantututIhiels
Pousssullsu bhut- isotff 1These to,
played t 5uuh gratskull Iatidus eiathe-
saigfoud achfavr -i ts
coighist si-hlto gro up, washeaustilte-
sassd.IMl.tBrostel yeds c"Wiet Infss
its Setch sent I Ich hutb I Popherii -'
Is sitsikm~t'5 hist. Op.-,311 555
hl it by Nht Itr irost i-ftassistedu Sti
l\ .lscr hhhsusI st uttid, tisan-tushndthr
Sa ussss u icsnitu ltod voiit
l' l listork lisi-layedsmoitssaisfscieiieyt.
lTiste ws il tall thieuit iffeeinhtg
thatu chambelts muicsemlds t nd alits~o
usct-i at uhlau-isisaIt 1ilcsfurce.Thle
wosrks of this I tihiiti-ls oau spcal
The accompimeniititito f l\t, Is uuug
B lit itt ins to hu onedsuuhustr h ly.-I~
thislRhead'tt 5workt sis wllu to ~uthis
high standard of thus est sit theuocet
and udmirblsiu stitti ted Mr.suh lr sit-
t ini hist 'closoos
I lP UPCI TllisRY tI 111115
Atius sitrkillsthis-tuhat i lhsluu tu-
si wseuTue ssslu teillnoonss witihl
thu meuetinig fuststestar o ssitat
edlio,.As-sgnmenrutswere rivenssuts us
theusic~iates b his lurisltorsatiltro
guess wulsutar-it immediasiltyishtsit hie
literaryiad artdpatel entuus. TherIetsi
suitsdslty ucuselbhute cfaishlutuofthu
senistiltscssiprcsidets t Itspoint 1thes
litucha itmen f thusr usture commususites.
It is cdessidthatheseiiccp11ointshestshsshe-
stateimic ateussulet scuthathe csut tls ssit
tein us tiei.t
tRecess iof the ishislgaus C suuuslutis-
quth wtaill pseasbily exceed c$gocm Whuuiete
te iexpen-ses ilibe rea ctrthun us
amsounut i-ss udeterunabutesasuyui .- -t
i suitnts, tprafit oastas sill slus
exceds i So,"saidtche hit imn sutftthe
finances comtamtttlec huts-ilyp
OfItt rose lhe oject f she hanquiset
s stltoisaktitsmonery. htis dsrsit-est
cslely to enale alumis ands tushcsuses esuu-
h ates toimset socially, andcl ts ecurassge
[goaod felswshuitaits theunivesirsity l'The
hanuest thhis yearwsn ssiucess 1fhurns
twerre set-r unduutrdeitns st thur sables
Iatnd they all hasd a goad tisseSiveral

tness-features swere inauguritdiussyeare
our of twhicih, the heat reservastiont tas
especially satisfadtory.

Son of Gireat Abolitionist Adv-o-
cates Free Trade, Single 'Tax,
and International Arbitration.
'Ihccl u il~~aldftas Ili tl ethis-t
<:le W ih \I]h Is t si lhia is I
risususs NO ('11 u-0 111 Inste C~
tiII re I Ilvc sii- I-t Iot iusupulsue h-
h-r11 i i -ttt;il shills sut issuit
Isst th hs i > ush rccve sh reitfis .s-
t , f( eatilsI I lls us lt l v ry i] il
Slot isi-iut ll s i uisit i
ill "mi ilh t ict l - il 5f n 1 tic t
fal ir iliam l I YI - u u isil h a:"505 at-i
tractd th attlltio) o Isecoun sich
Slidv)"w ) t in rsfsl IIiiii Is li hu
hr fvia 1 illtillts ii s u usltN t
ust' ikwltt l -si-iA pt suit I S ii c
tll,"th h is uTrde ii-iiuu ii( 5


--mi Su t-is }sisils - ls is
IIiif c pclsuh'c t;adwi,1

Ii Iscr istsIll

si--II-s I"i ()if

i - hi

s p'itilt1
roc-t litititi,
leil iiiliii

st hulitslul
I IC usl, Sushvid
Sif, lt ic v
-iIs dill lo t-
s-Sis Ihs cn
i 1a ll slio
ilu, i -i-f 11'ia
s I sil itli ss and-
cc so tits 1)tv Isis
Scri ll 555c till

ftIfStl ~I S11IS [11.h1 1T\
Holiday Istalup ur ssuelt I-eat
hbt the ied I ross socity of De ua-
thise ptildtogfirthesalsen
sit tuheus u i s hoispi itls ini thats tatsse.
The exeimn -iicus-iiillbeyondi all ex-
sicttittnsh d svcitalsuhudredthu-sssnu
C hut slit r t~h. -iCos i 15societie silt
hwrth ~i A si ret sits
asl Iosts Ie uut e Ic h o u tituseste
hut coibutluts-1"sthie-uesutliusent o
Itospuitals Air h rat f h ra
chuts at this I ivsissusfi iii hssouitills,
lhosn hlsitue lit}y itcihingit nc
Theu fuhess"s c sideedh so excseen
oner ts eihsilte cslitsspliisfli thiete
ar s-lshreef lit titls it- iu this-clss
Yther-this-reidenitut uswon issoulloIsis-
strasighst "tails," fulohertwo unow
toouk ushast uffics cili us therts heft,

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