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November 11, 1908 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-11

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The Michiga..n I


VOL. xix,



All Arrangements for the Annual Love-Feast Are
Practically Settled.--Many Improvements Over
Former Years.

wlbegiven wlithl all the vinse-snd
prcsoin thatt has11made10o11rtbianquets
such11 1emo1rstle evenit-;there scij hel
111110ic whichIt -wIil iire the gu~ests
I,) geatercr feirts d wt agetr
We fr thir niiimate;intl last
bnt ot eas a innr lilibeserred
wich %6Hiit bei a(dinnein iithe trueI
sene o te xorc, ndt (one 1worthty
Union cluho 1use. is the citererifor
thel l ub k111 1itl.cei( wiltl tic it ttir
1111ser11111 itlt alIt, - tol'. tie nueste.
at te Itble. TIe selectioii it the
menu "os determi corigt

ATShort and Snappy Toasts Will Be a Feature.-A
Surprise Is in Store for the Banqueters Which
Cannot Yet Be Announced.

Ainexcelienit tiiiiocc -oot- usic
caid tseverail caccfttlly selecte ad
tresses inc lluete picipal-tri d
miittee Kti groupedi iiititi- featur~es oli
11111fitbl tin m-te sttdtit
hodly iofthteir nirtiit r lc~ecill-
mittetth1vetttt'i I'll thatitshiet
110h 1 ttt '. e iar U in tti
ducl be1 Sredin1111lal =}n
and enra tll txcitilenc11111V tieott5ii
iiig ,,ciie i -c itlibi open d fI ii
ill hf i l eetion'' iii dacl fe
iteifootbal1ttt- igil
o'lokan tcidoos toi-l theidbii-'
gng tilthl how pnaottw:t
owistatolctititii tt iiof sititit I i ii
lie cofeweitinliin tinewler
vae dsg cis po vsidi n fiiti receititl
an eide-r tie titiII ofitititers iii
tierveets for ii eiusac veiitd Iitisi itr.I)
thi-lc aiiti o fthei ir cars. t. iiti
iomi1tteeiiiti licelo ereina
ocr,_ sfie- itlcfroin isasitiiit tmnttti
an ln for trnn uthscell~ig sli y
metuc ofgth big '.111111l8 li an
Siwtheiisseobtisari ill it -ii hitl(eo
he aotieittoi theic iiiiier-itiiilt(]toi
ter he ci-it iiiihic i lit tic- listch-e
whtish to i ar es'Ic-i stsitw3itii-

in; the ie tcr-. Ite-tIlwecil tiis- toasts
teGc fiClu aitnithe-adoin aindi1
of dec ratio , iand th is-sult if te
-comit teei'-s icworck uclcill n ciii 83"'-
ecipei an-' s fe rmer scee -il thii itt
Icc cioutl. iti uss i. el'h el
altt noi iitle tr~ tj ,;t h s b e
iiiiii teii cto a e n n u I ih l
menc-itpeers.sitiesu t itef thei

It the 3ili i''an1 Un11n1111 i Isiici
necxItFridtay eve-i-nine cfi cte:-It-
iittciVh se inamiiitiiiiiiii )(i' ' n HI
un il te de r-itii t siak an ca -
ilitiiceiici et whichIi i n i ti i wayii c-
in l thieiUniversity i o iiMici''cii cii
haso iiredt fiii iii ciii s i [cwill

ccciithe uoodofuseUiiversity anud its
slt-ilccc' ciiidiaiiitni ever slice they
cii li td ac n fthose who
is ii111 It irin hs im-ide sacrifices to
ukuubak o derAisiiArhor" to
1shcfat i> ttith t a ci f thensare
gm)(I se~t iiisttco iiing Actehigan
lm-al iiwiihsitcomm iig eloquence
whichfrnsues te'btest means of
c rsi- it.i \2) iimiportanst part of
11w pr( c-ri 111011is lte speakinsg which
c-iicccc ticc--owliteatiigs" There
i, , cr ibetrtiim ule to get together
cccl caccci ceiood \ichiigan Union
ittc,\iii ii lust( ciiii to the toasts of
:& i oIi iv ho1111toiistieak in ain
c cccclii- miimiiier. Alt the toasts
artiicbeshoriiiid sitapipy, ansd the
cc-m-ic i ht will he caused are
ccliii Mho aeto esp'.toind to the
it 1(f r ili iii Mc \iiirews-as the
- a male r h oowig withs
t1'' ~ ec? tr~ o tw seakers whit
.,., h-e 1 tnttilivlyli seciireid:
\lbciii 1). 1tcItiititc's08ii'0 , 'lta air
l: t=getiChaeS. Oilbiorii.
c11tii cii mIiiliiii iMcAindrew, of
\'- Vr Ci ityiiill '. the toastns-
t irctci chicv iiimn I'his is no newr
1 rscii -itfot hiiiii siice. hte has -vois
i'. c iiheieatecrniiii'tiiipolis as one
if1,cbest toa seiit'ststhat there
art -m ccc Frk i reinarkable
scessinice-leavinit"the Uiversity
OMiigan ii sin 18oSowrs that tie
insici si toi do ithsiisgs, anid those
t o at iebaqiiet are assuired
cii :tiMal *iii illsnsike things go.
3 10 1er pesilittt)of the mats 5will
tie -imbuedi i ini Itieiwhot'. programmle,
cc~diis nolt ticce ssry to -adthat he
cc ,iia.c to,-Ihis idiiti's ic a toastmaster
\Icr. iii\ttiti cl is principal of the
((ci-iuuiiuiioil-Pge .) 5

General Committee Has Been at
Work Over a Month.
hadce1ire chat r"ge of Itse baaiutce
this yeari 51as captoiintedt ly Usnion
and has e Init--kiig ineasiingly
sin1ccet it 1tile. I'Ii'. c oiimlittees anud
thir respc11ctiv e chiiirmn are. isfol-
cli-it ltreacsureri loward itBaxter;
1111111stu, Ialth Te'.tor, [toter
I, catiieicoJiimmiieeJhiNI~
C'res, Claence ginewrChtirles1.
God V .it erticcl -Aiiiriei
itiniiitiis Staiitey Cosi.\ C. Nt(
iii C IsR R.le li ii .ill Fowle1
Pu-ittt ciyiii ii rindlt fintcomm tteei
\V ite, 11111 11. li.
g-ra t ii l c mii; sctt Itittee i idn iy c.
SmlchaJirmcaniEdti irby treat
hpersscoiiitoveR anonth to het
rIgh't afor a the epulcat d

lie a"irea t thiig inct onlyi or3t-
It' goiing to b tic- rse ,to-iif
guies seat iit. 1SO1c'. eiiic tic he
Th'. loy-ial M cia me l) a-
seticigant lispiri arousd iyiih

Professor Henry C. Aldams, head of the Departiaeiit of Political Econuomy, whit
will delivier thec Faculty foast at tfie Mirfiigan -Union Banquet.

Mtis iiiaatoii1 is-'97, Presiidentcof the Jfmiiiciii'Clb of Chicago and isne of
the W-indy' Cfty's iiost proinienlti-toi t flozo-iffrcapoiid ho a toast,-
'Littfe Frogs in Big Pools'" tohe ihlicluigco Union Banquet.

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