son May Reserve Eight Tickets
-Places fot the 1'ihiattIuniot a
(uet twhiethttwit be held s inte tott
siunot the eve of tte Peno gamte, mayo
be reserved Thirda. 'Tie bo'- offie'
int University Hall, sther reervatto'
till be made, till le oen Ihttrdat
fromt 8 to 2 and front t to 5, an ridet
front 8 to t2 an t to 735) Aftrthtie
atter our resertatiots swit ittmtoetillit
larbour gmtnasittmt. Tosepetintg
tttitontmembtershtitntiets( ottohIte
their seats rtsreed fret ottot;tits
tay a reservasitinfe ofSocnsIfa
aty titme tie becoesto Io ois
ttntbers twill Ie gie't.ttt Each1 t peit
sont may reserve eiht.tickts,
All te' seats tre gottiantdititletpre-
paratios will 1be itisit it rrne
'Te otltlturotte ii iseevnsat;is
ttpreetnt te ttnstetit rstits itfor
tlacesit Littelthicert-etotfosie its- tttdei
te recepitiotttittll istbourttsstt i
There till heitt o o.arne
tttottttt foutteetes bssi'. 'fIs h l it llssi
be iviedet iilte ener.T hos itte hai
yellowstikets silt ette bruhi n
soortt,attttIotise hling trog
anth~leTh le wel t tneisti ree- 1 ti
sitestf te tlie andtttti oddt oth ie
other. (as wiltle pstedlat s-ste i
tlace, telltt' te nm ftesas
tiat Io liltelts sill arse
Fifty ceetts twill iechrdfoa-
tmittatnte to tie gllr.Thes 1ie dortto
te gallery twill be optees t8s ~ lcr
The Iattquteettill strtt ,:o
900ieakis teaclied, ns iti r a
Anty mat whitt uldst-i tositc
atde his Iytithsti osit sstsl ies
fromit drs ,isa iiv soe. Ilmgh
Y'ott ciiilest yust's tom sis stsiss-
tieell e smtivelyts repastee5ov e
te coffee
let tea tiusa i intdhts' is ii stss i'
Mitr. Itretisnitsoiuester 5f ti pole
tlar Iotd its'hoseit Itas tagaiten-
teredhistsersic es siesi e Isoste useit
east Aoprvislyss ainttouncssetsi
Itotter eathewil sil seiitndth
preparations serte slierads.
l. Prettymsanispriepissesi teb-isst
sietsofsitosyeaseasgo,. sshenteitsghi~
iwater mtrsrofiipopulaityitt s 'iat-
achedi tste stccasin. Iii.s ioffeis
gratuitots sattilnsotsliied.
Asantiseuatmple isf tee settitt
wthit this gisetor ossesthu ttsismsi
is held by tlutltmnsis, it is iterstingts
to ote ta foresrtstudsestsessits
ttg frotttNets-Yo'rkitCity sitnd te
trains-Roky sdistrits justsset'ho
WVolverine sirit is gotig.
IThee tienttiany ' ''stitesit''oit
te programn
()te of te stttailer fetuiesot's hle
bnattutet, wh~iet illtaes'st- s-set
leigtaken ttto ate afi tfasiesiesit-
plete sctees, is thaiti lfete ceitkI-
roott htas bett peovidled. 'is is it-
cated itn t'e Bart-un nna n andt
till those tw-Io attetti tse banqt. aret
at lilberty tin taste thttir lists andi cotsi
cecekeed there. 'lTe tiott sil Iiiie
dotte by stttdets sthit ate sai for
their seesvlees, anI tint stissrit ecomt
mittee twishies it ts lie titnlsesrsto
that ito ittdisviidtual reninettt tioti is
expeeted or desired. A tckei: ts e
btanqut entitles onito le sth stit
teges in cottneetiott It iiins til
Decorations Will Surpass Those of
Previous Years.
Contrary to Ite tsttal etistos, the
gymntasiunso will lie elaborately ter-
orated for the banqujet. 'Thne eorin-
maittee having the matter in echarge,'
fTN 511111 A IN. )A1,iY
alhuitghlntsipilasoisngott a setle
quite asitexteiisivecasithiie Juniior Iop,
tioes ittetel is to atsie sieioeiratiig
ai cdisttinie featisse. Theln seraetl
eolor scemtte is to0b in imatsie an
ilue, sswits-tariatios inreidiilantd drsk
teams. A husge foot soll wisll be
ilsed its tee ceisseof t eilisg,
stnd fomsitisfestootn of bunsting wsi
rtadiate to sll iportios of lt'e toi,
effeetisvelt esiveritig li ionis,isoi'it
Tie trast:s-rtaiing ili be-dirapte-stit
[enltntitaicoiors, tt tue te wa'lls
inso litsilile sdeskedl nsih inites
Half a Spring Chicken is Promised
to Each Man.
lissctesi i t-steitcareiby-5 its
Hete ste ardisios-stese s iits lute
litisit, Ileitasiiece t in
firs ts seurinitg ibotitqusityhit sit
snssssssits wth h utt haItelih
onits ofStits tie tutudsitsi rsuisis is-i
stied sioftcomptiletel tifcto. il
sriangemetistseben tad etoa '
,v iiittin'teiatt -d ha w it
is sirs's-sihst. A corts ofSitweti
I si tlt-issil i ien st The
srt is st ai s ftllosi :
iliSier CS ii li
i Is- )lire, C -sr
Onie-hatfif lSprsts" tutu it
Ro st Crle brtidie
Ii. Nt NL.\'it isIll is-1N ii.
tun it'sMits sitslisst'rther han
Tee igitytwitiessishs is iii see
te guetssast:its' feaisinae heista
''sres"strehtestal stn nise pomitise
sit gretstaies's-ituapidityiiin-isriig
i n e e u. hn i- bt en its i-i m'ssi-i s(ti
chage ofthi itars 555555sIt
dita i itse iltiteitspurpoise ofith
big nrttalo sites-i-to itsc- ssi
it Ich r spi it,"'asidlts ra
Tois uditcht-iganiiii utut insv
listniscsllsdiiupons ts uri stt' hest
sp t'es 'it'itintimttsssi shcus sil
provtt il ithei i-ttsitu'and.ttti is per-t
hasnedests addthaiit ll sti- ees
t intsiretshsismosst sucessilitti-
qt e ss ii ieldsiniithe lota lttdanc-
sf lichist st iss i
Noslttinghstbeitrefiistssisdtss byI
firdssofi formter tears,asditn livcery
dtil, sitotthesssetrig' oiftets t-i
matstr tititisti to tesarrantgemsentst
lint seatigsitu sees-lg ofenert ter-
soit tot a tiigm hlstsenetonser
looesd wihntigttht add to the e-
jimtett of envcit guest. 'Te essin
mttuecIasisdseciedsnot to sitersel
slistyeatrsitu io soresssthn oItikess
still tic sisoscd of. lii st of teti
stilt be gntetnt- lrisat iotetlig i
sll prosilabiilitso thlits ts-c wis-
ititittoy listftrins retuinstg lie
Saudysgm shotlds tifylilte
comtmititee at onte.
isis l_, KNOtiWsN 'IN WI; I,~
SPVAi Als i lN( TTi'.
ititttitti s fromi lige t.)
sipotu i Wstitigtt storin 1 uit
Schtoosl its Ntis Otrn 'it tis
csiitt hetinstone ofi the' rett sd-
Mir. tMc\ ititiwthassalwss's wn
(ii'tni\rity antthts alutmtti. lieis
now5' presidieit oIthe Nets'Yorkn Cily
ichligsani1AlittsiChli.b, tin's'rIhis
l'l'eshsipth le Cltb lis taiksntatpromit-
itetess piasse iniutnivnerstity stflairts in
News'Yorkn City. Aste toasitiatser
of its bnanquet be tao alitays scoed
a einsdtediithit bliltsNilt andic
its' peso ait- wn in or 1
isVhcni hetilts i n h nvri
'Nit~lde wastiiteascsit
sbit . He reaedlit ii ~ i
555 sit uique555 setr'nais''stut
wa5s loaditdil upit it. 115 e
els's it T hro gh hi pc itsf
-'sits ndlilts ;'C' '55 shut.;1c
cl- i
1 f. -
ttns remakabl liiiiiiil iti
ttl ~it is sing-t. Fkr
se io 'no\ 5 5 ;in' 5' foritit
the itt-s't' ,1tutu 1i t he ist nli i s d'
I t 't
tse it-it t , hei hant i
case ,pos~iit oneit h or
diii' - stis fortiCstint"55ii tilt
h i t a s t ats < i u lf
p sit itht i e Clclo
tilt e tnt li'iha ssila t i iite
op of i is T i n its h
n c~ tis
Nu eft
Isi 1Iv
spakr lintdiias ai nhit ve wotitn hues'
i i sitfrien s si :-thettudit n' t body.
isis n is men w Iositse not lshd te
opporut itunssity tof ''eain,- hsits, still lie
adde lt telrteadyitslists list ofiii l
is of Prof. Adamst'swiitt''hli
Pt5 n 81 0 T5e a a slecturet
of Piiiica Hcoiimy t e ('site"-
'titand in ne niha o tn e
it a 'li sti onusts te suit snt tme
Fro -t l Sti t o 1 5 31sit acitet lutstchief
ist thet i is Sinti t ra sp rttin
h s e n'statsticl'isn ttss I ntrtt
0,minercsee Nssttttn
prp r ieiofthits lst. lis atuti is i
ty l c ii IPolit ialitcienc situ i
Nlmcof ta'' t e ('ti nd ha h led ist
ite tin Ithese 55'so ietlies.t'-I, i 1's' N isii
reots ad co tiu o s tiesmautil
zineProfesor ins hs pu lihe
uwoh~ s-ti u lic 'its '''n itsais
iiiie i n it n Ivetgto
of hePubic14 litdim- s its ub
lic i 5 1 i's si 1"
Ni a-qis H t ilsew Cug
th liteak r, tit lit e atth e _titis sit
it i i t t 5tttttban tu situ liiicomm ite
is 1114 "lt t i te itlyi . blietnis lt
ditn s peakNs intutCshiago.In pti -
ic-n iai in h id ity" h is
'"'fnlla i r andpr sid nt cii th
I iii oust-tutu
hleis' as iensiuss' sitthi mhusis1Cody
and Fatuut esnsagedrin itthein t r''~ i
Iehi s alays bee5 nist ivtsep sits-
tosuredm lt'estte f titMiciganmamkitsg
man}- .e'ufletilee sits-nell.
Ie Is i a membser of eightpspnuter
o sb 'iess ecorpor5atios sit thin-llilt
ums,,Sts-umte nd ieCh icago ii ssonisis
stion is i f ts- saits hi. H i
it' it mii ith ie mangertift heChd
esan's'LIir s istituti. it t)01 Ititli stoi
(i e o Ittlodge, N1, I e & i:. Nisa it
ofi 1li'10 tmiti'd.itu 75-5.5nd z IasP i
Nttsesu ut s's'Perce it nivet e sim t'
d nN'tlt s ittth ''Nut''I-rss i st
s''c l i ii st ii\dtttm ' ii u s m oursts
i-tith sits. t slrs-ilust m i)ts' ss' t
campuits iittilii555
-.\d555 n, iictrl ins sde itinoa
tutu's i sis titlist mem er of this
w mtin 1'lno to Wesii o
illt suitng i cstnl
co pteiii's tC iag ll70; l
on it, li l" risi t 5mm icii one ta
('a hum m tI e e u lii l it s s t
ltis t ga ua tu x rise su t la
uC oll il I lis shlt w~ l r -
tor anittt it woi{rr6tn cc
tSig itaii It Iiii t em e
limit1 titus it -5sthi e t w ti:,c
Clu , , 55 ic iigon i ti militismc
t it u-tit-ti i' ii ie i i cI t i, a
Lawu Dmug sttilt
Is 'is ' ltis th k sri f t- c t
gr m \ na e , )iii it t \n(, 5 ii
litmi - s t tpis t ii (, liI lfc
('limt lssuc i tintexcelSit spa r. N
it a d le . t t iii im i c ho
Beig t ppuar i ofplasig er
tionit ,i it suitker i t hi iii In
Nublilt u cita. S m im to h
lie y of wlsit istitlpi t ed itiislil
ittitiis.;totutu irt- i ;nla
drit t aiu; p bi lar
isN't h n he cunr-
b -ta oo icrin 5'' II lut's're
'Isis'ne tit itt isNtnt emm mu In-
dia it' e S th-\ue in Stun
ltok hiteaway mt)Ca Iets 5 i it -tueic
itseI sits'a ,!stiti t c I c-lne
dcr ()stils It tiltS I Ni
I' 1901 l ht e i ' t ien t' Ai i 5 tti an
from lisitelhueitrtactihti tutu ti-()
555 5l5s ne suits' ii 1 up
p'tee; mu thin-ihigan it Sui'otsHus
ilct 3c w sthe slits ce wnt
spea eriifigit s e uttt a is
lapo it h int i c rth t s ill
ha r c I eiI5 s 55 t il; t ai 5 ii .
Ile w-ts ncalcharm n I, heb-l i
slts It ctmi tt its I!0 . -ch ldithei
chitrumit hi p i th. s ttec om ites
thit h inqtuiredt i nt tc n ed fo
Sutilsent C(stil wichdratedth
Colliti sitt o f it C us cl <
visiti wa ss ha-uosieeec ili
summts il [iumtr nmst Stuen uCtusus- -
-i tutu lutu mttp ssn t ut lit lii- io situ
\'itnst t atit'' nd Ntis~ it i;ta
h itsgreatst fitus ua-s iwsuitlii is
huh'grs im tti t tetuesun its Situ I tit .
dlistr stic tt hits IIvI s tsutiti spcci 's
userat tule icket i te iatl slilts
fume lRoosve'ltut. fo its sluth di
15555 will o t;- e mmiii, t .r tue
ttisies sit' 55nd55 me ack lutista
t emmstint ii - uswit can, an
ca p is litics.
Ib ite stnt'sal-suiCln"a o d r t -
iull,, t'msms weco e b sktous Nilch ai It
ltiast stilt ei Thii' ie om l
amit wes'lutit' slt i l is 5ided t n c it -;
c ttuiglie.
ProfissoIu1(m Ci.i dmsu lutI
the detmen ofi oliica Ecnsuits
'smith Sis ~ lootnt. mi i nt' lifihc 5ftlt
ltast atit hts cli anitug ti nitsui ittstinu t
test r1ia it evening. -hiis m1iCssum
luautmonii'ofii hiss- momst populart ii' itsit-
smutu oult tie eciam usill bits hut nut -
sc tit ilss' fitthis'('Uitversit'Suitei
hton s mum lie wsinseltedi'uib'y tsachui
outgoinsg senior class an thinmst.
s' tit J
Sl itemc
Its -~e
I- ui ' lml a m -l ils N'll
tur111t}u, Nti mu'',sum N "im- itt. 7
c a c5f5c e %a '5 t ihImIm -
t. C iil he lichl)-al Ho e lf
-'nillttu i S c wits
''ii t'-ilts eiii' lmht schoolmt i
Isis Ntischia mittlsumm ts erwanrdmu
cii the i iut it iti~ eatmsent II, time
i-it lty f M 5mmiii l. lit' sits c lll
1 oleainve it te Uiversity blit hei
usIts c_:tiltofsitsmsfasthcsr.s siist
-itt smS1. ~aon hsichi us-
d illi he 1"5t-ti~fFe rmiteu.
ii ii
Witi-i tct il t th r
it isis-ti lip c 11 ItIsis -s talt
ait its; tilttti' liits' uso
fIIsis fiur deuliun' itu-0
55 sit titu 55tsttits ti-hi
id noti sltiti' in lums\V ufics nor ' his
,ccl .5s wouitd hu- utiitin lit tlts-e es
amnto summi etraniuce: insthie tutr,
its itas adimis itdtto5pr'acticitnMm ichii-
ga.Sitssliethten hithibetsit silit-
tush iniill the cut siicudig-theils
5 5 itititc'utttleof 1theus' mits State's.
md e ml Sl lum tnis t e
miss'a hi l r i 0 1 t i
rilr a Sum miit i-lu
isis t est ; b etinft:t
srf iu etc nitit ral
I' ii su1t-it 1111-
it)' thic'St e
-sIt)11: hi'
Time Micign U ntisinuClub I'Iouse.