The MichiganDaily
:1 NNrARB3OR. MICH lGAN, TUrESI),AY, ?NOVE I BER -to, 19010 No. 7.
Varsity Undergoes a Wholesale
Shaking Up on Eve of Sea-
son's (Greatest Battle.
orWill i lsthanoi iwellriof pepaahon
'iii iotiiliei on game, Coaci 0 hosi t tl-
{ Ieac ishaigiill). Vcliroror
Ii n w l iniip otil ooslino -il
big 'All intct dpend e if l ,itithe
Itth ii co diinsib tit icrai
tha iflos ha ha th nu no aei h
ig lihoil iItnorI Lakii iii i n thil sea-
th geaes il le iito t i lihigai
o iiialto aitl iidiiui ii noI i an's l
The filirs hn I f iranets
te sif tilio I11iili l t o1 guard.ii Thl
MC1cnp iilic ost,;i 'ht i' hn~lo
di~'ik d ,, r\'hit c t liitglth iis li'ai
fern e piilititnig b ol u to
faciliiatuislu sthti li i 'g icne'uI i0 Ac siift
irii!had t .i l l i ff itl t uuca oi'
jcl~o w~lt ha ittw> tol' ititi I l iim i
t'i'toi iiil , I ol' i' ii, e "11 ow ls uoi l'i ii
,II 'In Ihan it w ardilt. I- lto t'
t:11 1", fiitiltl( tiwh i c lit li 11+ otriifug
postin ,l~frlorliftt1urIth itittih i
Cliiuttoltheuo irolim lol t tot hav
otitg' Iiotsefui i sto lug t liiii ottiio
Ata,,! '"'co f ematerthe iitiiuo
o lt'f t Ithis o l li)tge 'iguistu Iit i~'('to
co01ch1elollli withiltil lIt]]) fttllo' Iit il
tisutolh igh 'poi'l tlio I h"iiu lltar tt
hl I reigt tml. o ii oiisotill Soiec
It o hiniuig toi it. tl yout've goI lt
'lO t'e repot'rt ho~ liioeedi til 10001
Him)iu tutual,.
if ia''rtieiostil. 'Ntttrlv te o
fa i.T h i o g t o e' s
'lie iic t ow r ig pt1 es ujc:
becus itlt ouii'rttgtcasil t ioneiihint
iiuc1 t0wortuwthll faii lI'm cu
dent tia tttitwouldiihate'oslipped 'Nthtu
itr' IIee Ca ,hl he'lc x
teliciii' i reatul, hcut l n s, Th i
notsa ig tPe tn 1iging t etis
'I he liiigame 1is tigt u ertinan
tlic ettui~ lliIll, reak i helci s
Moi,, to tt ii I I.c that i.i iii ''th
hetcheti o if ealo ilt in 1t w hv
ifr a t-: d h 'i t oitt Itrtlili i lit I
is iff licr.
syintil ttii 'oii' runtis vcor mc
to e ot ',th n a litneiimp ito ii
anti _M chigan his pmtil alII "I
ch n eto t Iii ii I icel~e t ias
thikin o wht bigtoohappen iif ich-V
'ilt. iiilciii' oil'tt h tI ~
to C iagoti he o i l tion it v h
cha pins of th \ , Iitt I adif t,0ii
it Indthe Ci it i pito bit' kd no l
h t1 ft\" lt iol iii luuirmoditill ciii' c ttl
,if Ooti oo-I ictilo i to milljolit rc
,aiii iii' I t to 1''lo t t 'it .il ,<i ar
T rit sni'o itt a 1 lwcItor'tti lihi,,lugtoo
et -c ag ob nd i't iu ulto'toti
scar Ibu liii iisth0 li t ctaON \tlNtei
AtiloptPntind i-it'e P o ltaiit
fu sreto Iea tlorllThn'igi'vtng
to's whoiletoC oI lgis itti oin' tilto
oio loiislaron'stilt oftbagni rsliill)
tl toLilndievirytitudnt isttrdo 701100
America's Mission in the East Is
Explained in Opening Number
of S. L. A. Course.
I nr( asoi't u ios tisurei lat i ifigh
wit tii iii inlt' Whele ir openi'id te
.Th totIliro tw u~ilicl ioheuaoil hR'-o
lations," ito 'tt 'i iitilltill arliige' "liiii-
PresoidtliW eeileto'or ppeareo' n iite
rot m oulif Univcrsity Iall t'll yoors
aI ldsokeiio'i' theiisiamillsu'boet.
Titito li toktiltheisoubji'ct oilhe'i'
heilftiof i olt'freoand 11weltut8 i tihe
I citic. lool'uid \i'hee'ler troogly
ltiiilortourocuptin1110 Pilp
''\ec: oughut111110toknuow',owhatee'r
heri'e11 ouroihifitlro t'll years tgo, tht
in octipytiiigtho' Phiipgpintes 1o111'tiotn
p ioc 1d uonthe traotight Oatt openedi
beoeit lbyfacts. 010have witlhdrawnt
til le11ft thite iilndito jihitlrgy atnl then
to r alti atr ocboitre o'umtlhave heeti
miwmsiing, uitting, aind a crime
) i dc Now o toe ominotts tropIe-
cic iii hetard itithbtitihot'his om10 lttue;
rpe(o () tr dtoiotihutch1110
it -mthonillanf hittei' ouown idelst
frhc a i'bitwtitevr bItoutr loacko,
it to as a peple t-i' t'otlscjl oli f tIls
11as 1111lii a i' iiifrtewrk if evatoizelizta-
1110111.I h111based tisitt igoncritpti
demcrcy te Ios drint''otiismi
devised1byIran, a ytetil o ovin'g
wh< ciie 'rls lad'tite'lie s iitut
p ier to ildliii11111 1111 tiiift1men11110 Itith
limo. n" respo111i1li tiyftianiro satiurn 11-t
thmu th: i 1,11 ifbluean itho'kingdo
arc1 oiurrcin on'rTil e alithii'ur foathi-
erui hir ith tdy;l.'ynglzi
ze'listheNzealI RoC'the'(ORA ISImak
I~ sihilSib('hy filurNe I' Oli-
fisheul earlier into hesemtiertha1n ifIitr-
in' ostudetdiir'ectoiesohavet en 1 ttel COME DY CLUB C S
Ini talkiiigtabiuttt'hebokiCaI Adam TO BE PICIKIED S
fioi tif nattes tatid infourmtion.iantutusI
supern'itendedileull'piiulishing id:t otiju
professional Director Will Havo
beievue that is }er'sl'diriiorisuoret
compi~leteuanauatetuthaimytui ther tllu Char ge of Selection of Comt-
fhichiguu situdenutudirecoury Oct iulihho pany-Trials Thursday.
aditisjo uffert the s I tuntsiat i
lowe tprlue.flue 01' NI, C. .'tutua1a0e 11111e11o111yoluth try-otslowill occur
meat1 1 istmutchi bletuouediwitits ork" nt oTursdaytoiight initSarah Caswell
______ --_____Anftell hatll. ixr St. John, who is to
('NIN 1ltNQ('B' 1)1_\COS diietthue perfotrmtance, owill lie present.
TOi)111,0 ,10 ISDlO II I 11(1 I i'i iandl toill oulect the etire cast of the
tuby.To het 1p11roduttinuof 'Admirable
laceor th le X'ichrigitit utu hi ba-ic1hbt'n" euuirts a cumtpanuy of thirty-
111111 ut-hicli utill hbe ildll iithelt ntuh twoliipeoptlet, atith lreuttsequtetnce is that
1111 ('ni t11011-0of theii' lthama-i ~ 11 t ul it u' if 11011'ors utr ttbe devel-
but-reerv''uedl ''lu'htuna. 111T ile ox ifi liii tIbefet hh~e firthpre'setntatito, whicht
ini (uuiu'o'usitn IHtll, ii buile'etations 0110 1111 u'u'icelbert1 it
utill 11e 111tl, towill It opelluu u Tt ut vO nhb u-u uttenrhetot'oif the Comtedy club
frumttu t o i 111dui fro t1t a dhriuuIi 0 l ium1 ub tiohf ttnl tiu'ts t ra r o'w i nollege', antd by
fromiu 8 to12a 1to'uIi7.01. fter h themu ruilinug tftetmanagement of
1111110hourreevt 'iojus11 ill be madeli t l he hu-mlu ch lf hese u st 10appear be--
Barbour gymnihumu. 1b'lot eset t M.Si. Juohnitatnd demoonstrate khis
Uniiiu on utuburoji ickeuo ts a-ha ig'htut hm 11' lilltoelBtrrie comedy.
thteir 001110 reservedulfree, mu lit-to must Theh I hm 11' ilsosesed of about fifteen
11011 a re'servtionufle:oif ,o11nt11 ho hi illt I li atnsseentof which are, itt
atim e ub ht h ut'e.btoiuti-oo till,)" bu bthepalrtii olf thle stage, distittctly "fat'"
Ituhlhbrsotiill bum guvt ut.liiFitch blur lu ury ne lilt'hliithirty-two parts is a
01111 111011reosue eigtihi11001to ospeakjig 111101 Itis significanit of the
All 1111seaths tintgoodtulmlmit pltuh'em're- hvit-tu f out-utthese stotll parts that
uaratiotis tiill blotradttetfuoru' tiruttoe ai lsoleetdOeo ust 1s11
'lie 111on ltroe inirtooling- seatsloi0 liouds-to eoatihimstelf.
to p1revtitet t tsclll cl'Oihbtli hun 11he 101-oubtIl-ill beinutpromptly at
Ilaclo in linte Iwhicth heretofhun or liltae .i5 In iim thetevelug Ottly Mr. St.Jahn
t' 0 recepitu in i littourtogy tmituuOmumaud 1rof.Strauss wirll tie present to
preceing te bnqt o unp1111liat. t iubo theei ltsNof tte contestants fot'
'I'hut-' tiill lbe'scts fottftinntui bttrr clpat. int itt'merstonds atttrg-eot re-
arVlI fotutrutentable. To ihll till quest-Ithatistotmatny ctdittltaes as possh
hitdiide lol thue ctuthol ''hiio' I I'llilglaic iiiout 11n1oleorlthatte necess~ary
yelloun hit-lt-t wiI tll t-n bhtt ml uuuuuuuiimuuuolshuall Itlve a creditable
do utundihtuoehutvintg' blue.tttg- l1l mmuhium hi susottinthue reputatiton of ttte
mum-ti T tleevn umbers lm arc o'nt oe cbtfor Itisotoicpodtucittions.
sideo' theli tablo t bt'letI he o lo ltc ---------- ----._- - _
oth ('toCths iiill be -placedmb;0 eamchil ION 110 fI A 101J101N10JI,tN'
plocet'elolinggthut- mu iiil f thefsibm ,1110 Bill I A AN YM011CLASSES
muatno ificultuy mu illi se10. ____
Ffin centso will b him-uigi-ulfor ad-th ver i ttglut hundrtedtu d huents thav-u
mui'uluu'e o'hum etogallery. I'bu' hc ou oostot u'lo il1 cdfit' phlsicatl exstamintaiotn in
th alt- wub-o iill bItopemed-t'8t I ou ktNI iliu gmnasiituol.111'toesetre'nearly all
'Ihem hmouun uo' t e ill ostart it(u .,,h iii h li tnou if btithee g'ineerintg andillit de-
The0 las~trie"io
Chorilt but' etjiitd
utill beoamitiililii-
btlinjim-ttof thit
of bume 11o1"t a1
In Ou t Sa-tlurimyotiloc1th AN . 1, C.'A.'a ttmhtitiol t ilum
stithu duouoirectuory illtl~onpullto salett fomnout-Nl
1111 htb<uto, iesaii- llheifferilent chul-'\kt'cihO in ietil
'1hm hi o ogtesfll tinf140outatou aioltleltry'mart inothe
tutu' ihigantstudefits ti dfaciltpo mphtoltootimu
lu tibuets and'acu'tiy 1o110A, L'ut iii
list tubalmulll uuu'rotty otudettorgtuia-
lmitsosuchtas Ahfiohitg-uuiaSphtnt,'te1 o 5101 1 101(101
(timho'leu''muuctuloCiioildyoclub,Ii Alhut I1105'l
gaesitiall hichigaiul hiuly iNlichtiguut
(Uion,'atdb alsou if b t httedoubt' with iAto h itend(if
I hemi ~tci 'r e~t totes nstoaffs hibasketl l 1111
A nto feoaturitiso yea's dlirectory ad u no gilyse istaathruhndcmet eard sid 14 t
re-s f 111011iruthoeditiont till btint-o i1th s itul 14 Ii,
e<ru oti satoutorlytt int hemNocondulse0110ganice ofthble oil
esho-r.ltIui\t ou<tut-Chnb'tgeofu ddres'trht00lutburt 0utias
befomre thecend to f thittse001110 o ttIt c- 1001110 ioh0Intl
Aila haoutItll twill 111s1110'thepeiar ane sturpasseoo thebunj
oft ouch ochanugte intohetoretvotsledueitioti, anttuo isAho otttt
muwfhich will lii-soull ott aloll'pri0e t ml~ore, whlile'Ali
'Tlwm Y. Al.0'; A.undttotok thueIvorking centetr, layeI
of puulishinug a1 otdentdiretorty Itis tDr. Stuat a nd-ut
earoIthe fiolrt tme. 4o atlo gil-e bluethingamet..
stnbihiit: oy11atiuoplete andficorrert oa
ltof istoudentlsooand fttcuty nmetotbers, S. 1,. A. treatt
muit heir otudresseos, ao is 1tossibule. 'They after 10are uttuhut
boute oucceeded ini collecintg te namue 6 p. m.indtlott
of almoust inery t'sudoententrolled ono the attd 7:30 10 8:1
CampOilo tund toill htatocthle book putb-('Oilversity IMall,
10IS '110 fINI(411
m bat'heSchomol if Ahitsic
)ightb11,11 SitevunstOf
tidm 1111onr bum'fouoo-
1g bu themnillthe001a1'
fis r.:11 tlemon
ha' if l l earneduuhuthtld
r. Stooensoill1jint1011
ing thm're'hearsalsIt is
101111 thautuafte' bis,
utonghbt 1011loo'be-hubdill
rsily I11iloil at i oo.,
ig thu er sal wu'oh ui Illim
ou t thIsi, e ti e
1(11R1S WI
110150 'l'110.1,1, ,10111;
fthe scondt althf if theo
Itsato-tnit timeuuscouurt-
0, atnd tiheul1.btootdmon
ho-01 'a'diwas0110 lls'dfao
hull mit 7 :15
tismwhre All00sophomoresNI'
)t starred fun beum ho
iso Vaut Nesso, our 1111111
iss I Itho ii resfereed'u
11000 uofichoursitilo e
ays ond Tol'hursdays,-o5hum
dattys of lectures,mlliioi6
hariltciii. All lfreshmenlwotohave tot
had110 010011ical-xamititoni m uust ho'
OanlN d at ttu out c1100' 'lThe gytttastumtt
1 'ibiuiothed A ontyNuoemboer 2.
'if mwantioevecrybodyihn o tmcanto Iojoini
I hum -oo mhuhuo 111 olasses," oaid Keetne
hizarich:."ie frshmetn of oter the-
11101 meiito than tihutoeof 1110 engineering
In lit sei-tutu-muuthitey are barretd
t111ils l'iih 001111priile'gtes.Ihis is toot
tecuae. \We uwatbeverodyhOlO btenjoy
th bmiitsoif t-e orkt."
tityonte 1101y obutint otphtysil exatni-
nin.Iheo t'oillinttiiOttoare hiehldaily
frotut 2 hum 4 oattd7 ho 9 p. ton.The
classisoar om01amrrantgedthltat, 10nomatter
hio ir 0re-guloar ao person's uttiversity
hurs may be1100 ,IohIowillstlhil hue able to
inrll li on110 ofbth oulsseos. 'huey are
AliiMona iand I'Thutrodauy, 11:15 0.11.
01 mtoho otutud Fridaoy, 4:1851 p. nitn
\'eneusdaty oatdulFridlay, 3:115 P. lmt
Tuesda a 'd'hutrsdaoy, 4:115 p. in.n
N10;10101)D '10 COMPIVh0T'h0CI~L
Oly oeveni girls atupeareul at thoe first
ileingiiiofmthe glor ls'umandolin clhuitIeld
Ytbuihoi afternloonu in Sarah Caswoell
Anigell Ihtll,11111deconseuenotly there iwill
hbe roomuitfor severoul tewutetobers. iMiso
Ninat Hendmersonth le leader, is ent-
itusiat'ficor te wort: for the year,
ontturtges anyo'girl wto tplays either the
imntdolin110 gutitartiou he presenot at tin'
loot metumlig. 'She regutlar prauctice for
to' preoseuttillbehoeleld 010 Monday
aftroo i ti'oh4 uolock ito Saraht Caswvell
"('uthure" rehoearsal tonighot at 7, Rootm
(0Uiv ritiy Hatll.