The MichiganDaily :1 NNrARB3OR. MICH lGAN, TUrESI),AY, ?NOVE I BER -to, 19010 No. 7. Vo.XIX. SHIFT IN LINE-UP CAUSES SURPRISE Varsity Undergoes a Wholesale Shaking Up on Eve of Sea- son's (Greatest Battle. orWill i lsthanoi iwellriof pepaahon 'iii iotiiliei on game, Coaci 0 hosi t tl- { Ieac ishaigiill). Vcliroror Ii n w l iniip otil ooslino -il big 'All intct dpend e if l ,itithe Itth ii co diinsib tit icrai tha iflos ha ha th nu no aei h ig lihoil iItnorI Lakii iii i n thil sea- th geaes il le iito t i lihigai o iiialto aitl iidiiui ii noI i an's l The filirs hn I f iranets te sif tilio I11iili l t o1 guard.ii Thl MC1cnp iilic ost,;i 'ht i' hn~lo di~'ik d ,, r\'hit c t liitglth iis li'ai fern e piilititnig b ol u to faciliiatuislu sthti li i 'g icne'uI i0 Ac siift irii!had t .i l l i ff itl t uuca oi' jcl~o w~lt ha ittw> tol' ititi I l iim i t'i'toi iiil , I ol' i' ii, e "11 ow ls uoi l'i ii ,II 'In Ihan it w ardilt. I- lto t' t:11 1", fiitiltl( tiwh i c lit li 11+ otriifug postin ,l~frlorliftt1urIth itittih i Cliiuttoltheuo irolim lol t tot hav otitg' Iiotsefui i sto lug t liiii ottiio Ata,,! '"'co f ematerthe iitiiuo o lt'f t Ithis o l li)tge 'iguistu Iit i~'('to co01ch1elollli withiltil lIt]]) fttllo' Iit il tisutolh igh 'poi'l tlio I h"iiu lltar tt hl I reigt tml. o ii oiisotill Soiec It o hiniuig toi it. tl yout've goI lt tighl.' 'lO t'e repot'rt ho~ liioeedi til 10001 Him)iu tutual,. if ia''rtieiostil. 'Ntttrlv te o fa i.T h i o g t o e' s 'lie iic t ow r ig pt1 es ujc: becus itlt ouii'rttgtcasil t ioneiihint iiuc1 t0wortuwthll faii lI'm cu dent tia tttitwouldiihate'oslipped 'Nthtu itr' IIee Ca ,hl he'lc x teliciii' i reatul, hcut l n s, Th i notsa ig tPe tn 1iging t etis 'I he liiigame 1is tigt u ertinan tlic ettui~ lliIll, reak i helci s Moi,, to tt ii I I.c that i.i iii ''th hetcheti o if ealo ilt in 1t w hv ifr a t-: d h 'i t oitt Itrtlili i lit I is iff licr. syintil ttii 'oii' runtis vcor mc to e ot ',th n a litneiimp ito ii anti _M chigan his pmtil alII "I ch n eto t Iii ii I icel~e t ias thikin o wht bigtoohappen iif ich-V 'ilt. iiilciii' oil'tt h tI ~ to C iagoti he o i l tion it v h cha pins of th \ , Iitt I adif t,0ii it Indthe Ci it i pito bit' kd no l h t1 ft\" lt iol iii luuirmoditill ciii' c ttl ,if Ooti oo-I ictilo i to milljolit rc ,aiii iii' I t to 1''lo t t 'it .il ,