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November 06, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-06

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The Michigan Dail

Attempt Being Made by Windy
City Grads to Get Excursion-
Seat Sale Continues Steadily.
Despite the fact iff tecnfictintg
Cicago-Cornell ganmc at Chicago one
tieck from tomorrowt isnoft or
thn ikecy that tie annuaol Chicagoe-
corsotoi ii iciigant fbig gamie - till fbe
issuref. PromntcitMiiciant amitit
residintg i Chicagofhaec takni 111)fthc
matiter adilartiaftig civoryttiaior
to ctre tefccttitart gar atetec o
200 fto ao-iffcottctrat,ad ittfnicc tftc
rsult f thc Vandiocflft gaic(,fa serie
a.a 2tttmttlusttoiither itet ithtet
Mi ciigat-Peruitgamte, it icohbaletfat
ittleodiffficlty will fir oexperincdin
gttiitg tfe necssary titittilir t scrtr
thetrafi. Direcoto l'ii oiffit-eatfltic
assoiaton ia: ngic-tci tat if ony
fidnt ateo ffrinds it Cicotiitlwi
aeconteiplftofigcmcintoftile gftc
ittitldlhetadtisle fo fr teto i icn-
n inia itf 1'. G. farem care otf i
IlowiticaifSfimmonitto Ci. 1202 Ifirt
Natiioallnkic hlg.. Cicaotinti fit
to thieorafiroadtservceo. If ic ill l
ifhisinnn ttitfly, it willinotiontut fictlit
iithmselveohit wil asouthfipthelpo-
moer f il(, fpcfialimittfit ioihtheft
e t itfati. it
WXil i te-sigle exceptfiion ofte Cfi-
ta o in all f lte speialut Irifsiwtiit
are XiiXciinoAtrbrfthe Peina toti
game ac defiitelyarawgstioc ft in
tiexcursiofu ichitwoisit ff1rry more
taitit-(, ttttitrsti fittai tu-
dfents. 'histra inifiwill1arritf infiAnut
:Arorabuti o -to'clit5 ok Satrdtatiifgfi-
-fgittnduftftt tif i ll fititti i atu for
eihci ttsptriniFrtoft Iaiitcaiif
XWhile tei -al f -et fr teto ciii
sylvanti gmeiti- - rtiti gsigftly fbe-
fhittolast -trs advfce;ale the fit fect
f itttthetderblt tgamtte, cuittg asit f
to ttte-saleibyIt-atutu ottoctof fo iris
nto Onoticcablithfir loclisaetaillo i
numbterci-of mi ordrft-c uni a
ttttsilers, wvho 5werc priofsitto las
Strday convittcedthttfliicitguiit had
littchater tot ailitfromthle Quker,
ntturlly otrtilittle to itnetfte thf ifrif
cons-ecutivocdefeto-f hif Iolve~tries,
twithlthie last torc, the oti-of-owtntslct
havettitaerially icreasd. t 7 o'cock-
bistt nigh the ttal tile of setoll tt
ftig amonuig te fiftycttudttteat.
Howesvr, as the salt-isturfogrsfing
steadily aid cositently, l)frcctor Laiarif
ft fairly coifdeit tat tite crwdtill tf
1bt as large as last year, wenut ot7,-
500 passed throtgh tetrtstls.
Cripledl by the absoene of Daitont
ctol Dotugasfroim te ftackfeld,lt
otrsity- irotetd rather ite ithefurle
scrimmtacge before the Ifrtftofot- Stoic
gamfe yeserdaty, the tcrtibs iholig the
vrsiiy tot a tic, ecantfeaittscorngthrfee
totuchdfottnIs fiif e conrsctof tafory--
ttinte scrimtmcage. bWatis r-et-
fred iby- a tiell-paddiei hetdg-ar, ts-tt
ini the mfix-tip, relcig Ranneyttity rigti
eitd, siwhile Crttitpacker stfibelfor Da-
visoit at fullback, as ti lin ue sttttier
watstitable to report itn accoitt ofa
ltate cls
Hloteeter, tdespite the ftct itattoittpa-
ter the tvarsfty imtaee a mteiocre sowt--
ing, Cacht Yost tratstwelttttisfeliit
the tiork, -adthife oot in itMiciga's

"tock, which ibegtanti-ilthteVandterbilt
game, wstis111it evitdence e th ie
coaceht left fhe field longtfter dark. To-
flay the mcii till lie given a hard signal
ptratiler asthie final freparatioif for the

KfenuckyfiStatte gitift . 1bmi ittscrimttitgef
wllb fitff
Thec teami asftitwill oftart i te gamfi
atgtintt s ~itithe fColonels iiomorrow, ill
priobaitlybfitheIt ttame a ggre-gattionf that
itill fuet- Annsyl-tvatunk li in t-e ri-it l
gafit if ft-e s tason jiusi ai weekf later.
Thetewisa-rctangem-tttsiithift visoni-tiat
fullbic and -titi \Xif lt fright iend, apt-
peartsit to ec ftniiiit, andI unle itifss Waot-
kins' i, rsceitvildt inte goateithi
ft Midhitan-lt ioi crapflift tunex-
pectedtherieft a i tsiwinbnofutheristhiifts
this sammisWAthe tm ittit
is faibleft thai t li fthe iniotfter
ft-e it-ni tt5hithiscoreftmsorowtas
lest, tottifit reacheitis lhfefigt.Ilif io-
CitticeiteTrnrFizaic nr
CithV-t tranoeeleiorta
mafttr-hasiiiforgotecfetrrbei ci
Curttis' elii it %vere ta eni awayifron
th-tatfr o-ePnnylaitgazin
fitnc fitt liwin, -andifittaybtt hifear-
ing rcurrn fitf sch f a iet to
m ya if itkngth es ti if sar
to the if-lin-esitomt rrooVi asii tit asi

il --i t t.. .
XX ille t,2 0 . .
XX , ttitititif 1g
-Vtuft 76. ..

f.. G,

ftndiksn til7i
iii, lii , o
fi t !

Kentucky State Squad to be En-
tertained at Mass Meeting onI
Colonels' First Visit Here.
flacc--- tift r ilt fiHtll.
hseadrerC5is N. Smtti.
Y01 tfatLsiderJohnT. WhXitinitg
:Mus ic-Bantdtf iiand ici N tanoln lt.
- r fi- o-itti i is lt fi tith
X ( lff fte ofi t il et fit tilnftweekfIt
-1ihgr stde tiaeteopgpottit-ti
o tlcoiii flit ut i lifts tlft iii utc-
at ai nigrtherni ifssimee iiti. List Iwsek
kilit fto t h fhidti efit-hc all- inter-
X t uitughi l it- fia , dtfle fontight te fi
n<hu t nnii- ii t io asifthur otunityi
Mciganon he grioutitro- flue o-ttde-t-
itt ili Stti e i iite gicitpfitfle r-to arieg
iths ton tugot]uwilltf u es s auetuth-ifma
-itnesit nt t fit
tie-uruieofthes tofitf ith litonitfis~
eii ifto c ut uufthat tie ff1 tiihe vu etilefi
fc~dm swil heueimint s and tttore
attntin wll ien toi tt u ithifrsing
ur -tif -songs-i ccilltboousetit thet
ii lili t ltnl av anrtiXtutarly tthi
of ifiii lthe tiff illand i ll fit afl t iol
carry I tuftciair itsthy y b qutuklI
leane. hevisctapdrtuitillohb7
ci i liii 1 ut ell s.it ssit- t -IC oachiift
'oim -ttwil--l it-fft I itud f thet- u-tt liitiff-i-
iI cllfltfltlh wil-t art prui o t ltyuatc7
T hi ii ut i ltheflirt tisiuoftheg o oit-
n ol, t uffe iigaf nit ittion, hu e tf
ccnmitcc siestu take anuimpreutu
ion tc chilehgtt cried awcytby it7145
ilhi irio218 ff5oXIonlyhmae
cial cinuucf hecaefulfoytreiheaftrus-di
aut mthodccoof roout itngtexplau ined. file
,o ftsucsul foruu lit-. flushe nt-hlifts tit -o
IlV tut tcomi-t uuuuuwho i too hfue fof te
iifcfirsttonehavetdceot givu anthe
iin thi nisrtfyutur Te tehs-a-rits-et
fittintodeciedtuponfttt iill it e betfto
totsm cs-asotthtuaagilt-yflit-btrsiuof
fhac utogc tcuiitedrf iittheir Off-
pis," sidf Prof. Rankufin, tutand tuituks
hfli- usfuuuu t -ti tu r tuif home."uut
Teopsenintg gtameu-of iuc girls as-
kebaull sesontuuwill bhe lay-Oil buttrei
thefopouftitrstatutu fiflrt ext Tuesr-
daty, Niutcttlr to, aftrbouuur gymn-
ofum tu iu-ll he called-at iocock, tafnd
till bhu- an opetnitgtmet,ti-hich mftas tha
mentareadmitedlo tuft ulation.f
Xi ion tutu mberslhttiif cmtffieimnf
trfurgntly requettsftedit -fadcin ihutt

reoirft t lt-e clufhoulse foday hefeetwf
tutu ftp.ic. ft is imfportanff thtat flue
mauttrr ecleturd tfpfinallythuistweek.

T-ittollegi- ut-itt-fib s-u risedouto i
XX i"lict fIHatrvatrdun ivelirsity- hatt o-
sin dto fttke efect Xiayito c , ti le t
fritutuannitesary to5f hilt clecutin to
theo i il Althufttght tutuctiotn tooshucen
itttaknin rcgato luthes reignattionu, opec-
luffsidet Ruoosvt suceeingutuutot-
pre itrcy5of teeternfit i fittlfblfi
flu- James P.b Xngt-ll, presidintfiffit-e
ttivitfMiciihigtan, wit becam
president o f tfelottalisthitutfionjustt
hee ottas-catfts-c Pres tient bIdit becmeuu
peietat Ilaftuis-, paysfti thus folowit-ut
ff510t toti0 dsinushdcotm
ft-lit iii uhfork] il-k-grtf-o
fluff that si fitul bllitCdirt-htofitltu
conhist offiial uwork.t Hfthtastsoilntg
-fftnd i so fficintflyi adinisterethe li-af-
ftairii uf ureadiguniesityt tuatu the
oi the untulursititu, wtichilavltithctgtad
folaxu leg i tosb-be this-r idebtednessftii o
Harviatutufouo manuufu ithful ltida fuff
lu'te hulhts t t sue ti, twfi l iitnt filue
hav dffre frm onc f is lufViws
lutistction,-they I htveoatutu owhles-u-us
"t ill gt -uitudeu- lt-e fri-it implut i thfity
hav usugivet-cutheli-sttu'- f educattionaltu
problems.Theyucillsi-ll uheishitithise ~t-p
th t h tiill0confinueu ft tnictufiofitit
uithi fle tutgesion fli h ilt fertlean
tigofitit itindulfitrtmitytuy-ais-to cic.
it lutimclss s to itutand ii fit-
Itut ciiittuymcun-fiftnduuicationsupoit tof
evesi blt-iertclattesthutntiniifarmeruuyears.u
May auundIu Dietritzatricklu-atutuare
to ftllfiss
and 5 pfuffm Xi;uMton titutund iFia,-1:1
Fidfluff 3:t P.Ili.1f fhese, DS i- li
itwiss i ttfff tt tounonc httu tutu-Xed-f
tussul t tndl 1ridayut i3:15, atutu Xi tutu
aFifiday4t S t 5 are compleuite.tl For11
thilt Ottotianiiiftc-hutaitwho t hasdi otitfi
yet rccietrcu forcas m uff-iselect
i'Tuhtoeiis a sptevalen flitdeaiamonggthur
fri oftt-t to thus tft ii thu-t tencannuuo
enteir auymclabsosi w fiit to iho tftig
ta fphyiiclexamition.ufThfis fs ot
frit, syttri ]act"-il reshmencu
hould sufignu tp fruusr clsssott sOT
ts ossutibe, ti-btheflitheyfushflis ucuteu-a
a ind irinto ltefitls iteitwil bei
marked ab fse-itt ihcear get itait
utsliuct still tutcoutd flit whot
liltal itnnbovatons tillbiiinitou
this efuuuuu1u1is tfi ft litaiviftpsotilti-l
ills-uatedb niidbuf llytn010105111oht toru
Fitzaitrick atdtDr. flu X F at1 t tfurfiti-
mat iif tll reci-c eotsuf tsupamsuplett
tu t is ietxpecuedthai t ibe willb follocw
ouiilt ueirctiontt.

llichiganensian Has New Plan-
aging Editor; Board Proposes
Reforms in Election of Chiefs.
W~iiam(0Casey,-lfttakleol tute
ithy tetamf,vaatnith tiuelictedi i fulfi
aging cliidito fti ii 5th)lici IC-iian f
lhsniltIthis uuce. Nolother uu-il usf-
fit-s uwerue. iitut fluidtXiwa. ip:
to thee iufulr fiadpng h c~
ff hut icei ins t he f l t ion tstu hi n<
hi hwsdelrdiu-u-ciitutuby iitutnhut
ahlcbtishoard bcsi-itfl a ito ulltittin
movd.LseonardiC bi-l usill huh tntu
at biusinues manatfgr f dli-.-an utu
is rugot-utohisres15gna1tutuAlXi
tofupeirmi t ilt-f dojut ieto luIco-
fai uifftwoulfilaritfuiice theft It huhfo
fAtut huh m-ting i tthe ardcni
Xitod f let ing tteI - 1,5,i I --iie
tatu mmagu~uiug ueitoru of te iie1f-il -
satuu. Te planiwi ch scli hi-u t o 1nie
withi teraitiopprval ttuIis ie flu a
nuuow cu lb l ii filit ii1 hfu i£ i
adopted iiit utuwd etat u ia icigfil -
uniattaf wlhea ppoot fi itedtubuil 11Wi
toni dee fitful- iulrl in iii Ifm
tue rspci veu positions.Ii t \%-ii I i ffeu
flit iThe ailt a i n thatt a t IhI mem-
huers o he shtaof wo iuul11lot -e fe l -
iutucoeigibefo heofie. Iecl i,,-
of theirteeienc, owve, huhyff tilt
fit conidetredu asu l t i iih o I ti iii Ylhci
ll.isff1 V tifr asapontd odrin.
ing ifthe ffnnrffi iii X etionu FhileaboveI
plaff ito itoht beetnudefinitelydided culup
ifs wo-t he fit- itli- f the scheme iw ill
hec annunced tuuu.
flue senior tshe ifld nitu-fit- hi-
liii afternoontuohuarrunigidehilsuhf
ft-iir sction toh e hut ldfu Suuiuuil-usmotun-
lg frontu hu9to OlyX ttuentflhavit
at leats814hoursfuresdistwill 1be elfuhfbleft
vute, aodthefltst mustt halutist-iifcit-i
entirely ptill upbeufoce thuy ill le sit
franlchisedf fy tieclchis. XiNit sfftoeu
"lutist hlifts-uefitregisrar's sen-otf tiut
catetoas evliecetof thuhir ti fii. fluh
tsotrusurr J, X. Ic X, ii lhe
prstit itielt ufls Suiatudfitsoing i i
tou receiebak ueu tfss. Theimetts,,,ff10lo
uout ti oltc l ti -tee tutun'or l hei li itu uh
C tutuci, flrts-of ti-foutuwill lbe clioisen
if fthetiguareltion-ili 8-f ri f-hi hit-

fit- ain )tutui tu t he fli h ut-lu l thi
th-ftr o nif t en It til i th fpitt-ft the
dets estalishe hietir tutprioiif yan
pt ttsei fh fitr u ftermio
it-t ttia fs tec ii t i bth e ehi to
utuchtethetof t and fiiistillff ititulialul
nitlift 111cose a g al w e
t-hh- 1itic hhCii(0 I fthegflit
Parishu-ingthe inufaof 1 iuthetutu ii-
tchoo o~uuuf ifearninuug theyciktiuseitsciiid
~ith aitf ftbombardmeniittif atilery o iifit
if ftuat tm-,tutaidfPof. XturG.toCan-
lit-hdh ft-a iMeetingugof ft itfhiiiiutghdft
socit lati t-iouveninginithilt papert tlt
hut fist, tic ulaitti mtt u-fit sit fufch
flpsiffntcotiueluf Profci. Canfuieldu,
"tuatflufith 11 ipeformancesiittocutffldit
given i fi t e. t tu sowhirt-fu fl trtcop
firot appeared tuuand itusa scedf flure-
tiotlis hu Ilist roitnnitic hoi usefttThur
national hattuedifeclt a finshttoeCu"iglisis
at this titms sias the causeuOcfitheutu-
fat-onusittecuptioutbyhut fcfrcutclu, who
refused-o) isiccimfitethto utuiccattctndu
pol itico.
trofessoirs XWinklefulc uinger andh
IMf~ge engged uin a dtiillc ussion ofthe
patper. Seciretr X WilliamuuuIi.lutisu tut-
uuuuuuucestutthfli t el etcoinug-fiblhut
Itlh out fT'hursdayto, XNoember ug, wthetn
P~rof. Ftilihtur still read fhilt"Xotess tut
Coettz soffBlrichinguen."
flue lphat XiNuprliminaruis hutthus
varsfiydeba~ste willbeft ftflSturday c
tightX'\ououfuu-u7, ntt Frititti itfa s
tits it firsft arranuged. [Itofbus t anst-ill
bueginutofluspektrompteuitly ft 730o'clocek.

S)ttI I II IX l hfRXTORb'l115 FRbI 81IIXS W, IICft
SF1 XAIX IX fbll,hXX ILAII fFbbFlfIAS51thi

Edwaotrdf I. XMerce-r, tagrautet iffit-e
kiiersitfl iVrginittautuandu tumtns sht
tao vtedoufetvery large etollege iflhe
cotunitry, tiill spea ton utighut Iitu8oclocki
illM XifiilbttuuHfll, ontutu eiii Ups futnd
Dowsi-tsof College life -, lie is tofu
to hbeatypficalobsoutierortortte ithfl
tuf accumlabtiontft isltries. Xir.XiMercer
cflos hurtehighly-reommenduedotbchfy
Yale-, fCornell, Whitiams, fDartmthuub, tutti
ether easternt colleges. Dutrintufle pres-
eint tiMr. Mecerwisi-fIsit lWfsconsin
antI Minnesota.

'I'l(- fri-iesostuw-,ff fuhl li teirc(
fti ifftihesStcutday, uuuuuluuu7
frotit12 :30 too ?,iinlButmt11). IThiifol-
but- vehug eftitt it ited as i l tu
fulfi citrut if seletifluff judo XX XX'
XiiirrhitC.1.Danan C.HVn
XXkl uucle ftrktsLduisitJaiciostutuJ. it
IHutichuinsad1?u .CtdW
AXubliit ueary society oil tofu hilt
liinjaries flute varsity tdebatetoioghit at
7:45, Adelphi hal

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