The Michigan Dail Vol" XIX. ANN ARBSOR, MTICHIGA, FRIDAY XOYlRMlER 6, iqo905.3 CHICAGO ALUIVNI MAY RUN TRAIN Attempt Being Made by Windy City Grads to Get Excursion- Seat Sale Continues Steadily. Despite the fact iff tecnfictintg Cicago-Cornell ganmc at Chicago one tieck from tomorrowt isnoft or thn ikecy that tie annuaol Chicagoe- corsotoi ii iciigant fbig gamie - till fbe issuref. PromntcitMiiciant amitit residintg i Chicagofhaec takni 111)fthc matiter adilartiaftig civoryttiaior to ctre tefccttitart gar atetec o 200 fto ao-iffcottctrat,ad ittfnicc tftc rsult f thc Vandiocflft gaic(,fa serie a.a 2tttmttlusttoiither itet ithtet Mi ciigat-Peruitgamte, it icohbaletfat ittleodiffficlty will fir oexperincdin gttiitg tfe necssary titittilir t scrtr thetrafi. Direcoto l'ii oiffit-eatfltic assoiaton ia: ngic-tci tat if ony fidnt ateo ffrinds it Cicotiitlwi aeconteiplftofigcmcintoftile gftc ittitldlhetadtisle fo fr teto i icn- n inia itf 1'. G. farem care otf i IlowiticaifSfimmonitto Ci. 1202 Ifirt Natiioallnkic hlg.. Cicaotinti fit to thieorafiroadtservceo. If ic ill l ifhisinnn ttitfly, it willinotiontut fictlit iithmselveohit wil asouthfipthelpo- moer f il(, fpcfialimittfit ioihtheft e t itfati. it WXil i te-sigle exceptfiion ofte Cfi- ta o in all f lte speialut Irifsiwtiit are XiiXciinoAtrbrfthe Peina toti game ac defiitelyarawgstioc ft in tiexcursiofu ichitwoisit ff1rry more taitit-(, ttttitrsti fittai tu- dfents. 'histra inifiwill1arritf infiAnut :Arorabuti o -to'clit5 ok Satrdtatiifgfi- -fgittnduftftt tif i ll fititti i atu for eihci ttsptriniFrtoft Iaiitcaiif XWhile tei -al f -et fr teto ciii sylvanti gmeiti- - rtiti gsigftly fbe- fhittolast -trs advfce;ale the fit fect f itttthetderblt tgamtte, cuittg asit f fbcotmintgapffpartnt.Theimpettfsitvetni to ttte-saleibyIt-atutu ottoctof fo iris nto Onoticcablithfir loclisaetaillo i numbterci-of mi ordrft-c uni a ttttsilers, wvho 5werc priofsitto las Strday convittcedthttfliicitguiit had littchater tot ailitfromthle Quker, ntturlly otrtilittle to itnetfte thf ifrif cons-ecutivocdefeto-f hif Iolve~tries, twithlthie last torc, the oti-of-owtntslct havettitaerially icreasd. t 7 o'cock- bistt nigh the ttal tile of setoll tt ftig amonuig te fiftycttudttteat. Howesvr, as the salt-isturfogrsfing steadily aid cositently, l)frcctor Laiarif ft fairly coifdeit tat tite crwdtill tf 1bt as large as last year, wenut ot7,- 500 passed throtgh tetrtstls. Cripledl by the absoene of Daitont ctol Dotugasfroim te ftackfeld,lt otrsity- irotetd rather ite ithefurle scrimmtacge before the Ifrtftofot- Stoic gamfe yeserdaty, the tcrtibs iholig the vrsiiy tot a tic, ecantfeaittscorngthrfee totuchdfottnIs fiif e conrsctof tafory-- ttinte scrimtmcage. bWatis r-et- fred iby- a tiell-paddiei hetdg-ar, ts-tt ini the mfix-tip, relcig Ranneyttity rigti eitd, siwhile Crttitpacker stfibelfor Da- visoit at fullback, as ti lin ue sttttier watstitable to report itn accoitt ofa ltate cls Hloteeter, tdespite the ftct itattoittpa- ter the tvarsfty imtaee a mteiocre sowt-- ing, Cacht Yost tratstwelttttisfeliit the tiork, -adthife oot in itMiciga's "tock, which ibegtanti-ilthteVandterbilt game, wstis111it evitdence e th ie coaceht left fhe field longtfter dark. To- flay the mcii till lie given a hard signal ptratiler asthie final freparatioif for the KfenuckyfiStatte gitift . 1bmi ittscrimttitgef wllb fitff Thec teami asftitwill oftart i te gamfi atgtintt s ~itithe fColonels iiomorrow, ill priobaitlybfitheIt ttame a ggre-gattionf that itill fuet- Annsyl-tvatunk li in t-e ri-it l gafit if ft-e s tason jiusi ai weekf later. Thetewisa-rctangem-tttsiithift visoni-tiat fullbic and -titi \Xif lt fright iend, apt- peartsit to ec ftniiiit, andI unle itifss Waot- kins' i, rsceitvildt inte goateithi ft Midhitan-lt ioi crapflift tunex- pectedtherieft a i tsiwinbnofutheristhiifts this sammisWAthe tm ittit is faibleft thai t li fthe iniotfter ft-e it-ni tt5hithiscoreftmsorowtas lest, tottifit reacheitis lhfefigt.Ilif io- CitticeiteTrnrFizaic nr CithV-t tranoeeleiorta mafttr-hasiiiforgotecfetrrbei ci Curttis' elii it %vere ta eni awayifron th-tatfr o-ePnnylaitgazin fitnc fitt liwin, -andifittaybtt hifear- ing rcurrn fitf sch f a iet to m ya if itkngth es ti if sar to the if-lin-esitomt rrooVi asii tit asi il --i t t.. . XX ille t,2 0 . . XX , ttitititif 1g -Vtuft 76. .. f.. G, iKsntuckv.f ftndiksn til7i iii, lii , o fi t ! NORTH WELCOMES SOUTH TONIGHT, Kentucky State Squad to be En- tertained at Mass Meeting onI Colonels' First Visit Here. flacc--- tift r ilt fiHtll. hseadrerC5is N. Smtti. Y01 tfatLsiderJohnT. WhXitinitg :Mus ic-Bantdtf iiand ici N tanoln lt. - r fi- o-itti i is lt fi tith X ( lff fte ofi t il et fit tilnftweekfIt -1ihgr stde tiaeteopgpottit-ti o tlcoiii flit ut i lifts tlft iii utc- at ai nigrtherni ifssimee iiti. List Iwsek kilit fto t h fhidti efit-hc all- inter- X t uitughi l it- fia , dtfle fontight te fi n