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November 01, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-01

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.I'll .. 1 CIIANI )AI.i.1l:A 1. LY

Eastern Colleges Solving Same
Prolblems That Confront Mich-
igan Students.
Mitchigan is tacing a nmb~er' of prob-
lemos relating to student life no one of
which is easy of solution. Through
the cotrteyof Profesor Titles te
Daily is atble to qtuote troum te Ness
York toot retatis to 'sch asffairs at
other eollegecs.
''Tse testlIs electedl stud~ent coutnciel
lias ettrsedt tipit its dties withll a re-
sliest ts thse mteittbers of sthe coltege that
thter refrains frost accompiainig tir
footbllt eleven rot its tritp ts Asttnapolis.
(list of thse chief tpuriposes of lt cont-
cit is ts prevet athletics ftroms itstefer-
insg intoosi large a mieasurte it prps
alt' ntosude:
-Cansidaisstes sit te 'ale entrrance es-
atitsattisns ate of, late Nears eets
shoisong mansiy lastses int Eniglish srthg
raphly. 'The defers lias b eesn estecially
ntotessorlty its spiellitig. H1ereafter ai
title stilt tic adcopted in tir acaessi strte-
paristmsent tit permists lie rejcton ofia
cansidiate's sites if is shw sitsble
tisfects ini spelling, grtammarttt, te Entg-
lish dioms and unctutio iTe efics
shiould tie to compilel btter stirk in itheic
A. lass if simiirsnitsstsre isis tisisesd
its' usfaclty lst sprinsg.
'lRev'isrl I'c'gistritst isisf thc' aeattesici
deatmentstiIlie coittes) Ssi s"-17
itde ts ste fouts clatss'' cop, r
swilsth 3 lastt ycar.
-A stystmaticun uts's int is in pog
ress in st'e Sertii Sethtut fits ai grit
less slbhtill at liast modtuuif tir'
prsese'nt r''slttsis'etts if thei tscity sic'
''Retutiis ait st'e butrau of sr'lf-thelp
shuts' list abtso 20ers rest. sif th e-ci
terinig clasis(.- apllly fist teiaryai
in the' fnsis if isitiont scashss is''
''lith numbterci if studenrtis tito ar'
tking te so-cedctI bine( coursess'r if
sir or sevens years is larger tis yers
thats last. At lesast tirsan 'iu tsually
three y'cars of strictly scaeici wosrk
is takens befosre st'e stusident settles sisiown
itir tlue u o' speiaslizedi t'chniciasl ecourses
for liie enigineer's dtegree'. It is foutsi
itat t'e titu' r'e'uiretoti 5 completes te
cssmbliined course of studty is ini most5
caises soc'sea y''ars, asthousg'h si fess sre
slts to 'iisht in six years. At tise Its'
gisinsg of te tents titers' were tsenty-
three juniiors its Columbsstia College' wthn
"swsiichedc noe" in the Eniginteerinag
School, as compiauredsth tilless last yesr.
Ina lts coinnections, also, it is significant
ionoste that the pecrcenstage of grsaduates
of oilier colleges nst inthle esigiseer-
tng depsartmsents is cusssidely'stt lsrger
thats usual"
A cominsed sacsssemsic' sitgineerinig
course is a stats of Diessi Reed's. sial
sisy tie in opler'ation lie's' t yeress'
"Figiures publttishted by' te registrar
showsth ue coimpasrativ'e grswth its te
inumbaer of msess sait womensc stuidentis for

sthe -last four y'esrs. Steasdry gasins its
tir' numbser sit stomtest list a loss intshue
inmber of sin sissce 904. sire recosrd-
edl. 'Tle inicreaise its womess liar fisti
years amuntssed last Junte tnt 246; the
sorts shiowed a toss of 170.
"Thtese' results art' tst ts tie slur to
sthe raiis groswhs of Btarnasrdl Colelge',
wehose shtdets tire entrolled. s membssers
of Co'ubiass Utics'rsiiy."
"'to accossmnodate the issereaised numss-
ser of students who have becotme reg-
tilar siners in the University commsiosns,
it hsas bsecomse necessary ho exitendu the

'"The numbettrofuut ssudents 5regisuten
last yeartuasndsthIis s'earcuis si uuuuubu his e u
folluowinug M esuits':; / ;
Sibley ... . . . s.. . . .iits1 5 1 4 .k} :; :: " }::
Arts ansI Scietces......73 '73
Civil Enuginering ..... .. tid s 56ol
Agricultusre. . . .14. 38ts<>j
awt 18Veteriusarys8
0sArchitecture o 3 M dc n ' tIthaal u.... u_, u
b..u...s1s16r349ut :.:t;uu.}u
e'ludes-seither't'grauauut snsr stuuntsuisn
Thlie ut'c se in stiesdicine is d tins nnthin fs,
htighi''ertreuisremeits-u ,is fouu nnmissin i I'
555nn.' hi t hus' 'a'rnns t nnnt; ''enein the'
Medsiical' Cullnegeunis'ust ]r o pee
exptie di. Isn s 'he inresei inn nnithenc-u'
lege's te . rrtic /iiin bus i s n a s
fnorcongr'stiulatint. bAddedi nuite1sii
askedsi, frint fitit unds nsv iablt, cann~
''Its thu rluy- summer thin opoa
ionpit ed fronti titiit stnutiiber s aCn-t iIe bbhtiut'ey' 'l'o
stutter' nns studentudwsun-I en andnun is tint
mite, ithroutgh thit enri-rnsitu'onuthdie CGlI1S )b\'V'I' S81KAbi 1 ' \
frieunds nsf slur-institutie'hu'ts podditahRi iI tNIK Ab Dt t i til tUhES
sial t center for ii' s niuic i us iFity in
Place.i I'llth Ur n in, us it is rclled tn-is 'The in rl'l a 'sse's in 't iiit it work
a iunclei ruom nsu nthedirds Iuis 5Itit In n s nstr Ishelq i nn iuit ' nke us' nuthe.lursrut
abonusit .2Oiitmels cs erved daily 'dat lti i l inn Sleepyh ollow.ih Balssket-
Tht-t' Si's' strctIia and tit iingu 1nutha-s bInn played amiinsstdasily sie
uno s ilthdit'secn d ntuit n'' libskeidt hl courts s iis hd
oib's fin s thsu nt: cit ie. he L ' hent' u rtn' tSigs'Sc'r' with thed i rl
sits is goven edsc by ns stiudn t tititc's tasebal ish c-tnt.is stuatd inusSleepIy h~-it
'hc ite r's' t d its't si iclluir h bi--n " i ll-- 1' 'u i sn't -us d~Iti'be-che' itp'r-
suc5e5 is'o nt'e Sdssuin' n ol ee s a iNus Iis ul d islsii ui u'tu- us
sied nus Iit 555y bed ex'n dednu n isn otliii he' ieiSulitunhitch iiiiis i it tsr in shke
diri o s is5a5555555oblo us ih thn-sitih ist
cInnr 'urns( usa nsy. f ihrnsm
hue tutu s Cncd 'nn- Thushinort'hnhallc''i hh-hh i atsid- is ciound-r
usn his rsetu stntd n-reks atsi t iii tiiethik g iv f t'd's, antil ohe hl
tinst -mishrus t s' nyight. Percet'age' w'ha cmalergr ecoruis thurobnsh ug
sia itpe-yari n i l ts. beii ng wtiths l monnnsdt 1hinug'' In hi cu-nudes'. 'he hollownu
1103, thisissya tidmissiontodi friostu wich thelii lu tgds its name irisa
tpermittrutwithou intlGreeknl. inaiet' eInc s i i ii~ rund.u
tunisus s u:183, tuern-sn; 189H. 74is S iclr it' srs'
I 'shiesnc ini s i a ete ns tr
pert cent.:htoo,,.5r perS ct . ;Eli N25ino, a i tistfs r silds hockey.si
pe1r lt cenIt" Ahi ich ~ u hsu s d It ganu s i ll h e ciits.
listsfenotuhieei-cd ougeni diet'iall i;tt i ii rito inles
its'-lgeif't (sunsui Ilayi 1l5'. .51c ''lic' icttis

Says Wenley Concerning "The
Servant in the Ilouse" Appeal
is Fundamental.
dlii tallthathas 'ee 5said ' Aln's'
icaas olc'enin te m ri suds d" 'l S osrig I
<int 'n lae Iloo e," it s t it ies ini- t
nit laat su it it isnunnuss inn tuc from ne
p sese o1 te lb spcn cit it
V ie. thtt il ints dliii (lkd r n int is
us s t o ial im -niti s a I n sight,%\
tntuit teit c a i e ( hedi
tarottalt} r tits
a sit us ti's i ici i ls i s Inspc ist
dratatit s vertunty isitslysto ndc it hm

istN IC 'tilsty 1ot.'tt."
testisy N ss-utler 3.
Stprciaul efrt's are it'ntsing tusse cut slur
Utis''rity oftPennssylvantit o insecuse-a
large' numberh's'of stsude'nts sthtsi-it makhe
ths tipstto AAsus~rbor forlit''sMichtigan-u
ttcitisytvistgamsu . bstpecialutiratinof
thee Piullms and onsstase observastins ca'
usill lit-untsfos' thu runsdtruts, if ruse
hude suuuucu itudent5stwill puurcseis ic ets.
'Thu racte af fasre is $37.50, incltudiug cult
uessr-uts c'etduinner ct atnoin An'ilbst
'he Dasily Ieiitttyht vaiuiis hlia
the purojset salong as tiuchs sisibles.
Staecialt arransgemeansssuts-c'ali-c-itnsumade
tinyt'e commuusits' itscharsge- ifthss'tsits,
whus'erb i astopl-otr'atiiNiasgara' Falss
suit thur t-sy tucsksf romuus.N"i uum ro s
gran iitest
'lThet-comlte:itinerary is as folownus
Ftridasy.- Novembster h-heaLessPrhila-
dclphtis iaBroadS treet SaionitI:40 P.
M.; a rrite sit Alltona57 P. . linnesr
cut Lan IHous.Stuthrstay, Nuns'sitsr
l4th---Arive at Tolcudu In4; N. li. fo
brueaktfasitarivs t A ussniltArbor(tis
AArtibbrrRailsoadh), 9:3~o N. t.
RetturingiSatuirday Novtuber 14th
_Lats's-nniAbor (vsia sit 11igut ess-
scsil h-tailroadtt) , 5 ,3o I'. NIJ us'sus-c-i tsi
D~etrosit t6:30 I.NI.IDitiuir act htl
Suitsday, Nuat'embers itu I_.c us'Dtirit

dunwo istheings rsi sin maes
f i I hav str p', oii 1c 55ot
to st thn sinu ths srt ..r
isnd siofthe s nu ii n 5 1To -'
I us;tigh tea i nt ()Il,555 1 t 5 stiu
tern-ucst scial i in the I tt
lirke t iifro th diii n t iii
inr-gressrsne } rcogut
s'ay absrdtythiadn nnthey s 5 i
himiuself: wtlls is e'i sinCs'--
stlswithihunsiti us such a sthV
is i f us areu - reret ed 0)1w
ssnhstcty untl onil dlii 5 dc i .
dun struggl ih th ' of
us-thr ittditis n ") part As theS
butttn. dsoI wsabet
disthut thi h in isay uto l: its apc
lte l's a ille o t sca
stnto li t ndanu us insi stn 5'.
asndurs spieitshmlerijd un]rt)a it i nunprIs uc
its tirn adt-itastotii i
"snn-esnhr imsftost.is sin
ust whii h heyi nvetedthir

uut)' h-11idf
is I I I
in1 I t ii
itse tisll
-(S ' lI IN

'.t 111

yi t3

insts h auuusutru l lcrntsittnuc ac-nuityr
omsed u-luStsilttern' ercill, andthin-
Nomssinatsinusnof nclass noficers" silt Lc
'Th it''ehction wtnill ine'hiln-tnt uday,
Nuns. j, unsRom I. "nlls ntitt hespel
f rnui t t2 :30.
'Thur J unuiour D'stsins' bc-rnits ctes
is' followtsinug offtic''s cud thes' eti
Fruiay cutseruunoon.u' PreisicInut. , l's. c-
usser;tvice-reicsidet,t. lissV N. \ikon:u
secretarySlisits-less i tieaser
1i. S. trus.

~- -er t, . it. A. Mt, breakfaust its dinsing'-cr: a
iiig situ n elurgs'hollow; for a o usatCliftns IHosttestsleaveNiangasras(tilts
co-ss s tirs sniredic(il nidstunt 4:30 P1 NI, srite atBuiffatlot5 :30 iP ..
dreni ofs c'iiiihiiits. I1tututhirst'stilt inesuitsIislitel; letest-cBtuffalout (sia
probabulysnsunaerialtizesfornsoe ltie. Pe suaits tsRaioad)cat 7 :30 P. MN.,
Nie crubihusse wusmd lie ci grestltist- blossul s Novembaer 16th-ANrriv-e sit
sac :n.i s isnntut etialc'tine girlsto hisauntil ettiSatin act 7 :30 A. NI,-
gnu straighit isto lthu-tntldusithinnsht tin
dun toget readylsnitshsurgyts ntdvalk CGNFl' WItI ,SERVE 'TO
sine blockt stnt a n su hlftodnsitheistd. It I tIhiS AFTER GAMVt.NIIS.
wosuld ni tiltid tinstited nt site5 of
tihe Swosuitoissihillls. he masnassgcement of thur Michigats Unions
V'(1usd5N 1ib1nS.ccfetauIs sdleided ins serve udiunnerto
I luris tautthin evensings after thurRest-
uks Statsh esiu tin-ussy gamses. "Ihe
CI 5811'l1'tIN N I('tt'Ht i.S tafte itstilts spena to studies out Wednes-
F Iliii) 'sil ti~ft It 1 1 1 Iss y evninuugs tush Ssundays, hutshpecar
itt rulinsg- has beets masde' finnthur say's
'Tihe ins u~tgnd'ust iistittir if listositshut gamuesumentuionsed.
Micihuigaun C-stoipiiiltitn Chuh uccussa Ihue giullsnoutswhichs ahaeunropeined
mindedu sinntcc's n-u utitsusnamsn'Fridasy nght tis ysearhuas alresuy trovedt itself a
toths'nc-ectunits n.Ihoanrdtfus ecmbetrnshipt. apotpularsaddutcion ins the (faciltissonfthue
Germanmight unIIIns-beclnie'bran teFr-Unions.Istc s--esthue usual listofsufh-
sisy'. Nunov. i-I u-ni 'rof . I tuc sui sn out suhstcuntschom ruuu sices.
ftc-nssun embes rnssetwisbunintheli' pro- ITlust yeaurste Unuions ha's adhoted
gratis. pnsict of provsitding a privte roomsu for
this' '~l~m inn'ae tes etreleced: hemetigsof thus'vasrious sthusdent or-
gsuueshnus the onty reqhuiremuenst ue-
bunts Nc sin it us S Indsu.its5 tg tatall sold msembutershuipsticketis.
hDayacSI suser' Itit iiI IIttiMi The seasoof 51banqtusn td smoukers is
Joy. s adi hUr . S.t'.'wellundeer way aaut cduozentof these
FrInnis I nss" eItmanittgsatherinugs sate either heenshld i rihnnce
John . . aeLS . plasunedfocrste sear frutusre.
i.t.St loakss Ausaitu.Cut. V. C. Vaughans, Deaun of than sted-
P. IL. IenuucaffItuig sit icsul departmsent, uwill speak out"'Thur
Scuntiu Ai. Bilian liiikIy. Campaign Againust Tsuberculosis" at te
Ab. NI. AitiiiiI uitkey. Unitarian church at 7:30 P. M. Sundatuy
Y.'s' ong Chuinass evening.

sinahm. hescneI~twus tsi e
t. in- uaI'hit ndi i s --ild 5.5"' --h
W ti o tth t Itio'wed it-5s gi to
acom limient s inted i nso
seticngsofr s I siconcerind.
I hut 1 cni eereailhv;theyniht
appeaiili to thrslido re Less. I'' -w
edussto es'snsf Killtheetisun isi, 5 nt-un a
Natiersco'bsnes An(lytodlaysi
situ'stentitnngpfruin us iscusits 1in
kilt-itvuer adinte Agn thas~it'iN I'01
very little ino thes autihorsI nimagine I
shasll itse usp unrtintla isy stud s ssluh toslean-nu
frft-si nsui sn IEnsgh-it whtherIn he
la',truth is laring- ipstltiehs,
mas'an555sueth impson oxvrssS there
as 1 I t n d stld it hac~sin-itt- cin ti us is
It this- chtsurch wer-ctiretur nsitliOr
early' huthnaige ofuthdi ramaincs heis ncurl
wecl selectiTheServacsn n ithe Ilos.
fuss parforumansmce usithin inerdii u r l's-ado MWa ht.
(411'h't)11h'NIASS{hI il IN
Pro'nf. 'hTruebsloodmI tun ndr. I hnnihic~
gavec-lts'hushrcitlsuo fsihei'is'ti'at
SarahstuCacswell-iAnmgiell IHcll iiisy eVA
tug bef-tone asmal auinsceu. Prof. lrue-
blood rt ead i inns's bi rt's ''i it
umonutsKncks'sun annd ors 'himmnp 's
shetch sc lleds"innsdIjudiis.'
Mrc. IHolisteus'ursn'ci'ed the us's er,'sbin',lc
shrd'mtsit addulsc-sues hfromssMcbeth.'
'Thur Pharmascet'iircal Soinsc-y Inns
elected turutheflowng' infict-vs firtllh(!
yeasr StPresidt, Rt ohl.itn; vin's'
pr5esidentt,1Fernt Shannonu ; scretary,
Cook; treasurecr, epht:.


noons luncheon period ho tems hours, JACuK S'usst--NTc 'ilt SAI,'SjIsse''Ism
from 1us30to 1 t:30 o'clock" N igis.

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