.I'll .. 1 CIIANI )AI.i.1l:A 1. LY THEY HAVE THEIR TROUBLES TOO! Eastern Colleges Solving Same Prolblems That Confront Mich- igan Students. Mitchigan is tacing a nmb~er' of prob- lemos relating to student life no one of which is easy of solution. Through the cotrteyof Profesor Titles te Daily is atble to qtuote troum te Ness York toot retatis to 'sch asffairs at other eollegecs. ''Tse testlIs electedl stud~ent coutnciel lias ettrsedt tipit its dties withll a re- sliest ts thse mteittbers of sthe coltege that thter refrains frost accompiainig tir footbllt eleven rot its tritp ts Asttnapolis. (list of thse chief tpuriposes of lt cont- cit is ts prevet athletics ftroms itstefer- insg intoosi large a mieasurte it prps alt' ntosude: -Cansidaisstes sit te 'ale entrrance es- atitsattisns ate of, late Nears eets shoisong mansiy lastses int Eniglish srthg raphly. 'The defers lias b eesn estecially ntotessorlty its spiellitig. H1ereafter ai title stilt tic adcopted in tir acaessi strte- paristmsent tit permists lie rejcton ofia cansidiate's sites if is shw sitsble tisfects ini spelling, grtammarttt, te Entg- lish dioms and unctutio iTe efics shiould tie to compilel btter stirk in itheic prtetaatoryssss''cthools.'' A. lass if simiirsnitsstsre isis tisisesd its' usfaclty lst sprinsg. 'lRev'isrl I'c'gistritst isisf thc' aeattesici deatmentstiIlie coittes) Ssi s"-17 itde ts ste fouts clatss'' cop, r swilsth 3 lastt ycar. -A stystmaticun uts's int is in pog ress in st'e Sertii Sethtut fits ai grit less slbhtill at liast modtuuif tir' prsese'nt r''slttsis'etts if thei tscity sic' ''Retutiis ait st'e butrau of sr'lf-thelp shuts' list abtso 20ers rest. sif th e-ci terinig clasis(.- apllly fist teiaryai in the' fnsis if isitiont scashss is'' ''lith numbterci if studenrtis tito ar' tking te so-cedctI bine( coursess'r if sir or sevens years is larger tis yers thats last. At lesast tirsan 'iu tsually three y'cars of strictly scaeici wosrk is takens befosre st'e stusident settles sisiown itir tlue u o' speiaslizedi t'chniciasl ecourses for liie enigineer's dtegree'. It is foutsi itat t'e titu' r'e'uiretoti 5 completes te cssmbliined course of studty is ini most5 caises soc'sea y''ars, asthousg'h si fess sre slts to 'iisht in six years. At tise Its' gisinsg of te tents titers' were tsenty- three juniiors its Columbsstia College' wthn "swsiichedc noe" in the Eniginteerinag School, as compiauredsth tilless last yesr. Ina lts coinnections, also, it is significant ionoste that the pecrcenstage of grsaduates of oilier colleges nst inthle esigiseer- tng depsartmsents is cusssidely'stt lsrger thats usual" A cominsed sacsssemsic' sitgineerinig course is a stats of Diessi Reed's. sial sisy tie in opler'ation lie's' t yeress' "Figiures publttishted by' te registrar showsth ue coimpasrativ'e grswth its te inumbaer of msess sait womensc stuidentis for sthe -last four y'esrs. Steasdry gasins its tir' numbser sit stomtest list a loss intshue inmber of sin sissce 904. sire recosrd- edl. 'Tle inicreaise its womess liar fisti years amuntssed last Junte tnt 246; the sorts shiowed a toss of 170. "Thtese' results art' tst ts tie slur to sthe raiis groswhs of Btarnasrdl Colelge', wehose shtdets tire entrolled. s membssers of Co'ubiass Utics'rsiiy." "'to accossmnodate the issereaised numss- ser of students who have becotme reg- tilar siners in the University commsiosns, it hsas bsecomse necessary ho exitendu the '"The numbettrofuut ssudents 5regisuten last yeartuasndsthIis s'earcuis si uuuuubu his e u folluowinug M esuits':; / ; Sibley ... . . . s.. . . .iits1 5 1 4 .k} :; :: " }:: Arts ansI Scietces......73 '73 Civil Enuginering ..... .. tid s 56ol Agricultusre. . . .14. 38ts<>j awt 18Veteriusarys8 0sArchitecture o 3 M dc n ' tIthaal u.... u_, u b..u...s1s16r349ut :.:t;uu.}u e'ludes-seither't'grauauut snsr stuuntsuisn Thlie ut'c se in stiesdicine is d tins nnthin fs, htighi''ertreuisremeits-u ,is fouu nnmissin i I' 555nn.' hi t hus' 'a'rnns t nnnt; ''enein the' Medsiical' Cullnegeunis'ust ]r o pee exptie di. Isn s 'he inresei inn nnithenc-u' lege's te . rrtic /iiin bus i s n a s fnorcongr'stiulatint. bAddedi nuite1sii askedsi, frint fitit unds nsv iablt, cann~ ''Its thu rluy- summer thin opoa ionpit ed fronti titiit stnutiiber s aCn-t iIe bbhtiut'ey' 'l'o stutter' nns studentudwsun-I en andnun is tint mite, ithroutgh thit enri-rnsitu'onuthdie CGlI1S )b\'V'I' S81KAbi 1 ' \ frieunds nsf slur-institutie'hu'ts podditahRi iI tNIK Ab Dt t i til tUhES sial t center for ii' s niuic i us iFity in Place.i I'llth Ur n in, us it is rclled tn-is 'The in rl'l a 'sse's in 't iiit it work a iunclei ruom nsu nthedirds Iuis 5Itit In n s nstr Ishelq i nn iuit ' nke us' nuthe.lursrut abonusit .2Oiitmels cs erved daily 'dat lti i l inn Sleepyh ollow.ih Balssket- Tht-t' Si's' strctIia and tit iingu 1nutha-s bInn played amiinsstdasily sie uno s ilthdit'secn d ntuit n'' libskeidt hl courts s iis hd oib's fin s thsu nt: cit ie. he L ' hent' u rtn' tSigs'Sc'r' with thed i rl sits is goven edsc by ns stiudn t tititc's tasebal ish c-tnt.is stuatd inusSleepIy h~-it 'hc ite r's' t d its't si iclluir h bi--n " i ll-- 1' 'u i sn't -us d~Iti'be-che' itp'r- suc5e5 is'o nt'e Sdssuin' n ol ee s a iNus Iis ul d islsii ui u'tu- us sied nus Iit 555y bed ex'n dednu n isn otliii he' ieiSulitunhitch iiiiis i it tsr in shke diri o s is5a5555555oblo us ih thn-sitih ist cInnr 'urns( usa nsy. f ihrnsm hue tutu s Cncd 'nn- Thushinort'hnhallc''i hh-hh i atsid- is ciound-r usn his rsetu stntd n-reks atsi t iii tiiethik g iv f t'd's, antil ohe hl tinst -mishrus t s' nyight. Percet'age' w'ha cmalergr ecoruis thurobnsh ug sia itpe-yari n i l ts. beii ng wtiths l monnnsdt 1hinug'' In hi cu-nudes'. 'he hollownu 1103, thisissya tidmissiontodi friostu wich thelii lu tgds its name irisa tpermittrutwithou intlGreeknl. inaiet' eInc s i i ii~ rund.u tunisus s u:183, tuern-sn; 189H. 74is S iclr it' srs' I 'shiesnc ini s i a ete ns tr pert cent.:htoo,,.5r perS ct . ;Eli N25ino, a i tistfs r silds hockey.si pe1r lt cenIt" Ahi ich ~ u hsu s d It ganu s i ll h e ciits. listsfenotuhieei-cd ougeni diet'iall i;tt i ii rito inles its'-lgeif't (sunsui Ilayi 1l5'. .51c ''lic' icttis r r{: r.: CHURCH MIGHT WELL - PTROIZEPLAY Says Wenley Concerning "The Servant in the Ilouse" Appeal is Fundamental. dlii tallthathas 'ee 5said ' Aln's' icaas olc'enin te m ri suds d" 'l S osrig I