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May 20, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-20

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The Mi igan DZally

Vol. XXI.

No. 162.

GRAND RAPIDS J EADS !V l.(...M; \'ITP S 'lt O .
IN INTERSCHOLASTIC Dice11m111from thttniv01rraity l
inte ca t eptationi trilp of ttii-scason.l
Furniture VMakers Hold First liii 111illtic gole Slaurday and1Sunidaiy
and re11tur1nXioniday1morning. Eight
Place After Opening Day it (ill ave1heel1 ade by tic associio
of Met mn duingticecyeii, and thi' results, as
of eetsli ])\- i tie large. ui rofii e ,ision
for tic Christiaii lifecmade ty i>thei 5111111
HEAT DECREASES ATTENDANCE 11e21rittowvisiehvepoe
_______Tihe foltiowing mnnltft yesierday:I,
1). _tiiasonXVW. F.iAltirer,1,.tK. Woodli,

a crowd iittatit i ie woulid have biecren1a1
ins'alt to a cias asetitballuhfa1m1e1the
viitg aiiictn at Xi ictiganfiurtenthi
annua iiiteirscholstic raiof thcts
inte ctrack cvnts aitiniud altiof
tthficiii cient xcpt tic tio jmips.
Grandi lRapiidsntinothe110 eairictiiyes-t
terudayi'n contst with a totil of 12 1-2
111111. Spartane mlil 111taiiiconitig
of Chilsonu, 11110secondut a iatotat of f.
'Tleo Cenitralsordtout1 a ihaf
poitysteriday, tut tic showing1t11 t
wa amiiade ilbti'hier meniiintetrc ecvcnti
gailepiromiiieof somlrasytiinis o
diyi Th'ircpetrormiare iiin ti rciiy
nu iss paticilaiy iitpressi.Shel-
byi, uttyar' winiirrs, ari-erripinout
beidticri'scorcatith(isitimeir (tin
'Tice standings of fiie schools that
place tic tiitnaltyetriay ar a>o
ls;Grand Raids 12 1-2; Sparta i;
Crosw cit3; WXayne, Selbty, aiod ,Muskst-
gn3 ech; Dtit-IC'e("ntra and Detciti
klsen2 1-2 act;Voiuidiatr 2 ;Ainn
\itiiriaiiit Vtuuur a tic; ,nduToiledo
tonexcept flit- in(ent' hetciaiditiie
ti-icitwan igttiiigfast. t thai it li--i
coniitstanits ill :111c extnt:. AVws i>tti
be a c1 oiteiiier tiidayfor tie tg an11r1
Monettttai is iaiiitagain tis yeaan
wo11 n it-illtin tit ilo withi ast.Krait
hetiunof Muskenttgliis iiotetim111w11
tile Gii ndtcRsid s aotsrtgoodita-l'
thiimorinc'ti thc faituuplcein anyi
ifrthetriata Vt wre ngeof estrdiay
davrandcthilead11111isbouid(1100 fr if 5
itaissnot idedlst.1attVitt-ir i
Thrdisc aus, tnt flealrfiittn auutih
two mst ofstaell onefur pointfcInu
thrciu stiteiitchain aft srti ed llchnisl
4firs( theeiiinasn-cntheiipfri-ivartn
thiie wereitwco ties.ilso oftefiDtritii
Cenas-l andiArmtirnf stietir tis
forisecondiasd inath(etos for t-e sel-
crasc.I'o Taedondsorento brg fur
Grand ofatinetiednororimithnathicr
cgavnteihocrstoiVate nberg.Chatail-s
Csoi of Sparta n-fisve pitgstor is
niuhol wpeiihtoiiise d it otalnish8t
44fetiinches-alt vrtwoii ta rinthis
wassernon athFerrylfuc m ie imiict(ians
ntie irst eatfr eois jr 01 uineingtoa-
criiiiiiiiTodit i ssrtioatbrigifrh
ryf Cldinyarsit ei nterssPaeiolsis
Niua oinnneSobreha tHierba

C. ', b'Ianvrs1 aiidlW.XH.iTiiiketi
Members Will Choose Officers for
Ensuing Year
Mecmbiersiof thetti iictigatnUn 'ioin il
eliect hisino litlilg t -o(ics-s of tillo- i
ganiliationilforlinesti eir. T'('illsii
wilhepr itte . Fotiti i i l' ii lit
of cniteiis:
Fo peiden-tida X tticinR. thi f
Frrecordiniii nicreta-d'i Vtinc13
.Frllw1NiXX-psidnt--Vco o
titI I l12;Vici 11 ill> ,'2 Ic
er.Wtis,' t. m
For c 'mine op t V n eis -r i
Her M. --i- t sit-roti.C i ii' C. AVIIIs
ADDiS SIX ND V' ItDiitt(1(1 i,\S
Sirhmdrd olar wriftdett h e.
C. Baron 'a,, f> iCh(icg.-i. '>
:lc itti outelli oti l licllilt iii iut pron.-.ii
til t a im~iiii t heli ilt ityi and(l it
f te 1I llsuc 51sin i iii Arr cy,tcc-
it antit w il-il--etoi-iFo ts"iliork-
In htoiioicof teiittrs ii twnltoc
theitiicsrioiastiet'eetthr imiviinsii~y
tiiisi'ti lubs aitt gvl tr anu-ic t
dorconicer t fiomtillitit'amips> tiiii
bandltisittatliigltiiatii7:3.'311 0 (tic t
NXdiwii-li Sherryu-n iwattis, Xi 'ria l -li-i
tine Vito rs, VChi'ck trigadThe ''tclit-
ttu t Giriilit tc iiidy, ugi lriadi
FrankiiMci iitc, frmiery a stitdientf
((01eiitrii-irsi, muttfor till- (atthe
fal Mr. McIntyre will aptr illaew
coed Snobbna"by Gor e R000011t
coeyHowt '
No Auden Sobre La Hierba

Wolvetine Squad Leaves This
Morning on Nine Day Trip to
Atlantic Coast f
'(Te XW ol ineil titioci qu ad>(1, fifteecni
s totg,,leavus co mXiiAi boitth(iis mrni-nig
ti ane tu u i>junketic-that i-ttwilcmit
Ill tillsh(111111 ll(, t ilt' I fotut tsl all-
iim 1l ( ea (ernissi i ih t-uliiga e ar
Son he>1program, ucthe ittad un-rliteinato
itausTh V ltct ersi iho areuto imak(fu
theitio tuu ali titi'ampbest ,aut it- c r-
(tilt, andiiGut- tt cullcil-sin V C(hrtainc-
sit f11 irs 1t 1 itba tt' flseond'i ldti il-fti
socace taotugtttutcos, [wi in he
squad at C (,ei to aoma t nytileuui
hitter iin 'th i o ntests.1 l As1thetl ithreeu
vo rn wr lr ilt eIeene uo
,titlcas liThutet ea wllhaeoh
s i tcstof 'n'etra pihftcefi le pla(fisy-
ttluc Iii bes shcteyireXXchuthec
11ts thleutu Sh's bi all' blg rril
bea i l le cont runsoin a toim ofs
itac tt ce} I aul nIdiit'i 11 manae utu uisrat
('1pn tthe-'pl1asieugg.
Th firs ht 'tm ut'w il tie'lays-th ti'af-
tion. berli willI,0,Sti un itmo\ on iiut'
tilt algame illt beto lat edtithi ae.a
C tltvladou Tu sd y.' Filet' triuggl
an JunorLitwo fleetsFriesih SLawusin
for' Finrsal tnrggl Tdayow
game t tt utthe fo l ull 1 iSatuiday iiil t
110'Fit II 11tt till' Vt-il utnucompletuci r he
,,tne ofca t i i 1snt ua u (u 1
th>>nio 1 Li s to t'le taFrsluin-twiInu
Ina foriit'tottlI it tuseir athueli
lit, and fresh t-i 1,w s 1will'as h is mu ot -
110> t iiatill S ntuharitycciamlunl.Th
t'N It Xare iedfo irs;t pai ll'the in
Xu hioni. VAtN'tilsaet imth e.
jun io ei neetr(IIusutan th'' is h ut- ps willt
usTutt. Si C.-A.ct'Wu' PiI Vll'i 1u licilt
-'ltIFiiino Chu int "tcisthe u bjone
ing atutu'6:0 lthuatMchlulanealrl
,)ut themiseitty, usife ndustomus willt le
luncf helft men,'hu ttujctth ihoro eemtire
er 1ut warrtt iorit-n illtu thu r nonuothe
ill-In a wtile1111 t -rn alti tiiinugrictur al(it
Isto shwtaiui'm o rt iisfrmsi

0>1 guuluu51 'cHug iit'u'P S'c 115Y.
1(1-ug , siu andimi conf1ecttio1111-us huta
1thriing k lulls-tuftsn tesirdayht, 1m' httist
liay itofuthe uear ''ticthii'nitnmsu'tk slnout
fy cliumbedut ftIIIuimoriiig unfearly initihe
aftrnoon iiregisitcred192 at tille u ivri-
Iy obuorrvatoiry.

iGI Mi) UNTINE(tERtS 1101ii)
"Nil tNt) Cl"'ATXl' XXi K Io_
Thu anualtunneuimil-im>u''fithe till'
auke corral (lst ight iftyfixcuptls
ttited ihthu c-IleiurtitimiticthapsoIt'
iuckerrlhitfsoiffit'uil a1 nd oI t, left4
>1I speiltcamrs foru erybarbecult
s ai rsumtt itthubefutu mst stultin,
Inimanfltmit tul u~vfrial
amiiammenmt,thut'estine11 rs were chmtaper-u'm'
moiii by P(muf.umand AitsRthtPromitt imi
Ms. . i. Ptitc, and111 ittand im s.XicF.
G.tumark The'pchersmulrtm velediutoitfe
trimuo tf "(e"Fihe',, u rcthetrnil.
Webster and Adelphi Will Meet To-
nght in Forensic Contest
X''utt'u'anit Xiielphi iuil 11111'igh
to debaulte for pousessionmo thu t'itti
Vlumni As socuiatioup foruthetnt'outmm:;i
utr. (Buithsocitielat uinl thie u' Ilst
fuor thu permnntiu ownrIliipt' ofshtt it, iccuip
andu t'th detatu'puomimuss->ft biii' n
clnusm' imrthmofti uus rivlry.
'Tihifs mwilhut' ohurof(hr mmofiteet
mg Infates ltt hasll>eu-ill' nitc enI int
tic cum ineciims,"t saitPtof.I). '.'Hot-
(tter. "''XIIlthu mmiii are- uwelitrep u-ti
in nn xciting uonullt11>1 heilitp(to,(1-
"WXX'desrecualhgood11 attndancelt hi' ar111
liii' debaiht'" sait PmofuT. 'IDi. Traueloou.
V t XX'tnmsinmandithe till ertciweosteu-ri
tcollegs mu- filt iiulac illed 5 alhotuhuh ((m
eft-ii'suuof (emu'nmu-mue-tmhoro tughy' tu-
(Rin.IH. itt.itPttit f Vl isaittuandm
Profetsstors F. . itymanntui mmm, 31'. F(\1
teritu ft hut'StmNirmauil sI chool aIt,
(11111slted-itomh udg the((m u- lst Mr.
Iuuawrenc m erount'iiu f , '7' u-mimi-us'
ug' ilel' eI it l u imnium' inn tion tt, will
Tilt'ebtetutmill btgtntum ml i ttat 8
o'loki nrom1im iof tiela tutuhmbuiin
IOIllraticlh associatihonutllicktsor 'humt-i
im- ccunts mwilai ummt.
Theu'monti m m onu ttutilt' mim lo i utu')
VtMmilhalibin ituuttttu-ted up w it
fun-imit'resum that iml t mile used asua
uncut'wre ladtherett-csterdu''m 1ta-utu
miwcai~~rs lr'um beemumihn mor ued.The' m
room lin harthlight mm tm cumuliei
hchngestioni tIhre.'AllVie(fit' i gI's mm611
h)(' co mplted-tutheutmcm emenh uiit'iit' e'mmItt-
ft ha~s hbteenumdtcided'tohuslite flit'
rimt hlt s tan aliumnimrohm, lt
also11fio' ahfit'citttummnd 1'se m'ior mumun
hum1 rusctliu mrouum
Maltachesin ean iiu uanl tuuten I tuc ut
mu-ntf thou-ati~tGldhamt( ct u-ctt
giun, nd itllmbii pla'yedtuttfluttinthe
next to mm-ccks Theicu-rts aeint 11>
diiy-tfrcmmormminmg untuil mnigium 1mmde-i
votsof min html' gnd-umumi mlii 11
i-ng dugisimateutitheii seri1' s.
iutMuDcAm 'AQNmTO c To MummmumI
- i~ut-tirn V C' Vaughm'm u t Vd . S.
XXt'iim mill guit ((lmeItalytuhtnelst
O~ctobetr as hllih ht-s motther Vmtric am
comm ihittee to lt- evnh'h (itlitl ati ml
tubeurcnusis ci crnc. The m-ill (am
ciag ounim tf tu'AlichuighanSttexifmut.

NO Anden Sobre La Hierba

Grand Cap Night Celebration
Makes Sophomores of
5Verdant Ones
,c in mthesopomotthreutlassui ccs ifi
194men muwa> ltd aountheli>'mamothu
,o lr tutu leepyuIl I tll I l imt iilihlhutt i
-;; t i11'' nt ifa tste uemblmm -ls omit heir
erttrearut micltittttt.It c-ut firesake
dances, imu s t utu m itmg tutu ei ngi che~tiers
m( ' amn mu ind ctatiomuoftheilsluc s> it the
1 It t imfr sh mmuseo marmmihowhich
'ucceeding tmmmcutom mitvirdat mtoe
lu ll (mutrdto t.mmu
,'dat:thelt uitiugl'ornehriandu m iaimi-
"d t 1thehallw v ii tihe I mmmi andmithu
h,\co by e oter casse cnindero
Ii it utefrsmentubininup'mmg ini
l ; mrtim .eni I - by Heh bemtm
V is itodctefrt speaXrur
tht 1n thlso irius s Iwise ash5a
,,O mcr -al I > hau t (null1->n
to the tmit tn' II i ul uli loIksutt th
scit it fo' htutthe1 e tt flit-mum
ccrc a hornsreadin1holy1oo1s.
mum ttgn:4 peet. toprchi btmsmpl
give dvic, l e tol theyearigs Io
'c r t thir d 'V c or, mix n i
-m tsafirsI ;old ho IdItutu Vtichiganmiah
Vi II I 1.1T,1Tho upnitho lhves
lowship uand Ithe mu thu linti nt f umo lgu'
lie o-oit- t\ tt I us>'auns: "Keep
Th et peakrIChIle(s tFrankliin
wade a~ hor- t addreiss itt adviuemrotiu the
-- I um Imumuirt, T fir was uolwed
-- r~ il Ichapl a tilshtm 11hef smure of
anyt_,m l'ti-, ietoldmfthe(1neacr
., . 11- i mftnthe((mint-mrt hus arc
)o h illi tti it'heclssrom , but(mmiare
Irn tcd Ib -Iir fillo wsii are'(iit h illn s Io
itanilium>s'addre'u-sOthur handmlavedm utie
iProf.V'Claue IVanm Tye spoe
vttatutueeivedl aI mcotrtil wuelome
Ie emphauutsiiedmthint imporitn tt parti tie
ml er tcant lint'as aitaluuumuso. 'Xhtu
lull go ut inttu huinworlut'' t sidl"tan
tilt itlimit-fminiver ustyim stnd1s11 m
mtstilttucigatnm ill ibecottmec-tic greatmest
mmmii hisitu il thit (lou nty.
mlndtI I aiihs wa hls tiel ast ospeaiktr
,odiikcieI efehmenstiwhoi moumiiglt
t tsi . I m~s y 'stcciht'fomm tie first
lime.I !,'hit - tui t i tmum eduiitate ponm
thi cin n eurn touhun ivuersi
tumusextlilii atfet-muamtititudeth'to-
umuryl camp~usItrahit ions.
(I'ecelbaion i mcli ot-m i wtii lie smg-
ing of 'hum VYellow'mmand t' illume' mhile
(Coninued fron Page 2.)

No Anden Sobre La Hierba

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