.: ; ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \l)VI(I)NESY N, AY Jo, 1911.
Vol. XXL.
tir. l1i3.
Syracuse Will Meet Varsity on
Track and Twice on Diamond
This Week
f iitontet ot heif l i ath letitict
IKC ftome season i1s15to ihe staged
pon fiedthis atinoon %ownttiot
ih iltomets Michi'iganiion1 te 111FFll t.
Floingthe 11HF ooier 110ineo'll"Srttt'tt
atlete11areto appitart both i dIno -d
tes t titib ltl t.a u t h ov r
ine ~ 'ttioitIti titilit til t It t a111 id theit t
The tusse wthi Whas ttis aftr
not promtiss tothe tua ititti ' oingi ~tfit-
the liiFig ee .10' t Ltt t ititetiatsti ' ttve
vqihdte i~t'their homeroundsl't
ruin the'i sprointotr ifileot t icm ititof
t v' game- it I o' 'i isfr ro ce t i oh
t i(, iotllowerfu-lines t h at t11iltotWi-
Fise ert heo e tha t utpear es-
prialktoi to dii r>Il, ~eliii itu- Fi
11111cos 1 l ess mpn ingtiii t itn
d1ito f an F r fteV rst lv
ry. 111 i tt1 h itougii hi s o ut o f11
in shape. Ft i sce h a injre i
auray Ft me, iioot iNt r 111 'hoF
pl'ay. titryiF FtillFlif-rin t'f'm a tso F
htod andlif tooFlit aitt otot her m11 eniiii
a tig h isafMteno on. I f i itii'ii ooltr
est''iiiii from ii te 1111 li halt' ll to tilt
lii 11111nd h: illa i llg otid
I i ll ist' o llle to pa lth l
w i oagaittoolrk itnit iL IF 5:1i5.event'
iF( eSkei teF aoiteNFF t f o1(r te:bth in
Frig t nd F FMuntson liiw i llw herccooitl
ini n 111510(' 1) tirYIi i i at ni ti' t
Campbol t \i ldof Flit N it cih iasittisflt'
ncssaytoptutiial tthea i l i si engt
adultiorl ht so beenlfolitteFlit iii''10c'nt1s. ii
Dao.l T. nsat li ut S itw il rtprsetil-
1111111ver it t i igaiin aorl nu l itl
fetin ai col ii i u et iofti e i lsu mnFiciasii
The new haclcrilo wil laotor
'cte at 1th itt t i t inf itt'iet i s-nt
tnli it itheimeical orltd titi''l Fita
and ~n ut i d iean irFhe icolgeFwilldlie
millof thet Illsitt atslis ailIoiiFedutorl
N. Y
CF111N+',Sls S'IC 351'If'I TY__
TO GEF N TOf) ss'FST '3N'T.
Gul- i engofSo CowC~aniClarence Whitehill and Thomas
I:, as fled pe iti 'i asiltttoit11t Orchestra Will Give First
arliing fornii't' atiih o n't as ii eli g i blettConcert
caiindiidte ftor admuiintoittu eF t Pous tint
MFilti'' Ftilt tia'm . Chei o e o f' t
the~ seeity "golernmetsiitltudents" soul STANLEY PREIIICTS SUCCESS
t'igiioerinig' tior tar Ii he f tim i
'i ~ it hl iion isitoob'cme a igneral ithteo
poviiigfthte ttedutio toii-t
Pon, Fotiottirt heut paFlit agot f the it t
lii i siiidlnts oaadl ag.iir ds
ignate Fby tie Tsta iiiTo a oftheF It
im e ial Ftrm inFthec esiaiiprt t
Fmiihitiitcoifiturfrit mastti''"'tt
w ihtto wtit tititil th haeg d -I
Union to Send out Prospectus for
New Club House t
prspictis of F'the tpr osd 3lh tt Un-001
,ii 'Fil gradu testhronughoutt the t' itSIuh
so tiiFtii'next utoo. NMa 11r t tittoie wi l
aloi ei. eFt toit i c pitr i itdme fLit
Fli ncu ig h t of iali the01
enitilby lio'nine i s Fnd 'int'a insintoriia-
tion concern11ng5theSMnitonit (ccsC
F Fer It sFilt 555 131 SF51 FS 1.1and
ttli theseitnit dto111 greti t xt enlt' fot- '
los.iNo '.aial for mot itiFus ade,' a
'iF tutul ilt Fon t h ugh olt'itill' itn tilt
p soa wiiti rk1110of tocal comiti te tis i
tilotyFlastliht.u': is Fi t
liuritg is i l augFt i tioritis 'e1shovved tti
m ns figr T ha 01 1 tti lioeIt'll' f-
f1or t o alife time;'iiiitt' 51'Othe i l:it o
trass k1 t lha lIug tistac'ui it Fli' atti
dragge it d wnb o illhad Fve tit II
i l i i nerlyComlelitte; Flihts
remi n ti o the doit i thei uttino th
I'iii ii onith'uiddleNI st isof0 0 1'the
'''olu oro iiithe ised rh itbee
i't'0o - n F thI r is aii ost i iitor l i gts F i
i- olit h is 11111f i ihe imfnt iil0111
11011nri t ltta Crosman 'asleadoing mantino i
i"tSham" ilnost er,'oiitheaFy. r av
devilii lit aingtui t h it a t tis i-ul
vttit le''tu i 's i to Fli t' 'm nitya t'iiie
iriTelsit hs etwt h faorhltc m
Ait is it'r'eadies ori lthe owing
it tiva, wicht'open1110s1tmigtigil ive1 tsito'
FM tll. 'ITh so ist ot he Flt' 's''uu'ug 'itr-
ence '\S'uttu Ill atruedtotFtis nioninui i
copn ithlthe o I Ft'etra'
TFlit'ns utuuutu'iof visitors io hre andiii
idnsaenetiingitheir fri'tt'uuho ut
Flits tco1111e lito ut Srbri 11foir tto i't'o's
Sol th'eitox utioff i roti'i'Slti t' -
111 tm lor o . '''u'l i o selsItoti t are11' stil it
0 ttilt uutuwhich if ouoit taen Feoe tiiu
non itliihe10s11to tltheiiordersuo51hich
111111 n lacetd for s011110furtin hgh'
111al techlpot utitioof th Fesi-
val to il reaineu~s was town1111yFtheFlF-
tils li th chou ls 110dis llcedin the F it' in
oft wi Flo r t11 ill nth the orautottrioi tut
lihe oper.1 Pr. ,- ouor SF-iitloorsemed'
1001 ! , l sedi tict1,Fi t he F stt o ess't o f Fle
11111rsl IlSF1111 i ughtF, 0-11111coulu nt
1301erI i liii nal hlllt hunthiriamiii
Si A t, F siti u nderiitl'111 iauies''o f lt'
uit SituborSt Ass' oiatioit is furisuih-
ito' MSt Ft o itl u stohiioan uilttstalo p- t~
ing h suIF we 111 t tN. Sar tuits as Ceti-
111ispay1al itutoesilug tcollectonuuof it-
iai PoiitI in111he steoif lt'e olItah-
'111us itliet Sihibuiit 'atut FaSot
Fetihutl ini full sway, ASuitrboritible-
coms o iatew oas lteimtccaiof ll
1h i111lid;thelity istruy tt '"R tt-
iet f Amia."-u-a
irnior Engineers Learned Mysteries
of Boiler Making
CIli ii 1ooms1110ateutreet0u111. to St ntgi-
Fuito uaragl orth atuaItopring
iluit iin, iTejuiorsIwhreusurouhit
the mysi ttries o itlehuh aing.Fi
Flit folloing iiuiors1110ilittrptuaitet
Roberutt W\S 110111 Jrryt Colios. J
Ftronh H.tutui E.I Htosti, Joephi D.1
111111 11111 0111 0 still'n NS ticiliNrs
FDurn taStu IFesuta lt- SuWo ien's
I it us williol a sloi Fle curriuor
itf 11111 rithaltltofictpper echo -tinigs tf
(111111 oto o hall utnultheut-blrtr.- 'Fle'
ethingsuiwereumuule-btoo rs.Fit-tutuSt-
1011 ~ icg atsF.tAftr te Fhot
ti iv a t h itl iei o1111 onistl t W55alor's.
Fitctuupro Fit otsliiill hF tonahtedttott
thio resido t ia ll l l ufond.t
5511., (71 IMN I.; hSNE'XTF' SVF(
'Te tecondtlantniul llitit Fctt etits
tournamtun'ulgitentu drtuhot'Flt'spoticsitt
Flit MichilganUnt uhion, 1and11111110 tt Uniont
membelurson1111,' iill tkilace11110 ext sc-Ft
etr~titstitust he i it ytsixto'uloct-k oilSat-t
urday ast Flt'hs theda igoutFlnetoroiill
tkehuh.ace thon.
Fost 3111r0tFlitoFuirtamtenit wiotitti-
rateduh h e la'unin mianagemenit'h o
arouset'thin tterest initheou'rilt uantuprtov-
o~ i uccetsitsfult hatilthe maagemnt'tuiF
deidediio-hto repeit-lth lis yau-r Its-ti'
ift 1111otetnts F riedthiru 'sllih tote
trophiesto feredtbyFit' Flit'otuuat te Frt
S silvor Fot-tng ,'c~upil gto te Flu-u
nuur out theou'stoo tutuslilt' st-ondittc
trill hutetstrewardeduwitli autchtfiotb. 'Flit
-couratre it'raidl.htbein~g 1p111 i oshaptt tftu
Ft' tournameitand'illth behF ut- edinessluoo
by Monidalt.
tn ordertitot defray lt'e u-esltieus' ot h
Sitane tyufeeof ty centioscwiltouheu
chargei Atl lt-to u-udeuatiretoC'mtut eo
with FluI.ITorwattur us-uuhuths chatrgeu ot
Professor Wenley to (live Address
At Initiation
Frotusotr itohutut.SF SS 'tuof thut
t'ioo u depatmenitilt-tot dtliver thtu
aomotlonia tiatitoh 'lii FletoKpiaad
droos at thue Co isriti out Sisconsion
netoFlridaytueveningProftesor SS'ou-
oy's sutbjet'uhwsill hut'"Citi-u' '' 511 momo
Fitrs otfliitheunivesitutill h ltoweto i
Ftedtib lectutu.
Twento'tmembters out thue 11)1 1 Class
'ou nit tit sprtinlg-tirteeu--iatoututatut
Ott Saturday P hrouftssor S'oouioo will
hle wi-Fit -urnitotoutn SirForut'Stutota
i-iniv ricso1f "Mamast Matuti
otrtledl oh'erutl tut-itbers of ti prominento t
creiin 010fa adeits wuooua us tutu ii
upthoustepof ttheii Fout-chiofit hot-cater
houus'..ASourse' ini tchil amusettotl
was10atFontc ta trtedl whii' fruitle-ss at
itpt~s iset'emaet i nd ut tithFli- -t
its' outfli'-tut nondee. ortreeFlrt'ayt -0
hrsofouatit houtr lt'e ciltits ettrtiit-
-dith-tt bracelt'sh, erigo,.andttucstlles
itttil atlta1tiprotesor it-itti taty ca-
rage' hut 'it si uigh ad treicvedtlhit'athou
iety outhFle glos.
1'xii n i x i 1.t Ntti 'iiit t-i' Ni 51 1111[:rnt.
' he fresh enlgiers metItshtta uf-
their Io' it-trat: 'e.Thou-arteo plnning ii 01
a smiolt FFlt liou no nthFli'neatrtfit
All-Department Mass Meeting
Shows First Year Men to
Be Enthusiastic
loon uthuhedcotstt tiutotofrts-
meeouting lt ight i' ldin supoti of o
'hissetents to t ooe, uhld out Strday
hort soeecerois wlrtgi0e'by' 13Maurioe
'st, tbrth 'lteFr Foliodht itStudenitt
C ouncuil, Fraitoh Stilt touinl oF' t'
tieshi ustt atill It P- t itllsio
tug-oft-war 1captilt, tout ttooNdy" Situ-
utut assistanttCaptititof lithe is 1The
1a r t ot to t-ou eFlc oothsts wauts xttiiueu soth
sp t o 1111toes intuit sl ir. 'li chuas
leadersreout aitmot etusatic iat
t tut ol li t tutof tholtisomtn lit
the cls of ottheom'tutuu'
The maii sto m teetingofut liis oh onorer'0
osill be to het ut in th ohi s tut to- rootil
lt 7:111oothis F i ng- 111 it add iitio
tot too' oflitiaoutddresot0 if luhe Suduett
C'toucl,to iarn o il ist
too Iluottiho T msoF n11110 ng-of-'ittutr tutu
ain, .Srith u u i F cl, 'I F captutin,' ood
"Iii"'itoh 111th I of thtotuh ltoi t eamioh .10
he a t ath i t i .,o i i 0'i< otn 'ilt
Ftcnhrooktout F ltuuoh outs illot thu'slutef-1
uereeus F'o'ia'n ou Fls'tatrtertot tooseera toe
tes ttoond thetut outt rs outth t t:
010111 ituglitiog 11ii t ' i11"1 yttho It
to til i ll f I ma shal d tilt-i
ITheowiing no 1101cotethutso
h t 'clases ill continuetot Iout the gymna-loil
Ln-1ouuuts willout tuootto d II loots toI
Ferrv Fliel . istFoul thtoseitwhoiarel to
com et Flit' beporu Flte aou s 111 io
iat-iu eii. t 10o b ars otitFi&silt
Aolit mem e. o f boot ttoh till i ttlttare ouit
flit ith toth io Ftlt utote ut.i w icFh u-it
Sn t-toel ',uoly t hos 'Ina} h
wictlthe, persmitto ut thouthatostty
llwot ith raot nht o:, Souuuuu o lou h oi oh
toeidtrackl to xw i uot b ut ''Flout'
Sttttt t' o ldtut F tilt ies rak
AInew };o fotCIt-2SiFnc010oSF11a5
tg'ie- luwithtistoihoe hoot too toe utodu
Ytul bct'lau-hotn hexhitionallo"iDad"ui
tSkinne'souputodaty.11 5 01111
lT tt h ou tutpu ator11'atdkstuaglips
tacuStutw h io i t oth oalothea~te th it
itf tuiouits sptctatorIto
5. . 5ST.NF,L5Y