Opening display of
Spring and Sum-
mer Woolens of
Exclusive S tyles
THlE MICJHAN DKY i u c-c-ciel elc eti Is ,NS 11PL
! iII ci I ,(. e cedenIi lebodl be-lit; eSCOt-I
Managtng Editor-1,t ic-A NWti-iTI;1-if 1, e lleisiimadle towaerdi-
Business Maslager-NowNIiA~iIN1.I Ieeel_. ,e' tc sis' 1111cof t1e board of (Continued from r
reelt) nAl1-Iresh base ball club. first,;(rile 13, second. Ti
News Editor...,...,.H ld T is TIi . ,rw -IrlIs am iterest i -tng i o
Assistant ... . ...H ry Z c l r.ii ,,
Athletic Editor ......NV-die;K. T wescell 14, scond. ll imeOle 4
Assistant ........... ..3J.111(1 1 eel- i 111I1t cIi as iejtcgc fom rcent oil- Slk ~hli 14, firt, Chistens(
Music and Draiia.... alV ,oe -i~ta . 1 ime -4 2-,.~ Semiials -
Exchanges and Files ..1;o i 1ri3\le N iii ;3,second.i i me. iii
EDITORiIALS. \'( 11?tIt IIIR i iIM LW !Etii;ircl 1,s
Arthur J. Abbott. S aserIll parlisa 4 scd oralo iir
PaulLeid. ro fr i i i iJiiiwsii ni the a eiiiig Ii 1. ~nl-~p 1
NIGHT'LITS.irolicarins b lbt11111 li-bets eu lsi 14,iieiiid, I lf 13
A. J. Wohigeinuth. IHarold Mce. lI7e, I-s e lll(,l i asi .
Harry G. Myser. SMiurice I Oilei ii Is hattheleglleieiightlwoldibe _e ii I leeih liii iles-l ii rn enl, Ewr oi., 'd) oeecpinlycm es1,frt ~ro ,,s
Frn Pn elt. I el ii(flfit tor,. But h dreams of ,i3i.;. 1 d Beat-T11,3
Loiree tfaleisiiii. IRobert (Gillett . E frralc h isa :11 hell lii rliii i 14, seseijeel 111111 -
Johii L. Cox. F. E.Shawe r lc f11mrvebtpan ii liiIIl-lrelseili},Ifirst:I Ilaff1, secom
Eruiest ldur ouu hurdies11 iii
Gerald J. hiay. 1 111ie1 o I ii l :ndtl, ieee iii ci iiill le choseln 1 firs: o nsni3iw o
C. tiarotl I-Tippler. I ci ':I ~lIc cr,_k { imp111iiy -.2) etC i 4 i
W~illiam 1 . DI lglesi I iiiseoii i me11111 -31 3rd ]it
,- --. Vll,511 1N 1O IN I,1 ISt itL aro 1I seo d
BUSINESS STAFF 1I:1\S 5 I11 feii(Tcii iiedI.'',SIeeleee
C. A. Bowimaii. A., )'e
1 2 ,5, 15in Is-C iii Ii 14,
Mlyer Robin. I iieifc he i sb rn ''l,1 eIIitw l l iii- rllih e o iii 4 ce-iil II f 3liie
L. Ray Jotiisioei. Iln r 1,trerzl,1,sc n af1,t id
I~iet~dlchIIII~wiiip o te licr 3lip rie-i i eds 14, i
C. 11. K linstuckl. lees ehl 1 ue idc s Itr tilh lvednx 1(s
role 4 21-..eii
1ile 4, -cci ______ __;
; 801iiheat- We are prepared to supjv
iii I_}, iCeil it. the best of everythirgKill
1,~. bili
im,, 2. rack GOoods
3,lirt: G r
thin 7. TI III C,
rsi eiat-Gir-
1Ss I i ii i
ica-el Giilil
iii. Tilie ;
Icc iK01111 13
le t __ -li t [
Lu- ci
3, iiiii
cclr ; CrIi
The Leading Merchant Tailors
lypcwr itcrs
The Students' Typewriter Supply Co.
Roomt 4 Press Biliding. Opposite Majestic
Students' Bookstore
New Titles in the
Latest Copyrights
-ddfress: c HtcIGcAcINhilcec, iressk~
Mlaynardt Sreet.
Of1icecftours:c -Mianagineg, If'itl- p
Bti1SiicS Manacger, 1-5, 7-h 11ciii., lI
cepit Suniiii BothcilliIii i )(0
iL NIIS\ \I S-
Night I dilsr-iA hi l olIM,
lu e f r i li I l1.Itii t _1M
uhilioliii unii l- ei ,)p o or cc
tei i lii s o c l k l r ,}
to c-ac ch eillci. lee .t~r (r il t
Glive liiefri hlcli (111)1fth ir W1
writhi e ive - h o r(rfv ,ltil:g iw
ter- lie ileecit lc e l i ngii t 1; r'tl
it li leiz -lupte aeil i alwll a
Such allintitutlion dnit l l
proebcbility, eu- a 1 ..ina -.-. 1, - .. 1)r
Ihe liiiil footbal l ,<11 h 1,10 e i -ce ilcltc
weksi dten i i ' vic{l1, ii
rl r' tI ' - i i c iiis's
Tl, [11 i, c li- el.) ee-eo rl pr
ic. t~ c ut11s~trl i e is t e c e11 11
. .J lii ..eel
c -d S l c< SIl k t. s, NIllSS S
'OT i(d , ci <Ii call gler.cI'a'
\ ts Chi- tit If c -lt e Te 'cii ii s i
.tl" Ci i. I icI', ili .vl r ,. W o ~
(x:1) Ill1 1 P 1. 1 5 ll x1(111 51, fTale
AT11A DRFNs (.cleI ci e l l
Iri dce i I -lci-cd, ,. Lll cil(: a lwrt-
Ladies' Hair O fossiec $ at Ste.
Rate-Water Shasseecs A Spe111ciatlty -
5.1 m c o d ; i ,; cy eice. heyel s e
elcilic ll icd
I e . R. t !sork
11lI , P I _IS R Y 1 0)1 . ,1i)erIIty
I 1ig;01 in1 S lilc 14, cci -S : Io
lead ct 14,. eccei 1: 5111i111 13, liii 114, aiced
iciccicelt 14, heel li irhed. l hi
fee -t 4inceeeli
6 lp rce- k 1,aolJanen I a
tied for lirs:e ln o 1,tird I 'i
f 111 Ite j31 (Cc (1(S
o ll{) cr c i im l ]1 u t: 1c ,11)
I icc 1s ccolds
Every article, alos price i
it guaranteed-if you r<
quire a pair of Track Sho;
for indoor or out, a pair ofr
Pushers or a ihike Jtickep
Supporter, 16 poiund Shot i
11am mser, or an ().) ,:FC
[Discos. Yiou cciniaiwxayp
find it at
Utiniversiity [iookstlore
Mexican: :ndan- r n.f
flhe Mas Accetatle tlliG,, ill
VMci,.O i E it
t rin~c~tJcii.w ied, Ir 11 -Wi
7ii. Sin. x 11attu. 5 . ...... f..
61t Sin..ax231. 41n-s.- --.. .... A!
51ii.4iu. x 21t. Ciii ... ........ :.0,
Sci <a. ee fsse ofieach slss 111015)
! d t; I+tr icicititc; 'cci ,; I Ic 1
Aguascalientes, ;,s"ir,
Now is the lttle-ci
bsegin to thiieRset- .
K0I) \ K ftr fle
mnisthsc u
Kodaks for fient
1bc per day
Scrap Book Spec i No. t2
20citt 10csit anyO purhase
Stie Ia ii sot
(Conetcnu edfo Pae I..
eclircel t icc rn al
1) htac tte w"im )
liii v(Iee time h-eeed l
ieeeli l-icaculie nilc r ceIlie-ca e ieee
I m in with l 1c lii 111111 i-l '
]look i c s r e -sIcciii Ii~l
these -ccilicteic ts terec cccelscii
for a ch eel"
C2 i'1l I
Displayed i;n ova- Windowse'
Publisher's Price
Our Price
Maince are arI co ceditoIh
them 'ii Scarel it -- llcIN
loms-e-, lii -A SIaicestliet.
111011-CLAS -PtI CtcLR11S.
tures ccli i i r own1 'ii l ihei ice art,
if cc higher class aiced st ni i mceelc Amhu
galleyonae one' A . adcle, =473 .-
has leen h eiicileaec highIi-id eicture ini
lee studlcents' hoe thatlisi cceatineg talIc.
If youci have iiAcsenianyiof cci liworki c
$t.00 $t.o0 $I.exs
$I.00 $1.OCR
$100 $1.01) $t.00
$i:0 c ) i l.()() Si .ii
too. Si1.0ii St(dec
$1.011 1.1114 :i-il.00
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$l .1113 Se.t)()
$.0() Se eect
$1.00 $I.()()
S I1.11 Se li'o
X1.(e( ieee Sio ieee
rindk311 hirts
Cnoat StyecC-uffs aiced
Ahen's Gsood Clothes Store
Zthe Stinefee.-tyecMacinsr treat
Leetneat Nc-e Ysi.-k style laSpering Hacts
Opceresd tiscWeeak.
Si .110 '1Si .ot
Si ,l $ . 111 i.111
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Sil.o $1.011
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SiV i icii,(Se)iceo
Si .1111 5i .o11 Se .1111 e ec
Si el) Suteeo euei
Si .iii . SI .1111 Si.111 E ciii
Get your MICHIGAN flu
Pins, Fobs and Spoons orolid en Lenses R. E. Jolly's IVE BO0H'ISE
HALLER S Ditpicatstrn aeoupleotliu. (irand OpeningtysuntiusiecLIiiu cilshyieliie-
Op}~tic7al .r e Dept ('silliscec Prescriipions HldLunches, Cigars doiyo usok ae r. e Itiite doel-npri.icly thancitci cc
66rn ( ievti ig rtes o aco - Ciiiuer ds, bfore
F ee Watch ad Je selary RparinIgc o s mi e a n d P ip e s.
HALERS JW~ER70TRE9mPAR OL University Suit Pressing Co.OahPae i
121 "Vi"Rhis too 1,
RANDALL &P PACK, Photographers
Phone 596