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January 19, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-01-19

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T h e _ _ _ _ _ _

Vol. XXI.
Early Drills in Waterman Gym
Are Disclosing Wealth of
.tor t~c gnn i tltell tantt
"I s~i~lc f hil osets wtichilCoach
I ,.._I, . t hdit it Wa'termtane
n I.,:0t;zrc'csrt' s the titlec etf
hi ~ rti ter,- at ndttiats t
1"i a' teeli tt'rsincee nti]nowtothe
slowess tltds'tttt erel otIdtepreem-
ise that ledthe coachto e give tethtetmthii
spcal attentiott is legittoitii totmake
itself umanifest. The si\ mentete ohve tr
toad thelbeeit of te r Itei eittry prc-
tie till be reatot give tie vetertsa
twartttrttttftr ter tlatesontthetttemt
thentethe cge is erectet attd regltar
tractice strteed ater te "J hot.
Al leat oteetf the twrlers is show
ing real ftrtm. 'Tis is Frett who he
altas othtad a stletdiel eelivery butt lck-
el anty kitttl ctrotttetl. The long prc-
teeeeis tolhatteerettetieth tertefet
ftr Ithes Iftttttd titmself tttndlis ithitg
itt better ltrtt tttt eer Ieore. le
ttsshwneery titg itt prtiee tlit a
pither sholtttilhatve atttt if he hoelds tes
tae e Io tth arelt eit Ithas a ttter
facittg hitt, he eill tke hisi trtt with
tte teratts. ''Pi ill" Ldtltttttto la
et~elotd fromtt ttalstltely greet
tiirlerttci lttx tartistef sote eprei.
ic lit' ttddedtolehIis terrific sed a feit
crtesetttdla clattgeoftelo. Hils lr-
grestsItas 1beent tettnderfull rpidtiantd
CotctltceehasItote th te eswill b
tfsvletette Vrit ite edurig te
comtig sesttt t. lteerltl, lte otlt
sotttptawtt titiht' stutdt,.is ts'trkti
(Of te tree ltttckstops whlo tre el
rady't emtking readttoItfight forth~e ot-
ertel assisiing teWalh witlthte regtlet
catethitig, eactontee ltets like acapabiille
tttat. Fitcher, whoecauetgt ftr the 'i,
is ltst spritg, hastdttte te est workl
tdurintg tetpreliminaert trctie. HIer
rittgtont, whtoatit well with te eleven
ttttiihe lrtke Iis leg. ws ttot alel t
get sucht itnterl strt btte handeele
thte lig' citt lee tereal htall pltayer
Riete is etcusisiietver te ork of
aettlofethlese tmet. tWar, frelt Iaw
oatteher lst year, a also slowtt himt-
sellittnetble reeiver.
"It Ielooksastotght ie ouegu t thcer
Ctotchl Riceey. "There are manyitveter-
atts it shtttl adtetehle iieene metlot
gotottmae. We wotutble table ttt tell
tehttmuse ccitt eepettelottuttil tter te
setteser examuiutattittts. Iall th entt
sty aovuee ithleir stteies ie will hae
te grett teatm, ibtt ifI we lose stme el tc
statrs we tmaeroctet'huv e hrttitee. I
eonett feel etsy till I learnthtttt teenee
are tll coetetrtttghtawitcler re-
Niuetuete IhtItes climedtelthe seteeeths
of Mount Olytitlitant tookItee tilt their
tdties ticatteneeeaetts itpontt the gtds at
le G(riffinetnitiiatioteelast eenineg.
fle setitur bords of ter Sytiane
goled tendeereth etirneteerc'tmrde a
frastsl eeltlecendottt eclimbled.
The leollowitgimade the jorey:
"Ctonk" Ctnklin, '2 te, "ikl" Diefen-
derer, 'cIt L,"ill" E'dmndnis, 't2 M,

'Tt-'t3 L, "Bobe" Tipping, 'T2 L, "Gos"
Weilgos, 'tI, "Al" Wohigeneutl, 'cc, antd
"loeje" Young, 'tr.2it.


T, I?. Black- R. A. Collins. A, i i. '11: -crth.
Who will d"b": e al aialst North«e5icvn to.norrow iiiyht at Fvanstoi,.

REICIT~l. lllPENS .SATURlltDAY. 1i~~JJ~ I111)1"1t1)
Te soa sle lttr I~llelrMi U1IC DEVOTEESl auilnsf(rhaepra ectlohe v11o'l iplic°titeaing s
,elirttct't t, twill Icegill t' ee'e o n o oiee e tt l tearhlt n ,tee
Iteteteor 1 at ci V\\atlr'', o ksoe. T e ftfhle l'tit,'tl Site
Iteeetee ItF lonzaleys Present a Difficult tad tee' .Ile tee ottl
rtee of settee. etelteel.thee l-es t'i tete. ceIrl i-!) schl' t
s Ifty 'ittilserentyt-fv eent ts h)C Ott nd Varied Program of 1W the ', ccttttl al
)er secterede bylit'tetil utonlt dd t itlcig11.1 I(cs o u ev~
C. Hoellated it teUneive'rsity lel totoSelections intru~c trs.ttl
Tlute natiloretres wiill leetllte1 inthle.'r _____ l.t',n ttne salr s
ereler itt whiche they e r ocitot I atd $[t ote, tw it se
tee ieee cate secutreetetroe teen cisctsetcWAS THIRD APPEARANCE HERE o .
'MisTerry will en t eot ttend,11V c t t offelredil y l et )(v
funcetiones while ini the 'itt. T'I lte \ tett taeittpp tnted I aitt


srI' c

) tee ,jte t) t
,I Ic ie tien
S I - iitt'i(t't C
an i ce i ot

l tt'ir
'su i

'ii s Leagute tai lanedt toet I tt l re -
-eptioet hut sli'heilaslelinetoalettt
Ini itnvittioi.
Before ecoiig lee 'Antn rbort,.Miss
P'errt' till speelnd iettw asttInletrmte
where she is tolee redi .
MichganTrioWil Li On o'twes


tern's Battlefield Early
'The lieheigtit the'battintg tetei, 1with
Ptrofl.T. C. 'Trutebetetleoei h<el eie
leer IEantont, Ill., this tefettteee't 1( 2 :40
via MeiechiganeCentrtl. Iltee wileerie
'it Evantonitteneiee'lockll ntethwill g
direetly tee lhe Avenuie litt(,, where'ac
eeeecceeeatiees haeteelen eervtdott' I
thtet morncing itey wilspend oaeshor
timhe inee rcticinlg'iandthlienettit'it
The ciimentae te tru ipre 'IIma
I1". Bloek, Regilde A. Cotlltinsteeth bee
tehel . IIEggerth. If anthitgltee" eeet
tie shldhappi~itento tee itt terr;
he. IL. Stephceniateratre il t rety
leave imedeiate]tolt i tevaac
oeeteet Itractiedhesithethe temeduinge
the timce thatt Bilack wsitesnettedet wit]
thee mutmttsi teet cteeeseeeeeeet' isin te
condietione litolipp'ar tuphitthe platforme
MVicluigat haos theeetgativoesitheoftheI,
leleote. 'ITe etreltr ofpeingpae
Efggerth first, lackteet ondeee , teethC1l-
lies thirdl,erith l~gget'rhLvitst intere-
leetl, Cellinis ircotnd,.gteethBthckthirtd.
The mtort nOlthe tlicltige totiem td
tot possess thee-last recordtha 1his-
titgitisle the Northwteesternt trite, bttac-
cordineg 1o Prttf. Irtelt telit trill htont
"Of)oretse outr tetteare tll tots,"' he
said, "leutl'they are oee Oc'tlll eit.
tende iooke tile s eabilit iwhtlthety lttt'i
ini experigee,"
Satucreday ateelSunttyihotle teatmc iill It
free to roatae throutgh theetleropoelis aettd
see the sighths, 'Ihery exptectlet rehuie
to AMiti Arbotr hu t lit'fete tlouuey cltes-
Prof. Truteblowl ill:leaeurEvciaton
itt time to h eb'eozladctt h eel aennuael
cteeeting of the Ct'ntraleatincg League
in Chicago oct Satucrdacy tmornuing.


'Ilte i no Ittiali ll111etC tiLt'. t1u01e t t mItee t eill sail ttl i t It s'x tc
1 11111morepelrtectly fittishtedl tat thaut neotute
:Iia strtteia-ct tecttt:en'd'itrl s a rlcceie l llit r'111informaion ~cile i ric'
e lib1 tisup em ly he t f l oiionIt dt he I ir et I i lillt alh
Ths r0;L1I,1 teeIlis ittthe.past Ill ____
.astdetc mltt ite ' tthe rt l cileHOCKEY MAKES ITS DEIBUT
It uscit plaeret oftie t w'ti ldu '.I it to
I Iroed its c'imte tt te retai i tect -Et nthusiastfs of "Winter (, me Witneiss
cr of lasteel eolcief but coeettirmete e.t An E-xciting Con test
two eatrliter itmpr essituts. Ict octs' ai
lettegeI Ii their ttti terd llH nl , t e it iii
tuni ul fdlgt.gce' teh tt llitl ~ lI
''I I itii eceeto ie liii'mother - tte 1liir i Ioele cub p t ip il
titer y o gula ted fl w sfi curt. neI tilt ttt ncit c iiii i citatdotied11 d
tcootenotchele theeliilolitr ie-iditi fi l. St 11111 ehr thae liat t ea
it el tiutt 111
lc~iuueus' vti has hatd i elct li lilnt t O 41 i tt'.atitll
luch apertetlic Oc u't't a t tocai be-'. Ii lue r p til t ~u s , st~l
utonuutt1ttn ea 'i i il te cr tti I ;i ldic t i
aitttnstitlenvetith seisiliec'leii
NEW A1~ REAY TOOPENilet hbeen itti' I'
net ih'tsthatace ir11" mae h
titleg- oftheluitetlyituatelit
yaaied a ll tefnetor io titio ice e arybihluadtoa

Accepted Summer School Plans
Call for Department
e~ ~ clinah=i-,1,1 I'.
I I l,, etc l ' f - 'T at th. it
e -;nn )i ar, i"". ._it'.
se ~ r ittt lu:efrsiscealt 1' retcit
th s tI~e cittouch w i its, t ii
it itet ; i ( t ;' c ccci tilt I-':' o 5"-,
itil tcloI hfteisu m er ses ion 'last
teeth, seid N I.rus " (te m hasiset
thouusu t Ifl e aedtoni ce the
co trses o tea I 'ii tici'cititiiet
elicit' th e 1 dun 11 Iwhofw iic l te ic
Be ach tf rm ohr insittions ic
it.e: cAssottciatetrofeso ireank Smit
of it dc iivi t o Iln i, i and ' Pro-
loae tIcui Itoii Ind.i Thct~e'titele '
till asit Pii irofestitle I eiutI-it
tol r s it I icutsorH. . Glaso
ofithel ive i t'g inte rlingo oka
parmen of poht'etllit i l sitiecwl fftil'r
severale oeit govtrmentt he' '-
lee' tietcoi ng \te'ss in.Thil ile te i
fisth le iiha t c itresie1pti c alt' ienc'i i
litoarset intiit IitnI'l il' andi ontit ll11
Il t'iitt'hc liii itti willhe 'egitentin111t le
lm~imre' le it' I electncit' t cdliii.al
the' i lot c isr i ng havt' ele .' it i ii
atteit'i ,rn ~ni.Peslet
7o sii llgiec h ture ile'ygetutlice
tur int It is Ihitedithtl t i s c urtsel
gill ci t it i tri u t u''siothei nsttttti
Jul 7n i ait.I'ite i t ats 0 il n
I Il itI th 11111 zliid'e'te'' nlt atittursie-
till e ofere titlepftu h oiloy undIe
lar \'cltf Iokill aCo b ivn('i
acmsILfand111 inNT. I wsro-reacton.
t t e n tiie iii theli tt here't'it' il'ttlt
ei Ites ief etore ftrtaleev eningt ec-it
tures th'aogit theicsionfit. tel
ic progtutu ile thel lctu esi lleitih'ei
i'iitrci' 'ccucinete w dteaty, eit. ets tefi
'hc csom r rtcciii'ions bytet .he
Iiieth dietf theefacultc toetile ene
tten t illcity of the m eesle' iete itt lhe
be ieu'inceBartbourtite trititit on
i eee. itd cugut i1lcttwa8 te-
\1teabridgedutu it c etenit e'f he'l
sui e Setl et' sIionrtu ll e icuedarbotur 'tet
h'tb r it i andu'selthccerecguare nno'cte-iu
mct illice hredt o ra itr i~uon. c

hitepr t, lice decoeratltiens for ewhich
wtill lbe inithi' foermftl etets, tees
ii COit'eu °ec tell tecel fetcure. Ike hFische's
torchestraewill feurnishlethe tuotl.

Has Modemn Equipment
C11,11es a d n~a1 heistphititit.'1 th t~,
!W c( adca- cadoiif the'ni'eesOity'
llospla tiltllhb nteady 'or ile ),itet
ii ci0,.c tile t c tcendlpainters hatve coos-
eital adtlion 'to etlibeutoffututil thislt.'
retly ctiiettifleu' ll Ocasesi ofI'll
eear, nose and throat diseases. It will
ctiin' fiortyheels, opierathincqient ,
'teet ae specical etiticael roetee. 1hr. Ccitt
hfel, tierotuigl whose efforts theewt
war tols igratedulbtt'the hBotardl eelRe-
greets, trill lee itn charge with Dre, Itarker.

C'il I li;t Vi t
wm-j1 1 1 tieil
lot pla ted ilte I
F rtt irsteci f

lin 1 va )f t ii 01'
f if 1c i rte id i ci
tall td tt etiititie i
1eI o id IcI] d m s f t ie ) I

Mleice the' lert cecsineeliuu'ciit t
te i'l iii e uulliuueeta t fIcc eecI Iw eir
the diret reuilt eel aeplentlty iciplay f
tutuni the e t't o~ f lust eitct's hw
tug i it is lainut hatelIlec'is eute eulce ei
ini colleige'feet'atfilst theassuceec. lIf clic:
(Contiened son Page 3,)

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