T h e _ _ _ _ _ _ Vol. XXI. DIAMOND ATHLETES ROUND INTO SHAPE Early Drills in Waterman Gym Are Disclosing Wealth of Material RICKEY LOOKS FOR GOOD YEAR .tor t~c gnn i tltell tantt "I s~i~lc f hil osets wtichilCoach I ,.._I, . t hdit it Wa'termtane n I.,:0t;zrc'csrt' s the titlec etf hi ~ rti ter,- at ndttiats t 1"i a' teeli tt'rsincee nti]nowtothe slowess tltds'tttt erel otIdtepreem- ise that ledthe coachto e give tethtetmthii spcal attentiott is legittoitii totmake itself umanifest. The si\ mentete ohve tr toad thelbeeit of te r Itei eittry prc- tie till be reatot give tie vetertsa twartttrttttftr ter tlatesontthetttemt thentethe cge is erectet attd regltar tractice strteed ater te "J hot. Al leat oteetf the twrlers is show ing real ftrtm. 'Tis is Frett who he altas othtad a stletdiel eelivery butt lck- el anty kitttl ctrotttetl. The long prc- teeeeis tolhatteerettetieth tertefet ftr Ithes Iftttttd titmself tttndlis ithitg itt better ltrtt tttt eer Ieore. le ttsshwneery titg itt prtiee tlit a pither sholtttilhatve atttt if he hoelds tes tae e Io tth arelt eit Ithas a ttter facittg hitt, he eill tke hisi trtt with tte teratts. ''Pi ill" Ldtltttttto la et~elotd fromtt ttalstltely greet tiirlerttci lttx tartistef sote eprei. ic lit' ttddedtolehIis terrific sed a feit crtesetttdla clattgeoftelo. Hils lr- grestsItas 1beent tettnderfull rpidtiantd CotctltceehasItote th te eswill b tfsvletette Vrit ite edurig te comtig sesttt t. lteerltl, lte otlt sotttptawtt titiht' stutdt,.is ts'trkti twell. (Of te tree ltttckstops whlo tre el rady't emtking readttoItfight forth~e ot- ertel assisiing teWalh witlthte regtlet catethitig, eactontee ltets like acapabiille tttat. Fitcher, whoecauetgt ftr the 'i, is ltst spritg, hastdttte te est workl tdurintg tetpreliminaert trctie. HIer rittgtont, whtoatit well with te eleven ttttiihe lrtke Iis leg. ws ttot alel t get sucht itnterl strt btte handeele thte lig' citt lee tereal htall pltayer Riete is etcusisiietver te ork of aettlofethlese tmet. tWar, frelt Iaw oatteher lst year, a also slowtt himt- sellittnetble reeiver. "It Ielooksastotght ie ouegu t thcer Ctotchl Riceey. "There are manyitveter- atts it shtttl adtetehle iieene metlot gotottmae. We wotutble table ttt tell tehttmuse ccitt eepettelottuttil tter te setteser examuiutattittts. Iall th entt sty aovuee ithleir stteies ie will hae te grett teatm, ibtt ifI we lose stme el tc statrs we tmaeroctet'huv e hrttitee. I eonett feel etsy till I learnthtttt teenee are tll coetetrtttghtawitcler re- prs." GR1IlFIN NEOiPHIYT'S t=,l TO SUJMMIT OF. LfYMPU,'S Niuetuete IhtItes climedtelthe seteeeths of Mount Olytitlitant tookItee tilt their tdties ticatteneeeaetts itpontt the gtds at le G(riffinetnitiiatioteelast eenineg. fle setitur bords of ter Sytiane goled tendeereth etirneteerc'tmrde a frastsl eeltlecendottt eclimbled. The leollowitgimade the jorey: "Ctonk" Ctnklin, '2 te, "ikl" Diefen- derer, 'cIt L,"ill" E'dmndnis, 't2 M, 'Tt-'t3 L, "Bobe" Tipping, 'T2 L, "Gos" Weilgos, 'tI, "Al" Wohigeneutl, 'cc, antd "loeje" Young, 'tr.2it. ANN ARBOR, MVICHIIGAN, THUCRSDAY, '.JAiN.ARYi' ig, itt e. T, I?. Black- R. A. Collins. A, i i. '11: -crth. Who will d"b": e al aialst North«e5icvn to.norrow iiiyht at Fvanstoi,. PICKEIT ii kl It t FORTILKISI QUARTET P L'EASESQ 1111101'lI L ;;'. : REICIT~l. lllPENS .SATURlltDAY. 1i~~JJ~ I111)1"1t1) Te soa sle lttr I~llelrMi U1IC DEVOTEESl auilnsf(rhaepra ectlohe v11o'l iplic°titeaing s ,elirttct't t, twill Icegill t' ee'e o n o oiee e tt l tearhlt n ,tee Iteteteor 1 at ci V\\atlr'', o ksoe. T e ftfhle l'tit,'tl Site Iteeetee ItF lonzaleys Present a Difficult tad tee' .Ile tee ottl rtee of settee. etelteel.thee l-es t'i tete. ceIrl i-!) schl' t s Ifty 'ittilserentyt-fv eent ts h)C Ott nd Varied Program of 1W the ', ccttttl al )er secterede bylit'tetil utonlt dd t itlcig11.1 I(cs o u ev~ C. Hoellated it teUneive'rsity lel totoSelections intru~c trs.ttl Tlute natiloretres wiill leetllte1 inthle.'r _____ l.t',n ttne salr s ereler itt whiche they e r ocitot I atd $[t ote, tw it se tee ieee cate secutreetetroe teen cisctsetcWAS THIRD APPEARANCE HERE o . 'MisTerry will en t eot ttend,11V c t t offelredil y l et )(v funcetiones while ini the 'itt. T'I lte \ tett taeittpp tnted I aitt S AII srI' c itl ) tee ,jte t) t ,I Ic ie tien S I - iitt'i(t't C an i ce i ot l tt'ir "1711? 'su i 'ii s Leagute tai lanedt toet I tt l re - -eptioet hut sli'heilaslelinetoalettt Ini itnvittioi. Before ecoiig lee 'Antn rbort,.Miss P'errt' till speelnd iettw asttInletrmte where she is tolee redi . DEBATERS LEAVE TODAYI MichganTrioWil Li On o'twes i tern's Battlefield Early 'The lieheigtit the'battintg tetei, 1with Ptrofl.T. C. 'Trutebetetleoei h