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January 11, 1911 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-01-11

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Opcnr gDisplayof
i~~lan Wner

'TI-E MICHIGAN DAILY. The 'stirissisIs A Li i. sisit i is NitSti' I,(lG ANA) t,A'l'l'li\
-- __ t its fuitioss sto sit is ai pIi ttiss i 5,1 ta~shiS Flit it t t ltit i'Lt .
Managing JEditor-L u: A 'WHITe&. titplaieliforte jstatio siits
Business Managesr-NORiMAN N.H.ILLs~. irohltsisstan a pas Ifr tc whcti , inat iii ii t Fench siiiiit'
_______o______________________ tt itIoisis. o \it ei ~r17-t~ va h ihjc fal s;y t'rotes-
EDITORtS. that iditiits sait isliteis sitll i et )pltt 1 ltg 1. Thii ci iea(tIbefore h
News Editor ...........Harold Titus t1v -isis sit us it i as w C rce rnris , ser v ate rioon.
Assistanst............Harry Z. Polz thesre ie, tiiin i ithat slthe issh ld lethld it Ispa ir traids thi t rans ii tioniiof the
Athlettic Editor...Walter K. 'Towers ii in sri-i, iwhilethei srtnt h rti h igteent cenii iiit
Assistant ............J.Fred tawstont cmps'd'1 u ntld itin nosisea-lasiii 1ta iii iito s the fii lii vict hs
Muissic sand Drama ...Earl V. Moore fatotr for hi lii ii iii ic stta- ts psi I Iby theii iii tced h
Exchsanges attd Files... .Dioe . ;.Birntey 11011. I iii ii Isi in Ixr~lcu lntr
ElDTORIALS. Ini thercasin ad a nal ehes sidsV i i UseItoitra~iii t irMae iiiit5
Arthur J. Abbott. G S tastier itlatiis s i'iiiisi'I'ii wil l htgi g en "LiranensunCsew e=selistsdfrmit cr
PastlLeidy. ss)spsirti uito istate th speioris eii s wichiiPsrofies'sor
NIG5HTC EIITORS. - -- Ilii its madesit i esits ' tu gs iii tlis
A. J. Wtohlgemsuth. Harold McGee. "HU IIY'' L-"lit t. "IiCo.llt I Loure, aiin ohirsfamsisisa ri gait
iHarry G. Myser. Maurice Toulmne. I11it\CiK FOtAS t Sil11II 'IS1].1re bod
trank Pennell. Edward Robie. Th n sisimsri o telii ~ u
REIPORTERS. 's Ilarg isisnumheriiio ifsstu etsss 5s aoes i-cuse program ()fiitlii isrsli Irts is t
Loretn Robinson. Robert Gillette. tirisedtasitu litsed u dy-so ed:-w5l b i s i tsonJan isar iito. tsits i
JoLutI.. Cox. F. E. Shiaw, Jr. izeas .i whc hs o beisen01's uicalsIsisos ad5ectinsls
Ernsest Burtons. E. Ml. Waketield. 8Sttestretsr inc h otalsesnIvmmes ftesce rs to ie
iia suT'. FDaughierty.(Oscar Brecskmsan. 5clisidsomseiis ti tim ag. 1lr Lp yi en i>>s s 5 slitts1c sdane ilt
JohnssI. Towntley. Wtallace Weber. Yissi irrisried ssi t :risi ts esdis till itse erfrmace
Getraid J. May. Emmssett Taylor, sitsgsits"misCiicago. I is e e
!C. Iarold I tippler. J. Selig Yetleis isitisi li t hasi t C ah" lfthy s 'itIu st itlt..IIR .S S
BUSINESS STAFF ii'an iintordeir isoslitwsith it e its)I. isisC ll>M~l l~tS
C.. A. Bowmna . A. R Dilley.tiets II sitMsi~ugiiii is siltthis it iii _
ilyer Rubins. IKennetht Osborn. ilt tIsmisi nitsto slite lii hi r i Its I"In rsiiof stsheSute 1:eI ;s
I?.. Ray Johnisons. Elmser P. Griersoss Gvigda am ,an asnt rs i t el]adr5sc ii ts CU tisisi losi-s-i
C. it. Kleistuck. JosephlsFouchtard. hn te ofcilfobl itrs v i gh -o testttlttt: "\I 1rs ihet a 5il-
Address:t 3strustssxsuDALLY, Press Bldg sit hunS eiami bcis sierave t 1 si t untr iitsiss
1Itlsyiard Street. te pcueva a~n ald t gim itnnc
Office IHours: Mattagitng Editor, I-2 p.ths sliid iti le i i ntere55i Isti mr ii i- a lssd th
in. anid t1:00-tt:30 p . s. Daily. it tisis Lts Jr. ism thesl t (liI t ili it iiiir it ti i
Bussissess Massager, I-5, 7-8 p. ms., hi- t 'aspitu rittits ndinis is
estit Susnday. Bolts'phosnes 96o. 1ekos afd herl mlka ~ -i.- ts--ss
coach wus ot sits w ehe h it 1 h\lut is I situs heIdlits ii list rei-s-t t-ir
-o i55etl it- of ihe}ea lsitnight. hittis



hits i's sSoppy Cs.
its ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .s4' ist ajestic


Yernwithti a
Desk Calendar, an
Excelsior or National
Os.v suotksad lI g-or5Car
Ca ii o t, sitof Isis o
doz rs Pnils
Prices right at
University Bookst-ore-
IScrap Book


it 1 isiir l issl"D isti 11. liOsIsI;.
Jsstliisry 5 .--lliisrissil Rectal. I ligis
lStshool audlinirim, 4:55. I-I.
Janiustry t2. -'Fscully Rrcitl. 11 ighs
Schioiauitoitriumsi, Strio spsit.
Janiiaryit52.-StenioirLit simokers 7:45.
Jais t~tii13.-Annuals tBanqus t oft s .V 'sit
it its Newbsrry IHsll, 6:30 tp, m.
Januar 4 -I istiiisiofittlliititoficertsis.
JaI:aYEn- Cr l ranaiss, '"ISirs-s
MutsitalItetsititerIire arh asel
i msiumcas~ttit re-gardiniig tels ecstionii of
thests.i issmembeso f the bItrstin
5' Iliro ofsithtleitic-s. lit hlisesnotiAis-
csiae hts'iss fithtes treist
biarilandsitlis-takes-nitsside's ini lis
t'}Iii i ' 11tilt opiii vc pruisis hut is 5
hatte forlis itssioniiianditstilk a settle-

itx~di t'tii'ii he coach 555 i ttii ii
fur next scss is ofiit its tui'isitct
Mischigansscaniilookis forisardito l)(ii
chmionlsipiltar-t-ii' isaonabl
lists-itse iithilte ill towIii st-e iii- ii
gueist siat t sioisif irecitttiiiIart,
Ile X illbeit' thei -sitet- sui-it ii i
isease this5555iis".

[1[1( t)
1t1t 1(
,' Ctit
1 25


_' Itd -^
- _ :c
~2i~tij - 0
.,i . RI

PI'l( I;tSSO( J" ('T] ll II:'Itt Citt' -'
M -1TH'I'I llll-tI-i lit' I-I il-i-.
'U111thIt- princssilesf reltiity citsII 1
-5st s i of etheth ate vniCn
iiue ts litant ltiii int he ix sir-
Sut is- s pok eslu s t ih eoe ilki
:Ci tstion sts"ther."t
'Iraingi thehityofvrn
theo'irie-s reset t erfromiis iII-
sissctsisii i tiiis illtoIi tie r eiiss'st ttuI
is-lsts its ie iistnce is istrongls call'Its's
qusit n siitherisss itk rsiissdstha seit
ofao tsx l siiteis list an -iho tr.
iiU Its xi SPI sti~lStis - TONAY

ntsr i h ficl'f -ts-ei-u- I sit i -
tr v re cc iii l ii i l iii Sl 5. t() I-S
lii's it ii l~eidt i'si' is-it iii','6c
i s' 'sertr , itu 5'sI t iii itreisurer,. 'silli-
So)I 555 ititit l ,111 au i, W Rsii 5I
Fuiller & it)i..iiioi 'Stcsis unitnd reiicl
sit isisners.Isipsir ing."-itgE. Wit-
lmsSt. s-ti.
are a "teed thing toisse
C . hand," and all 5esd
Acnlcrs have them ns hand.

A Beautiful Night Winter
View of
University Hall
iii oneststii isud 1is'-s thir "'511
Itoolts 'Stp5i<tshprisce=t
20c each
10Oc extra with any 50c


--tissrty stret,
Isis sIu.it70-71-73.

lilt. i' I Ill S i,
;.o toi 5 i l.. iCt

L t'rytliii tu boluihtely antiseptic.
9j21 U. IIursus. EndsslosIN. 12ths.
P-tisse 989-). 38t-csod.


All id W n e l t i lFancoy Cassimnere arid Worsted S-sits anid Overcoats at Great Reduction to" I'r
._rA } Etr All $10.00 Suits - - $8.00 All $10.00 Overcoats - - $8.00 I
All $12.0) " - - 9.00 All $12.00 ' . . 9.00
All $15.00 . . 12.00 All $15.00 " 12.00
All $20.00 - 16.00 All $20.00 1 . 15,00 it
All $25.00 . . 20.00 All $25.00 "~. 20.00,-

py , . .Y _-.

Good Clothes Store

Main Street

GetlyerMIOICtAtd Wm ARNOLD TeBlelaRo
Pins, IV'i. Spoonls 220 South Main St. ThBle eaRo W E 1 0 H L S
COl LLEGE JEWELEr. open daiy fruilom :3 a 2.st fyussont ileis press yur Clothes asd Osdohsllyo Cessiis
Sells Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. asiRairig.tiiu ET'S GET TOGETHER. Wi-s iii
Otic .1 Dept "THE BIG BEN"! Odr taken for special
Alarm Clok you see Advertised erdn beo.
Noes Just as Good. $2.50 parties
fix sew thuI¢sd epa'sltu OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $.00 UP 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. University Suit Pressing Co.
HAt HIR'S.?_?. R S I ORE MichiganI 100 Patterns Poe19 ohPoe 6
2&fwysx i a- $4S Pins i25C. to $5.00 Poe 66709 N. UivrityAve. Boh hoes26


RANDAIL & PA CK, Ph otographers.

Phone 598

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