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January 11, 1911 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-01-11

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Tl e hlArlhoan II .t 3-

KRAENZLEIN WANTS' (11.:1!r+'I'\:____ _I11\WII
AT11LETICS FR ALL iw ) cri:all11 : htcti 1x
Trainer Appeals to All Those leer to hieilie - )IFh
W'ho Like Track Work At ahwhit hir 10111te1l111(I
All to Turn Out ())1Friday lte reset 11 11 star01111
________,It o l asiig ll 1111 10001Suc
SAVORS OUTDOOR CLASS MEET sollrnillIe o 1-<r~11towns,1
spir__ 111101-1111tinln 01111 m; il h
I'r lnn ll tra t: at leic fo ' I ;; l ot to {)t Pr11111 1-0 111111

R1, MICH-IGAN, \\lIIN1iSI),\N, JANUARY i f, 19)11.

WIL FAIR T/. lONES '" t 1: ,1217 ).\R1) tN T(l \ I: SHOULD ELECT THE
SEAT AUDIENCF? 110'00 titl(' 1 hhi o I)tTl)l]' t] to STUDENT MEMBERS

University Women May Act As 1 N 101111111letters Ilerc ilt 11 11it {
Ushers When Ellen Terry s nt 111Th lttrsto1te irls'1111
Lectures Here 1111/atli s Imt[h1111 1111111ald111(1 orIl II
SOME FACULTY MEN OPPOSED I1111111 111 1101(11 l111 111
S(_____ooll 111l111 I 1a1ce11 i 11'111

Athletic Association Member
Says Board of Directors
Usurps Power

,,,i he1or11 i sef1 11c 11111nCS ha
C iOW1 V bJ th 111 0.\ 1) I
sad1_)r K11111' 1 "Icerainy 0 1e
that ev ry illal w ht) wishes () 111 it
himsef phyicaly- shuld ome 'o t fo
is s lendd ia~iit 1fo 11i 1rw a0d 11
11il 0rpot o ic. 1 111 t i
0 11tiny \\.il a a1 l 1en 0it 1g1a 1
l~y -,' tlla traniny an intlligli i xer

L-ven Alumni in Foreign Countries
are B irCloing Interested
The:suito er etson w lioooiga
1111O r ~ 1C1SI()\\1onill e''11est
in1 .,i hi ga w i Iv p ('I 11111 arc
Allnn o f oll ~ c t o 0111an100. l1
-sc to dother sareb 1111.11uin
ale 0l 1 P 101 1 - o s 'ues T
1w 11 1 11il1th11ou 1 Am rica
10 n II IiAasa rspcue
>#. te 1ll~jes hav be 1i n 1tand 11 El
\1 000' r 1 1cath, \\-h> is in ch rge o1011
'oli1' Iilt 1111, dit r o t [1 01

l [lili o= t 0

foll thelect1011110 Icy tt ln T rr'
faou 1111010 tress,0 001111t illapa
0101 0 O i0 ha11 l1''ill0 111101 1101010 i
)fthe \ omen'sLcag11 andit wil1hav
co plt 1 ch111 arge('Il othIeoarra1ngem1ents. 1
111'i toticil hag hci 111111a0
001 I t olegu( isprsenin, 1is Tcl-
it01w1rld101m1well1tothaveothe tuthtrt at
c 10001110a 11011111i'kt tarsotsil 11 1110
ofLlcloot llol, arel,plb 1110110th ideaoor
Itoev r. '010 1111t o. fe lotht inane 0 (1111
11101011not 011a01 eIto' hea oot ti 1 err
%%1ere1i1111t1fo11th10fatota htna
'10 ru dm sio o tit s itt .o T ti tol
10001 (t m lt oint out ote 1 f 11t0th 't0mo10
o ior [tooTh t t r olill tool 0 ]
11110t o ol (tt 1 i tdt t ol to
010 0otto tool t 0 11 itoac10a11 ui hers,
tool he th 00101y , man tat wll si o o
Forak'ues Ihs Odcampusof hoe for-
Nukn atrtteiernans
Many apptillins fr ((lbr tion
111 thi dsret atotcl an a r-
tol to liomthei 0111010000 oiled
bu ~tt blo toeleturo ilIno n
Oto too tOto' llm G .1 10 it itt to nitt ito to
It'l III0 101 1101 0
101001takes[0 tfsOldCmps Hmefo
Nutie Haulnl0101 ts001
0000 tai h 0' 11010ed toht'am 0u'
otlottlo'artlo an \\oo i Itll 1 111110011 01011
,seemed totl eat d' ligh0 t i casn
tnheistencbeoor thtpo to n n co l

ti e ioeb i star't01 ed000'1 lte (000 110H
Ther hasto roolo'p[en xtor t [tle(0
11d 'Itlatr00
But "Don"' Fails to (iet Away With
it and Lands in Jail

iuitot' lorl o f It ticlt4
11101 , 1 b a11 kcl ;c
as0000 li tc )ars
to C' otrot h tll e c)I



[0 (0 r wiO rdo I ooo'oaoo llto i o ,
t01he sork th t i 'u_; [(ith i t I t]I
;1iL i olb d 111) 1'. 1 t ! ir, i 00


[tl t o bolth


"'I Andt hao ilitrcas m m i
11 o, 110s110 te 1 1nnnc ton nh
lih di iesd I sissuof the ~ u
CA0N1D1010.- olt to ha01 sulia
(-en 0011 tl 00mo r el n. 'It
to th n et c m eealtvoll ieI
ll \ e 00101 1101' tt \-t': tl't 0 l,
tai. 1 beievethatit rn bea 1r ti dx
[too"sad Dit oIt 01 1010 (0001
10s it t 'atse v s strt\ 000 0100' r toe 1'11 -
0- 'll it 00001e11000ett "'Ttt[an0oave
1001olx 1 1't(0 1111 [t
0101 100100110e [ldlt t il oil 10u0100a1
evet, [[ aki0 1 lorool I racktt Manttag[r
A M . 1-f 1 y lo mlolool it0011m i t ltQ
a splendi bbd thik. If tool 1011, to oib
((jot lt ight10 s01 00.1 to i000000110 til ,oololr'-
[t t i0110tr'100k atleltic1s." ' o ittt'tt
'1'['ltll S RSTO L ; o i l wy

(011 ol CarrImfgoo t I
( [(tisot ott.01I I c h n O," . tt(
%v IIt a 0h m d a Ii Ii 0001 1 0000'earn
00w handleoflhlo a I I ts f Iti
(001111 Iloatootlothr nc ,1 1to
I(()1 ( 00 0 ' d ln 1 1.1 1 t e 00
'Jodthe 0000 lo ut (01 ' ti I, o isI ig .0
[it1 1 v.-11oioooii 1 I 1 t f t o l CV 0,
om1-in, a d r o 'il hoto inl h
bit [toot o oo00101001 s I oI (n 0 it 0
bJlllfINi 0 NIUIexne, <1Vl.in, ,P
:) la dtol \ot ot fel. D i ,.s os
ito loockt ,to l t' C o lc I(1i .11
,( a d lt ,I totol a iii It [[0
±101 100100 ttit( \ s v ri ~~ t('o o lI0
J100011 1000 too ( l v"-tt t lort'
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A~ol l bbo - s 0 0110Icrledtit lII ' ' 0he said
tloal 01001010011101 o"l
01010011 I(101 0 ho()\ I [to 1 t 0 \(
"R iloa 0)0 a1n0' as, I Ipola tt, ti larel' (
1m011s that we don't [ImT 111( c d~t
than l~oc'd(),'oodocoocoIoood \Io'ol lojo )10110 01011

bIlc [ohc


s[an 't t I o'
'I tit'tt 1IIC°t' %(0

bThe 0 t bo'lt~
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[toil ' 11ott O i i) 1 1
aiiloll,' boo 0
0100lc1' 1 ut

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or 1g; 1 Iia tont
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t o tt lout t
,7 I, o ;t~llls to to
tl[ I1I 1?'I tol' IAT t

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,cI, )

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hu>rfthelt' 0(100I
I i t 't ' (tfo 0' c01,1' b <
00 0111,0'S t0f 0he 1Io

0MII 1 121
t teotthad1b10
-01100tll oeIll
It 1 1' 0,001 1

K, 0re in 11, 00rac Itfm-
0010ath oeti s )tioll for
10 o, 0 lit1 '12ooo F?, it 011
o c ii 0 l bot ear1ing\0100 Bl[e011
00001 (t'W o llch ited.Tol e

hav, i
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11, wli0

II v [he
to t I IcI II
S00 0C
t th
th1 In

<fnc'stifn had I 'll t tota
,f e a hleic- .lsoc010 010,
ietho Of (,Iction as lrt,
led to tolssllq-ott s 01
wrothe0 Sotortilot J 00 ('
st lhat tilt [[o toll'pre-
ict'll(,Ic tdto th lb ' ottO in
01 [10000'or'others ' 1 oilt{

!o t ,0 o It0

li1,0A 'I'lot 1101 l,\ l't'tol'rlot'lo
1 0 0'IN (tttI' io 1hot1,op1) 01R
['10 Ob Sa]Iolnem:toItand ~it toex
[0pected oo 0000 [otm nypu ttloblt h nott ll11
lltl llooolo'o'otooto


(0[h o'tlo ',t lo

.3 il r otn Il rolle ) e tot-
Pr l s ol~. 1. l o' rlt \I
W a lbl III C tillaytoo o

a 11set cat ioloes itl tr, lim, 0 1100' 00100 (''Ii i g
srinc° o Tiir ~ l r hl sad'il It' o clll 0111

111101 i to' IOoo o "0 0 (tl I 0 ('0' 00

110 tt (i t lii'

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