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November 23, 1910 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-11-23

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Opn'glislay o
'J P B I F G P EiT W
q1 .1 1f 5,K
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luuugiug 1.dxtux [.tc A WHITE. Laws and Lits Unable to Decide ccily)tht ,c _)ta l
Pus utce I'xuuyer--Ntuttuc H. HILL. Football Supremacy sijr fitl _:li~
h.UtTOIZS. ~~~Shortenedl (quarterstogethierl ihhi'etr~i tcr?)) .-Il :cI
\Neuws. 'ditot'... ... . . I lareld 'Pitus fitoll~illii t l critical 1 Illuixeu 1)1"i'\Clt 1 1'e)}'jl i ;rl]{1 i#l(li ii . 't1i1
N'cii'xia'x.. . . .. .. larry -Z. Vole i-t
Athle tic Iditur.. Walter K. Towerusthe'(lcilng of the cxxi itule foutl ill
cceiit ... Arthtur H. Mlhlhlttatx clf'tihe pro1 lti antt.el'1'islitxix) 110'01100 l pi
Aiiiesic xainiiDrama.... Euti V. Muore la'w s athle sophomor0 e itselaeda)1r10r~~l
ii tualges tinilFilesu. .. . Diuu fS. irney scoreless tic. _____-- _
I;IIORutii. Tite o uf liotit teauts waesbrillint Coui a,11101)11 01e01)mpl of)
AturJ. 'Abbott. G S Laulier I Hr Ithete uiverrily of Ch icago ot asesctab
it tiittnti' ter11))1ter a; -d
cti. Trcuituc. coilic gc actvites e li ankI istte conntect-
S.~ ~ ~~~~~~~lw J.Wllexuh aodM~e uetook the lead andiiipt01) e ha111 ii xed ithi Itheprerorife tilndlaylin
lI Tarry G. MNyser. Muurice Toulmxe. their oppoinent's territory, althoughtItexxrest.
Ftran nek xtli. Fred Lawtont n0ote tddthey coieuwithin scoring
Ixll'ux'ttt.distanuce. The seiiors plaet the' elic
Lren Robinxeou. Edward Robic. teleieu toecupiaelpu u
Jon ,. Cx. . E. Shaw, Jr. ptiguamoesetfcxhitn Fresh
t ril och . Oscar Beckmnu ttheusoll)hoores.iiiii
l~rlestMurtn. ,. . Waefild, The secondi half helontgedto xithe ]t
I uutI t Twly. Wallace Weher. lxi'aidte uargin. 1\\ ile th eir ping
C . N.loeux'u. A. R Dilley. ig ieriotis, lick uwtesiwith tile) n
series of forwarti passes that were fiut
________________________________ bled____ and1(1thenu recoveredl 1broughtit hexrie ~
Ixtyniax Sxrcxt. ent's goatl. Iter eFiscer te mpx t ed p I -lCWE
tile II 1tiure: Macnaging i tor550, I-2 p. lacekick iletilit was b locked an.Di v) x ix __________________________
ill andutl Itt00-11:30 Pii. 11. Daily.lito ftlesetnuors. The ite reetixerex pu
jttBusin esMainager, I-5, 7-8 p.ox., Ex-Ctsesionitoftlepix lirla cxfew ntitititts
lipt SunIcy. Hothi 'phies 96o. litcr.YeWithi lxe caidiif _isometilltt' MIIWAUK tE
hide) passes ind brillianit riuninxg Iy
iare tieyles xilrebrughit near (:gem.;]
________the_____________la_____ Iwe cairritxi the' till otll f danlctirci
1 IN 151ItNO1;Mle R 223, 19xx. xitht series of xwell execeutedl forxal SeOrWno
'Io3,a. Tiixe watecxlledu witilli hei se xxxi
Nj 15 l icz i '~- 'li i 't , 'lxxi i- 1x xteig tii i u xi i lx ill ,l c
I \ IV lllxSI'V CAIIENDAR. ilI1x tltx eiileei i
- -liiiiiereid the chaee of scoin'iig. The
N of i 1 1 -Tha' sgivicx ingic DaSy ItR e- eiinsiv e woxrk oillthe laws\\xI' , x goo, e
ccas A len iiidiStlate r Ibeing p ihe staxis ct teatx I %T rr
ti il1 i'cleuo) . ,Ilti'l rkeioix l artiofite gi aread ilihDRUG STORE
Nl1sC lxi t xi Cs, SarC aswl ' ee11lltlaed iirillianiily xxillxhe oif c ese fm-
Ni-~ cl.telitland ixixsceher'Cslxekick'ingepti liem c 117 SouIEth IMa in
I 5 Nc1 I- 2- olle'. ]land onxlS. L. A. oxit if laniger cit ill tm s
t '), xxai. t itcit ite I x<ll. S'l'iie Riih eutx ifilowxs : S NOC11VS
) Ii '1'2" NNtilt"'c", N AtlticieAecti- utxtlt;Iixf 111 't
i 1?,l i i. W iggiis. .. . ..e . . . . tett(i-
C IN".ec' 11eth)i))e).le Ailxxi S i; NnSI, . o'fI' N. i'h
Ochat(i'itill icksiier... IG)...... Pect
kwr tlt \ichign l' lic ether a'xl tulil.......... ..... ...11 fittere
Iixl lxii ~~Sayre. . ZI.........it . elc HIands off cheap gloves
I s01KCV dlheali))fat...a.qut.has...1 if you want well-gloved
iwc~n str)) dv de1x1 i tiltedx L st Iixii ......F 11........Referee,Pateu ngixill I: iiiix)ire', Reillx a d , tal u
rcthproenticlxh btelxr Itianixfielid judige, Simmxunstiteated1liniesmxanit. OWNES !
i lxixxthlxx)lore formal________ofrecent___ GLOVES
xl sIi it i Clxl')(11 b t it. xtil 11111 11ccg t I' ctttle e~t'ti 'i xx iitt
ecnhttre.Tsounewriieinxci're xlxc'tedl toitle'
I'lc 111nit iler ieixch byl thlis ANi ieigaio Laiw Reviewi'yesterdaye. . 'tiar __________________________
c errc ec nx yers mo r-f ence Elxdridge, Sxxthll Peixi, Indl., xand EI c r& tO'Coiiiior; S tutu andi :1 1ci
1I)l r s bre- ill xii Idttltdlt li e ncxjaumiiii Dewcey, Clyde, Ohlioi, werc'xte dry xl extn rsc. IRetiing,. ESte I,. N\Vit-
t' 1"M I's1C .iteix elch enl. tiixit ">t I-xf.

The Duct
t1ade, can bxe l hdfoxr
Sweater Vests
for $5.00 and $6.00.
Blanners, Pillow Covers, ec. Best
itte1in the city atI



H llR'SI
University Bookstore
tug ill ill t ltc i gh
f (s 'ti e w s (, li- t
0 "" t 'aI x nd C xlflaxt'ix
,ighlt icstelow.
'lxx to Suplies~l'
719 North University Ave,

r,: f
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a n '
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?S s i r R#
a T aV f

Alion's Hand Tailored Clothes
Quality is the Argument

k U 3
M- _ _ ; "
s 41
c,.'F . 4 r Y



Main Street

Alen's Good Clothes. Stog

Mlain Street

Pins, Fobs and Spoons 22WSoth ANOL Pt. °
HA L r'SCO L GE JE E ER ThaeMchga'sare imoesible But, akncare oclothes will make the mostheau-
S¢113 thi girl more atracie
Optial eptI " TH BIGBEN ChcoltesThat's Where We Come In
Optical eClocDetyou T eI e N"rtsdCaiu oChopoeancuowgnwilcllfryorcote.tuesk ste ET
ANane JuClak s eeo d. ersed$allOsrpcethe hO ESoT. gcs~ cl ryu lte OrokI h ET
NieWthadJwlyRpiigOTE A s LCed.$2.0 'Or rcsUh LWS
PieWtcMiJct ottt o OhRgAARM CLOCK $-0 University Suit Pressing o.
nHALLiiS .1ItIRY STOREII Picin 5. o.0 I ICES DRUG STOREi 709 N Uniersity Ae Both Phoees266
2tO Sce.ctkcc $1 teSt Pn 5.t 50

RAVNDALL & PAOK. Photographers

121 Washlu ton .t.

Phone 598

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