The MichIga
Vol. XXI.
Gophers May be Compelled to T
Choose Between ConferenceIz
The attitude of the western confer- t
enlceItowa trd NI ichigois hos again lie-
Come a factorin the W\olveerine athletic t
situat in. This fail the jealou~isy iand
an tagonismi i iich thieimiiority of the
conf ereinciesools e losscnisgimanifested
toard hIMichigoiiire ieitirdliziiig te
alicietseen the \Voieerises aodtilte
\ichiinoss i offeredetoliciiitiiiue the
iii ncon tests. \\tseii the .51 iiiiisota
ocalweeini AssisArtborilesi Satuir-
ldsy thsey were iiiinireidthat lie sets-
ccrii's is-uldhiklue tii seiuleoagoame
sil ext year. Xitsissgt expresssig 5a
\\i stiseetolconitinue th erelatttiouns the
liper erecmelled to iistaethoot
til- eiioul mae n e iitie arrange-
menits it this tume.1
Thie iiiiersal ttituide oniithe Misnse-
sota1campusis illfaotrsof plain a1
gntewittsichiigoii ent yeor list)
wihetihe tie- -tiiiensts aniii i slcials cani
acciompliltlisl its eitendorntirematiins to blie
s. Thle othericmemb ters sif she cost--1
ti-icc hae nil cii aroitnthttthee
stilt inite-rpoise ilj ectioto aiitny further
cont1ests hitwseits hiichsiganend iilciiifee-1
oice t elis. It is itot certatin, hsowsever,
stiltte Ionerencee iill taileestichlittoin
asto mak1hie it impoitssibile for the Giophlers,
tee scedutle thii-atei andsi asioiiiremiilli
lie eCiiiferclice.
lieu sliiiili thecutsfe-ie-ciinshist tat
hMiniesoitaechsiesblesweeniitheir tussl
ii iihgetnsit ist sot ceiii thot thse
Goeriiis iwiiiii elect so stay in the foist.
eli- sill eee-lce-feelintis strillsiglli
Miltile-petteissindthseet mayse1ri-ekoawa
fromtitile co11ferences reiss. Stdsh a
trceillsgsislie liislhow ie, lioi
ii it ~alrestills, tie conife-re-nce is
pa tiltlyiecessartoinnitte-selta).
If te hi tutu stilt tit t 11secsiredl
titers-wiliilibe totiacatide n li hi i
gltlesfotibati ll sceule.i A 1911icuts-
tiel s-til Isith nhs alreadyie enispris-
vidledlfits snittiheriietisnore-asotnsstolie--
iesve tht SricicseGluts StatehI. A.
C. -itdlCisc willinht lie foundi amon
the \Wolvierins antagist'iiittsnt fall.
lutewittlsl ekite- tlesif Notire DIte
i5, as yes-i.aiilettler oif silt jestsite a etsi-
loecalasthietties hte maltte t-n0 o t-
stti teteealtthi-ritegotitionits.
PrinctsostltsCoitsnell andi Isevertal stter
atee, if a ceiii istwillshithiophers cats-
ecss t tischo shaeeeit-ctitenttinedl
islt leearrsge d l, three- esetr-n tees
isl ets ledi.
AttN Ri-lCE UPOtN C.\ht IN'S.
hi:Michiganith tletie- Caildar' iste-
leestlpublicattoni timaeeits aptiear-
ancte upsoni te campuiss. This eattractive
sueniir i isulishedilbtieGeorgeLatotn
id GordanKiniglsury, sait isdedsicated
lie Coaclshei(St.Pitutres if eerytheinig
conicerinig oatsletics,tatu illutstrattionss of
te camsisi bulsildinsgs tutu fraterniity
hoses aeetre e-mbodeeiedslini the toots.
Ownto thie fact that suitatile datcs OF iIIPLIC TP SALE
tGraniger's are ratidly eisgtakDent up, ~ L AU A
lie sopuhomore promt conmtmittee has tess - _
aledi together mtuchs earl er tsait usual.r
hr committere is headed histsyear byi Director Bartelme Apologizes
tseli Stoddard, as grineral schaitmaiiii
'tie rest of the committsee is as foilons for Confusion Caused by a
reassrer, -Howard Wilson, Aphta ellsMstk
hi;t arrantgemntts, Fianis Tippiets, Del- Misak
a EKippat Epsilon;i Reade Ireandi, Clii
si; invsitations, Marshall Fein,lPst
ieapson Psi; Henry Sullivan,ets Psi: RESERVATIONS OVERLOOKED
-ecettiot, Edward Perry SigmttatPitt;__
eande Gardnier, teta Theta Pt; stilt
:or, R. F. Gikerson, Psi Upsion, tDuplicteickelits tersersostll1fotees
Theicdaice is scelsulesd tle held onits eseti ofs iisetlesitscsitits C oithle
te enting of Fridaey, April 21. nothil stn orft the- imtsetsirt-lhi it
_________________________gal_____g tite. T la nasi tioniit, te flittti
ngconli teonhss ees cit es i
BLANKS SMALLPOX SCARE f:iiisththle~~jti ssoiitit litl
No Cases Here Yet, But Care Is ic iteseiesegsestel
Necessary rgessis iessi i reri iesis
While there tre n tie hsietic ciss f egegedinitsselig tkesseitteofficee
smaltlpi~sn AnnAlits rSthsesieicis etil lttieters qistie-s utmhib etrifiduplicate
siste for exerciseiof great cre by-sti tickets stldt i t o C heGlb
cents, i inte opiiontitofiiphysicianst oflist-Tickt Prinmtnge C111a1)1 fu1i
swon tatmet s ts til totlim
oft -it tikets i netedt snit the fi ial
"iti ex n inssg te ftehelne , sidtse-tsmsite-ithsil ('tietisilt'.gtemis matest
tr. George lay treeetorlof5Wtiermanesil iithebstintsf tht steltemisentsitnstg to
gemnasitimt "I foundtelthat fltle niniet lies-uncseretaintyst sift sessmandI sitefate
percetnt iatlpasset-s beyndtilthe sten-osi tlts-antutudssient ielitesditric eetikets,
accinationt. Isetlecureeswhichs I lotte teMge metliari alw-ysiordeheidi
seect givisig befoeatll thiteclases haveftresisthe-GlobTsicke Pri uit -
advsisedl re-v-accinaeton itscaseesshuss-paittiteortiwoutssectisuerisites nthstsu
sin or sevesn years hae els-a-peised. Se $sss sait$2.01) t1cket .5t hisesonclu-
ronge retisshaveie heetntitsadec hithihs litssi isisof thisfahust its stenshak5te, til
sit setthsat freeivasellsatiosn suhitt be$i.011 tikets re-insi ss"sisess shouldhu
give " haviets hb-tenri-eeth ho-$2.00 tie-hess sit
Atny-erupttion abutithis -rstlesifthis thise $2.0-siclit sueplacedunstsie sntres
ate or sitsthe is--ie slts h ut heu edt-itositthis lii ltickits es etsidset et t e d
seteis retportedl tIiaiphicianu, atccedinsoes- h iiin aaeen sda
his tOr hiis -sice such erutionhiis msliest u uhtic e lits ur titket se-tere- isle t e hi
sympstomistosi smallpoxteu. msthuo elig$20 reuss c- rstit
suite s$tilt resrva teisti st t re-os st el
hI ClHIGAN I EBSTI NGTERAMS hube eslh ursinthle-facty adsluhit-
TD lIE11CliOISEN NE'XT 55 EiK esales The fltitnattgemueti trestgits
tshkt cekeees atdut hr ndaoe
Twos-i higans tamis, isse-toisebte toresifythi seror s far s psil
nwith Chicagos anshth-e others toeet sles tiitesubtitutei thers-ice-siiie
Norhweeste-rn i inte NorthernOratticlItiosu ly suitsusodftir l theistplicates
Leauie-wilthechissen ext sueusue-s. Oflu ove. -geiit sumbeof prsitst-
hMondeay- essnnthtie Wehsers uillmetiters suvItilediithismssev es osthussfferuts
the Adieulhiauus tutul 'suiTtesdaythe is a s sesttliseusfusesdutoisltauserthesepo
jeftersoianuiiuthe Selheta Nt. TPiee hnnth ase f titesitu dacn
mteni assn utan lternatut e th i ts-b e se ted-itantsue ing ns- setuiltui hiet the is h
toreachtemu. ntstinlllasftissue itheervci-saitsnu
fOue uof these eists wsillsdebate ml uthliisesbhissng aerese is.loseigee
agains Chicagos i nAr-tlosr tutuJesuts csat ssal at o5 tie ret cotuetisdesh
ties 20 sltnte quetstin, "Resuivtsihutsncesrybymkithe lcehige- ft-ttu
the federal goeernmtisues hould levytaices sesictilnt atee hiuier.Fotunauteythtie
gaduasetedsincoe-s tax,- stnstittionals iy hrtllitssetnt see sf teirgae tooplut te-
contcedied."The-uthsert eamlstuwill sue-siri ethy oppoite andis as-llo e ass- ibestt
Northwsesternuliat-vastontehioullthi samttis utloca hittit1tion n e ue tlehby hin
datieltat lists1ha s t sml5eteitigatisiedti
Cf. E. Kel, A. . j.I cliii 5 U) N CGrills thuse tuisesusst ise of this-icsituaetone. 55s
seath andh A. 1. Baieritcastesnasus ienll ii uuurnpeiate thus fuel thtisate sts i
rehresen te \Webstier society.est tthlu wayl tesedrticitesswih seu
Adelepli t Iemsts composusedi sitArnoldshaentishso shmtsis sushi deseved:i
hfgerthu. NEr Blaecke unduiJohn Gu(t (othiuied nitPaitet4)
kI et. B i..Reehk hi tricsei uses, Vh till i St ilHA i CS t VEtX
Settler cutestRie-hte cutHiiiatte of11 iii ; , OFitREt) AND i ttuC. t
sie jeffersonsiansuus it tcomptete-ltinst EIR.___
T. Curry, I. A. C(::s.use L. Stephan5 le etl-ssttus iurteui sursi
tush . R. frierse.t 1 it l S S Isc, Tesnosoftefu-erpamc
alentsoftelcutitse sui isuear us taselscofitre-ita eet
- hi ~+ ut--seish the-e u ti-lis se es-itus cc tset
sttunuet1.5sgs cuts sieR1; elir0(O." !inus 5 rcuret se. Tlists tuututit thsen-1
Thee letmorial buiinhtg till he oenio ranged asut uethe metie-hg sitthus-Sssudn
out thureaftettoon of Thankssgiing sat, ICeeout s ci esteyut- onsessthisre-
fuse the brenef it fstuentstew-leso esremain qes t severa e mb rsttersosit hi sste
its the city. Atuy- shussdesire mausit w5 ehoefee-itatsheets sh oisuul hae somstise
thur art exlhbitions rots teen o'ccke use- umareset distinction sfus te stwosextnra
til foutr. duea s itf studsit.
lii g I as series o nf)i
t e LIi l 1thit'i lus t C m eig lr t ~ c it
cusctomutohs ehdst s ee s 1>tsl
anhese rv te o. hit ltesc<
testqsett ul. -hi scu
55illiames Richiards in(]
good userseulusted-si test
this 51 iidligaesiiullan
apposeiue sict-s s is tithiish d y'-cec mle
INititithIh. hhN I.Ie -t Shel,
it. StE flit1,(I. AS ; Cit)is EN
hs suethe
titu it-se thisk
alels of ti
steeal his k
She 1 )(-.
e e l ti)-_: (
t1he u l il.
Investigation P. oyes North IDid Nult
Break Bfijou Window
C.A.S N-ruthuw sut-oMaow .
te IQ ute ter u tie sts'k g t ,
else Ithe%-ses 1 . ha t1e ."s -
hiss 'masyu from sthle e nt t tw bi
thias itlesadhsaret" sK
t le sitess5 tetisthis ratil)t t ,)i c
ths-u ere sus i eus tohe h te r>,c, t forN ti-fhe 555 Sa t t
SiTh se-e C tl ealiint hat w- - e
eely suta us- es cthe- Ic fr
afofaireuas tee ecc te pa le I t,.r
hisetlm n witha t h 1e popIt -tith
theaer willec r2 settl lc 3I c it I-. t
cusee tile bensty a h t Iw
teo-ue-as 5tissuec- f e h, he i Qi1 np- a'
sties Le "ss .iteg. hi 4)e -SS ei 5
Avetugam. es Seet uso. S tI it
;coett aset 7issit. h i p i'ls 11
The Isu s lec sttued f r rc(h I - -;I i!-
esn G set it SuCrai, e l. te m nt- li
M1ammoth "C et Together" is
Excellent Place to Show
es et 1 uo(1 sell s eelf ttiechigani,
. - r e1nt sil r e s -i atSts
d -t e - e - s he s-tee t rers
St ta e ira t , is n sits itht yells tees
'i 111\c :; h or eel -it- Clh sse n d
(, t eir f (,t1 11 e e st eight it
'cE- t it ttt tilt i~alLi ls mthist rss
,:t t l t - t h)it, il eel, s5i t fhh e tit-
7,,( l h: -alersusi ndi his bitis 7td 11uh
ee'il,,\<sIl sts-s itesu-gath-
wl : I it1t(th i(cst s i ch lu e p
-tij~g t - s, jrt]str tunsh. 'The
'.l ;1(s (1 =1, wih a mu, ofsitditer tutu
<1 (,)1',Il ut eac Ma -Iet huimself eai
1,*Jt~m l~tm -caced ts lightest ptch
- I). testes, itselfence
"I,( ha:Ml ms( ta\ il shts reli-
is ()l1twte eeric i e Tha li' s -w
forat'lltes Sh trol thtus. thesis sell
t{, ma ic(11 t. A -stet ,ta sete
e1,lse i 1 e i c,1c( swhichi w-terti
.' is. tC 1 11\ Seh c ~ I tuse us
I h r \ '1, ) thel1-- ei i el - ()it ol
(Ctu ed ontPage i3.)
Oite if the tIopif es t
besslh-df' 'Tfshe-h -l
ru'hsutuers eeehe it t he-
191Michigan Athei
Wahr's 5heehan's Lyndon's Foster's