Oeig Display of
Fall and Winter
Sltiu it t l i oU m"n
$25.00 zclitit.
T'Iypewriter Supply Co.
4 4 r ~ l~dng.Opposite Majestic
fl _ -- $1.-95
I S. State Street
--Managing Jeditor-LEEg A WHTE.
Business Mlanager-NORMAN 1d. HILL.
News Editor ...... arold Titus
Assistant . t.......arry Z. Folz
'Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers
Assistant ....Arthur B. Moehlman
Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore
E~xchanges and Files....Dion r. Birneyj
Arthur J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher.{
Paol tLeidy.
A. J. Wohtgemuth. Harold McGee.
Hlarry G. Myser. Maurice Touhme.
Frankc Fennell. Fred Lawton
Loren Robinson. Edward Robie.
John L.. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr.
Erwin Kuct. Oscar Beckman.
Ernecst Burton. N. M. Wakeflield.
C. A. Bowman. A. R Dilley.l
Mycr Ruhin. Kentneth Osboru.
Address :.MICHsIcAN DAIL, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Offiice F ours: Mantaging Editor, I-a p.
n.andit 1:00-11:30 p. us. Daily.
Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex-
ceptt Sunday. Both 'phones 96n.
\V1,ttNESt)AY, Nf)VEIIEE. , 19 t.
'Sigtt ]ditur-MAst'ntcts Toti~mr.
NovemiiberI-Fischer P~arty, at(ra-
('.ra-s aitetiy.
N iveiiter Itt--Junior Engineer D~ance,
Coprtively fetw stunts stiltltte
able ti e attranitntifield Saturidaylt
i/icthettiMSichsigan elevetn on to vie-
toist, butststiiallyieery stndent twill
be ale/itoibisat the Atnt Artbor stationi
ttitht to "giv' the' atthletes wholt are tt
cots ngidi roittantI crttss cotryt
theii ii n teir struglfge. Ainoppotr tunlity
is affiordeiInot mlerelyto tiliay etl-
ji is iise ate bieit readty tit saert-
ii ttuimeiand1eneIgy for \,lielligail.
-ii \ halltiefiore 7 io'ctuck tontighlt,reatdy
fo Cthe tmarchi ltothetdept. IHIcshotuldl
'tl totui-iery yelIltanitSong, Ilesholdetl
ibe a faci trit sendeingthgIe athlletes
away wii/th et deterinination to win.
ii 1 it,1, ite ittOF TI - TILS tt;tI;iN itORlK.
'I'hic I-cers' eclubt tegiins the ivork of
the seastotdatiys, tindieir~l theecltill of
i-(if. klceighartl. Canideates are to re-
Spart t e-heeig rioiimt Iripltly ial
4 o'ctock.
Bty order of the Ulniversity Senaitea --
faeultytcomittee onlldramati teganil Invie/ofthe wde-srea and"el-
zatitili till Ilereaeftelr oves-er. ll1 t1 l o talyt JI-Citssii Il tis ii --ii' Withi i S
d~enltlramtiactiitiies iandl ilsuetrs1prsdn,;depcil-intr Itoi
itf el/gibl/ityto canditlel's ltyi outfoIioit atpet itn igndb rii.: ni
tile tniversity theatricals. Be adt itlfl-t 1nicrs e
Inl such rmatters as the seletiontof itt tilgale le i-frcios1r
lats, echoice of director, and1 Iiing itf1fte-it, th-irifori., sting tinde tl
timie anidl Ilace of lperfotrmnce, thiise i'thrt ofledunIcbyor
charge ohfttle play will tie expetedetolCoit tisili io/I iiei 1 iiv rer a ne ' -
consl~tlt with this comititee andlt secnre
its appslroval before tking dtefinite'FrdyNoebrIIetenth ns
'The commilittee assumes enire care is itotie titiderI th e gnia iii etilo
slid responlsiility with regard ti thte l
J a comitteeliii- sist i- o 'r f -
eligibsility of studenits participaetingin I J 1,1 Goddarti ndlit itti
thseatricals. trout notw sit, alscnt -,frm heComiteeinNo-Ihl-
elates for postitonis, inludtiniig the cati rganitio nus. Sit faitas it is p -slll
andt choriustfthe "CrimnlelChest"atee
at tis dae th lci iis to e o -
exitectedto etseculre froth~e comitiliitee luiteti odl t lssccii~~oi
acartd certifyinlgtheir right to take tart se/ fitrt ihest iitiii ii li la
The fitllowing genierallrules uwittltite stii ,t1 s
utedrinil determiinig a studeiti's etigi- tiatteIi friiittptrsonsii iin - Il :e
Iili ts : - ti r t it iii it t i c I Ji Si tcn o
Silecial studlents andt freshmien in the 1ii1iii' ii
liear ep~artmient are iineligitble;- stei- No iai s of dctcnJ nli t
denits oin protbationl or warnii'il list o aiti 5'clp rsciin ii;o
willsotlstaninlg contlioiins are alsiiaet he- etol orlcririt
blafred, lparticipatin ytiyrtt reaur pri-poie o, -i ncl V; eii
fessitulatstudenits withot previorus ti ui t- i' i
academtic trainling itsinotlproibitlledlbtnt br fte lisb o'°i oIo h
wsill be discou~ragedl. 'Thursuty p rei ngti / tii." .A
The eligiblity cards are issedeifor mlie ftecassalh 3 h urn eetrol n ilb oumntoi
recaltedl if tile reports frotmil the slt- I[ app it / letio / tr /
deint's istrilcttrs indic/ate that11 elie s c cllo n r' ci s liif(-tc J4 < iid
itit doinlg jutice t li/s collegi etiork.
'rie comitiitee, sif which FProfiiL. I.ichr inin._n irb~ifr
Strauss is echairmiani,stishies 0it lii tn rtioncnennidtaifte ic
ierstoodelthat its piurpolse'is notito ii us- in wilbt i ll i sS i c ieicr {f.
couiralge dralnatic act/sit' aing"tti'
stuldets b ut, onltile cotirary t, t sss
in roilslcinlg gooid plays antidi .iniig Iovember SIco.ii
the stanidard of Michignldramnaties.
Tile eligibility rtules will save oirgani-
zionisthe troulie itt rehetarslig in- Eesiiiii 15Gill. Chaca rle
eligible candiidates. torteriiouse stea .I f,'it '1-ltrn S
'The office of ltihecomimitteeti' i n liroomititi ti isi . 5 ii . i Intcrii bu ii Si n
2o9, Tapplan halt, anluthleoices hiours7lo~
are Tulesday, WteidnesdayuanTiii Ihun ___
tint,fo Irio)t0oii12. F1ll1r&O'CotoTavilosadCen
ersm6,eoI?.if1ffllislssit. eltf
Class Teams
Antinlg unlder the sun from
a Headgear worth $2.00,
lt a pair of shoet worth
$3.50, or a J 5 Foot Ball
5501 th
Gym Clothing
Co tljte Suit inlutdinsg shoes
snd bike stupporter for
University Bookstore
li-risarie paticuetlar atbotit
f~cs ~ehv ood cues;/ light
sor hav, linl, corded o
~i o tositi. tinid tshat youi
, likes tiid ise reserve it for yott
i i vaiis ti'e sra erIslwitou
Just Out"
'The olt crtof "Keep on bosiiig the
water"1115 teein reinewedl itt'the authiori-
ti/es. IDespite tile anninicemnit miadle
recentilytat the swater in tile Iliirtti
stas free from colotige'rims, the wseriii
signl staceagaini seen posted. 'The tests
m tade ill the medical latioratory recentlt
revealedl the fact thati the germs hare
returtietd,slid it was idecideditoii ciii-
t itte the niotice iiidefiiel.
TOTttI, OF conneT rRVct-eeTtIilif'fCIrS.
Professoir Walter Mulftirtd of the
forestry departmnent still speak onii'Teii-
dencies ill Forest Sers'iee," beftire the
Forestrtyelj)iti West halt this eveniiig.
'The etlib will meet t iiisitness tesion
at 7 o'clock atid Prof. Mnlfoirdlisill
speak at 7:30.
The way they're mude has
a good deal to do witih
the way theywar.
if(/(I a.ti'r situ '5tl llatton
fitSe Gre iat "ds utas in Win-
terlistth he in the
I i,,t ts S/ow,
orthese antd sit other
Phttt Supplies
719 North University Ave.
l~raternituss, ('lut s aid
R Site u beuttr prces
'T'obacts , Cigarettes uuundC
stid pltcec iiut-ecit/y.
ymAllen's Hand Tailored Clothes A
h Yl a r -AR E R I C H T r
P r o s t e e p n t at r m v s al o bare you from M isso u ri? .
t o amStreet
Allen's Good Clothes Stor
Main Street
p e orMCIA m R O D !T P& RT RS T a ils, Fob,,and Spoons 220 soth Main St. INew o SecondHandO v rc a
HALLER'S COLLEGE JEWELER Oliver Wnt iCleaed ad Pressed?
Sells' Underwood CALL us by phonIe and we will
~AA~AVP5P5 ~wi our wagon
Dc t ~} THE, BIG BEN"usypo
Opticalpt, Aarmc Clok you:eeAdertised Typewrite.' Sappiles D e we will press and sponge ive
None Jst as Co.$.0Typewnritll tgFO / suits or fifteen trousers
rieWthadJwlr earn OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP- All work alled for ad deivered. Ladies work especially solicied.
yALl' [[iYSO1 Michigan 100 Patterns Mrrill and Grierson Uiest utPesn o
iiIE EEtYSOEPins 250. to $5.00 70 N. Urnersty Ave. 1310 79 N. Uniesncersity S uiP es in C oh Phones 26
2i6 so tia msaoioSt
.rv Ishia too L
RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers
Phone 598