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November 09, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-11-09

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The Michigan Daily

DOUBLE INVASION , ad wll no hestsItenstelont NO TRIP TO PENN
b r piitcadaeott i.Ter YM .NSTARS EASTWARD b2ting of laseiv htte igivd(les r~l easn AYMj ANNO BAND
a__factor in the lig fall classic._
DAI1LY5SENDS It oRenSigN'es\i\i.
Gridiron and Distance Squads Nh alter Towrers will accompany the Unless Funds are Forthcoming
teiams0on thoir eastern inrasion andi the
Depart for Hostile Camps MICHIGNDIessLYsi wsill enery s,7ecial ac- For Journey Organization
Tonight IIte at N n fn~ tlsil Vay Disband

1iIBER 59, pin.

No. .32.

Two M Nichiganteam1555iis iss tavetis
cnnsg for a do leitnvisason of ts
ist. Ilestraminswhihs te ofcils sif
at 7:28 fremilthiiWiNlilmns stret sdetn
wtill carthem ls ito IToledosiswteice the
athlietesi ish coimpeicon tegriioni
and trak:wil mbrk for th far sst
Ninetcen membersi of1155 asNiv
footbllsssqutdngaIscimpan iie lisle
nish itii i s rthe conil
tetsit t ituas ii s tiirtit tlts
bluis theiilio ngindsat s into5hnt is
'T'e isn, N. J, itheir deisitnatin.
rii c olull iiiii plcers swislli staki sit
thei fotiibasl ls sitd: .C sltisis lssitr iiil
I itmsissiit NI5 it~oi T homttiiiso, st
Ck , aw ot,- c Iul t ictrIs
cutrys q uad s iii isiii- statI - ii s -
ise-atis ets sasp ilndi t/ lion s t.
sillais. Thisshandli ll tat downtsr ,ti sit
lii tretsit lifte 7 O'ltckvtled
igte roteri istoisths depot.is i i
Sit stsii swillsistil sltndit irest the
'eglits agd thedfussrtn lyr ilb
c(gillesila HissilstItilusleel;s
ilsm in irits is tillist aternii itvsirons
hast beein hiompletedr. iiaul f i
kTss sitslii is odrdit t
tictthice 1Isasi ff scrimm11a1 e dsillsc
t hissime istd s it s wii s the tirst i e i
i-ic isad N soon houts Isinsc i t, Isstnegrist
kepItI i i hem
s"ihn csisin' loo s goodias'the..
ou ts-ttustidthe igui oais hsti telisthe's
\\c hienstsaseitabout h eill s picts ostft
visfictrYoslisthil-ose-k si is hd usrn
seinthis-ikswh i e sp ess ii il '
lThe hsptl qadiisill.lpee
un it ifo m bt nieither i sis1 ins hape1 ii for
ticrismale ftr a t timsigbiiShste~ week
keptisin ties i ils il-eli at iis lsiasd
Gireenavesistses, it leftstplisclteses
Thsat the sinsoah siissas-ittnplatinteitat
ohrighiflsetisi hltssstleftd utTusdy it.
wheitiwa5s esarnethetoelstatrieht
plaingsletut elisthrs-it hti t tis esas esegkt.
isjsestems-is relhav ge g ilatstss
ghas-tess hulissc itgOh tia isle etati
rigtitckl adEdudsaclf.ed
Clak 5wsttivenisauothertilt gh
tD. Krtsnesinip rmiises lto gie a
somiplete optinion of ifchlliga's crss
counsstrsy strengths isisStrayir fternoiiss
but professes cmpltetste igoirace 111w

soPiFS-isos sogi EPiET os CissCH.
\lisisisota is i search f assexpetr
it gridirost is-fsie pt i lthue fisishig
touscesisos their sends. TomtiSielin,
ste uf tle, tosss ec tutoringp tiscisesi
sehos piuard te extremsities uf the
Gophler lte, ut whlens le iessrdioftEls
defesst at ts- hans otscf Bross-n,le tisik
tie texst traissfr te elst. The ex
liststisItsesvsucssfesd ftr ideseringp
tie Gopihles waIs ffectionssfori Iis alsas
maitter. The prstptect if the bsise b1i-gs
ini disgrascefuliitsft-ittisfirec tes-crust
sois oif tlri-lithue anlll ditsut-il lls
1111lit mclh fill-StesliiiandmieIsmsasis-hashe
to ioffeliltstriices tostie Ness Havesl
Early Elect ion Returns (ive Osborn
a Majority
Ists. Chass SIllshorniiof SuitS t
Marie, is fa-r ini le lessilas tiecounts
oni this gubesrsatrialicsots iprgrssssin
differnt parits iof ts- slits. Ptts-ial,,ri
tes repotirsif lst ivenig gies tilists.
that \Ifr. Ossuns is polig ma~joritieis ii
the diistricsshstllwseret ~atrmTi . t-e
mn'ss sroinghldlss at telssast eetisi,
when heliicameso-inearlitto dstealltng~
Gor. hbsieser.
i r Ossbornsi sa hosldst11hiss-uppessr
penissula thast isorisssthat dstisrict saud-
igsip s lidly tsIis strnigt. thinse
o'cluockslst evenig.thouihti he linosrts
sep hn s isias -i ritfromt,-Is-r it
pap~ersedi ited-ila maljosity oill io--it
for 'Mr. IOsboirn.
Midighitres-hrt sill-re issre cullcr
vaieadsitthlilguirs s lat 4usi ii
News Nork il-ie f ross oo istoi65t000
majslloisriit s fo 5demcratitlecnidatllte fir
Gov. ssHa iion f Ohioi, wasireisletedl
is m5,00NN Woodirsff Viisuuiu -resess
Itsresiet ofistPritcetons, semiss toite
Isistrtei-sdemoiisratsic cndiste in t
Ioiw isiwsts te..11 IiiNassacisisstis
tse saime steis 1 ii toldFss winnsiiis.
Iw isesmocraislits isgrssmensshavesi tein
s-eli-edil Pentins sets iii.
-tmisis-igt tee isre-i-oiisdis-
catioins thatil tesemoisscrats hslutlst)
tissu awertpsie;sad hull reitwass eviery
isiiisindi ion tatthile cogres sildpe-
hapleentheltisenalts- wioslile dem-
Iis. JohnssiKern, ai NIicsigaaniss tll5
aindlfosrsmserscatidtiate- foe vic-pressi-
sht, Iappers Iss t ae aniiexellet
chansce tis sefeatiBteverdge for ue
senatie Indiiist iian s igdits-susicss
Siothomoisre esgiseers its-eohemses
thes julious esof the sissis- deprtmensst ys-
terudsy- afternoonss toiithe tnescif 2.1 Iii 3
A mucticloser gamse swas expected, as
thess- ts-siteash ai laytiedt etcthter
to a stanidstil i three Ireiouis clii-
tests, neither eevenscoesrisg
The wininiig teamsiillp the seir
engieers for the campstionshssiip fte
departmnti on Novembler s.
About tono sttdent tickets adssi 15
full tpriceds seats were sll fore the Mis-
nesotai-MNicigans gmie, esterilsi.
There are still itnssioloser 3,000 i-
ets iste secia tuidisent seton.,

kssnlessi souse stetss lre takens to sendu
this-an liilto hi ladeiliaitlwi iIltiproblys
isbandll t lt t-ecltosei-ofthess-fooutbsall
seaisonu. iTheiss-tsiemrs hallei Ieuss-isunt-s
is oniithis htip 1t ithi tsappitmenisist
isilt celiit5155 so mne t dropsuit tht it i
isill tue impoisssilis- hts keep this-orugani-
l"icethus-Sts-uit Cosunil aletdssia
minisg fiss- this Lifts-t-siiiiitoIsis-si sit-i
ishat stills caniibeitakss entiie this
usuussus. If the couil cannousiusI ts-s-'its-
siomes-wais tsoisicrese - ts- fundusit is -
iuliktely thatthlii-baindt willsee thessgamei.
Plis-aNhleitic tisoitionhiass llosil offersed
toi adidtt anthmig holt-e $So isisthatit i
tllas doinated.-h.Tsis stuntsheliicusstel
bustionsssuof ii-Ni-sNuwnsr auii a
(tess. Smsith, still lhei\ss$300.00 Isohue
Tlstmutsit-Iisls fesl tht titus shttuld
his si-ht inssme situ. TPliesritecla-ie
thatt thuey-doi isrsdlpuss-i, contrhibhssuits re
t his his-oostingp tuthan isive ilsi,,liii I
thton tilsrip us-tchisyearuis dslithemsitfir
their efforets.
Literary Faculty Considering Plan to
Lighten Lit-Law Requirements
Tiiliuropositioto ht aluluswet-e-ip-lt
instetadtof hisenit1-tusl hosurs fus eIls
irst ti-i-us-yhwort: un thuslilstesrydc
tutsissst as scrullltswadunitlAi . I,. is
shill us) thus-]lans o f <ti c iisssittss if ths
litsetaryfatutyt. Firtstunea isist:ell t
either tii-his-iedictal ioru-usginee-rinsg ds-
patrtmensuts cuntus firtsihirisuit-soursuder
hr presenst ruslig.anlutit aiitte-mpttoi
inceatsethises-sdit forsi- s works ntwits
isepstis severtalsumonsthis tugs. If the liter-
tins faul utsyappirovess the increausetile
rseents usilltt iiiiit-tliicontitu il o isthis
Iea I bttes I ldtuuSecrethasru- husi(ianil
if thislahisspitset ar .eers-eusentings
theuinritspartmseut (mit hs-euscommsits-tee11
charge o-f thus-o -suirt l it-lawss-oule.
kUndesr ati ng;suofithus-literaryp-facuits-
iaes tshJiueIDeals Peril, Registrare
tilltuand hutsf. AN (r. ksshieitrepi-i-h--
sculnts-theieryftacility- tis tll comit-
Ieis ini chiarkge-of s-illmbinesdtcourses, suit
it is expleI tha t ill smushtcastes this
clea of thsit:sthersdeartmen st in Iass
tIr isswi lisit hisel f usnIthus (is
prmntssertrtuo1 s eveo tse
commss isse. he iht-lasscommittelis u
this onl on whsi pes sut his so
far beenu diturmined.
Don't Hesitate
Any Longer!.

1Personalst experiencsern the Iordr SECOND ELECTION
ofthe udayp st thusmesitenhg of hssAero
nuitic slieth latu niglut. hsIsssussssc- ___
sss,-st thaut ai siset llvit h ltist us ths
surnp fuse sussstr plicerslbroughtu ttStudent Conncil Investigation
ths fact that asusexpserimsenstallart orys se
is hto hue isstledt it thshod lt 1sfof the~ Declares Against Another
cisuteeriitp shopss. A dnat mometersus s-
and ir pa tssssage- isitt enae sstudettcx-PolIi ng
smallut aeroplanssues tine usuatllyp-mades-fir
tso light iris sliitsss isthue little wooduetn 1911 TO ELECT HEAD ]FRIDAY
glidessProif. Sadlter expuserimen-sted-thil ____
tush summertu whlich reqiiuirisd Isiiril
sics-s of is-tush lassits i ~ it to lt.IDa isReed us tseitthsrestusest of
Planus fuss aiglitter ti-(, tutudus s he ssenioluu is htsuities ansstsiosrder-
tuipV Th Pistnt ieis-u lspusiNsvith usepr- cdta tuts -ilt, ts hehltisosiu Fridays,
Novsemb ter 2u.
us h1p)ilead o iations with he
situ\\' sl- iittit iii S PLAN his~rsMssIiitsiIh itis b\' h t ihltsol
Frshisitsgills-r clssi-ll iotitlit- sis 1 sit k ussuuss its-hldianisseii-
I uiasesoss Iof ths-pulsar ilwithasilt I su it i ilte charess of irregtularities
_it ths hMichigan UnioC shis ay euFp uulii usnthe cim.A tersheaingp siltIhe-
ati 7:30o'clck, (utesof ther leufrs 1 vdc ws deciedIf thsere were
if ths-depatmnt Wsu sill -Id is hit-itt-uip lt m iusegiul tisths us resit-s tstsfhciesit
saseaker. ,wus ata CW ection.s Charles


Hart. Schaffner & Marx Announce
Subjects for Contest
FoIllsris tittiiiting t o niti is us
ta luset usfies-si lw NIessis. iatts
Selitfmfiss-u & NMtrxnforithi s- is er
suuhssstiiu (1111-111(;g lutt lls i c flls I it t

iii iii ii ths cususutlexneuratiedt si
ic charge siswhiis t terehrsssot Isgainist
Mil. 'Fit thus lediss duecisionssof the
hie olosltsr
hhc hisskisis i tlt tishie-siouldht he a
I?. J.hh IsIIsitu nsc htthe sssaue
stilts 1rlplied"ht is iatmatter thatsits
suito thusr peotlt. I sii l l fisis if

cults sususucsuijtst-Is : us-stIto.
-Thus Ihistosrv sithssRlite ofIntierest IThe fillowingupisisse decisionsuof the

ilnstheiUnieste~~s." tfhus Vtii ,f
Prte i onlitismii ht N Amernu us Nh iutil-u
Nptsisst biuid itng iasui N\\ terus u
from ssthis-bIkstohisthusGlst" "Germansi
tisiuerience inTaxsings ttu- L'Cssssssu-sInhu
cs-sisi-it frsuits andsut liiieNaluattionui
of hils su":1nF sxamsnuius o
(uts r sussss WageISNat-shtsics." 'I hut
tI ffucts sit ModernsuImmsss iaioinithis
tiUie ttes. .Th VluetioI lis
Compeutistors asit sheqtu~iirtou-ii on-i
tie thes elveshis hto thussei toicuus. Ihits
-i-i-n uothersubctis m ust irlst rei-s-i-
this approvalu i uStshe utommuitte.
Furthrunfusormattionu site sit the
sun~e its glii suit theUnIivsityo
Thei-prisets offeresit yhis ehis t,
Schafsfner. & NIaitscsituny furItestsitutil
hio be aarde inu tsNewus orNis-ttu Stlts
da ihsby aucommit tteipintedttfusr
Profeissorn It('N-itittams\1(it s mI
if Ohsve ssmembues if lt-ecommsusite,
leavres lFridavupfuseNets Nun.
E~fforts tis're sbe i mahiet sicutins
pasrtypraesto isPhtiladetliatifuse this
PeunIMihipsga ssame.PiTheregulaturte
us $t2.02, lust a sitsositehis uer sueni
situp afete hu a as e lp~ersonls
guo si hushy.It is iplannedusto1steavtt
lucre tossthusAnusneirborerairodst st1st28u
Thunrsday evnisnut uskiving at Phil-
delhstia abouts13 o'clositkltriday atits-
noon.sTithotse sitoitaresitiserustes-i ouisldt
esususssuuuss itu tushasui itsO.1).IICarter-u
ter sitthus-athleiscullfice.
ICFCTkCRI5 1(OliltIt NfrttD (I

his1 the maus lls-ofIthes roesteds l sec-
' 10- s lt sic 'Cu)ftes s~enilite-rasr-
las thus Stuuit-st C siulst at this request
it[ 11 r. usA.-hushll tand ithi thus
appova Ofthus Nusi NI isistic IBoardt andu
-I )han feed, condu usted athosrssughinli-
itsi i;tIslussh tNtiss iltsstigashion eepy
lutisrt uusssIill s illsfurheut ltl interestedl
to titreitsit-ihors of ireg-suaity suit
ile ots the stueslits sinsst sihe is
hi]w f- imvn fcsieu-establsisheid;
N. i us -sis ustiisuustgrissosus , as
iii iiiItht sin h m~ f Oc-tober 22,
Its ppardsit hreeitsuit idalstes, sign-
la ss Mitn thug lssatgreemuenst was5
u-us, a csit uraunlitys if ltso remausined
:or ~ w sccesfulcanidte.s
3.N \o clerk s tedtat this election.
Nl..l ist I(sfuelliu sisvters wrsst
Itsishe opuussusof thescunc l, sifts-n
silt ht fists stud si-t ssitsucus, is is-
hioss dibhithu sutsvissce, httthusirregu-
stilssststitssuitsideedbrthin ithesir tehl-
si~ adeuitabshu a spetst, tire nithsuffi-
Is lttoinviate the re usuilt, andilthis
Stutsest Cousncs itus e luspts itself
it reitord as (i)puodtt o sauothters-ele-
WoriesseeS. Nlison, t2-
Ni sniss it).is-sstep-, 'sft Eig.
PihiliptW.Nh -tsisks-uuu, usi tstg.
Jerry tiits, 'j2 Tansp
Tiedgl-susus, ' ist Tssue
FakN.Ci suits, us1Nh-dt
NIT.IR.IBlishs, 'it Cusp
hWill.S.NMcCormisucks, '
tE M.IP.C.
(IThe ssniorlitiserarysusmembuesrs if the
conithus ptrssidetiandis Ithinltso sussuus
lusts wht hissluit-ciutusgi-of rssestit gthie
lvi tistehhsd n tit-f) Plus-ri-were
thiritsiit utsenme s1 fithesoueil eligible
his aictIus jurse foureof swhsuowere

Drop us a card or call 960 either phone Clayptonu S. Coopitenrwill saddsressthe
lsssssuof this unsiversitpy st NIcMiiilla Bal
T 0 D A Y Siusnayesveninsg sit60csan "ill iblhsh-Studuip,
s the NWoreldtRound.it" If tpropers'arrangtil-a

suseuts isis hue madul e litilseivers Iis atsensst.
Th ihg n D i i seturenllitsh tsh id f shereoticonsu IetuRds dcis ionlu, which follotuss
vila esws. Nr. Coope r wiut sptends Sundaytup its full, is st-hf es- natstusu
Th ihgn y andlMondtap uslAnn A rbotis-titsdIsusi liTothis-Membeisrs ifthtie Sessiur Clsssf
For Ona Your--Remit at Your ass nthe is- bhle studytaip it t h i tu liiteuesustut is-uhns, ese
Cooooooa haseenu statsed t-hue Unisersity Y. asituh ts:~~
$ .50 IIt ai y Deco.1 N . P-"N.j (Contied frosts Pate 2.)

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