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October 20, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-20

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r + -providean opportuni4t foi the dis-
~W. of 'cdtg. cussion of new discovtrie and Theo-T 1
-tiet; to promote in the studentt body
Published Daity (Sundays excepted) during an interest in philology and a right gjiZZ14PLAf &"GQp, 8fae 8f.
the College ) ear, by conception of what the science is."''' i'
THE U., OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION To this end, original papers witl have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
_____be presented; regular reports will be hand of all kinds, Gseek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
Subscription pricer Ste per year, isvariably made as to recent contributions to wahich they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
is ad ssee Sisle wopiest3 cents. Ott sale at the science; and attention wiii be Mathematical Instruments asnd Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books-
Liteesans auiP5ost Office sewes stand at 12 directed to prominent phliologians for 1891-2.
o'clock, noes. Subseriptions say tie left at andteratvtadt ht1
lbe ofice of the DAILY, Opera House block, at dteraciiy nitorwt ioi
Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with ay of the being done in iither Universities
editors. the teaching of literature and tin- ____
Communications shiiuld reach the office by guistics.
7 o'clock P.M. it they are to appr ntIe neat 'h oit vi ln otihl
day. Addreso all matter intended fer public- sThevoiisetylco e etfotenianceyo
tion to the bianaging Editor. All biussinesadwlwecm thatnaceof('
commtunications should be snt to the Busii all such as arc interestedt in its pur-
ness Manager. poses. The first regular meeting Itothe LEADtNG SCHOOL or BUJSINESS.
THw.5 . AL, xiii be held Thuirsdlay, Oct. 29th1, atSytiaFor departmaensn-Commercial, No teat-book
AnnArbr, ich es ancipt ork-&sglioh. Shorthand and
AnAbr ih. half past seven o'clock, in Room F, - Penmanship. Elegant building, laege at-
EDITORS. U'niversity Hall. -= - s edne fiin ntutrwr hr
RIALPHSONES,'92,Managing Editor. - ?3 e ek tuet sitdt oiin.oughlahg*expelnse trIeumely lo, 2.2b to
- ..--BUSINESS LOCALS. F~ e ne.oaeasatti~~.or aalogu, adesns .O.tCLARdYPresidet.

S. xv. CURISS, '9_, Assist. .Maaging Eiditor.
tG. L. CuIArstAx, 'b9t, Anint. Mansoginig Editor.
J. C. TRAVIS, '92, iBusinss Manager.
W. P. PARKER, '93, Assist. Business 'Manuser.
C. Wv. tIaCaniaS.'bit, Anoint. Business Mange.
H. 0. JEwtLL. P. G. s.H.DcLItsEscbaC.9
F. 0. GREEN, '9b. F. E. tosiLts, '02
P. E. JAsETT. '93. J. R. AHNEI.L,'tsl3.
0. B. Dygeet, 'Sb. IC. b'. wssLtEa, '04.
WE noticed in a recenlt exchange
a statement saying that although the
U. of XM. l)AILYv xas a bright, Osvy
little sheet, stilt there xvas too much
talk about athletics. We should
like to say that this college does not
support a daily, and consequently is
in no position to jodge of the policy
of such a paper. The editorial col-
umns of any paper, and especially
of a college paper, should be filled
with discussions upon lice topics,
and not long soliloquies upon cthical
influences, or insipid jokes about
freshmen. The policy should be
positive, aggressive upon all ques-
tions of progress, especially if they
are in process of formation. We
fancy there is yet chance for im-
provement in our athletics; that the
University has not yet reached the
acme of perfection in this depart.
ment, so we think it not all out of
place to devote a great deal of our
opace to the betterment of athletics.
The Philological Society.
At a preliminary meeting, held
Thursday evening, Oct. 15th, the
University Philological Society was
reorganized. Prof. Calvin Thomas
xvas elected~ president, and Prof.
George Hempl secretary; these two
officers taking the place of the former
executive committee of three. It
was decided that there should be no
formal constitution, but regulations
were adopted as to membership..
Eligible to membership arc (i) Uni-
versity teachers of language or liter-
ature, (a) resident graduates -pursu-
log philological studies, (3~) anyone
..resident or non-resident-whose
recommendation by-a member may
be approved by she president and
the Secretary. ;
It is the est~emt of the society to
contribute toward the advaneem et
cf the -science of.jshiloksgy, using
the term in its broader :.dense; to

[Notices inserted is this column at the sate
of lb cross pes' line. Spicial rates for sanges
tim,r.and extro linsnfurnished hr applying at
tie DAILY office.2
A fesv newe ati sbeondi-hlandil Bicycles
it greaitly reitused prices at Brown's
Drug Store.
Bark niimtiers of the U. of M. DAILY
casi be obtaiiieid lt Stoffiet's News
Standt, Operaihousue Block.
Mliehiguan"sant "Aii Arbor soss-
venir spioons alt Watts', lb S. Maita
Stutietit wanted as agent for osir
hiouse; jun~ior tireferred. Address L.
Drekua, Stationary Engrasving House,
1121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
A~ look through ouir line xwill eonvince
yon liat we are the hiosise to purchase
your Clothing, Furnlishing Goods and
Hats of. Call aiidtsee them. The
Two Sams.
Ask last year's studenits where they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the nlovelties for you. Thae
Two Sams.
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
F. J. Schleedle will hind your books
anad magazines from 25 eta, upwards.
Furnishaes all missing numbers in peri-
odicals; 266 sheets of linaen paper, S
by 11, for 25 cenats. Photos and views
of the U. of M. Manufacturer of note
books and tablets.
Heated rooms at 34 North State st.
Prices reduced.
A new line of Neckwear just received
and nao better styles will be found in
towns. You will say they are one-half
thep rice you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Schmid.
Don't forget we keep sweaters, best
quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schsmid.
Full linseisew style collara, 4 ply, l5e
or'2 for 25. Mack & Schmid.
.Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advanitage to call on us
whletnits need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schlmid.
Ola Wednesday, Oct. 21, at the Opera
House, for thse first time in this city
the romantic Irish Comedy Drama,
"Miles Fadls," will be giveti an elabo-
rate sceic production. The play is by
Charles Gibney, ad is makiing a reptu-
tatioin for hsim as the writer of the best
class of thtrilling and amusinbg Irish
Comedy. It is a strong, homely drama,
replete -with htimor and pathos, and
abounding with comic and exciting
dramatic incidents. It has been com-
pared to 'the work of the late Dion
IBoucicault.. Mr. Gibney plsays the title
role, and is a young and ensergetic
aetor of ability. 'Daniel H. Scully,
who plays Darby O'Dowd,. is sot actor
of rare attributes. Ills perfo - iance
differ6 estirely from he s tage villain
u~ustilpeeaesines. eit colitiany are
al poingsnal exeetleatiArtists. The
s eemcfeatisste s ettisyof asetien:,4
neafl a ear' loatof.nw ansd elebo
fceery is, ctaed ansd so ctfi d
as to be availabte in ey hare in the

JAS. Ml. STAFFORD,"TmlaarFllRsf.
in Fasliionis Ill 1STA105N Mul Day Slie N Y NiltAsI.1Kal
Ear Lic Exp Eu. Rap Aci.
TTYT7y/ MibitTail- e . MuIA. . . .P.PM. {P. . n
( ( jb , _'U' , Chcmgo, Lv. I705 ;biS ill,314 510 x,1b 0 10 i
T J~~acks.......:. 5'4st 2ss bi-30it 7 it4U'os1,; to
Ori'sg1.. 1110 Cheltea...... 515 ... .530 7bit' 9t4
Dextar....al41i... ...bit5 7 25'bbs5
ln ofPiece DoliiMills ..01... .t.... 'tb.;u3,
y1 nof SiAN iRBO.. 442f 55622' 9it5t 0:+ 7tab'10 19
.I.Ti 1 Gos o eec(Y silunti.... b510..40 0561 Oc,3)80 02 b
yl ll Gods 0 seect ayneoJunec5b' :... S647!s3b:1050
fromo. Call for Detroit, Asr -6 5 l(1sit5 10I 104ti4). ialtit
A. St. A.Mt 11 . Y5l. Ic. s.h
a fine ftttiilg Ouiufflo....tieC 40150)t3biSI P 6 -
suit. ____ WESTWARD.
(;hi. Nilh
19 S. MAIN ST.., No.S19 55IO505. Oils Chi. Limi Eve. OShre Ste. Mail
N 0. 9 i Cup Pip Cap hap. Lim Es. Ace.
ANN ABOR, MIss' S. Main Street. Baua,........ 2iOl 5130 9145 341 12i50i6 GO
A. . , M. P. M.PreM. P.n. P,M. P5,
Dtetroit,Lv... 85207 15120 7 45S9b25 915 4a4s
lWRTnelssse 90 ......8Sits.. .-9SM 5115
"- r". "" V '.la... 9 22 Si0 2 05Sit-i'""..1015bits
A $0.9358 31 2 109918 lo 19 loft5.&2
Delhi Stiles.. 43 ..... .....9515 .. ..
____________ r 1k Dete....: 55.. ....925 ....... 6c
Chelsea ...1010 ..... 9 39,.... 618.si
Oh~ih~'~W'iW'"~' JacStke..e..ii00 525 3la4t1023 1115 141's6SoS
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chicago, AV. 7 5 355 110 650 450,S8051115
-AT- tDaily. *Sundiay eacepteit.
-eOn- G. P. & T.A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor.
Newespapes,Magazines, ProicasPine
Confectton, Cigars and Tobacco.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
3 il ~Time Tabls gaing lnto effemt Soptemher13, 1691.
Aerival uoftinsat Ann Athor.
NO. 22W. HURN ST. No. a. Through Mail and Express... 7taos. m-
NO. 2 W.HURO ST. No. it. Ass Arbor &i ToledouAccom.. 1i50s. m.
_________________________No. 0. Clare Passengere..s....b50 p. m.
GRAN OPE A. H USE No 1. Clare unit Toledo Aecom ...... 1130 a.m.
GR N P R O No.53. Through SMall.........o9 ao pm.
_____________________________ N.bC Ann Achor & Toledo Aecom.. 7120 a. m.
ONE NIGHT ONLY. Trains it and 5 sos between Ass Arborad
Wednesday Eve., VOcitbert21. CentrlSadrie
Al risDaily except Sunday.
lb. H. Scully's Company in the New Roman- Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
tie Irish Comedy,_________
The '1S issfrsstkt ilvVf rttten3. iI 0IL
AUtj1+ Sbe~meia ee S5$.., the pla y teer-

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