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October 20, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-20

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VoL. II.-No. 1S.



MICHIUAN 18, OLIVET 6. very pluckygame. He neverplayed
centre before, and he was more than
Our Eleven improves in Team Work
but is Still Weak at Centre. a match for Olivet's centre. Powers

The foot-ball team left Ann Arbor
at 7:40 o'clock yesterday morning,
and araived at Olivet at s o'clock.
The game was commenced at 2:30
o'clock, half hour halves being
played. H. G. Prettyman acted as
referee, Mr. Harris, of Olivet, as
umpire, and Ralph Stone as time-
keeper. The final score was s8 to
6 in Michigan'sfavor, being 6 to 6 at
the end of the first half. Olivet
scored two points on a safety, and 4
on a touch-down. The safety was
made when an Olivet player broke
through the line and stopped Duffy's
kick, Duffy dropping on the ball.
The touch-down was made from the
25-yard line, while two men delib-
erately held Van Inwagen. Michi-
gan's touch-downs were made by
Grosh, two, and Van Inwagen, one.
The greatest gains for Michigan
were made by end runs, Van Inwag-
en and Duffy making runs of so and
30 yards at a time. The Olivet rush
line repeatedly rushed Michigan's
line for gains of from one to eight
yards. The team seems to be un-
able to stop a short rush. The
tackling, also, was much too high,
although at times some ibeautiful
tackles were made. The ball was
within Olivet's 25-yard line during
most of the game, but when.Michi-
gan semed sure of a touch-down,
the ball would be stopped and se-
cured by Olivet. This occurred re-
peatedly. The men were more
familiar with the signs than on Sat-
urday, but they did not line up
quickly, nor play with the proper
snap. In both the Albion and Oh-
vet games, Michigan started out with
something like the proper vigor and
snap, but after about ten minutes
the playing would lag, and the
opponents, by means of short
rushing, would force the ball back
to the middle of the field.
Olivet played a much more scien-
tific game than Albion, and if they
had Albion's "beefy" line would be
formidable antagonists for the U. of
M. The contest, between Albion
and Olivet on Sturday,, the 31st,
will be a close oe, and it is a toss
up as to the winner. - ,
The new-men on AMichiga s teams
4 yesterday, were Wicks anad Powers.
-ic ke played ategntre,and played a

excelled at tackling, at which he did
as well as anyone on the team, Sher-
man, Grosh and Dygert probably
excepted. Michigan's first goal was
made in four minutes. Van Inwag-
en made some long end runs during
the latter part of the first half al-
though he was not as well blocked
as he ought to have been.
Powers stopped Olivet's goal by
jumping and striking the ball with
his hands. Van Inwagen and Duffy
msade runs of 30 yards apiece in the
first part of the second half, but in
both instances lost the ball to Olivet
by fumbles. Grosh bucked. the cen-
tre in fine style, making gains of 5
yards repeatedly.
There was considerable slugging
during the game. Olivet played a
very unprofessional game, and were
ably seconded by an unpire who was
troubled by extremely poor eye-
sight. The slugging of Gilbert was
almost inhuman. He continually
beefed and bucked Michigan's men
when down, until finally the short-
sighted umpire was forced to dis-.
qualify him. Such dirty work has
scarcely ever been equalled on a
foot-ball field. Albion and Olivet
will both have to learn how to play
gentlemanly foot-ball if they wish to
hold the respect of college men gen-
erally; In both games the brutal
tactics were commented upon by
Michigan's opponents.
The teams in yesterday's game
lined up as follows:
Gilbert......-r. end-....-Crawford
U~ptons--------r. tackle-------Hasycs
Browe --------r.guard------Thomass
tuell-.... eentre--.....-...-.-Wickes
Thompson - . guard----Tuper
Taylor ---------. tackle------Powers
Mapes. - 1.end-..-..........Dygert
McKay------- qback-------Shermasn
Wright- . h. bck-Vae wsgen
Rogers- 1.------l h. back.-------Grosh
Brooks-....-...... back-.- -ufy
The "co-eds" of Olivet turned
out in full force. The grand stand
was almost filled, and the "co-eds"
applauded Olivet's good plays with
cheers that could be heard above
the shouts of the male students.
Duffy kicked all of the goals, and
two of them were very difficult and
beautifully placed. Williams, South-a
worth and Berrywere the substitutes.
Hovey, Harvard man, won the
intercollegiate. tennis tournament;
Lee, U. of P., second.

The Choral Union.
That the Choral Union series is
by far the finest and most ambitious
series of concerts ever given by or
under the auspices of any studentI
organization is a matter of intense
interest and justifiable pride to all
loyal U. of M. students, as well as
to the entire community. It may
not be generally known, however,
that this is the most important series
given in the state. That such a
series, involving the expenditure ofI
several thousand dollars, is possible
at such extremely low prices shows
conclusively that there is a true ap-
preciation of music in this busy com-
munity, and that almost any thing
is possible if the students and citi-
zens combine to secure it. There
is an ever increasing pride in Uni-
versity enterprises, which the DAtLY
rejoices in, and which it hopes to de-
velop still more fully. The work of
the Choral Union itself has always
been one of the most interesting
features of these entertainments, and
we are glad that ten Choral concerts
are announced. The quality of tone
in this year's chorus is even supe-
rior to that of last year's, and the
enthusiasm shown last Tuesday even-
ing at the first regular rehearsal proves
that the new members have become
imbued with the true spirit of loy-
alty to the Choral Union. The first
concert at which the chorus appears
is No. 4 in the series, and occurs
Feb. 12. The chorus will be assisted
by a full orchestra, Miss Ginevra
Johnston Bishop (whose singing at
the Commement concert invoked
much enthusiasm) and other soloists
to be announced later. The final'
concert of the series will be a me-
morable one, for the work to be per-#
formed is one which has never been1
given outside of the very largest
cities, and a work of such import-
ance has never been attempted by
any student organization. "The
Damnation of Faust," by Berlioz,
requires a superb chorus, the finest
soloists and an exceptionally large
and well balanced orchestra. The
orchestration is simply gorgeous,
while the whole work illustrates the
most dramaticlportions of Goethe's
poem with a power for which-we
seek in vain in Gounod's Opera.
This final concert will represent an
expenditure nearly equal to the ex-
caueludedon third page.

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