.. C. off and bow down before him. Then
'~"~ the "Bush Devil" comes out and
its eacb of them on the head with
labliahed Daily (Sundays sexerped) turinaclb Ifteivatritth
th ollege year, by acu.i they lieatr t hY
SSCAINare married, if not, they are con-
TH .O .IDPNETsidered of no account. He sayn
____________________________that its this country the oly differ-
TIP-O-TIP. ence is that the clubbing, if done at
-- all, in after marriage. He is doing
A Native Zulu Student Will Lecture Iis best to gain a good working
In Ann Arbor.
Las niht verecive aknowledge of the English language.
Lastnigt w reeivd aHe can speak it well, considering
/2call from a full blooded Ishis draswbacks. He ays he can
African Zulu prince, bar.I read English a little, lit cannot yet
r jave Tip-oTip Victoriawit it.
'4 FosseZuluI~iuan Ous- le comes here to get permision
S ha, youngest son of Cete- fronm Pres. Angell to address the
- waya T1etowa, king of a students. He called yesterday, butr
? Ziln tribe in South Africa. the president sas not in town. Tip-
Tip-o-Till l5 9 years old, o-Tip says that Mrs. Agell received
of edini eigt, roa slotfderdhim very pleasantly.
of edim high, boadsholdeed, If le can secure Uiiversity falal,
weiglhs 2o3 pounds toil is ttie of r1 hse9 r i el ehs il per
hoiwdver, e says his father hs o i 40 ehi ny per
wivs, nd hathehimself has nine'ace here. He sill give Zulu sar-
wivs, utl tat iedances, sing tar songs traislst
wives. iHe is ntos a C'hristian and , lt
says wseni lie retu rn as a tiissit- fo ~giht uu t
niary to his tribe, svhichs is his great- Comnmuniation.
est amtbition, lie will tdivtrce eight
of the and ave ony onerte L. or 55. te.
ofethem anin havehinlyoutr. our The present novement prposing
He io beitiiiths eitntr furto place tso co-eds upon the board
years, antI has been a student at of the Lecture Association is, in my
Central University, (Mietodist,) judgment, well worthy of careful
Nashville, rPenn. lie ard three of consideration. Te adiition of two
his sisters are lecturing thronghlthesetyoung women will bring to bear up-
I oriefnst nbeT _on the business of the board viewsv
cuty t1as ud t nbeTp from a newv standpoint, and it is
o-Tip to complete his theological well to have in these matters not at
education at Howard University, number who see things exactly alikeI
W.ashington, D.C. lie says le is a but those representing as runy dif-
Methodist, ad swoult like to be a ferent ideas as pssible. Not onlyc
is it probable that the tio youngt
Methodist minister. lie letureil womuen swill give the board greater
about a seek ago at Grand apis,i breadth of viesw btt manyi of our co-
andtlehas testimninals assuring hat 1ers litve excelletitbutsiness ability,
lie guyes very itterIestinig iterlain- aid att accurate appreciationi of the
menu.I sy rothitg bott fair play , rep-
li-ip ss lie is the udirect rsetaiontot ittitutitif as a tvhole,
heir to the throtne of liii nattiv e titr of the ettity tof choosing rieit-
cottitr ylit being a convert to bes for their intividual fittess
(Christianity, throughi the efforts of i-ther than rmakig a sex distinction
MissMar Shrpa misioaryun-it is rttther as a business expedient
Miss ary harp a musioary thabtt I favor the election of tto it-
Ier Bishop 'laylor, African bishop (rested co-ed. Pr Ritvi it.
of the -M. IE-lurch, lie miade fun -. -
of the snake whlichs his grand-mother S. L. A. Notice.
worshiped, and she toolk him intf The elections of the rest of the
the bush and nade the snake bite J officers of the Students' LectreI
hin. The nmark is still visible ott Association will le hell Saturday
his right fore-arm. A bite by (lenmorrinlg at 930, in roomt A. All
holysnak maks aprine unble students that bought season tickets
hol snke iakn aprice iialeare members.
to succeetd to the throne, so 'Tip-o 'ii. 'iV.CiGeRII, lres.
Tip hiatd to give uip all hope. ----
Tip-o-Tip has short, tightly curled BUSINESS LOCALS.
reddishi-ting>ed hair. lie wears a ]Ntces inrtrrd is tins ealum at tie rae
a ~of 1 cen per lia. Speila ites fr longer
ling haired, black curlyW exce pt time, and etra lias furishet iy applying at
sv g 1 the DAL office]
when on Iis lecture platform. He LOS, Stturtay at Field Day buchr
is very niuscular. His hands are of ive kes. fReturnrrt 54 S. Sttte
covered with mionkey bites. H-ic SEIcORt LI-,
saysthatevey tie anew oon Sevtore LAWS.
say tht eerytim a esvnioin SiNORtPrAntISul..
come he had to go out into the Ins order tn enable ne to get groip,
wroods and catch a lot of monkeys amd all work out promptly, you tre
earnestly requested to give sittirgs at
for a feast for the king. my gallery durirg le month of MA.
Whena cupl wih t ge ma- 'isiis iiitn l and will prove at-
When coule wsh t getmar-vartageors to all corcerred.
ried in Africa they go to the king ifH. RsstoAuj.
Wriht & Ditpon' Tennis Racket3,
F'QM 1892-
Sa ulding's Racekets and a Complete Line of Sportinrg Goode.
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Whrolesale and Retail Agents for Michrigans.
Sear drpartmnsr-Comrmercraltin rext-rash
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Prnmanshrp. Eergant burldingg lrge at- edne fiin ntutrwr hr
ough, rivrngexpenseereeylowe252 ro
$2 50 per weekt srudents assisred roposirtions.
For eataogue, address P. R. CLEARCY, President.
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eonductirrg prrblic e etings;seearrrer sigs;rhleps abtut rrooseboiltriao-:wrettro do irr case of
acetad 100rotht orer trigsraonrre orrerr rishues to itroreorntidutes sot knoterrhere itoid.
VOORHEES & RUDD, Blue Island, Ill.
GRL D P E2 H1E Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
ANN ARBR.Ro. ONE NIGOLY u. Michigan Railway.
imreteCa t r i s estsriy-'22d, 1rs:_.
TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 31. iDeprtirte oTrisat TinArttir.
9 C
Pr oduction
.t10 fo t bf Sjtti'tl
r'rttttiry. 1"li1d fthe hi
Fist ihI'uih. )ittytttit
Faulso by -lrtsliy/t,
withi JBoilittgj Ihiiht.
frticatl lvotr i!Eu.-
9ire ittid 1"iviylil
('tro, ru/i hh I iirteh
Caiboose. Thle Dang
Dice. Jrealtit'ic 1icv
Sceeuhtid sh 5tamtbot
.Explosioii unilOtis
lluittrrlotl heritarSit-
hing Eftj'clu.
Nut. 1. Ferikfort frailad Express.,t20rs. m
No. t. Piasogr. Ann Arbor liii rose.
No. 5. ClreMirl Passenoer.......0 5 p. m
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No. a. Main txpreso ..........oa3r4;p.o.
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