'Z .o J~ . T it. ad now asked what was the use of
0; ll tc train, upon which Mrs.Aillr
entered upon a short dscssio of
titbished Daily (Sundays excepted) durin her ideas on te subject. She strogly
theCottceieyear, by
TH U O M IDEEDET SSCITINc ondemns the fashion of wearing
THE . OFM. IDEPNDEN ASSCIAI trains on the street, both on account
Sbseription price PiC~A per year, iviabty of uncleanliness and the danger
it, advanceeSinle espies 3 ents. On sae atl front disease gerns. She heartily
Sheehan's ns Pus Otter newsn stand at 12faostiisnth suean ft
necttek, nuon. Subsriptios may be tees at fvr ris] h os n o
theosiceest the tILYn, Opera Hsse bltckhat occasions of leisure, purely ott a-
Sheehan's. as Stofflet's. soe sith any of the contitof their utdeniable artistic
editors. ls '
Cosanitiatisns shulid reach the offie by effect. Mr. liller again disa-
7 o'cloch. ,it. it they tee to appear the next
-ay. Address alt mater intended for pbita- earedl and in just a minute and a
Lion is the Mtanagintg Edtir. All bustns half returned in her short, rainy-day
commuiciationts shld be set t ltetsi- dress, wichielot account of its coi-
ns %ttanater.
THE U. at X. DAILY, veience antI novelty sas received
Ann Arbr, Miie. switsniorre enthusiasm tan aty f
EDITORS. ter other costumes. The stort
'' :.JNTE it 1,M nsn dtti- skirt was suficinit to recmnsmendl
Git-i 'tt I ui ir34,i. list A-nt tte costumte to aty itte living itt a
EJ. in ~ ,Lin.'a4, cssitt, datmp limaite, ntl as srs. iller
J. .ii ii -i, Lit. '>,t. tinsct' mii te inovedatotithittthe ease of it girl
:1. iv. Jr i, 5 -in A--i- B offifteeniyears, smeoe in. tthe Aim n., -iuiic 'ii.auiencice askedl hni tall sie wats
L.. I'. tnr iiit 3r, Th ii'le an-ieeecatme qiky, ieflet
Wi. i. EVis mx, . sixinlctes,atd tenishsie ttd seeral
i'. A. Mitvx iiiLit. 0, o ter tther imeasres, adig vit
c-ins-isw,xou utnthtiirty-thtree years ou." Sie
n-t appeared-inttthe extemie ftl
'tie tdtis itoi nt hiiiold t-t -ielvs cipo- i
Cie orte in iio m rsttais i ci tsiof si mwi- iiress costtme, at elborae robe
pmetapern nte],Ic[,miii~t Iwits ull traini andilmoierate dcl-
r~aA~as Pa ,r, ose ciete. The last f ter costmes 'as
speia cotesonene, a nat brios-ittraseling stl, its vhichs
_______ IMrs. itllier appearedl titilbade fare-
'aas gloomntiy and there wai s noc-i-i eiltoi the audtiecie. 'Vie entitis-
tittkiliabou it i nectiton withtbtst-. v0ectthe idressr-iietlitis pnoposemd iby
isall. .t atn raten this rs ' te.excttse \si.jeitss-; illet i-s vey get,
it' teir-nonu-appetatranc.It ti-ilnandit isrbiablethal civit
arri tge riadrttlatcttmtotttionsti sir esti will betakein iity somettit ter
gaetueo Pilltipstiurnilitontda y atttit(tt hum cs tointrl oduicegn5teit amoilngi
ntoon, forid.tLafaytotethe Utifit lthetf Ct-dn-is. Thiitslitiittisitreapdybeen
batteries. i titCti t ile obnitimaniy of te
'Thlm trip fromnt Aitt.5rbttr erndificiulies centcerningmp teri-cloting
i as a very peaant oln. arle ittwicirh daily harrass ti-i life iof the
the nmnrning we -i-i-n t the fottc olege girl. Mrs. Mlilers systems
hills of the Alieghamies. 'fie back ned ito recom-ienditatins tas one
plataformu of ti-incar-ian crowdeed anoonly to trn fron-ithe pleasing
duirinig the entire day, the tinys feast- piture which setreseted to thei
itngot the scenery it tihecConemiaugh un-naurally but fashion-aly idressedl
Vatiny and aloni-g the Susquehanna. ladies swho cat- be sen daily upon
'The party istnt -iittioitt a Kodtak Clii'striets, ito ertoninceid ft-ic
liend. We have with us seetes of worth of a systemm of hygienic and
Pittsbuirg and ('onemnaughi Valley, artistic dressing.
antd the great hforseshioe Betnd. Acommodatons at the Word's
Iilerythit-g is gonig ini the best 'way Fair.
atndt the boys feel contfident of not Up to idtte motre Miehigant studetts
"gigto pieces."tutd tetachers have tarrtngeii to so tt
_ "Harvey" slirisg teWorld's Ftair,
'-thaittiltltother paes combined- For
ARTISTIC DRESS REFORM-. te next ive days, plais, or ail iter-
viesw, can be otaised by setdig a
C'stiundtestsyeseday. cavil to
Next cameeAMrs. Miller's artis- CitAn;. L. IiuNeiA1,
tic dress for the stout wnoman, a 43 L. Cathterine street.
plain robe with wiateau back and E. F. Johnsston '2 law, last Fridty
demi-train. As during. the whole ight ini Ypsilanti Ist a pocket huk,
cnstainingbetweent $3011 and $400. $0
lecture questions had been asked rewardi wii e giventhCie fluter. Re-
freely bypol in the,audience,a turn hto the Atn Arbor Ponst-Oice.
y by eopl at17-7t
Wright & Ditpon's Tennis RacketS,
E FWOR 1892.
Spasildisug's Rackets amid a Cnmplete Lute of Spnrtinig Gonods.
Wholesale and Rtetail Agents for Michtigant.
= - i otur departmenits-Commsercialtxt-hooiki
itomsstseiptissb-i ebti Ii "toethasttanid
_ Penmanship.itsleatbiliget gemt-ba
_ tndne, ffcien5t.ins t c tors, hoe
-hoctbuhtliigepesex-ctremely lwti$1. S5is
$2'5i petr woh-;citudentianewsteditpostions
Flot eat site, address P. iR.dCLEARmY, i'Presin.
Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses. Y
1'IlICE, i.:1.00jNi ,'00tHtgn StutittljS-jI 1uLelittunEA.
TELLS ALL ABOUT Biineni ss aw;tnii-istutdratip legaluaersnotes, dratl-
-tiecki astd treceiplt;ciutmecicit tant. ntes; legal-itt s i oelutits , emloyersc, latndltordst
tcnt s isns : itpatentslife iti'nsuranlice; lice tinsurianice;hoswii nitttto e odinsuriance; hi~to c-
VOOdbs;lte iviig r dernshi&pnRUadDrecBlueIoosl aetn ll.hwtoaod
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
I Noticeins umertitilts luni mmn of.the-rztte tt~i5SigntiimaIty.
oft lit 'cn t e im- ntuu. spit at ,; uit longer
ti mem, andi ciextrais I ruue bymitapplytuing ati imadin fetMyteDIYol . eat i o'riat Anntti5 i:
Dectrotit, -isill showim-a commltete-lisuiofI 5-i, i-llll5tz.
swmoolent uCthe ('otiktHousetne. 'it iNo1.FrakfCtl andtii o- bptccss. T tm. mu.
4-thin lst., it swiltlibe tm-itime isiterest iii No. 3t t'mioi-uo. Ann iAcrborAectti..1 21550mi-am
all thsost-imiteummuligiordmetimig itumy chmtlies No. 5.Claini- ittitt tassoe -tr...... t5u).
to see this lime. You cumin plue yourtsOtIN SOUcTH.
ordmer tn-in to utesteliver'edi atammy Ctie No. 2.iMailtPtiseng-e- i ...... 1 2 .Ins~
ysou desire, tatu is time seasontisunosw Na. 4. Mail Expeses............s 47p. m.
dlraisngato it chime it is ight tumto.mNo.1. Paussee, Ti'aedo Aceos..0.5tai.o
)lc 0 re.. o alala ae Troan") nd 6Itn elsictwceen AsmumArbor and
platce youi str. 'emu.lismssieToda only.
trout $10 to fl.3. Fuinlsdrens stilt to ordecr central Stastdmsrd 'ime.
Sli-3--ssitlu$50. Alt Trains Daily except Sunday.
Pon iuStALEc-I'cuinatic safety bicy- W. H. HENNE~T. HR. S. GREENWvOOD,
ce. (ooilShmapme. . a rginit. 0en. Pass. Ag'ent. Local Agent.
It. S. (hiT-t-:-ENooo.
Suxmnit oLu-i's.
Ini ortier to etiable sue to get groups,
adl mitwork out ipcomptly, yott tre
soly gallery tduritig tetaonth of MAY.
This is htim'hortha sti-iswittprove ai-h
v asitageossto alt cosmcermiedi
PH 0jA'0VRA _1ffEEL State Street Grocers.
Students patronage especially solicited..