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May 24, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-24

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Vol- II.-No. 16 7.

Voc. 11-o. 167.UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 241, 1892. PtoTlttCNS


A Full Account by the Daily Corres-,
:ASTON, 11a., May 23. [Special.]
-PresidentI .Ashley's ar, 4sWolver-
ine.'' withithtie 1.. of Al. tata
rulshedl through froo hdlpP11II hia to
Easton, after the U'niversits of Penntn
sylvaia gameII a11tily was15c100
mlencedlagaisflt 1Lafatyette at._}:o50
o'clock. N\ilchlgnscorebd1 its flost
victory, slilltti II Iout Lafayette, six'
1)ortell. L I.'f NI's olily CIIrorI wls
an1 ecusabsleonelt fy (:0111,51111oImalte
line lit and1n1rlylvsul ccldd filh
featurce (fIhI m wstile 11iplc
1la15 iII thirlstinning115b115Pearson
ad Spurney. TL irs 111tillrcc nldn1
ill bati ccached l1first onsinleis 1111
the lalses lrefll tlokeII 's
5 houjhsomell ra1111pilll"scoin 'ou~ldi1I
floe led Illicl1110111 ew 1 ieds1
Thle foulrthl man111t11 lat 1h11 aline.b11111
to Pearsonl who 51111 c " e11i11 in
touIcheI hidd hnt o 111 1111.111Spulrney,
11i touchedIIthlL 1ru11e11 1u11 IetwIens
1111015settld1111111111111n1111 1L1f111
ctte man11 aga1ic reched ird.11111 71111
"111an2111 111deltcoIoule cplays.
ltolsermlail c'iiIgliI 1a beautifl l anel51
and thre1w05'finely 1o secoint. Rollin-
1011 macdt a55wondelrfuIl sloptof 'a 1111
groundri111tile elit 115ti
Bu~chlerILafaycttc's pitcherlre-L
ceintly iheldI Princeton IdownVithout1111
a runO for seven innlings. lie s 1
1111 ihardl by Ntiiciigan, 11111genserally
10111aiheler' s hands11. Spliril -y
played as fine game at second, ihayilip
six 1311tsots a1n1dItwo assists. \l i~-
igans made thlree cons is the flost
inning andthiree in the eigihtil by'!
lunclhing thseir bits. Micli"'an's
men hacd three tins as many men
left on bases as Lafayette. In thse
first inning Crawford reached first
on a hit, was forced to second by
Codds base on balls. Spurney
lined one out and Crawford ,scored.
Jefferis reached frat by base pi halls
hot was forced o I at second by
Pearson's hit. Pearson reached
first on -first bsenman's error, on
which Codd scored. Shields flew
out,-to.short, and pit. r sac..rficed
Spiarney omqp. yqermaj. was
t4 w b ppty ,OW J $op o first
,,base. In ,the eighth Jefteris was

fielided 001 at first. 1Pearson drlose
tse ball insto righltt cntcr for Iswo
loses, advanced1to1111hi r on'Silelds'
1111. 'Pie batter reacthed first 01n
sihort stoip's error. Pe'ars1111a1nd
Shlieldis scoredt 011SilIel 5 hi11
Spitzer svent to seclontd1o111D0wer-
man21's lhit Intl scored011 an11eLIo10
Bowerma iisas put11out'st tie lalllte
015 a1 throws'from second basIeK llb-
10n01n realcthing first basc onilde r'i
chic~ie, as ttalt also Crawssford.( odrt
went 1o111seclond to irt
u. of mI.T

Thomias,.1 --
La- -cc
Dlome, s

PO ' '122


> 2 2 r 4a Msailed to You - -
I' C I 5 -1- Through Your
1 ' 1 t7IIA T
1 IIUpon -

C1Ca1f11,1 f
C . r.t'.---


r,.\ E A%,E" YE T FA

.1iir t 1 1 st - -

__ l! I i t)
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Struck1.outllbyiRoions, tillby Bucer, . I
1111 h is l'-y tsPe ar soTm, I1:4s0o . 21I -
tile"anse at Pihiladltphlialthis
morning15" 5100111ishave heels a victory
for Msisch" 1 i la.Te bobsshadltlbeen
100 1(on" withotIO practice and were
tiretd of wa'nting 1o play a game wit11
ml~I enlso did not swant to pslay fosr
fealr of being beaten. e swere
readty to play tice Satorday and
have playetd on many svorse days,
hot U. of P. knew their seakness
and hsence renmained at home on wet
days. Blayne is nothing msarvelloos
except that he pitches a straight ball
which fools mnsy at first. H-in only
curve is a drop, which is terrible,
hot still -Michigan nsade six hits.
Codd pitched ,a good ganme but was
not well supported. In fact U. of
P. should have been shot out en-
tirely. We ,had -tse only earped run.
Five irsnipa wreeplaye in one
hour and twenty minutes, when
r~ was o ligd !to .stop'j
order to ca t heir-car for 'La-fay-

rz1 11 POl A ,:. LIST iiI 115 li
Sprrey::------ u 1 DETROIT, - - MICH.
Ieso :11 >-_- -- I]I
Itruc oul Iy 'odll;I . an'lilly .2 I ias ---rss-'
l-iprices, ll'sInd1111, 011Catrstcii-e -to
Ifrons atIh 1 mciisilrflay2t.-f rsl il 1' ilIi" ii0isltl
Arbr, o veytiH .lcllgstllI-s'C ilCs. til i.
bore-sphaly Saturdayh l'orst. ayl DE RO T,11I
were iiigooiii nti n. for'. th ici Ni iOl'ilse aa1s111te i~l
ii' ond Strsigt ot Clyaeit.
Phi1bu 11 lu r. Ai l ilii oitlsladelsoans aissursit Ist n- N . 1 bll h
that theU.aof P.riae ner hiladb Aae, I Gso A REb.T TE('a .
thera lexIasn clocitw stinghrethaurs Ilaitati ot (J rteSmhioedrsisho
gaomn tesv imepiaed frmeAntiroreiltasa JpAyPOLHEMU
oror, an erea in ot te fttd; Cis tith R. rtt i a i tr~ee ii'
to~~~~~~~~~ lecrIsenahgrealdt sa' issoenan RicshminStra ghvt
were all on theU. of PniAthee i n Cut ' tpiCigare t hsae aefpomthets ighie
Isis caseicwhichflwasrat.tae hbestshotoa
Fil tt:1,btntone sidheed ,'Gi'hetgronscore i 2 rgia ui s eoldo
the talkdforitheaU.BofndlofthatrthehtoresC27afortes,
Mn ichigastere.h Ay flls , a d (Inacounht oft y tesoi h eral1875.
ebanpon o te ~e"an te onerto initaind beveihg, the
U.a ofeU. P . mg nasgradcbien TeALENmeetINgERofrathe ese
tonre a i ed'fork satig the WedMnfcesy -evening. dVrn
gaftenoondthepraed.ndhe gmana rw a s . A. P L Ho gveUTS,
coto rgha igv ite"ibaefndptheedroo elter at th opershou,
oteam eainoemaon swfelprcotMates S v ig i appearatai. t
1iein untileen .AfteP.etufieng Mi dW " "
tote- theao matage.1alledto smaetIu cho"e hannerpa myitakex wl-
he. whch ws athe beLsy thebutyamaenone utngthes eiatyoine andh
Cn iddontedAehaeed many shold havegoh ous Fed Ly

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