. a
. 1 .
Two New Appointments.
.At the regents' meeting Wtednes-
dav evening, two imp~or taut appioint-
miests werie matle, Prof.iA inchell's
chair twas fiiled by th selectbun ioS
Israel C. Russell, ot the T.S.G -
lout-al s sri-es Ieis-a gra duateii of
he C i f N.Y. and afterw sards stud-
led isnSt.eSchool of MinlesI Colum-is
hia Cul(e.rte ls twoss 5i-
mes the hshie s lskas in
ciha rg aiof .exped uitiost o te51 ~la
Aips. I is ireistSttion is a sienitist
ishg.and he i sll be.cotisidersdaC
Valnalile additiosn toSt.e lascslts-
lnisachirii(st isti siiissssiva
calit i sot. Itausin-tois to )
\il(lb sapds INall, r.I el
'iiss lol1 ro aihs It toli (ist
itrvt o , Itle is ii liisihe d -
-51 sl C
if tele isthiss iii tsts ofrii.
Thssitte',. ikiapinteds rossorios a
al(- s 'itu s ~sss oli higt hy lie allslisti
lse I' uii ersits Stat been suseid for I tlins-z tls r is ig --' i lbsvs
i.o orstne used isislisiilsa . is -- i , -
thle sets'hosptasls.1 lie le."essts
s adl paidlSte contiractor, wholiiiseid
wsithoustSlaying Ste n rn tmwhlomi
lieg thi e li.stonse. Re- cii 5WIitsmani
teas isthorizedrtSo detfend Steslit
Piroif. I.N\.'IaStir itSf's liioss (ol-
lege, wss -applointediassistant profes-
stir oifPol li iSical i ounsy
Iet. 11).Ioslanii id iS ohin iRI.
I Sfisies ,,ere istade. lstros illsii
assistauini arofesisiasf lI i liay
I I in Letisril.
Pole s stilt - y' hi mkernot
I liiiteri FrI n. itli ;ma'' ll. iii I:
! Setven tinings'' il a e
In orideritosfinsh this imi po
"isis Stir ce ttlde e. A m
bais oh the ffscilt an ohes av
The D'rnoirasttslob.
Atte1 c l at lllil n ii ii i i s'm
n M( ,compoed ofMessr. it.)
Maiied to You
Through Your
r Upon
Ihe coIiii'llIii'. ofsi
s11eit list iinihtaidl lien
eve ts 11 p ts asluit it I
highs l asith an itNtile
ulitn maoriy o th
CIi i silltshe s 11
s n s~a its
listr i a
'. C. I
dio itbty i M ~st ri it'
)t lisliI i- 111
st'tilseil iiorettr
IDemocrt ict.(st
ass mii-ht heii- fsoisl i
hutit. ' iic e k
( ls~ h lits -- A
ue l()(atIt a l I pr _o"S _ Segel for cat___________to
T'lisitiof eceslis snSdtiii)secut-
to piresent I swotiasitforseahei,__oyrd cas 11,..:Iitsr, At ati leetisusitoi le I lciSnext Titiirs-
the [ udt'tcisits IbTheiatt.er was laitdtI laysS delPont, lsto, c);dy tseechietswill Ste madlelby J uge
sui the table. Slaitr lii tit Masrtn sisoter. Itualit, of itisilsisti,Ihisri. Chias. 12.
SUr. Card's resignatssiona fs p101W iutslinl bi l'iii)---' SIhliter I Ulittisaus, 1 syor IDSut- ansid1 sule-
soc o ,1tnIAsisis s fferedi i litS tlait )etc Se liiiit,'Wy coff. g 5:Kis Ilarriiiaii.
on te tabl.i bullI LeoniardSEddSilt I liisi bin in
'th boerIsusrle-iruiunn si- fss Sit sileSue ti sai ~Nd Program of' the Prohsibition Conven-
bsringiisgSt.e orisisal imodlels ofSt.e soinIlianton, Seely. 't3:Jack, ii Son
bronzee Ioors at \'ashiui tons,lure- Gtaylordl, C. H-yatt. hi afternroinitt a o'cltck, the
sestell by the late Raiadolph Rogrrs, Staniinig liroadl jstrp-'utss Hun- Iter-Collegiate Coniieintioin sill be
fronm Romte taidl haying Steiii llas l Ser, Seely, d~e Pont, (1aiuuusii. '9 5: oplened.Iini N ewberry Hall. The
ini the tirt gallery. Sheirleisai, Martist, l f uclmaus, afterisoons's programs is sas follos:
AssS-Plrof. Rol~fe st-us alppoisted Purter, a p. m.,orgaiziation.
actiing professor of Latin ansd Mr. (Se-ite ract.'94I: Cliekering, a2:3o p. ni-Address of Ihelconme,s
Spencer acting professiar of history-,I Postess Ikrogii-n SNvier. '93: A.- AV. Asigir, Pr es. U. of LU. Sriili-
to serve during She absence of Profs. Nightingatle, Holt, 55 lute. bition C~ls.
Kelsey aind 1Hudson. Hop, step aind jump-'94: Seely, 3 p. m.-Add.ress, J. S. Lathiers,
A number of applications for rais- de Pont, SFrench. '95: :MartinI Pres.Slate Association.
iing "assistant' professors to, as- SVeidensan, Hinclun s 4 p. us-Chalk Talk, Rollo Kirk
sociate"i professors were refused. aun-yairds dish-'94: I-Stnter, de Bryan.
Prof. Nathan Abbott's appoint- Pont, Kroenan. 95, Slater, Me- Thils evening Ret'. John Russell,
nient as Tap~pan professor of law was Piherran, Martin. of Detroit, will address Slit conven-
made permanent. High kick-'94 Wycoff, de Pont, lion.
The atthletic field was placed in Hunter. '95: Hinchman, Kimball, Saturday forensoon the following
charge of thse directors of the athletic Eddy. program-will he carried outs
association for the present year, on ILighst-weight Wrestling - '94: 9:30 a. in-Business Session.
condition that it should not be Drake, French, Martindale. '95: 10:30 a. in-Speech, "'Prohibi-
tented. Wagner, Forsythe, Holt. tion Pluck," Fred M. White.
Prof. Cooley was allowed $100 Middle~weight wrestling - 94: I a. in-Reports of Clubs.
for expenses for making an exhibit Grosh, Wright, Harmon. '95: Leo- 11:30 a. in-Chalk Talk-Rollo
at the Colombian Exposition. nard, Holt, Wagner. Kirk Bryan.
Riohmoand Straight tit.
r _ ^isis S
SiiiarieitteSmkers wiu
°r:-o re thani-ist ric
t.ut'5IN 5 1 ieiiiiis are iimideiniiiiom stbighti-
;esim s diiiiii teii tfsi51 iai-sreuiainiihigiunsi cost
andigi na B~s-isiirindii fSii traigihi Out igaisrettes,
aniiwaiibrouiht'oitsbyissin tiheyiarilit5.
Bieiare iif iittioiiandaoisi etrve. iiiitithe
frmiinaimeis biioiisaeery5-aicikige. -
The ALLiEN& GINTRguranchs
tif tue AimericanTobaseco iCo.,
'Tnts esiirisrs. - - Rieiiisiuid. 'Virginia.
North Main Sirent.
Saturday afterisoon, at a o'clock,
occurs the oratorical coistest, ini
whiels will participate Miss Mattie
E. McFarland, U. of M., Bturtois E.
Smith, of the Nornial, Ray C. Mc-
Donatd, of Albion, H. 0. Clark, of
Adrian. and representatives frons
Hillsdale and Kalamazoo colleges.
The Prince Michael case by change
of venue, will be tried in Ann
Arbor, probably next week.
Go to the .,phomip re-Fredhman
field-day sports tonrorroW