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May 18, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-05-18

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Publishedt Daily (Sunedas excepted) turing
the Collee yeair, by

organization svas one of the telling Q etre fth vnig heoe- rgt 1 Dt s T efln ip acketS
ing address iby Mr. Burke was :F 1CI 2_
chaycteise bystraghtforard Spaulding's laekets anod a Complete Lite of Sporting Goods.
earnestness andi eloquence, and it
stirrerd the audience to great cnth us- co z
iasn. AMr. J. 1L. Burnett, as toast-Whlslan eaiAgtsfrieia.
isedslydtetc n at hlsl adRti 'gnsfr1lcrg~. a veteran. lie has a ine stagej-


IKurtz, of lDickinssont Collee;ITreg-
loor, of LelatidlStanford Jr. is ci
sity; Sheldon, of Nebraska tI usr-
liurci iiaiii, is)Albiot sllsges; CIain
is) Amiheirsit;lBickley, of Tiity;i
Brossnie, of Uniisersity of \V isconisii;
ieslie, i) tOisrilin Coiliege; Noeisof
Purduise Utiviersity; IDailitng, oftot-
Ii cmii iLA 55el-its
Is sn. I.h.I iihhreisecsretsar y
of heNaionislIReipiblicaiti Ieaguse
spoke ii isin heitsrestiof1tics.nisis ci
gaiis; i atis its reogistionilbis'the
Natiol Lau. oti '.i Ls-
ter, of1 Iliniis, s tics ou g is slto
wliiosisn;os ocsupies tic seastsisohisch
.ciaiss iinsuclsaii, silledi ups ii
dutcuss sshiociitiinssiorgaiai on li
the I)night s; is) su l e si)
lnili sfisisthe nextiioiiiii
convensioins isii clndeibylte le-i
o"Ang inst5tut1ons: Syr:srse, p.'ii-


jipreseisce atsiproves)himisself pesfect
maste1r of these)isution.-
The prograiiiwisscarries) outt in
fli, save the toiast sif the 1-list.
R-ichiardl Yates. it)r. Vates swas not'
its attndatnce. MIr. C(isiclion the
lasttspeakler is a graduatesicois)the
I_ tli iersiiy of 'slilgfasi
Ont the swisole the sla's events are
toi be scit doswt as a brilliarti succeiss.
The ci enterrise anindstsry of the{
icii.stwIo is-s) ishesstnt ic charge
ccilise csiis setiieil ly icoiie e
ssiiienss icsirrsctiveofp tarty asil)a-
The Antai Address to thse Lav
IPlc saculty ofiitics laisdepsrs-
nmeritIsisve Secusrs-ila- use persoli iii
decliveri seh ssissisiulsddess usoithe
lawstusdisensstiis-NosnisTell. ,tisues-
suc rh , f Ctlsilsi-si. Tli ia
lissis stso issioedlawisyersan-ii-
s e ofthi comtr ws iaIsswi one
aisi the law suesisiwsill bhislisedss
i o s leriistsatis ss enacepid
if term, aireisisiss ii dcsu 5sin t1 e
anIisiii on o ith im ssi nrss-i i-
sI e sil 5 5 5 sl time cl e ii
5 larc t ut, Re l i c' ai oalssisi 5 j
I Wold'sFairCom1i iivis imadiesj
'l~wannal ddrss is slipaitysookssd
= Ior~l'dtoandis expecisesditisiole
r sossessdlhy M.1uteNh rhal
Isis addreisssilt Ieisp15assntlyis ass is
i aed It isi obedlieedm

LetYor umerVaatouPay et ear's Expmell ns es. __
s c ri mi- IN sit-S i 5i 55w15 j1s2 hih n
A OO - -i a _N )l, O ugiingexese xteneyloyT$125t
- .0)e elt tjd I s (:, o siis i Ei'suebis- B515 l-
TEL SAL ABO~i Fori siiissc clc~adssp5iis-.I.CLAV rsient.
Lis ecc t5i- YouSuisiss er-s Vi- acatsi i on Payc-is-ii Ne, xtiisis ear'i5 s- Expen - ss.i.
OCM OHES &rUDD Blue IslaNd Il

is.eis.7 si-li .- i15i
an i ty of5 L i l ii ,Neul.

1 Iiia,

cii-\ 1 I ~ 5i I i 5 55 5:\)IR s
It)itheiiv- sinsis-the is-egent" lc-csissg
icccic asls lat e peirmissioin, 'siauor
'sc cili-iy5addresssdl to co u~sc1Ss
usl C i sci halt. Al a csssss-
isi; e sisdrisieilpaisle frol
Statesiceetitl theiCitii lsitsis
c Scsi1 isoli

. 5 _

Toledo, Artn Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Tliii -in 5ti ct Jamli rysss ,i I c l
.5 sic sue-rriisatsi m tsStiist Sony.

No. I. Stisa i t2 i-'stie . _-.. 55.'_ i ii n

Ths;doorss olflice ri-uinkwrs;peed!.4o- -nn rMinor uperas ouse,iyiay ubB iisPe-- -- sli'
as 7 ocslorik., iinilat that csiiiy ioir-ic BUStINESS LOCALE. ____ 'itOiIG SOUTH. ll
ice basucsees behssgsntis oi)acrive. i 1 I P ,, sto.p4. ill-PhExpreits................sss ii liin
o'islocik overc goo1pcrsositcsreePlie- !ofic ps'~~ spSspS cei e55 'Tt'rlST1aN i t-l( I i s) asnc 'itrnee'isei Ai -- Iiand
-i e enJxrs i sliiil- d a iitpplyi at 1,1" ti-. ^'LAli.PTolsdot isly.
set. 'At psto tic speakinig attc i ii ii lieD L iitce. IItistts s
vrt'Hal-vsatoi'erainil lie stieak xls-yi ip111 i- icAsulIt iii Seam-ii isxet Sundaiy.
1 sIIsity Iil sill . Splieniiid isshan cse isV.R.ttt tN It RItS. OllltlNsciist,
irs stciseCsat tlicd e it hahll. ineIfsll sif hush I d ii iittiitl. -Apply NEWVI!SO N GS rtenIas, tn. Lctl Aget.
ill per51sin t f'is S isthi _tasi t ., i m N Iii ___________________________
iche'rclck was liasstitsiicy dcpocc- .Arhicl, Michi - I162-1lt5- NEW M U SI C
tedsinIlIc the ntionis latndt I it csiiy 's'sN1 ,,-tsof Itill kinissfliiiI N-NE\fDNE5
. \i ne ta le eti ii h ~i 5llitltl it 11 hsces. 2-is cicli. 1. 1K1L'., .
ssithgodtins JIsicgsterisec ssss'?iso i 1 s ichiscithi e.c iiom ter. AA"lI00I
tilt sascs his Cliuieancgs es t-ssi. I). (-se )t}3-hioslells ., I it .I
this Si 5550> j5~Zoti 5, l. -Ill~ltlnltii sifety bicy- 'u OOwec.
this 0115115515d jas t i s 'l lse tstil I all d i i( Sitse -jisrsls P-c. ti' clsstge fIsl e ved ei'i~s~t is itBo -rd
tuh isti-e esielsings at scti~rbfsritsi t . .IIIIe lci. 5t t s aii"ii 55.it Miii i~
tlootusts bsy the rythcnical yells of Si ytOl iss . - '- -______
the ColsegCs atidhI 7ilsersitics retire iti orider to enisble tue to get groups,
seistesidischeSsongs of ltce tsitscss andi sll wock out hprotmp~tly, pull are
H's ssuartette ansi of tite Olivect eatrnestly reiiuested to give sittitigs lit J .SISN OS
IMy gallery dluritig the emonth of MiAY. State Street Grocers.
ihcattetteswcre rotndly applauded. This IS nis titttonactiwill prose ad- 0 G,' E tmensaroaeepeahyoietd
-Thse 'cittatles Billa" by the latter v-tisgeotts to all Itenertiesd. P NO.1 .R NS 1 .5AF:TE


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