of ct
YVOL. I.-No. 162.
The Republican League Col-
lege Clubs Created and Jas.
F. Burke of the U. of j
M. is President.
The Conventioi is Harmonious and
a Splendid Banquet Tsrmi-
noatse ths Event.
The conventioni of co l egrrepl)-
ican club delegates at the call o
the Linicarsity of Alichigan occurredt
yesterdaty. the 105glist of delie-
gates publishedl o stci 6 s gavetr she
impressionithat it wais to lie a so-
lionaii ailairad so it piovedi to lie.
tiieire betaindleicates from mlost of
the collees nd nivesiti ies of thie
countri.i']'herli ee in 5additiont
to uril ceits, any0vs iitoirs of na-
tionl fit ,bcitint elagenuji nt]-
lici fioni Miclil"iii cities.
Pitai,Tiiutsi(dC orS.
C whicht he declared kept bectterimae The Generosity of General Manager r OF YC
than his Swiss tinter. It wais de Ashtley.OP jg SOOT
posited with te temoporairy citair- U
irantitfur thte cluib. Next i tsh e oirder i -t i i otitii tii
of btusiniess was the reportIs of she fortunti tn securiitg the use of the' I Mailer
comitiitlters. The c ommititteeon Wp i de-carof cte-ToledoA nn'er E1
rules reported it favoof01eactilt- Ahc fte hio tn E
legelhavintgbtonetoteuicwhloith wis ArboritatthNothelr i chtiganitail-
acceptced. There tois someiii sus-itro art foithe LEaster n htri. Throtgi
Ititot sterltrtrl tl Citnittethe geuterosity if 11 t \sltley the carIi Upon
lionon te rportof he. ommtted I RICE
on C redentials. Itteatsidetciedthat is dtoateid furthistipitto tte bli-
' oliege muttt be relpresentedby ha tall mnagemntt, free. large st\-
residlentt stutientt, tus ttoing ~ot ilgugti tshe exptentse of the ti is 1141fi
somte crolleges reitreseittedii by tilt thuts effectedt, as the ia si t tonte oit;LISTI
ates stuil -iutg iothier cilires. I lie leietlstietso lr iitetfilill
follotwintg it the report tttftte on lt asit ydr' trit. Alt Ashlet is I DETRI
mtitteeotnilermlaitentor01nitit oil grardtutte if the IUititveIsitiyiitdlie
Pcrnanntcharma C 1' tkes this mtethiotdof iaitftestitig is
Spolonterof Irin11cetn;secrei ttry, tEl'.i
E. ron o Wscosii Lni~rsty 4the I lilt r sitI thtisitnditronte-b
terillit a Iitilt I I I i iIll tin, ICba s:-baill tcalilt -Assisttlite o
-siegan tat J Iatrms, B t.cV.iiPeelf-hed OtCI111A I eiit5elt
toiclos ta o ll e i t idessti e).l th ilsubtatlit lk t t in f r t t e tmi ItlitO iuiela
lsitne hatlluIrtstoll itileteill l ittl~ll 11
Itll Il1iihto rend sits5t ttnin llothier direc
CIto You -:
:Through Your
111,?KA k, &(0,
celled' oicirc y11ad0.
OIT, - - MICH.
pair lstllan Anii Arlbor
for Ctloule to
'Tlc cnvntin as alld t> ~r i oeleyoadolpited.iNetcme thelt!
ler lre j Ottl tItuire at ro0o30nlt ino ofcr. 'Thr a
the audlitoritumlocf Neterry-Hall.somtelopplostitonl expe rcdtoJaliles
Mrl. I'Burke ropeinedthile sessionth F.l BPurlie, 1utif there wast liltit
at tstort entthusastic adrless lir:-it iedot evn itteu~
teristile of thte spleakler. .Thlehtin mous cadidatc atnd choice (If tite
rouvetitott J. 1). a tllti rttf Le-
twto welt fillcdevtncinitthe gallerieslir tifor J.bie itIA
ite crotwdtblingitso lrtohtt tstc tan- bllrdlof Nebraska 'Uniiversity; A.
root 015 oitirli r cci lE. 1 L ttioeroflotwa Un iltersity ari
sirable. 'rAlt E'I I ting of teI Iulofaaete oir
liaeeritvof ~eli' o tst -oiewerre unantlimously elected Sitsec-
tombtre oltfOItt11111nvetioltcllutreondthtiirdl antdfourth svice-presi-
ateitlier of he dlit nhtot dto1101 resptectively. AMr. Perkiitsof
bittA full of teeling allMr.iD111er, Hartard, teas elected secretary over
(if Albioit College, twas elected tern-1 ItIgler, of tunliaa Uriversity.
Air.13. 1l. McAlpin, of Princeton,
porary chatirmtant of te coitenr tin
antd ir. Noel front Purdue Unicer. teas unanimnously elecitil treasurer
shy elcte screary 'he it- ad our oxen happy and contgenial
N. J.McGuire for sergeant-st-arms.
ness of thsis sessitnless tine apptoint-
lagof iii' flloingcomittesAt tshis point Hon. Judge 'rThurston
Comatittees to adopt a platforni, on ta introduced. He spoke very
permanent erganization, on creden- feelingly of the young nien is the
tiats, on rules, on the drawing of United Slates and was very much
a costiutio an a oanmtte onaffected by the presence of so many
resolutions, enthusiastic young men and also the
The convention adjourned to true hearted spirit in which they
meet at 2 p. in., in the ope ra hoise. took up this work. At this point it
was..rs-4-ceu41inst-tnere nani..eenan
Owhcig illthe iteressiit- elf large
itI tille,tupoit mpil roveetio ur(It
Iathtletic eqipmentttri the treasutre ofj
Athletic Assrociation hismbeent almotst ! Is1T1f1fl 1C lt Str Igh c1.
drailtehd. So it is that A-ir. Ashtlex' o
gift it a mttiacceptattletine. Thun CIGARETTES.
-Cigarleite1Smokers tiho
aito, te car is a tiagiti ceition(ti aritlluing oearsa 11t11
all its aptpointmutents, aiid it is e- chredfir the'orinary
reedingly implrobabule tat its equsal Tha 15( is RAD upe UI nr it
coultithave beehitlureth for thie tript. j-I I The iRichmonduiStrsightl
Cut NI. 1Cisarettet are madirerim ihe bright-
Thur cartwhichi Itas suserdlast i-ear estlost elhleaely lselureul andl highescstl
GoldLeafgrow inVirginia. Thile is the Old
teas a nmiserable onte, aitdh tas ent- and Original Brnd of Straight Ciui Cirarettes,
and was biiroughit osutury uxisthue year Isi.
tirely resionsibtle for tlhe poor coni- lieteareoet imiations, andi observeIlhat itie
fruisnaireas'lielet s senevery luaekagre.
cditoni hissichs the ninie fioritd itself The ALL.EN & GINTER hBraneh
. Orfithe Ameriean Teobcs Ce..
upion its arrival iintse tEast. Thsis Miasufaciare-ra, - - iciemoind, Virgisis.
year the players shouuldl feel it thur
best of condition whsen they reach j J.A. POLHEMUS,
Philadelphia, as they weill enjoy the , IT I-7 W M - ,
most luxurious travelling accommo- ALSS)'BIUS HACK AND BAGGAGE- LINE
dations that can be securerd any- - _
wehere. in sehich to place cots for the full
The car is isanmed 'Wolverine." number, sixteen, includhing cook
It arrived yesterday with Governor and porter. 'The car is comfortably,
McKinley, and was inspected by a upholstered and the interior furnish-
representative of the DAILY. It left hogs are rich.
this morning to take the Governor . The .team, and the students who
to Columbus, Ohio, and will return are interested in its success,.- owe,
early tomorrow morning to bef Mr. Ashley a debt of gratitude whirls
stocked for the trip. Itlls the full it will he difficult for them' to
length of a parlor car, and is furn- acknowledge in a fitting and sub-
ished with dining room, cooking de- stantial msanner. The car will leave
partment, and state-rooms. There and return at the Toledo, Ann Arbor'
are sleering accommodations for, and. orthser n, Michigan Railroad de-
twelve, but there is plenty of room pot, foot of Wilitkc street.
The convention was opened by an
address from Mr. John M. Cody, of
Detroit. He is an earnest worker of
J epublicanism in this state.' He
4poke about the McKinleytin watch,
oversight in not electing the Nat-
ional delegates at large. The fol-
lowing were chosen members:
Denton, of Boston University;
Phillip, of Syracuse' University';
[Contisnued ca seod page.I